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File: 62 KB, 781x580, charles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26158730 No.26158730 [Reply] [Original]

Charles Hoskinson is 33 years old

>> No.26158754

Our guy

>> No.26158787
File: 970 KB, 1200x1200, 1610491967371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullish AF

>> No.26158819

Imagine being a billionaire with a religious following at 33

>> No.26158827

he looks 46
gonna die soon, and what's going to happen to ADA?
very bearish

>> No.26158839

He's the youngest 55-year-old I've ever seen.

>> No.26158844

it seems it's 55

>> No.26158858

Senior discount at age 33, based af

>> No.26158864

Needs to shave, get new glasses, and invest in some hair restoration products.

>> No.26158866

I'm 41 and he looks old enough to be my dad. In fact, if my real dad were less fat, he'd look pretty simmilar if you squint.

>> No.26158882

Why is reddit shilling this soiboy cuck so goddamn much?

>> No.26158908

He's a babyface without the beard

>> No.26158909
File: 320 KB, 1117x1600, DylannHoskinson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine having killed one minority for every year you've lived on this earth.

>> No.26158921

He’s a Chad. Literally creating a non-inflationary financial system to rival the central banks.

>> No.26158951

tl;dr buy before the smart contract release or you'll be sorry

>> No.26158960

Hahahahahahahaha still waging at 33

>> No.26158967

So we have a few years then

>> No.26158974

H O W ?

>> No.26159020

It's planned in 3 months.
3 months in Cardano time = 3 x 4 = 12 months
A year, top.

>> No.26159037

Why do whit*ids age like milk?

>> No.26159262

He's a Bitcoin billionare. Couple of million in ADA as well.

>> No.26159596

ADA never had a chance against ETH

>> No.26159620

All that and still a slave to jewish investors. Sad.

>> No.26159640


>> No.26159645

ETH never had a chance against ADA*
Fixed it for you

>> No.26159816

He sold his telomeres to vitalik butterman

>> No.26159906


>> No.26160074
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>> No.26160163


>> No.26160189

At 33 it's much better to look younger than your age than older than your age.

>> No.26160428

did vitalik really said that? what a fucking pedo coin

>> No.26160715

>implying looking older doesn't make you look wiser
>caring about looks
literally sub-monkey brain

>> No.26160811

shit I thought he was in his 40s

>> No.26160902

He looks like most of the biz "investors"

>> No.26160938

He looks older than me, and I'm 43.

>> No.26160999

so it is really true you can never leave this place?

>> No.26161037

Nothing. It's called decentralization

>> No.26161098

He is so cute.

>> No.26161164

because he's based tranny lover man

>> No.26161220

wtf I thought he was already dead

>> No.26161248

>Charles Hoskinson is 33 years old
Who started this même and why

>> No.26161256
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(They) like peer review, functional programming, formal verification and high assurance.

>> No.26161264

Hosk looks exactly like a guy I waged with. Actually that face when we had some shit come up is like being back at the cage.

>> No.26161294

on the flipside it makes his erratic behavior more understandable. dude seemed really childish for a man in his forties

>> No.26161362
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 165475654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dont know it yet but you're here for life

>> No.26161406

big wup i could be 33

>> No.26161462

>Hosk looks exactly like a guy I waged with
Top fucking kek same here. A Swiss guy

>> No.26161601

>in his death bed Charles mumble his final words
>"mainnet.. is... live..." beeeeeeep

>> No.26161953

>It's real

Jfc wtf bbq

>> No.26162046

yep i was on /biz/ and twitter that day, he actually said that. then he deleted the tweet

>> No.26162060

And yet again. This entire thread is the best FUD on Cardano.

>> No.26162094

high phosphate intake without adequate calcium does this to the human physiology, combined with sleep and lacking the vital youth steroids.
he probably has had or has some hypothyroidism going on aswell.

>> No.26162139

also the lack of a balanced amino acid profile ( too much sulphur containing amino acids) also accelerates visual aging.

>> No.26162184

What does an ideal diet look like?

>> No.26162198

my father is 58 and looks younger

>> No.26162397

it depends on the enviromental context, RDA is bunk science because nutritional needs are unique.
>get enough calcium in relation to phosphorus (google it pth- major stress hormone - dont listen to : homeostasis carries it Doctors)
>get adequate protein daily from a good source (plant protein is not e ven protein, its just elemental clumps chilling there waiting for formation - animal protein is already metabolised - i am not discussing with vegans)
>get your micronutrients (oyster, liver, shellfish weekly)
> dont eat anything that you are mildly allergenic to (depends on you)
>eat daily fiber (preferable insoluble) because endotoxins (LPS) lingering in your gut will poision you (old concept of humanphysiology that just got debunked but is remerging now)
and yes, living without aging is my hobby.

ray peat has the best insights, as he understands life and follows the logical, bioenergetic modell of life.

you can eat in many ways, but it has to be low stress for you.
if you stress while eating it cramps you up, hindering the flow of digestive juices.
many such things.

make your own expierence, and supplement gelatin or collagen (most likely)

supreme brain energies can be achieved once your body is able to produce adequate steroids and hormones.

and fasting is a meme.

>> No.26162526

also never follow for any human ape arguments for diet (like we are having this gut they are having this gut)
the monkey that resembles brain / body ratio the closest is a small, mostly fruit eating monkey.

how does meat taste to you?
how does sugar taste to you?
glucose is a youth agent in the body, its all lies, but it has to be this way or the insurance systems will fail.
aspirin is a wonderdrug, and vitamin k2 and d3 are steroids.

>> No.26162559

How can you look like a 60 year old boomer with 33? That's just sad.

>> No.26162661

Hello Charles Hoskinson CEO of IOHK and Cardano.

>> No.26162771
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the best guy in crypto

>> No.26162778

>glucose is a youth agent
are you saying sugar makes you look young?

>> No.26162862

im saying that not having adequate glucose levels will be maintained by your body and it starts with eating your glucose metaoblism.

>> No.26162941


>> No.26162970

>Ray Peat

So milk, orange juice, and eggs?

>> No.26162994

Honestly I feel like he’s gonna musk it up after Goguen. He kinda has to right?

His hairline is awful. I think he’s cute but it’s really just that. His face is incredibly aesthetic and he can just get a transplant. He is undeniably insane cute in the face. Very warm smile. Baby face from obviously never going outside despite his weird nature pictures. He’s a billionaire.

>> No.26163051

Water fasting makes you lose your hair unless you take biotin.

It increases HGH and test levels which leads to DHT causing baldness. I know because I did a 2 month water fast and thought I was balding but then it all grew back.

>> No.26163292
File: 84 KB, 700x544, 1601064360261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only protocol ever given by ray peat is

peat has a whole concept of biology and not only diet, its also about being helpful where you can, because you should be cooperative not competitive. he is a biologist and not a nutritonist.
its also about having times where you dont talk, because talking is the worst way of using your "animal intelligence"

ice cream before bad is also just smart, you need les temperature to get sleepy, so that helps. so many genius things he does.

i research this topic now for 8 years in neet dyor mode, and i have read aajonus vonderplanitz, that tells you how far i went.

>> No.26163445

Nutrition is a deeply subjective pseudoscience. People have different neurological reactions to food. You really can’t put a blanket statement on what works or doesn’t, because we all have different dopamine and serotonin levels in our brain. Food is undeniably a drug, though. If you water fast and eat a bunch of pizza you really do start tripping like you’re on shrooms from the serotonin rush. It’s wild shit.

>> No.26163651

There's just too much confusion

I mostly just follow the conventional idea of eating lots of veggies and avoiding sugar. Outside of that I try to get ideas from autists who did years of research on this like you

>> No.26163660

serotonin is produced in the gut and you dont want it high. it is no hormone, it is not secreted by a gland.
these are fraudulent concepts to sell ssri.

>> No.26163749

Is organic a meme?

>> No.26164086

hair that you lose and grow back is likely not cause by DHT miniaturization but by telogen effluvium due to stress caused to your body from the fast.

Also fasting does not increase testosterone levels. It increases HGH levels which do not affect hair loss, HGH has nothing to do with DHT. Only testosterone is converted to DHT via the 5AR enzyme

>> No.26164147

>literally sub-monkey brain
share some of that copium?

>> No.26164156
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>pic related is 30 years old

>> No.26164234

Im 35 and would have guessed this guy is 10 years older than me

>> No.26164271
File: 69 KB, 840x273, 1588502633481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this might be funded science, but most plants dont really want you to eat them.
fruit and milk are the only two foods that procreate life while also giving it.
cosmically positive so to say.

i was emerged now in every diet cult, and they are all done via order following, they take away your intellect and you have to become a good soldier in their empire.

seems like you can wash off most pesticides with baking soda.

i would advise you to track your calories for a extended time, getting some feel for the intake of nutrietns you actually achieve. people oftentimes overrate vegetables and they dont offer much besides secondary plant compounds.
my day usually starts with 2 raw egg yolks in oragne juice combined with milk.
this concotion refrehes me after the night, doestn make me piss all the time, and then i eat what i want. (mostly meat and sugared shit, or for example cheese with melons. tastes delicuois too me and i always had a sweet tooth and craving for meat.

i remember danny roddy (podcaster who tlaks about peats ideas) talking about how he was stunned when peat simply said to him:

a craving is the signal of need from the body.

that fixed 90% of dietary struggles for me.

human breast milk has like 7-9 % sugar, exceptionally high and it tastes very sweet

>> No.26164338

Wait, you’re telling me JEWS bought this coin?

Why did I ever fucking sell this????

>> No.26164404

but google ray peat and read his articles, they are a goldmine.

>> No.26164432

Can confirm

>> No.26164438

This is what soi does to you. Charles Hoskinson is a soiboy, cardano is a trannycoin.

>> No.26164447

I think he's dying

>> No.26164507
File: 18 KB, 640x360, FreeDeliciousAtlasmoth-mobile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vsauce is only 34

>> No.26164582


>> No.26164635

Fasting affects test.

>> No.26164646

holy shit he looks 50, white people age like shit

>> No.26164694
File: 13 KB, 514x387, 1592406948131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is he truly eating soi ??

>> No.26164744

Gelatin and collagen?

Dude vitamin C and E serum, sunscreen and tretinoin. Do you even looksmaxx?

>> No.26164756

i took the bronzepill long ago, i live poor.

>> No.26164801

gelatin can do all these things and is cheap and natural.
oysters looksmax more than anything.

>> No.26164821

You can buy tret off the internet from India for nothing. If you’re not using tret you don’t care about anti-aging.

>> No.26164864

>gelatin replaces sunscreen
No it doesn’t you fucking retard. I’ve barely aged in 10 years and people are starting to comment that it’s weird and that I’m a vampire.

>> No.26164907

What's your ideal diet?

>> No.26164952

ok but it rings a bell because of this acne medicament that people use to fuck their livers up with.
many cases.

>> No.26164978

Almost completely vegetable keto with tons of healthy fats and zero carbs. Black coffee. Coconut oil. A bit of meat, but mostly veggies. Tons of avocados.

>> No.26164988

>white people age like shit
Yeah well the other races look like literal shit the entire time they are alive.

>> No.26165008

you're overthinking it, and you're probably american. nobody normal looks like charles at 33

>> No.26165028

Tretinoin is different from acutane completely. Acutane is not topical. I have no idea what it is. Tretinoin has no side effects other than looking extremely hot unless you burn your face off with it.

>> No.26165099

He’s literally just balding and should absolutely do something about it. Fin and minoxidil would be the minimum. Full hair transplant and being completely open about it would honestly be more Chad than trying something covert. His face is very young looking.

>> No.26165173

My diet primarily consists of

>High grade, expensive steaks
>Gummy worms/sour strips
>Salt n vinegar chips
>Bacon and eggs
>Mixed berries (raspberry, blackberry and saksatoons mostly)
>Bowl of microwave mixed frozen veggies for dinner because I eat hardly any vegetables otherwise

This is 95% of my diet almost every single day

>> No.26165229

I am also 33 years old. And I just lost my job due to corona, have 2 weeks still to work. Europoor, not living in the land of opportunity, American Dream is just a dream. No house, just €8k in savings and €10k in crypto.
Thanks for reading my blog, wagmi.

>> No.26165646

Move to america

>> No.26165652


isotretinoin is accutane and i knew it. its almost the same as what you shill here. Tretinoin

"Tretinoin has teratogenic and embryotoxic effects in mice, rats, hamsters, rabbits and pigtail monkeys, and may be expected to cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman. Tretinoin causes fetal resorptions and a decrease in live fetuses [i.e. miscarriage] in all animals studied. [...]

Although experience with humans administered [tretinoin] is extremely limited, increased spontaneous abortions and major human fetal abnormalities related to the use of other retinoids have been documented in humans. Reported defects include abnormalities of the CNS, musculoskeletal system, external ear, eye, thymus and great vessels; and facial dysmorphia, cleft palate, and parathyroid hormone deficiency. Some of these abnormalities were fatal. Cases of IQ scores less than 85, with or without obvious CNS abnormalities, have also been reported. All fetuses exposed during pregnancy can be affected and at the present time there is no antepartum means of determining which fetuses are and are not affected.

Effective contraception must be used by all females during [tretinoin] therapy and for 1 month following discontinuation of therapy."

im not a female but im not putting that shit on my skin. as always, the new shit is the scam.

>> No.26165700

rule 1 is dont put shit on your skin that you wouldnt also eat.

>> No.26165775

Why did he feel the need to say that? He may be fucked in the head, but still, why the urge to propagate he is propedo.

>> No.26165780

I'm never wearing clothes again

>> No.26165909

vitamin A?

>> No.26166252

You niggas complain about 'merica being this or that, but it objectively is the best place to live.
We euros are doomed now that we need a Phd to immigrate to the uk.

>> No.26166592

This is how white people age. He'll basically look the same until he dies

>> No.26166837

If you've seen any of his interviews, he's incredibly autistic so he probably didn't see the problem with it.

>> No.26166935
File: 24 KB, 620x416, brad-pitt-attends-the-premiere-of-20th-century-foxs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's white people with bad genes age. This is how white people with good genes age.

>> No.26166979

nigga what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.26167673

and his current pinned tweet is 3 months and 3 days from his 33rd birthday

Cardano has the same birthday as google and the jesuit order

>> No.26167756

IOHK Charles Hoskinson ADA Cardano
IOHK Charles Hoskinson ADA Cardano
IOHK Charles Hoskinson ADA Cardano

>> No.26167775
