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26160718 No.26160718 [Reply] [Original]

Should i get more LINK or GRT?

>> No.26160806

LINK sucks

>> No.26160827
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link is going down

>> No.26160837
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> Hey Stacy don’t use Google, use the Graph instead
> Graph? What is that?
> It’s just like Google except your search is decentralized!
> Oh cool! Tee hee! Let me try. Wait... it says here I have to pay for each search I make? And wait up to 1 hour for my search to be verified? Wtf is this? Where is the searchbar?
>Wait what? That’s so CREEPY
> CREEPY and WEIRD. Yikes. Let’s stick to Google

>> No.26160903

oh its going down guys
fucking retard

>> No.26160911

GRT is completely uncertain rn, but both are good HOLDS. hold link, man
buy more GRT when you can. simple

>> No.26160919

Which is why I should buy right? Its going to take off at some point.... right?

>> No.26160934

if its going down you should buy it retarded nigger

>> No.26160943

It will. But so will every other shitcoin that gets shilled here

>> No.26160970

this is why the free market is trash and china will win
imagine technology being gatekept by subhuman normalfags

>> No.26161016

LINK ffs

>> No.26161046

I only recently started so I have baby stacks of both. I already doubled my initial GRT investment though. They both seemed like decent buy ins, just unsure which I should more heavily invest in.

>> No.26161108

I'm same as you. 60:40 in favor of link. sensible, no?
im honestly also thinking about e-radix, statera and synthetix

>> No.26161534

Probably a safe bet desu. GRT seems a little more uncertain, but the general consensus seems like LINK will eventually do good things. So I think its a decent start for a portfolio. The only worrisome thing for me is I have very little in BTC and nothing in ETH.

>> No.26161757

Why is everyone so bullish on link? People used to say $1000 eoy, which I know is a meme but it’s done a 10x since march dump and the market cap is already huge. How much further can it go? Lots of projects have out performed it in last 9 months.

>> No.26161765

I have nothing either. and I wont think about it until i earn enough to merely want to double it. as good as BTC is, its not new. means no crazy gains.
if i invested into ETH and had x20 gains in 5y, that would still be nothing

>> No.26162317

This. Im actually confused on as well. This shit has been around since 2017 and has done nothing special

>> No.26162453

Yeah. Same train of thought here. Like I want to eventually get some more into BTC and ETH, but I dont want to miss out on these other coins while they are relatively cheap because I am trying to build up BTC and ETH.

>> No.26162499

Link made thousands on bizitors rich.

>> No.26162572

LINK = bluechip. potential gains are smaller, but more guaranteed.

GRT = speculative. potential gains are bigger, but less guaranteed.

why not both (unless youre a poorfag)

>> No.26162592

Investors realizing gains from the recent btc cycle and reinvesting into the next most likely to boom coin/tech.

>> No.26162676


>> No.26162795

I think it's more about the project itself and the problem it solves. If we are going to see diminishing returns after bitcoin with ethereum its the next coin to ride that wave. Potentially the last to make safe and big money on.

>> No.26162834

You missed the LINK train.

GRT train is just boarding.

>> No.26162871

link is a boomercoin with low upside potential
grt is a pnd in which the 'p' has already happened
so buy none

>> No.26163015

How so? LINK is only $20 right now. If its ceiling is really as high as people act, then I dont see how you still cant get on the ride.

>> No.26163083

>[shitcoin] is the next LINK
only heard that one about 30 times lol

>> No.26163096

What does GRT do that ETH doesnt do better? Unless I misread GRT is just following in ETHs footsteps.

>> No.26163446

Link had, at very best, a 10x in 5 years.

GRT might 100x.

>> No.26163495

Both but wait for the dip later today. Already made an easy $60 since last night doing the same with only $1000 investment.

>> No.26163526

Are you fucking retarded? Why don't you graph search basic math you fucking moron.

>> No.26163617



>> No.26163699
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grt. im posting this as a rererepost but its 100% accurate.

>> No.26163846

Meant to wrote "has"

No way Link is going past 10x in 5 years. Potential gains on GRT are on par with where Link was years ago. Possible 100x. Either way profitable. GRT is a better gamble.

>> No.26164442

You need to go back.

Yep and I’m still not selling.
I have $300,000 in link right now which I bought throughout the bear market in 2018 for a total of $4000.

I don’t understand how anyone wouldn’t just be all in on link. If you’ve done the research you’ll see it will hit $300 easily this cycle.

It’s crazy going from being told my shitcoin will never break $5 to this newfaggotry calling link a boomer coin or saying it’s “already mooned”.

The real big brain move for newfags would be to accumulate Linkpool, which will moon harder than link. too bad newfags don’t even know how to buy Linkpool Kek.

>> No.26164486

Fucking leave here and never come back.

My god, how many newfags actually fall for this pajeetery?

>> No.26164583

fucking lol

>> No.26164661

Disgust fucking newfags

>> No.26164666

>it will hit $300 easily this cycle.
DMOR. Tell me why you think this

>> No.26164722

Retarded copypasta, it makes no sense

>> No.26164784

It indexes data for developers, that’s why it’s called Google of blockchain. Dyor or stay poor little niglet

>> No.26164927

>google of blockchain
Well that implies it will be one of the most valuable coins in exsistence then. Which it wont be

>> No.26164934

There are many reasons but I’ll give you two main ones for interest.
1. Chainlink for stablecoins. Already being used by PayPal’s federally chartered bank, paxos. More banks to follow. There are many many hints that Chainlink will be adopted by world governments and government issued stablecoins. The Chinese government has just announced they’ll be issuing a digital currency with BSN, which uses link as it’s oracle. You can search warosu for more information.
2. Chainlink for financial infrastructure and markets. If you watched any of Sergey’s talks during 2018 you would know that Chainlink was built especially for large financial markets. The size of the derivatives market is 4 quadrillion dollars. Only a tiny portion needs to be run through Chainlink nodes for link to hit silly prices like $81,000. And if you don’t understand how link price is a function of collateral then you have no business giving your two cents on this.

Basically the entire 4th industrial revolution - hundreds of industries - will be using Chainlink. It’s not an overstatement. Full scale adoption of Chainlink could make it bigger than ETH imo.

>> No.26164963

Grtrannies on suicide watch

>> No.26164987

Sounds completely fucking pointless.

>> No.26164989

GRT will be the new Link. It has been shilled many times here. But you won't listen. As always.

>> No.26165029

GRT for now, but both overall

>> No.26165178

it has a use case but as always it's being exaggerated by the holders. Worth buying some after the retrace before they announce some shit but not now, obviously

>> No.26165241

>the new link
Seriously pathetic. Search warosu for “ETH killer” or “antshares vibes” and look at the thousands of shills trying to piggyback off ETH’s success last market cycle. I can’t believe that the same shit is happening again but with link this time.

Link is the next link.
1 Linkpool will be worth 10k LINK when Linkpool switches to erc-20 in the next few months.

There will be many shitcoins that moon, but they will crash 98% once this bull run is over, and you’ll be left holding bags because they will never moon again. Just look at the hundreds of shitcoins from the last cycle. Because Chainlink’s price will be directly tied to its adoption (since token price is ultimately controlled by collateral demands under a staking model) it might dump a little bit when BTC finally crashes but it will continue to gain value throughout the next near market. It certainly will not crash 98% and never recover.

>> No.26165892

Quit spoonfeeding these lazy pieces of shit

>> No.26165958
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nice pasta

>> No.26166875

Are most /biz/inessmen farming GRT or just buying it outright?