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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26164812 No.26164812 [Reply] [Original]

>FAQ about the acquisition
>Liquidity program stopped, staking stays the same, token burns replaced by 6 month lock.
>Long Dong's waifu Hong brings TomoChain's October review
>AMA recap
>Tomodrop for LIT holders. Get 18 Tomo ($10) or 30 Tomo ($17) depending on how many tokens you transfer to TRC-21, you can always switch back.
>Altcoin Buzz take on Lition acquisition
>New Central Banking usecase
https://lition.io/index (bottom of page)

>Official Site:

>What is Lition?

>How To Buy:

>How To Stake:

>Lition Energy Mainnet Dashboard:




>Previous threads
#??? >>26146865

>> No.26165114

Hello is the .50 waiting room?

>> No.26165350
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Only if you post LIT memes

>> No.26165434

Interestingly though, there have been an outsized number of LIT trades since the other /LITGEN/ thread earlier.
It's almost like /biz/ is influential or something.

>> No.26165658
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>> No.26165729
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I haven't got all the Greta memes, so if anyone has them post them

>> No.26165912
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Damn, some of these aged poorly

>> No.26165977
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Here's one for future generals

>> No.26166044


>> No.26166081

I have 97k and strong hands. Will i make it?

>> No.26166132
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if you do this >>26165350

>> No.26166468
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post Greta memes

>> No.26166773
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kek, relevant

>> No.26166844

We should kill him irl

>> No.26166847

Will it hit 100 usd?

>> No.26167066
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once again, only if post more Greta

>> No.26167139
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>> No.26167255

For anyone interested in helping me shill and bring this fucking thing back to life, I'm going through stale breads and scraping memes
>>/biz/thread/23673828 good starting point

>> No.26167389
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Basically if the XRP schizos can meme their shitcoin back to life through the sheer force of memes, anyone can

>> No.26167453
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If you faggots let this thread 404 then we're NGMI

>> No.26167690

Fine ill start dumping some lit memes if you send me 25 shitions my services aint free

>> No.26167822
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sent :)

>> No.26167956
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>> No.26168197
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Anh Nguyen

>> No.26168253

Richard is under investigation avoid this project everyone shilling it is a piece of shit

>> No.26168291

Your mum is under investigation for having a penis and for giving birth to a piece of shit.

>> No.26168339

Tired mommy

>> No.26168346
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>> No.26168600
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>> No.26168697
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>> No.26169038

ded coin ded general, we will never make it, unless the gooks actually bait vietnam into using this shitcoin

>> No.26169087

According to this profit lition will 1000x. In july of 2019 the price was 14 cents or so. Its safe to say Lition will eventually reach 140 usd or more.

>> No.26169212

Hello is the .50 waiting room?

>> No.26169467
File: 1.81 MB, 325x261, 1603909252103.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep telling you we'll make it using the Link playbook, using memetic energy and shitposting.
can you not

>> No.26169550

Do we even need memes? The use cases are so good. Once the tx stuff is finalized and businesses start utilizing it lition will snowball. Straight up and into my asshole with refreshing coldness

>> No.26169645

If you don't believe me, just check out how Shitera is using the exact same LINK methods and they're actually starting to make it.
Yes we fucking do. LINK had way better use-cases but still came through because of memes.
The more you fuckers resist the meme potential the longer this takes.
Most of you have been doing nothing in your pajeet tg since November.
Time to let go of tg and start to shine on /biz/. Tg is a black hole where nothing gets out of. /biz/ has reach. Not tg.

>> No.26169949

Never been more comfy since Tomo took over. Lit 15 dollar eoy, screencap this.

>> No.26170063

Cant wait. How much you holding?

>> No.26170325

215k now with 185 left in staking. So excited for the coming weeks and months.

>> No.26170407

Jesus i only have 97k. Hope its enough. Hows the return on staking?

>> No.26170609

That's still a make-it stack.

>> No.26170615

About 115 per day if I remember correctly. 110k staked for 3 months the rest for a year.

>> No.26170830
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Fuck, this thread is low-energy af. How many of you were around for the LINK meme build-up from 2018?

>> No.26171197
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last bump then you faggots can do what you want

>> No.26171393


I was. The difference is that LINK actually has a place in crypto. When even the founder does not believe in it, it says all it needs to say. The project is dead, move on to something that won't potentially ruin you financially.

>> No.26171435


And you are a literal newfag. We believed LINK was the next big thing since the summer of 2017. Sergey is a chad, Richard is a autistic faggot.

>> No.26171437

Nice, heres hoping
How much risk is involved in staking? Didnt they change the staking program some time ago?

>> No.26171485

We gonna FUD this or what?

>> No.26171547
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>> No.26171704

The fudding already happened. This is the bottom and time to buy

>> No.26171770

I bet you don't even own a moped and a gun
i never even believed in this coin in the first place

>> No.26171864

Im gunna have a moped and a gun once this shit hits 150 usd

>> No.26171900

>needs to FUD something at .03c
Are you that poor? This is the bottom yknow
>When even the founder does not believe in it,
Where's the proof he doesn't

>> No.26171958
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by the power of memes, REVIVE!

>> No.26172127

I have a moped and a gun right now. What are you gonna do about it?

>> No.26172145
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It's all so tiresome

>> No.26172249


>> No.26172423

You newfag don't keven know shizo Mike?
Quant is shit, why did you shill it a couple of months ago?

>> No.26172497
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Fuck off with your tg-fagging. We're trying to start again without that niggatry. Go back, we'll be fine without you pajeet cowfuckers.

>> No.26172618

>28 posts by this ID
How heavy are your bags?

>> No.26172747

I was bored, they're not that heavy and like most faggots holding LIT, I'm already resigned to it crabbing between 0.02 and 0.03 forever.
I thought I would have a bit of fun and see if I could revive interest in it considering the last /litgen/ wasn't that long ago in relative terms.
It's like I said to the anon in the other thread today, it seems like the OGs got so blackpilled that they just ragequit and dumped and now that there's been a few months of quiet since then, it's worth another try.

>> No.26172849

Adam told me to shill Quant for a laugh. You jellie bellied dinguses complied
we are all gonna make it if we fud this and buy quant

>> No.26172872

Also before I get accused of being someone I'm not, I have literally done 2 /LITGEN/ threads including this one, the other one was earlier today linked in the OP.
As I said, I'm just see if there's still interest.
rope yourself tranny pajeet

>> No.26172903

250k holding and still buying more.
Give me 50k per eth..

Richard is ded long live long long

>> No.26172929

This is wrost that Freedom Reserve

>> No.26173029

I see and I will watch you shizo Mike.

>> No.26173628
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actual last bump from me for this thread

>> No.26173869
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unironically the fact that even Richard sold all his shitty litties is worrying. My gut is telling me tomo is gonna strip this project and re-brand it in some chinkish half assed way. All of they're "promotion" attempts including that joke of a liquidity program (gaining 30 tomo for transferring lition into a trc21 token) a few months ago is so low energy its straight up demoralizing. They could have literally done ANYTHING these last 3 months to promote this shit but in the end they came out with a 3 minute read medium article that so many investors where expecting to be the news to take us to at least 7-10c. Either their blue balling us on purpose (which is skitzo tier hopium) or this was a mere experiment for them they'll keep in storage along with all the 100's of other programs they've launched. Still somewhat hopefull but all the "big" announcments from august to now remind me of how corporations try to keep suckers hodling as they cash out big and dip. Literally any biz does this. HAHA BRO DONT WORRY WE GOT ALL THESE PROMISING PARTNERSHIPS HAHA JUST YOU WAIT BUCKO WE GOT THIS, WE'RE FAMILY AFTER ALL RIGHT BROS????

also, richard is just a mere advisor for lition energy so im feeling that the whole company might just go bankrupt when everyone figures out that green energy is fake and gay. Solar panels need lots of coal to function and wind mills are barely efficient and destroy bird populations. Only people who would use lition energy are blue pilled hippy boomers that invite refugees to live with them.

>> No.26173880

Imagine believing Richard is lurking ftp group scared by the lawsuit
Imagine believing there was an actual sap insider
Imagine believing there will be a banking use case

>> No.26173881

How about i bump your chin on the sidewalk?

>> No.26173968
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Another LITGEN?
Now I only need some actual good news, and I'll sleep comfy.

>> No.26174035

Do tg fags seriously think creating threads on 4chan is that hard?
The actual effort is in persisting with it autistically every day until you start to get results

>> No.26174454
File: 875 KB, 571x856, Screenshot 2021-01-16 121128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't really follow LIT but noticed that my LIT bag is heavily in the red. What's going on? Is it because of the acquisition or is something else going on?
Is there a new token and I have swap or what?

>> No.26174630
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I'm listening.

>> No.26174771
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still lots of salt around how sketchy the entire acquisition was. Lots of stakers rage dumping once their shit is unlocked. Tomochain is also being really gay and not saying anything substantial about why they acquired it and how much they got it for. Richard dumped his bags and is no longer in charge of anything although rest assured he's "emotionally" invested so it doesn't matter if he holds lit tokens or doesn't work with lition energie anymore. There's also the fact that his brother is a lit whale so he's probably gonna dump when good news comes from tomochain. Wouldn't be surprised if they do end up gutting the project and forcing holders to switch to a different token. At this point people are holding because the liquidity is too low to even cash out in a meaningful way, and the others are locked in staking contracts.

>> No.26175125
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holy fuck, what a shitshow. thanks for the rundown anon. I should've bought more PRQ instead of LIT, kek

>> No.26175214
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Oh my oh my, a second litgen in a day. Is the sentiment shifting?
Do I now sense the promised Litionland?
Is it truly the time to emerge from underground?
Time will show. I salute you, veterans of war. I must go my way. We will see each other - in due time.

>> No.26175292
File: 21 KB, 600x600, aps,504x498,small,transparent-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else feel like the silence from Tomo means theyve got something big on the way?

>> No.26175312

Litgang is forever

>> No.26175729

how much lit for god tier gf

>> No.26175797

people from outside might think this is pajeet tier random fud but it is sadly accurate

>> No.26175992

Can’t wait for oktoberfest in saigon.

That is some high quality hopium/copium. I’d be already happy with getting the Lition Energy txs (finally)

>> No.26176204

Next step is to have a LIT thread up at all times.
Ask yourself this simple question: have you come here even once in the past 2 years and found 0 LINK threads?

>> No.26176483
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ya its been brutal, this post I made is also gives a good gist >>26173869, lots of shitty litty bros seem to traumatized to reply and are now coping with muh meme magic. It feels like people are simultaneously in the first and last stages of grief for this lmao.

God I wish I was on the outside, I WANT OUT AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I missed so much shit mooning because of this coin. Foolishly thought I can definitely 100% find out the next 100x low cap coin and well, here I am. Should have just gone 50/50 on btc and eth in august instead of fucking around with these shit coins. You live and you learn though. Its truly a zero sum game and everything that "seems" legit can very well (most likely will, (murphys law)) end up fucking you in the ass. This goes for everything but btc, eth, and chainlink (even then regulations are around the corner and lots of grown men will cry when politicians really lay down the law on crypto). End of the day crypto is for sadists and masochists.

ya lit is a nothing burger and they acquired it for teh lolz xD.

>> No.26176666

Baby's first crash? Man the fuck up, this happens here weekly, what kind of zoomer pussies must have bought lit that you're whining this hard. If you have this much energy to whine, use it to shill.

>> No.26177022
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holy, nice quads, checked. Thing is, every time I shill this shit, it fucking DUMPS. By fudding I hope to reverse this process. You should fud too, its the only way we bring the OG fags out from their cum ridden bed rooms and actually stimulate some conversation. I need this to at least 100x, no way I'm taking a loss or breaking even. 100x or bust. This either zooms past 1$ or goes to 0. No other option.

>> No.26177083

holding at a 75% loss right now, may just try to pick up another stack while it's worth so little, would be rude not to

>> No.26177861

I need this shit to hit 100+ baby, and its gunna