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26153463 No.26153463 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think Democrats would openly oppose putting elections on blockchain?

>> No.26153474

of course they will

>> No.26153490

If you oppose ID laws you most certainly oppose putting elections on blockchain

>> No.26153526

Why? They can just manually put made up ballots on the blockchain if they have no voter ID laws.

>> No.26153537

Go to pol if you want to discuss shit like elections

>> No.26153551

Yeah, go put on a public blockchain who voted who. What could go wrong? Btw you should fix your iD laws.

>> No.26153564

>Do you think Democrats would openly oppose putting elections on blockchain?
with out a shadow of a doubt they will oppose it, like how the hell you think they would win without cheating?

Remember there mentality, it's not cheating if they label there opposition as white power

>> No.26153595

t. Seething tranny who isn't interested in the use of blockchain technology in society

>> No.26153618

Why not faggot? Who’s gonna know your transaction id unless you tell someone yourself?

>> No.26153652

Everyone could verify it if they put it on a public blockchain, making their margin for deceit much smaller. Imagine you can just search for your dead relatives and find literally all of them. Imagine the absolute shitstorm.

>> No.26153673

You're being assblasted in every thread.

>> No.26153702

How tf would you organize an election on a fucking blockchain?

>> No.26153724

It's already been floated by dems and republicans, it will happen eventually. But every expert ever asked about it says its several years away still.

>> No.26153732

>he doesn't know

>> No.26153733

They don't allow people to watch them tally the votes. What difference would in make with a private and closed ledger? They would love for it to be on blockchain so they can more easily use it to cheat. There is no fixing the system until we hang every lefty and centrist.

>> No.26153767

Fuck off faggot bitch.

>> No.26153778

You can do a correlation attack and know who voted who. Btw, you are the kind of retard that years ago wanted to migrate everything on the blockchain when a simple db could do the trick.

>> No.26153783

>Le he doesn't know meme xD
I think you're the one who has no fucking clue

>> No.26153839

just make political affiliation a protected class, so violence based on blockchain data becomes a hate crime, domestic terrorism

>> No.26153933

seems pretty obvious. Give every registered voter 1 token, send token to your chosen representative
The one with the most tokens win, and the public blockchain means you can make sure every vote came from a unique place

I'm just guessing though

>> No.26153954

Democrats have literally gotten comfy finding the biggest city in a state, boarding up the windows, turning away the GOP poll watchers, and running the same ballots through the machine thousands of times over at 2 A.M. They found the perfect cover by claiming the "mail in ballots just arrived".

Also, the open reason they will oppose blockchain is they will say it's racist because blacks don't understand how it works

>> No.26153985

No I don't think they would care as long as they think they are the majority

>> No.26154088

Does 25k national guard in DC say "we won the election by a majority" to you

>> No.26154169

anyone who's livelihood is dependent on >manipulating the flow of information
>privileged access (barriers of entry for everyone else)
is unlikely to welcome blockchain technology

>> No.26154173

And you would do this millions of times over for millions of voters because?

>> No.26154213

Yeah but you can still pretend that someone voted for a different party.
John votes R.
Shantiqua scans it as D.
D gets a vote on the blockchain.
Unless of course you want to nake who voted for whom completely public this can't be solved easily.
There might be a crypto that solves the Oracle problem tough.

>> No.26154286

Niggers would cry racism because too retarded to into wallet

>> No.26154371

>why would someone cheat to swing power in his favour?

>> No.26154442
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Yes, but it wouldn't be limited to just democrats
anything that makes it easier/more transparent/more efficient to vote is bad for politicians
this guy gets it

>> No.26154600

Encrypt data on chain with an asymmetric key so only the voter (and the government) can view who voted for whom?

This would require the government to distribute the keys, adding an attack vector, but would probably be more secure than the current system.

>> No.26154621

Monero with smart contracts

>> No.26154647

Yes. Everyone knows they cheat.

>> No.26154711

This problem may be solved by something like >>26153933
It would only work if decentralized
Maybe this. So if you vote for the nazi candidate your employer can't fire you for it.

>> No.26154734

Yeh, but the point of electronic voting is taht it is reliable as the ultimate point of failure: who's gonna prove that the machines aren't scamming? What did happen in 2020 elections?

>> No.26154823

the idea that we have a human element (literal niggers) "scanning" our votes in is absolutely ridiculous. This is a stone age system on the cusp of the fourth industrial revolution. Unacceptable

>> No.26155717
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>Government can see who you voted for
>They wouldnt tell

>> No.26155771
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>> No.26155846

After all of south America is granted voting rights next year, they will insist upon it actually

>> No.26155848


>> No.26155963

They would oppose everything that wouldn't allow them to cheat.

>> No.26155985

Time to buy $CLF

>> No.26156021
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Anything that makes it harder for spics n' nigs to vote is racist. Anything that makes elections more transparent is a threat to our democracy.
Did this recent "election" teach you nothing?

>> No.26156572
File: 154 KB, 729x638, 1585174162651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this would be the best solution when I thought about it a while ago, but it has some problems
At some point a given address will need to be confirmed as being a valid registered voter. So during registration you would presumably be given the right to vote via the address you generated from a centralized and fallible party.
That party could send fake voting rights to people who don't exist, or are not qualified to vote. You need to be able to audit this after the fact, or somehow ensure that it doesn't happen in the first place.
A pseudoanonymous system wouldn't necessarily compromise the privacy of voters (the vulnerability surface is identical to the current system at least)
encrypting it would defeat the purpose since you couldn't publicly verify the count, maybe you could do something clever with commitments and zk-proofs tho, but that would likely cause some auditing issues

>> No.26156613

This same “go to pol” nigger needs to be IP banned. Kys

>> No.26157199

yes. if dems couldn't cheat the system, they would never win. BUT, both sides are the same uniparty scum.

>> No.26157245

come at me, bucktooth

>> No.26157335

of course they would. they rig elections. so would a large portion of the gop for the same reason. there is one political party in the united states that has any power and its called freemasonry.