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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 76 KB, 1216x646, Annotation 2019-12-22 003017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26151805 No.26151805[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


> 22 y/o femanon
> pic related
> invested in link in 2017 and have over half a mil now
> work as a software engineer making close to 200k a year

is it normal that i don't find any guys attractive anymore because i need a man more successful than me?

>> No.26151837

YWNBAW, sage

>> No.26151882

nice larp

>> No.26151884

What about a piece of shit dirtbag with less than 500 dollars to his name?

>> No.26151886

I have more linkies than you. Wanne be my gf? I'm actually attractive

>> No.26151920


>> No.26151924

is this a website that rates potential gfs/bfs?

>> No.26151926


>> No.26151930

Yes. It means that you put yourself in a pedestal. Don't do that.

It's OK to have a healthy self-esteem and to value our good characteristics; but to think nothing of others is fucking toxic dudette.

>> No.26151938

Sell signal

>> No.26151942

Which country?

>> No.26151943

you will never be a real woman

>> No.26151954


Feel free to send me your resume

>> No.26151980

I respect everyone equally, but when a guy is more successful than me is when theyre attractive to me.

>> No.26152043

Post tits or gtfo

t. 500k NW 19y old autist

>> No.26152044

there are no girls that are 9 on 4chan

>> No.26152066

take a 4chan loser like me and save my life.

>> No.26152088
File: 90 KB, 804x743, 1610658027707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're dooming yourself to be lackluster for life to the eyes of the people who should care for you, then. You should stop being so much of a fucking anglo and reconsider your "succes" definition

>> No.26152114

Im not anglo, im chink

>> No.26152150

stop acting like one then

>> No.26152204

show your foot soles, then I tell you more

>> No.26152206

How am i acting like one

>> No.26152209

im white, cashed out of link, tall , uglyface, and smarter than you.

let me know when link drops 80% so i will pay your father 2 goats and take you as a wife

>> No.26152218

Well, that explains everything. I was hoping you were jewish so we could see some Ashkenazi milkers.

>> No.26152229


>> No.26152233

no it is pretty normal, shamefully you being brainwashed by feminsim will leave you forever unfullfilled

>> No.26152237

go figure

>> No.26152245

Sounds like you're mentally ill to me

>> No.26152288


> 19 y/o femanon
> pic related
> invested in link in 2017 and have over 2 mil now
> work as a senior software engineer making close to 300k a year

You see nigger pajeet? We can do it to...

>> No.26152309

>> 22 y/o femanon
>> pic related
>> invested in link in 2017 and have over half a mil now
>> work as a software engineer making close to 200k a year
Son, you gotta stop larping on 4chan. This isn't how you make it.

>> No.26152306

You will be unhappy for the rest of your life. You are a successful femcel. The men you seek don't care about you.

>> No.26152340

when you get older your priorities will change regarding your relationship expectations also

>> No.26152346


>> No.26152383

find a man who knows his shit in the arts and humanities, and stop going for silicon valley tier jerkoffs since you already are one

>> No.26152389

You have 500k net worth and earn 200k pa.

There are literally millions of men more successful than, and thus attractive to, you. You just need big enough tits to get them.

>> No.26152403


>> No.26152414

there are dating sites specifically for "elites", they only let you sign up if you can demonstrate your net worth etc.

>> No.26152420

totally natural feeling, but the hypergamous nature of women is precisely why men should never have given you rights

>> No.26152438

>is it normal that i don't find any guys attractive anymore because i need a man more successful than me?

Ask me how I know you are a LARP

>> No.26152446

Your value as a woman is in getting men's dicks hard. Your money and preferences are meaningless, even to mediocre wagies. If you're an arrogant bitch (which it seems you are), you'll die alone.

>> No.26152449

Asians don't have tits

>> No.26152458

>femanon here
>dating profile
Go back to /soc/ you worthless whore

>> No.26152482

Are you the female version of me?

>> No.26152483

So you felt inferior to males because "reasons", and now you want to feel like a male by taking inferior mates? Tipical schizocunt

>> No.26152500

>arts and humanities
she said she cant stand losers

>> No.26152506

That’s photofeeler you ignorant mong. Intelligent people use it for best results.

>> No.26152516

so anonette, you prefer a guy that loves you and would die for you but is a loser
or a guy that is more successful than you but doesnt love you that much and certainly wouldnt sacrifice himself for you

also post tits or gtfo you know the rules

>> No.26152555
File: 1.36 MB, 951x782, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it's normal but you are still a whore and will always do wrong decisions in life to the point that you will become a net burden to the GDP at the end of your life no matter how much money you start out with. Also successful men like myself are looking for women that are very malleable and you've just demonstrated that you aren't.
>t. writing this from my winter house in the swiss alps

>> No.26152562

You have the beta bucks side of things covered.

Your hypergamy is making you seek the alpha fucks side, part of you equates having lots of money with this, because cavegirl brain goes 'male has much resources, has beat other men into submission, is high value mate'.

>> No.26152582

>linkies since 2017
>Million dollarinos

Not spending the money like a nigger because I'm trying to safeguard my future but if you live semi frugally there is basically no way to find a woman. What the fuck am I supposed to do? I'm a HNWI and the thots should be all over me. Should I hire OF girls to pretend to be my dog for 6 months?


>> No.26152619

yes femanon has coins, and I have a 2k folio but guess what, my dick is 19cm long

>> No.26152684

ToasterTecc, I know that's you. You got an internship with ChainLink because you asked Sergey/Ari in person on that livestream you did for biz

>> No.26152686

>> 22 y/o femanon


>> No.26152688

Checkeddd and based

>> No.26152696

>is it normal that i don't find any guys attractive anymore because i need a man more successful than me?

Yes I think it’s normal. Also femanon early link buyer, kind of thought I was the only one assuming you’re not a larp. I’ve got the same problem, although it isn’t that I’m not attracted to guys anymore, but rather that their egos are so fragile that if you are together for long enough to let it slip that you’ve made so much money on “bitcoin” they will start seething and resent you, which is the most unattractive part.

>> No.26152697

That's just your need to be submissive coming through. Get over it and have a happy life.

>> No.26152765

I think ive decided to just not mention it unless im married to them. I dont even like disclosing what i make, and i despise guys in my industry.

>> No.26152766

you write like a tranny

>> No.26152775

sweetie what you need is a deadbaet loser chad who mooches off your money and physically abuses you every once in a while

>> No.26152792

The problem with women is that they never realize that a man more successful than them NEVER wants to settle down. Why would you ever give up endless 18 year olds in 2020+?

>> No.26152794

Half a mill in link and a wagie?? Fucking kek I'm 40 retired for the last 10 YEARS and have 4mil+ in link after my passive income. You'll never find the person you've got in your head because you're so full of yourself, and wouldn't know what actual success looks like. Enjoy getting fucked over & used by all the guys you think fulfil your criteria cause I guarantee all of them will see you for what you are

>> No.26152802

>i despise guys in my industry

>> No.26152858

this anon gets it, also she is a chink and wants a white man but a successful white man would never marry an insect person

>> No.26152863

>gold digger

>> No.26152888

why would a successful alpha ever want you?

>> No.26152911

OP is clearly a man, but programmers are pedantic assholes. Most have 0 imagination and are risk averse.

>> No.26152929


This the the fate of every westernized Asian girl. It’s in their genes.

>> No.26152936
File: 100 KB, 669x553, iu-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6152245 >>26152414 >>26152420 >>26152792
>I respect everyone equally, but when a guy is more successful than me is when theyre attractive to me.
> Anonymous (ID: dDKNGm6S) 01/18/21(Mon)13:26:07 No.26152043▶
>>>26151805 (OP)
>Post tits or gtfo
>t. 500k NW 19y old autist
> Anonymous (ID: yqu2eMv8) 01/18/21(Mon)13:26:09 No.26152044▶
>>>26151805 (OP)
>there are no girls that are 9 on 4chan
You know the fucking deal by now ..........

>> No.26152969
File: 728 KB, 1009x778, i unironically hate women.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically kill yourself

>> No.26152975

Do you realise no one gives a fuck how successful you are ? If anything, it makes you less attractive.

>> No.26152983

second set of trips destroying her, ouch >>26152555
kek is with us destroying the eternal femoid

>> No.26153007

Good idea, you don’t want to attract gold diggers, don’t let anyone say men can’t be golddiggers, hobosexuals will try to move in with you once they see how nice your place is compared to theirs, they will just leave their dirty socks everywhere and piss on the toilet seat. The best way to meet the right person is probably through hobbies and interests. If you can get into some expensive hobbies like mountaineering or sailing you can meet successful men who aren’t in your field. Good luck!

>> No.26153032

you make me seethe, which canton?

>> No.26153061

Based depatment? Hello? Yep, I just found something vehemently based.

>> No.26153099

You wasted your time on going to school and shit and being a tech faggot and now your hypergamy has set in and you need a nigga who is going to make more than you. Guess what? Most men don't , and guess what? The ones that do , can get younger and sexy women then you. Enjoy cats , wet chink hole

>> No.26153128

I think successful women are hot af, and if I'm being honest I have no interest in women anymore who are not successful. I don't even wanna fuck around with girls, I just wanna find a nice woman to start a life with.

>> No.26153237

Yea it’s normal, men and women are built differently and it’s not some sexist cope.

>> No.26153266

damn that's crazy, you should be my gf

>> No.26153283

Graubünden but the image still has some EXIF data, Google would've told you as well

>> No.26153307

And just like that another cat lady/cool wine aunt is born

>> No.26153850

stupid bay area bug, men more successful than you either want the youngest, hottest whores or a nice girl ready to be a mommy. You fucked upand are neither, you chinks over there will never get it and you'll never be white. I'm a tall chad with more crypto than you and I'm a redneck truck driver. Enjoy your status and credentials in your collapsing state. Seethe.

>> No.26153915
File: 214 KB, 546x499, 1610826985980 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My networth is 100x more of any girl I've ever dated in my life, some were poor hustling through life, and some others were of regular wealth acquired from their daddy, but all of them we're a 8s and above in beauty. Wealth is not a sex appeal factor in any way shape or form for me.

>> No.26154114

this. women just project what they find attractive in men. they think we give a shit about their career accomplishment because that's what they are attracted to. protip: we don't care if you're a phd.
t. have rejected phd girls who wanted to be my gf but weren't cute enough like my local supermarket cashier

>> No.26154115

>is it normal that i don't find any guys attractive anymore because i need a man more successful than me?

Yes, that's normal female psychology. Enjoy your childless, wine and cat filled future.

>> No.26154124

this is a thread for /r9k/or /soc/ not /biz/

>> No.26154149
File: 632 KB, 3024x2401, original_270739863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CLF is the answer

>> No.26154187

Software engineer here wagecucking as a neet because fuck coding for someone else, bought link in 2017/2018, 105k stack so 2.3mm$.
You'll always be a whore OP, it's not an insult I have nothing against whores, but any man who's more successful than you (like me and my chad colonel stack) will never settle for a non virgin woman.
I'm just being honest here, sure you might get a cuck here and there who have lots of linkies and make lots of money, but you'll always wonder why they're with you if they have all that money knowing you fucked at least 10 other guys and swallowed their cum.
I know this is a bullrun and the board is full of newfags from *eddit, but this is the objective truth: any man who's not disgusted knowing their gf took dicks before is a cuck.

>> No.26154210

what site is this?

>> No.26154242

You have to go back to /r9k or something

>> No.26154266

>is it normal that i don't find any guys attractive anymore because i need a man more successful than me?
yes women primarily seek status and power in potential partners

>> No.26154293

We are currently on Reddit.

>> No.26154310

is it normal that I read this and literally don't give a shit

>> No.26154319

is a big peepee enough?
i'm white

>> No.26154361

my girlfriend is rich and she has more money than me, what do? I don't like this situation at all.

>> No.26154374

Post tits or gtfo. If you want your girl privilege you know what to do otherwise you can literally kill yourself by fucking your ass with a dildo too hard and rupturing your intestines and I fucking hope you do. You are nothing but a set of glorified jerkoff holes and you will never even realize why no respectable man actually wants anything to do with you.

>> No.26154396

I make around 200k a year as well, and constantly growing through a strong mindset to find more opportunities. I also have a folio of $50k in a bunch of low cap crypto projects I think have amazing & adoptable tech which could yield some amazing gains in 2-3 years. Perhaps we will cross paths one day, and I will have the opportunity to dog the shit out of you in bed & steal your heart.

>> No.26154429

can anyone answer this, instead of falling for the shit-tier bait?

>> No.26154439

OP is clearly a tranny:
>is a code monkey
>bought crypto of any kind (women do not invest their money in anyway unless a male tells them to because their brains lack the ability of foresight)

>> No.26154462

Prepare for her to bring up the possibility of bringing other men into the bedroom.