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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2612697 No.2612697 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>8/10 gf, we're both drug addicts
>scheme to post her shit on craigslist for escort service
>meet people, get cash, use predetermined route/roads and peel the fuck out of the location

We've done this nine times successfully in june, all in different parts of the state, and all for no less than $2-300 each time. We cover the plate and give all false info behorehand, including using a burner phone and making false promises of perverted shit (hence the absurd rates). She'll even send em nudes to entice them. We're careful not to use her entire face, and the key is to use many, many different sites and subsections of sites so that you do not get red-flagged by online communities who will inevitably report you.

Now that we have gotten away with this so much, and because of the circles we hang out in, I've recruited more girls (five right now, none less than a 6/10 and all with petite builds). We bought burner phones, have added two more vehicles to the fleet, and with new girls comes new tactics and higher prices, new clients and locations, etc.

If everything goes we will make around $15,000 cash ($9,000 after the split). If this shit keeps up and we don't degen the funds away on more drugs, I'm thinking this could be a multi-state operation.

That's my business, thoughts? Somewhere down the line I might consider turning the other girls legit (not my gf) and hike prices even more, maybe offer clients drugs, etc. Am I /biz certified?/

have you guys done shit like this? entrepreneurial criminal enterprise general

>> No.2612717

Underage b&

This is some dumb shit only high schoolers think about it.

>> No.2612719

sooner or later you will be caught by the police and go to jail or caught by a client and be stabbed
good luck in the meantime

>> No.2612722

this will not end well

>> No.2612725
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>> No.2612732
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>sell prostitution to the wrong nigger / white-nigger / taco-nigger and fail to deliver
>they shoot both of you dead
>risk your lives for $15k
>risk a prison sentence for $15k

Yeah, sounds like a great idea.

>> No.2612740

>drug addict

yeah maybe in the swamps of missouri

>> No.2612749


Someone gonna snitch you eventually. Personally it was my closest girl at the time, as she was trying to get out of possession. Cut a deal that landed her 6 months, but I got 3 years. As it's seen by the law as operating a prostitution ring. If I were you, I'd be considering other ventures here soon.

>> No.2612764

Post nudes or fuck off, loser.

>> No.2612778

I think you've been playing a bit too much GTA5, OP

>> No.2612780

Someone is going to set you up and fucking kill you. Retarded.

>> No.2612805

>implying op has a gf
>implying op has the balls to do this
>falling for bait

fake and gay

summerfag: the post

>> No.2612820
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>> No.2612855


>> No.2612868

You can just sell drugs and make easier money without that much bullshit logistics.

>> No.2612869


>> No.2612887


delet this

>> No.2612913

WTF is this. Post your fucking gf

>> No.2612947

dubs and i post gf nudes

>> No.2612959


>> No.2612978

this. unless you stick to middle aged white men only - youre gunna piss of the wrong psychopath eventually

>> No.2613011

fuck off nigger she's probably 3/10 max

>> No.2613013

OK then

>> No.2613024
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OP I tried for a full day to scam people online using nudes I bought off a girl on kik, still haven't made my money back, but the interest I received while posting as a chick on chatrooms was absurd.
There is an unending market for thirsty as fuck dudes, but I don't know if it's accessible unless you actually have some goods to offer.

>> No.2613036

>She'll even send em nudes to entice them. We're careful not to use her entire face, and the key is to use many, many different sites and subsections of sites so that you do not get red-flagged by online communities who will inevitably report you.
That's called bait and switch. But I guess you don't care about morals since you're a drug addict and justify it by saying "they're a perv so anything goes!" Also, if your girl is a drug addict, I highly doubt she's an 8/10.

>> No.2613039

i made loads of money from e-whoring, it's easy shit you just find your own method if you do the standard chatroom shit you aren't going anywhere cos people have wisened up

>> No.2613044

I forgot to copy/paste the part about promising them disgusting pervy shit, which is the bait and switch part I was referring to, not the sending of nudes.

>> No.2613049

this is a legit scheme
i ended up stumbling into a similar thing when i was living in orlando florida
it's incredibly easy to rip off betas because it's an illegal transaction and the retard isn't likely to call the cops and tell them he paid a hooker for illegal service and she didn't put out
and this is an insanely embarrassing position to be in as the mark

>> No.2613056


What's your technique? Do you have bots running scripts?

Also, I ran into the problem of guilt, like these are average horny dudes, like myself, what right do I have to fuck them out of ten bucks. Probably why I'm not making any money, I'm not ruthless enough.

>> No.2613064

lol at losers who live like this and think they're cool

>> No.2613067

Skank me up

>> No.2613069

well there you go problem one is the guilt everyone faces, you have to ignore it and also not be scared about convincing them you're a real girl which takes practice and a loss of dignity. there are plenty of new methods using snapchat etc. that people don't know about... if someone snapchatted me I'd never assume they were fake but as i said you either need to find them, develop them or pay for the methods yourself or they get saturated with ewhorers

>> No.2613089


deliver OP

>> No.2613095

It's not dumb for a drug addict

>> No.2613097


>> No.2613103
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>be me
>full time correctional officer
>part time crypto-slinging autist
>see op's post

I bet you'll look great in stripes, tbqhwyfam

>> No.2613117

taking money from degenerates?

I'm in

>> No.2613150

implying op isn't more of a degenerate for being a drug addict and peddling out his diseased thot gf's flappy stinky vagina.

>> No.2613175

This is not a new or uncommon scheme. My friend's mentally retarded little brother got fucked (and not the way he was paying for) by somebody pulling this.

DESU, if you're desperate enough to hire a hooker and not smart enough to know how not to get robbed, you deserve it.

That being sad, I guarantee OP is going to get shot or caught by an undercover cop by the end of the summer.

>> No.2613207

>be me
>whores are legal in my country
>but you can still go online to craiglist or backpage
>get less legit/ not with a company/ independent whores
>look for the ones that say cash only
>find hot one
>go get a bj and pay her
>in her place do some recon
>figure out how much she works, when she finishes, how she travells
>come back a few days later, when shes about to leave
>just walk to her or into her place and take most of the cash
>make anywhere between 1000-6000
>repeat like 3 times

Honestly it feels good man. I used the have a guilt thing. But after you have this whore pay for sucking dick its like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ you realise that theyre human garbage.

There was this one ameircan girl that was fucking trash at sucking dick, she didnt even swallow and i paid like $400. She tried to run and it was the best thing. Have you ever ankle tapped a girl, they fall like idiots, like just on their face. Good times.

>> No.2613228

>DESU, if you're desperate enough to hire a hooker and not smart enough to know how not to get robbed, you deserve it.
the predicate is the key part of the sentence. maybe I'm a degenerate but I have no issue with prostitution provided it's not underage girls. I've fucked at least 25 "escorts" in the past 3 years and I can totally see how easy it can be to get fucked over and robbed mercilessly. I have been screwed, pun not intended, at least twice, and had other times where girls acted retarded like I was just paying for a blowjob when I asked if it was full service in the first place. It's not all about desperation either. I'd done it when I had multiple free fwbs I could see (I have no reason to lie to you anons), but there is an element of excitement and sexual arousal in the adventure/seediness of it... if that makes sense.
Alright now go ahead and berate me.

>> No.2613230

>absurd rate

That's only absurd if your girlfriend is a hamplanet.

>> No.2613305

>I had multiple free fwbs I could see (I have no reason to lie to you anons), but there is an element of excitement and sexual arousal in the adventure/seediness

Wow thats like the reverse of "the chase". Back in the day for me the whole part of meeting drunk chicks on the street was the excitement of the chase, actually seeing how everything works out and the chick is willing to fugg / be with me later.

>> No.2613307


Uhh... I'm afraid to ask, but why did she run in the first place?

>> No.2613338

I do love that too anon

t. hopeless sex fiend. at least I'm doing swell with nofap and noporn. Haven't seen an escort/prostitute in a few months. I was actually browsing backpage and craigslist today for the first time in a while and almost got sucked into ruining my noporn/nofap. I realized I could just dump the 100s I would spend on some girl on crypto and be much better off.

>> No.2613374
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>> No.2613456

She though she could get away?

I dunno it was a bit odd that she just legged it as/before i asked for her bag

>> No.2613472
File: 100 KB, 600x351, SkypePhoto_20170518_183104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what in the fuck

>> No.2613588

As a female....I think you're an idiot. The whores are going to cry like church girls when they're cought and the state typically already has programs set up for these girls and they get away with a slap on the wrist maybe a week in jail....however you will be made an example of.....exploiting women for personal gain....even if they begged you to exploit them you're going to pay 1000x higher price for the crime than the girls will. You have the riskiest position here and you're doing an even split with them. I don't think I would do this if I were you. Maybe use your profits now to invest in some bitcoin and detox. You need help and your plan a is not a good plan.

>> No.2613611

How much to fuck your girlfriend in front of you?

>> No.2613676

The fair maiden's right, you know.

>> No.2613683

an even trade of drug

>> No.2613690

You sound like a suburban pimp anon.

>> No.2613696

Would be easier and give you more money if you just pimped camwhores giving them the tools and place to stream dumb negro.

>> No.2613706

as opposed to... a nigger pimp?

>> No.2613708

i dont have any business advice but posting about your interstate human trafficking and prostitution ring on the internet is definitely a stpe in the right direction

>> No.2613793

What is a honeypot

>> No.2614319
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LMAO tru tbqhwy senpai

>> No.2614339

Let me tell you about Ark anon...

>> No.2614370

>just walk to her or into her place and take most of the cash


>just walk into her place

>> No.2614425

OP, what is the specific technique you use for the bait and switch?

I've gotten screwed over twice, one of which I entered the whore's place of residence (NEVER DO THIS. NEVER GO INTO A PRIVATE HOME) and the "folks" got back and kicked me out.

second time I was retarded enough to pay a girl who then decided she needed to check on her kid or something in the place she stayed at (surprise surprise, fake place)

rule of thumb: rent a room yourself and have the girl come to you. that way you can be assured she's alone (as she's the only driver), and you have the key to the room.

>> No.2614446

>not whoring yourself out as a cute trap
Fucking peasants

>> No.2614461

honestly either way it can be sketchy. I called up a girl from backpage to come to my place in an apt complex and it was two trashy girls who arrived, neither of whom was the girl in the pic but I was horny so I let them in. they ask if I wanted both or one, one for 100 both for 200. then we went to my room gave the one girl the money and she looked at her phone's alert, said she had to go back downstairs to give the money to her driver. I had the other girl stay with me, but I mean, if some nigger came in with a gun I would have been completely fucked, or if the other girl started screaming saying she had to leave and would yell RAPE if I didn't let her go. the other girl ended up coming back and they gave me a topless handjob for like 15 minutes. so I still got ripped off bad by two trashy thots but I should have said no right away when I saw that they bait and switched me. I ended up having one of the girls come by again another time when she tried to bait and switch again but I just told her to leave because I didn't want a fucking handjob for $100.

>> No.2614480

>rule of thumb: rent a room yourself and have the girl come to you. that way you can be assured she's alone (as she's the only driver), and you have the key to the room.
that's not always nor usually the case, at least in cities. most girls, independent or not, have drivers who wait for them for security reasons.

>> No.2614495

ewww get off my board criminal

>> No.2614497

Post nudes with a btc address

>> No.2614508

Sounds like a miserable fucking life. Go to rehab. Get a job.

>> No.2614516
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didn't know we had africans in this bitch

>> No.2614519

I would tell you to kill yourself but you're already doing it

>> No.2614621

Wat country still uses striped robes for inmates? Disney kingdom?