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26181362 No.26181362 [Reply] [Original]

>reinstall facebook to list something on the market place
>everyone from HS is married, some with kids
>go back to organizing through 80gigs of porn on my harddrives
this life I'm living. it's not normal is it? I might have made it but I will never fit in. I will never be one of them. darn normies...

>> No.26181396
File: 55 KB, 470x627, 1610587269614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uninstall kikebook now.

>> No.26181434

what they dont show you is the money spent, fights, and being locked down to whereever they live. also they will be wagies forever. they have signed away their freedom

>> No.26181475

I've never had a facebook or any social media. I know there are people from my past that would like to talk to me, but that idea is terrifying

>> No.26181559

only npcs have kids in today's economy. also did you know that normal people aren't billionaires or even a millionaires? strive for better

>> No.26181705
File: 152 KB, 969x969, F6209FCD-0F26-4D64-8767-016198C8888C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My ex just had a kid and she posted something about the stimulus being to low and since I was drunk I decided to tell her I spent it all on crypto topkek

>> No.26182040
File: 493 KB, 1100x1007, 1611015819854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we may be rich, but you can't buy your way into a life of blissful ignorance. the invisible tune that everyone but you can hear, that song and dance that everyone knows except for you.
all of it is priceless.

>> No.26182144

Wanna know a secret? Theyre all arguing with their significant others every week at night and in a few years theyl have their kids yelling about how much they hate them and theyl wonder if they fucked up. FOMO buddy thats all it is

>> No.26182266

thats the facebook trap. my ex wife fell for it. lusting after the cherry picked lives people posted online.

>> No.26182290


>> No.26182313

>80 gb
Lmao is this amateur hour? That's like 10 4k blacked videos lmao

>> No.26182356

Grass is always greener. That married guy with a few kids would kill for an hour alone to jerk off to a few good porn videos. Instead he settles for the half assed blowjob his (fat)wife gives once a month right before she goes to brush her teeth.

>> No.26182439

I’m gay and normie book makes me feel sad. Everyone is fat and has a bunch of ugly kids and I’ve traveled the world and am still hot. I can still bang 18 year olds.

>> No.26182627

Based kek

>> No.26182692

I mean, there's a lot of ground to cover between having a wife and organizing your porn collection. I'm sure there's something productive you could do somewhere in the middle

>> No.26182734

We're living in 2k21 and 80gb of porn could range from 30 minutes of video to millions of pics. Please specify

>> No.26182790

Meh, I have four chihuahuas crawling over me while I try to jack off to old fat hairy lesbians with young beautiful women. FML

>> No.26182979

webms, gifs, doujins, pics, and swfs I've saved over the years dating back to 2005. might've been in middle school or early hs then. guess these roots run deep. i don't normally save videos.

>> No.26183076
File: 738 KB, 724x1022, 1585620147264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon, if you were a normie you never would have made it.
>but is it really making it if you feel empty and are entirely alone
Never forget that it is you who is in control of your life anon.

>> No.26183117

Dangerously based

>> No.26183284

True. OP doesn't realize the effort some people put into maintaining an online facade.

>> No.26183362

Also anybody who still keeps their facebook up to date is probably a weirdo boomer. That shit is dead.

>> No.26183499

Just delete it if it worthless. Or sell on darknet unironically

>> No.26183596
