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File: 25 KB, 322x561, Screenshot_20210116-201219_Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26129965 No.26129965 [Reply] [Original]

Are these three required to make it? It seems the only ones that haven't mooned significantly yet.

>> No.26130018

idk about the first two but bond yeah

i haven't been holding for too long and it's 2x'd for me already. it hasn't even pumped yet, very happy with this. outperforming shitcoins btc and eth

>> No.26130082

skip on JRT, overhyped

>> No.26130162

Out of comfy holds I have both
Lcx and bond
Is there anymore comfy ones like this?

>> No.26130219

My other holds


>> No.26130300

I hold 13k link btw, just trying to get best risk/reward under 15m mcap.

>> No.26130359
File: 243 KB, 473x485, 1610850471914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna lie my lcx bags are starting to feel pretty heavy. Every twitter post involving lcx has been nothing but empty words. Also Monty gives me conman vibes

>> No.26130450

Problem with Monty is that he will do what he says
Just at his own time
He says lcx is well funded so no need to worry but what that really means is he’s really well funded so he doesn’t feel the need to rush something to make him wealthy. I rather a conman do this so he can shoot us to the moon so we can sell and dump.
Monty is going to take his time with this at a penny

>> No.26130600

I agree, any man that can force cz into a partnership and them give him the boot for licensing reasons is good imo. The pajeet hiring and price action puts me off, but there's always something right?. Stick to visualizing the bigger picture, for those who know.

>> No.26130718

Where do I buy these?

>> No.26131340

Uniswap or 1inch, depending on how much.

>> No.26131433

yay bond go poompa

>> No.26131442

only 100k BOND here.

What's the make it stack?

>> No.26131453

Check out HOT and AKRO. they are about to take the fuck off. you have been warned.

>> No.26131468


>> No.26131514


>> No.26131684

You got the wrong BOND. The real BOND is currently sitting at $27

>> No.26131709

that is called BARN

>> No.26132297

Tyler please...just drop it. It's sad at this point. You can still buy in.

>> No.26133159

Nobody cares about Barn, faggot