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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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26124462 No.26124462 [Reply] [Original]

>Every shitcoin is mooning
>Peak euphoria in the catalog
>BTC crabbing up and down as it does every time before a crash
>USD starting to pump after 2 year low
>YouTubers split between announcing exit plans and proclaiming another 10x
Yes, I'm thinking this is Bobo Cyborg month and we're in for the big -85%.

>> No.26124498

I sure hope so. Shorted 3 days ago and almost losing patience here

>> No.26124543
File: 2.48 MB, 480x360, Soyfu.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every coin crashes except XLM

>> No.26124854

Sorry Bobo, you had your time.

>> No.26124921

>stock market about to take a shit
>NEETs getting billions in bidenbux

Nah, we're not done yet.

>> No.26125000

It's only done a 2x from its ATH. Last bull cycle it did a 20x. Sorry bobo but you had 2-3 years.

>> No.26125452

>What is market cap

>> No.26125554

I was talking about market cap

>> No.26125668

btc will do 10 trillion now just to please you

>> No.26125757
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Can you at least wait till ETH finally decides to pump Mr. Bobo? Just a little longer...

>> No.26125878

Bitcoin's current MC is about equal to Tesla, and only 7% of that of gold. Not only will it reach parity with gold, but it will eventually surpass it. The only question is when.

>> No.26125929

>>Peak euphoria in the catalog

>> No.26125993

fucking hilarious

>> No.26126032

bought ADA with all my ETH a week ago because I was tired of this shitcoin crabbing

>> No.26126091


>> No.26126445

I'm a permabull and I feel you are right. I have a bunch of cash locked and loaded.

>> No.26126586

Same; Fuck this clown market. Corona third wave, everything closed and going under in Europe, USA is a total shitshow too. But somehow magical internet coins with no users and no real product with billions on market cap. Time to bring this whole house of cards down.

>> No.26126666
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>>BTC crabbing up and down as it does every time before a crash

Bitcoin never does that, in fact usually after it crabs it pumps up. If it crashes it's violent and immediate.

>Peak euphoria in the catalog
the catalog is mostly filled with bobos like you coping.

>> No.26126700

Bears haven't yet capitulated, so you know it's going to keep pumping.

>> No.26126740

Based digits of truth
We live to bull another day bobo eternally BTFO'd

>> No.26126939

Wrong. Its gonna be March.

>> No.26126969

>>stock market about to take a shit

>> No.26126991

85 percent dump has literally never happened in a bull market. And a bull market has literally never been as short as you think this one is. Die bobo

>> No.26127360

thanks for checking, them, I didn't even notice.

Bobos will ignore these digits as it would ruin their hopes of cheap bitcoins.

>> No.26127660

If btc doesn't 20x then all these retards schizoposting that "the crash is coming in two weeks" are just retards because this cycle is by definition not comparable to the previous one (or to the all the other ones before it) if the ath doesn't go 10-20x times the previous ath.

>> No.26128398
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BTC will go to 30 trillion because the market will dictate that it does. Eventually

>> No.26128454

Bad economic policy by the US government.

>> No.26128603

OP, notice the narrative already shifted to pink threads to change sentiment before retail can think for themselves or react.

>> No.26128678
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>> No.26128706
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It's pretty simple. The more money they print, the more assets (including crypto) will rise in price. Bet against the dollar and you can't lose


>> No.26128773

Imagine looking at the DXY, zooming out, and thinking to yourself that it’s pumping
Bobo posters are truly a special breed of moron

>> No.26128842
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No, the only question is will this cycle last until the end of 2021 or the end of 2022?

>> No.26128874

>The Raid: Autism

>> No.26128967

Alt season just starting Bobo friend. Go into hibernation for a while, K?

I promise we'll be ready for red by the time you wake up in December :)

>> No.26129320

I hope so, I just cashed out. It's not profit until you sell. I saw this back in 17, people holding on and saying, "i'll sell on the next bounce"..... that bounce took 3 years

>> No.26129407

What makes you feel like it's going down anytime soon?

>> No.26129457

Literally just follow this indicator:


It's right more often than not

>> No.26129540

>When Investors are getting too greedy, that means the market is due for a correction.

That site says: sell sell sell

>> No.26129582
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70% over 2 months ago
>it's not even mooned yet!


>> No.26129622

Yeah. That's why I sold a couple of hours ago. Might be a couple of days too early, though.

>> No.26129682

wtf do you trade, gold? Are you new have you never traded crypto?

>> No.26129767

me too

>> No.26129781

According to this website, we're at the same level we were back in August/September. Imagine selling last summer thinking you were outsmarting the market

>> No.26129887

you spelled XRM wrong fren

>> No.26129902

Its only 6months post halving and u niggers are already selling the bear trap
We got at least until this summer for growth, alt coin season is happening now and whales are acoomelating, look into the btc dominance chart a bit

>> No.26129938

Imagine thinking I'm trying to outsmart the market. I took profits. This shit is unpredictable and borderline gambling.

>> No.26129992
File: 247 KB, 1408x661, bitcoinparabolic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think buying Bitcoin is like gambling then you don't understand what it is or why you should be buying it.

>> No.26130014 [DELETED] 

Sure buddy
And link will go to 1000 too LMAO

>> No.26130058

Nah not yet. Maybe slight crash on inauguration but stimulus is coming which means another pump.

>> No.26130191

kek, this shit has been saying sell sell sell since mid august

>> No.26130299

whats the best alternative stable? never liked tether

>> No.26130349

Look at the surrounding macro enviroment you dumb shit, there is legit fud everywhere, both corona and political and economic instability. This bubble is built on a house of tether issued cards.

>> No.26130480

In the US is converting one shitcoin to another a taxable event?

>> No.26130643
