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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26151341 No.26151341 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.26151432

From the BAO official FAQ:
> The economic system could result in heavy distribution that overly dilutes the per token value of early buyers.
It is recommended to always farm for Bao and not to be purchasing as an investment (this is not an investment product)

>> No.26151593

This shit scares me.
Does that mean I should dump my bags?
I bought in at .00008 so I'm in profit still right now.

>> No.26151621

If you aren't farming, you are doing it wrong. Super comfy farmer here.

>> No.26151998

hold it you dumb adhd-handed fucking nigger. <4m market cap for a sushi partnered project. This will go 10x this month alone.

>> No.26152042

It means you should farm. If you don't dump your bags you won't be diluted that much, though. There have been like 2 halvings in the emission rate already, with another on wednesday.

>> No.26152271
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>Warning: Bao Finance is in alpha, it is unaudited and was originally developed by a one-person self-taught team. While we are in the process of scaling the team, please understand the risks and use this product accordingly.

>Block deltas could have bug or risk of not making correct calculations which would impact user fees.
>Once fees are taken it is challenging to remap fees back to the main user.

>Unknown edgecase logic gaps could cause contract errors.

>Bao does not have a full-time engineering lead yet. It is a one-person project from a self-taught developer. This increases the early risk of bugs and glitches that the project may not be able to respond as quickly to.

S C A M.
You'll be unable to undelegate all your LP from this shit. There will be a "glitch" while doing so that fucks up the calculation of how much LP you get back. The "dev" will be too inexperienced to "fix" the issue but claim for weeks he's working on it! Then there will be radio silence and everyone will slowly realize they were fucking scammed as their LP miraculously liquidates from the fucking contract and they're left with useless shitty BAO tokens in exchange.

>> No.26152713
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Counter argument: You're not able to figure out how to farm bao, so now you're crying about it.

Bao is literally the most exciting crypto I've ever seen. If it is a total fucking failure at its goal it'll still be an overwhelming success.

>> No.26152876

>Scams typically try and ward off people with disclaimers and warnings.
Okay boomer.

>> No.26152931

God, what a low effort scam with such a heavy shill here. And the sad thing is, new fans are going to get pumped and dumped so hard.

>> No.26152964

I love that the fud is this strong already. This shit gets me hard. We're so early and there is already dedicated fudders.

>> No.26153174
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Nah. I can't undelegate my LP. This farmed BAO is fucking worthless.

>> No.26153302

It's called reverse psychology. He's giving you a false sense of security by being "transparent" and then when he scams you he can just say "lol well I did tell you about all the risks when you came into this!"

It's made this way so Sushiswap can just throw the project under the bus and pretend they had no involvement. They can save face by just saying the inexperienced dev fucked up, but he's not part of the sushi team, so they can keep their "legit" project while the scam project gets memoryholed. Just like how everyone memoryholes the fact that Sushiswap was already exit scammed before.

>> No.26153506

Okay buddy. That's just like, your opinion, man. I'm gonna keep pouring money into it. Feel free to laugh at me if it exit scams, I'm on /biz/ most days, I'll surely see it.

>> No.26153558

This guy has a huge stack

>> No.26153583
File: 11 KB, 225x225, download (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy Curry swap instead sirs
Curry swap has three times as many medium followers as BOA and is only down 90% in three days sirs.

CurrySwap is A high-yield multi-dapp ecosystem built specifically for your Curry.

First, users participate in the yield farming event and earn Curry tokens. Second, the Auction Lobby opens where users may stake their Curry and earn ETH dividends. NFT rewards that carry benefits to holders will be distributed throughout the entire time!


Very good project sirs Curry is better than Chinese buns

>> No.26153768
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>> No.26153791

You dont.

>> No.26153844

The same way you bought it.

>> No.26153957

Now THIS is a scam.

>> No.26154024

No Curry.Swap has more community sirs than BAO tokens. Curry is best project sirs

>> No.26154244

It won’t let me! Everytime I put BAO tokens it won’t let me sell!

>> No.26154301
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>> No.26155039

On uniswap? You just put Bao in and then swap it for Eth. I've done it about ten times in 2 days.

>> No.26155650


Did you not even read the fucking FAQ?

Is this /biz/? Do you even know what DYOR means?

>> No.26155734
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You just swap it for eth. Are you retarded?

>mfw investing in BAO

>> No.26156169

op is actually retarded so he makes these posts about how his life is ruined because of bao. However I’m actuality his life is ruined because he’s retarded.

>> No.26156243

It’s Ok I bought kimchi over summer. You’ll live.