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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26176189 No.26176189 [Reply] [Original]

You WILL buy cryptocurrency
You WILL support and endorse a ponzi scheme
You WILL ignore REAL assets like stocks and metals
You WILL try to sell to a greater fool in order to make a profit
You WILL most likely lose money and blame others for your predictable failure

>> No.26176257

>ponzi scheme
the cringiest part about hearing this is how nobody that spouts this word understands how the scheme works, it's almost unbelievable

>> No.26176283
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>You WILL buy cryptocurrency
>You WILL support and endorse a ponzi scheme
>You WILL ignore REAL assets like stocks and metals
>You WILL try to sell to a greater fool in order to make a profit
>You WILL most likely lose money and blame others for your predictable failure

>> No.26176308

i only buy chainlink so i can simp for my favorite daddy sergey nazorav

>> No.26176320

I've learned about ponzi schemes before you were born you zoomer retard

>> No.26176359

Hey op, did you sold at 15k? I understand your pain.

>> No.26176375


>> No.26176411

I have already 6x'd my initial investment of about $25000 to $150k thanks to BTC's recent pump. Wow its a ponzi? I sold, thanks OP!

>> No.26176464

Ok tell us spec how bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme

>> No.26176474
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>> No.26176543

>You WILL buy cryptocurrency
>You WILL knowingly milk a ponzi scheme
>You WILL ignore SLOW assets like stocks and metals
>You WILL sell to a greater fool in order to make a profit
>You WILL make it if you bought before ATH

>> No.26176641

it's a scam but we will make it crash only when all the boomers will have FOMO'd in

BTC is how millennials take revenge

>> No.26176643
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You WILL never make it
You WILL cope forever
You WILL buy the top

>> No.26176652


>> No.26176694
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>yfw you posted that

>> No.26176697

Tell me what investors buy stocks and metals for.

>> No.26176709

It provides ZERO value. It is backed by NOTHING except selling to a greater fool.

>> No.26176755

more like you will upload your identity to a public ledger and you will say decentralization is good without using any brain power to debate why you just said that

>> No.26176759

Like most venture capital is not a ponzi scheme.

>> No.26176760

>real companies
>real products
>real income
>real employees
>real investors

>> No.26176998
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I love browsing /biz/ just before an impending collapse. It makes pink wojaks so much funnier.
It's like watching a retard put his dick on blender and then be surprised with the predictable outcome.

>> No.26177020
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it's clear to me humanity values information much higher than any physical assets. Crypto is purely information, unalterable and unduplicatable, and thus must be valued much higher than shiny rocks

>> No.26177107

information is valuable when it conveys meaning to you. right now im typing information that is my opinion to you and you might be curious but that is the internet. its either a library of information or for porn. one of the two. blockchain isnt valuable because as a human i value my time learning before i die, not viewing transactions

>> No.26177160

>You WILL buy cryptocurrency
>You WILL support and endorse a ponzi scheme
>You WILL ignore REAL assets like stocks and metals
>You WILL try to sell to a greater fool in order to make a profit
>You WILL most likely lose money and blame others for your predictable failure

>> No.26177253

I make more money trading Bitcoin with leverage than you do putting $100 into Apple like the poorfag you are, and being shocked when it takes you years for your money to meaningfully appreciate in value

>> No.26177527

>with leverage
thanks for indicating you're poor and projecting you degenerate gambling faggot

>> No.26177575

>You WILL try to sell to a greater fool in order to make a profit

Yes. It's called free market, you retard.

>> No.26177641

doesn't matter, millions of people placed value on the information of the blockchain already. As far as we know physical assets are potentially infinite when you consider extraterrestrial mining. Land and Cryptocurrency are the only finite assets in the universe (assuming the universe is infinite in size, or so large that it might as well be infinite) and thus should be the only two things you ever invest in. And if you want to talk about stocks well they're no more or less a "ponzi scheme" than crypto so you might as well just go all in to crypto. Both will rise in value at the same rate as infinite money is printed from nothing

>> No.26177695

>real assets

>> No.26177775

You WILL trust fiat.
You WILL keep almost your assets in the US Dollar.
You WILL ignore the government's long history of corruption.
You WILL ignore cryptocurrencies with actual backing like Ethereum.
You WILL suffer the consequences of inflation and keep sucking the government's cock.
You WILL ignore a new idea with promising technologies backing it and kick yourself later when it inevitably takes off.

>> No.26177787
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based and truthpilled

>> No.26177844

The boomer is mad.

>> No.26177963

t. net worth of $2200
Stay poor

>> No.26177966

>most companies either propped up by government subsidies or are going out of business, or (((tech)))
>metals sit in a safe until you sell them for a house or pass them down to your kid who is gonna dump them for cash

>> No.26178006

>you WILL never understand consensus algorithms
>you WILL never properly value decentralization exchange
>you WILL never be capable of owning something that cannot be confiscated
>and you will be happy

>> No.26178071

it really confuses me
i mean, you guys realise currency is a tool right?
if you guys are so big into crypto where all the threads about all the cool businesses you're starting with/for crypto
what value are you actually creating/adding?

>> No.26178123

I know, right? He's acting like fiat and stocks are invulnerable.

>> No.26178263

It's out there. You just need to take the time to read. But you're a lazy fuck. The only option you have is to have fun staying poor.

>> No.26178269

i used to argue with a chink about best investment

he said gold
i said land

you can actually use land, build a house, a farm, a commercial property, you can do shit with it

gold and btc have their uses
but to think you can only fixate on crypto currencies and pretend to be a legit business forum just shows the level of daftness and blindness among the average /biz/ poster

>> No.26178283

Hold TSLA? Why don't you just build your own electric car if you believe in them so much?

^ You rn

>> No.26178306


i never read biz
everytime i come here all i see is crypto crypto crypto
the worst business forum on the net... well, bottom 3

>> No.26178334

yep. There's quite a few of those in cryptocurrency. All based upon the crazy idea that it's not sustainable to do what the US government and other governments have done for 50 years and show no sign of stopping and hedging against it. You must believe in modern monetary theory or something.

>> No.26178348


this is the low IQ sort of stuff i mean
im selling mugs this year mate
everything has to be high tech and innovative? says who? nothing new under the sun, keep trying to reinvent the wheel

>> No.26178366

I actually kind of agree with. I wish people didn't treat crypto like a poker chip and actually focused on making it a mainstream commodity for society.

Somewhat new here, but if governments outlawed crypto, how would it be possible to keep using it? Most people used exchanges initially to get crypto with fiat, so at some point they are traceable. Don't you also need people running mining nodes to confirm transactions? I don't think many people would be interested in mining anymore if that were the case.

Not agreeing with him, but crypto is a bit different. You could find a way to convince local businesses to use cryptocurrency as a means of payment. This would also increase your assets value giving you incentive to do so.

>> No.26178382

>I've learned about ponzi schemes before you were born
So you're a boomer on /biz/? How does it feel growing up in the easiest economic periods of humanity and not making it?

>> No.26178411

Ok. Again. You're the equivalent of people in the 90s who said "why would I use the internet for htis when I have x/who would ever buy something on the internet/why would I buy books on amazon when I have a library down the road". Have fun staying poor.

>> No.26178490

Governments can try to outlaw crypto but they can't stop you from using it. China tried that. China is still trading. Because you can't regulate math and cryptography.

>> No.26178519

>money printing isn't a ponzi scheme
>social security isn't a ponzi scheme
>the stock market isn't a ponzi scheme
>crypto isn't a ponzi scheme
Kek when you really think about it, all of humanity is a ponzi scheme.

>> No.26178555

>Ponzi Scheme

Nigger, the Western World is the biggest poniz scheme of all time. Not only do you have to invest - but you are encouraged to take out 30 mortgages, finance new cars, and literally everything else down to your cellphone. suck a dick faggot

>> No.26178567

If I’m earning 4 digit percentage gains in a year, you can say anything you like about me, daddy-o.

>> No.26178623
File: 27 KB, 216x398, making-it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You WILL make millions of dollars
>You WILL live in 8 figure hell
>You WILL buy expensive cars and yachts
>You WILL pay Asian hookers to shit in your mouth
>And finally and most importantly, you WILL be happy!!!!!

>> No.26178636


but bitcoin is too much hassle, that is the reality
you're invested so you cant see outside your box
biz seems like you've been tricked into thinking there is only 1 way to make money
reminds me of multi level marketing

>> No.26178676
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>it's clear to me humanity values information much higher than any physical assets.
Heavily depends on context.
Even people who make information the basis of their profession prefer hard assets for security purposes vs. putting all your sensitive information in some "cloud" solution or depending on an internet connection for life safety processes.

>> No.26178690

True, but now businesses can't use it. Which drives down value as that was one of the initial uses for it. It could be used as an underground alternative to USD when depressions hit. It could even still be a store of value, like gold. Even gold can be outlawed on a whim though... These fuckers will do anything to try to force us to get chrused under their fiat scam, and their good little sheep will keep calling you 'unpatriotic'. What a joke.

>> No.26178704

>but bitcoin is too much hassle
So were dial up modems you old retard

>> No.26178709

You HAD 10 years

>> No.26178717

It's really not dear boomer. Have you ever actually tried paying people or getting paid as a contractor? Ever had to deal with checks? Now imagine that system in a war torn country and/or somewhere where the money is hyperinflating. I can send you BTC in 10 minutes for approx $20 in a transaction anywhere in the world and no one can stop me. If you don't understand why that's valuable I can't help you.

>> No.26178741

this is not what a ponzi means you midwitted ultrafaggot.

>> No.26178742

>You WILL get rich

>> No.26178754

BTC's only use at this point is SoV. It will never be a useful currency with the way it's community is. Its main purpose is uncensorable store of value.

>> No.26178771

Just use Venmo.

>> No.26178791

>biz seems like you've been tricked into thinking there is only 1 way to make money

I personally don't think that at all. Starting a business is a good idea, but not in this mess right now. I see crypto as one of many ways to protect my assets and my family's assets against inflation. I still cannot believe there are people who actually tell me that "inflation doesn't exist, the fed can print as much as it wants and it wouldn't matter" as if the government is actually above the laws of reality...

>> No.26178799

Venmo can be shut down and my transactions can be stopped. Why do you think Paypal (who owns Venmo) is buying up all the BTC? Even they see the writing on the wall.

>> No.26178811


yes yes yes yes
valuable in certain circumstances
but not day to day
not this is the only business and every young man must focus on this

>> No.26178885

>low offer( real or digital ), high demand -> higher price.

>> No.26178893

have fun staying poor

>> No.26178898

Even if BTC is never used as day to day currency, I do think it can be a 'digital gold' SoV as you said. But what will be the currency then? I haven't done enough research into a potential candidate.

>> No.26178960

Nobody said this is the only business a young man should focus on. But it is the one where there is the most innovation happening outside of renewable and clean energies. It would be foolish to not spend time investing and learning about it. Outside of crypto twitter this is my favorite place to learn more about what else is going on in a space I actually work in. And to check the stock market threads for something that I've overlooked and my financial advisors missed.

>> No.26178995

Ever noticed how the tallest buildings in any city are in the financial district. Notice how you can't reliably outperform the market in real terms because the FED can rug you either way. It's not about bitcoin or the price of it even. It's about programmable money killing off traditional finance. It's about breaking the illusion of a fair market. No market with a central bank is fair, but at least cryptocurrency is honest about being unfair. OG stocks in the 1600s were akin to bonds with a realistic 7.5% per annum returns for a risky venture. Risk cannot be destroyed, only transferred.

>> No.26178999


>> No.26179026

my bets are that governments maintain currency but whether they choose to reback them with digital currencies is up in the air. If I had to bet it would be on a basket of BTC, ETH and AVAX/DOT/ATOM. But mostly BTC and ETH.

>> No.26179027

Your ignorance is astonishing. You really need to lurk moar, or go be a boomer somewhere else.

>> No.26179042

Grt let’s fuxking gooooooooooooo

>> No.26179086

The FED Rug is why we have the meme 60-40 stock-bond split.

>> No.26179140

I had a feeling you'd say Etherum. I figured that it would be a good one as well as it's blockchain technology actually gives it some good backing. I'm just curious why fees are so high right now. Do you know where I can educate myself on this?

Also, would you say that Litecoin is just a BTC wannabe, or is there something actually unique about it that separates it?

>> No.26179174

NO, I will dump my bags on you and laugh at you as you end up investing in $ROPE.

>> No.26179201
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Not having crypto in 2021 is like not having a smartphone in 2019. Eventually you caved and bought one. Technology is like this, at first its optional and then it becomes mandatory. Kaczynski writes about it.

I keep telling my parents this but they are too dumb to understand. It's a 100% certainty that everyone will have crypto within 10 years or so.

>> No.26179212


well enlighten me
or do you only have arrogant proclamations that anyone who disagrees with you shall be poor?
i just dont get it

>> No.26179252


i aint turned my phone on in months

>> No.26179276

Based, I unironically added a nice position just under $36,800. First big purchase since under $20K.

>> No.26179307


You mean like those popular tech companies dominating the market by virtue of their digital network products ?

>> No.26179352


i think you've hit the nail on the head
networks of products
i dont see any crypto products
only crypto pyramids

>> No.26179359

Not spoonfeeding you. Never said you are or were poor. Like I said, lurk moar.

>> No.26179419

>You WILL believe some internet token ponzi scheme backed by nothing is the same as owning a smartphone

>> No.26179439


it's like you think crypto is new or something
i heard about it ten years ago like everyone else
and i just dont get why it's the hot thing still
when everyone is doing the same thing, there is just something off
of course no one here will give serious answers
because your all deeply emotionally invested

>> No.26179521

What about Ethereum? It has a whole programming language + blockchain along with smart contracts which people can use to create decentralized apps.

>> No.26179529

if i couldnt give a decent elevator pitch, i would be laughed out of the meeting
do the boomers know what i mean?

>> No.26179563


surely any programmer can already create a decentralised app?
did piratebay need blockchain?

>> No.26179926


The network is the product

>> No.26180261

>but to think you can only fixate on crypto currencies and pretend to be a legit business forum
/biz/ is literally a containment board to get dogecoin threads off of /g/
learn where you're at before posting

>> No.26180298
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I am already making a profit with Tokamak so its not exactly accurate

>> No.26180566

>You WILL most likely lose money
isn't going to happen
>blame others for your predictable failure
isn't going to happen

>> No.26180745

It WILL cost me 1 satoshi to have ranjesh text you this thread every day for one year

>> No.26181206
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This is Mr. Rothschild. He is dead. A moment of silence.

Thank you.

>> No.26181294

Yes, this is a senseless jew scam, in a perfect world speculation like this would never be allowed , but i'm stuck in this shit unfair dog eat dog world so i'm going to make my money and fuck you.

>> No.26181946

God I whish this shit would just collapse so I can go back to my life. Crypto is giving me so much anxiety and making me more unhappy then being poor ever did. Making it is not worth it.

>> No.26182142

They have the private key to Satoshis wallet.How would they ever let this happen otherwise? They ALWAYS win.

>> No.26182448

Pretty much yeah.

>> No.26182489

my sentiments exactly, fren.

>> No.26182524

Not everything is black and white.

>> No.26182542
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>stale ass troll op
>97 replies
top soon bois

>> No.26182630

People who say BTC has no value don't understand BTC. Simple as.

>> No.26182685

>real bailouts
>real collusion
>real lobbying
>real money printing
>real chinese dogshit product no one needs

>> No.26182728

>you WILL have fun staying poor

>> No.26182889

well, at least some ponzis offer real products that do something valuable

>> No.26182906
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OP is this nocoiner btw
