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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26121228 No.26121228 [Reply] [Original]

How do people from poorer countries here deal with the fact that this board is majority Americans and as such they measure wealth by their standards?

It's so tiring having your stack compared to a poor student's or a McDonald's worker.

I live in Poland. I worked as a Big 4 analyst and we earned $12k/year net. The equivalent position in America pays 10 times that.
And people in countries like Russia or Brazil are even poorer.
Think of that before you mock my 5 figure portfolio you fucking nigger.

>> No.26121289
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Once I cash out I will move to one of these poorer countries

>> No.26121293

based. godspeed my europoor bro.

>> No.26121330

By making erc-20 Uniswap token scams and posting pepes about what a great project is and then rugpulling Ethereum from you stupid fat fucks and then shitting in the street outside my mudhut mansion.

>> No.26121359

>I worked as a Big 4 analyst
Big 4 what? Analyzing biggest vodka distribution in your postmodern Soviet slum?

>> No.26121451

kek. trust me bro, you're better off in Poland. living in burgistan is pretty volatile at the moment.

>> No.26121541

At PwC
I know, I also need much less to make it.

>> No.26121566
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>> No.26121603

Ditto, but my plan is to help the local community with my gains. I feel like if I'm taking advantage of their economy I should at least give some back.

>> No.26121615

Don't read this board if it affects you this much then? I have a 6 figure portfolio btw

>> No.26121890
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Hey pole friend
My fiancee works for KPMG as an auditor and only makes upper 50k. We live in the states.

You're getting assraped working for that cartel. She is too but she's getting ready to leave after working there a couple years/making senior status. Anyway good luck in life but holy fuck please leave

>> No.26121898


>> No.26121940

>not having to deal with niggers on a daily basis
haha get rekt Polan

>> No.26121955

Nice larp incel go back to homework now

>> No.26121985
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>> No.26122005

> I worked as a Big 4 analyst and we earned $12k/year net
uh, you were getting ripped off man

>> No.26122055

I work elsewhere now, work from until summer and total chill for the same pay (compared to the hell and wageslavery at PwC). It's pretty great, moving was definitely a good decision.

>> No.26122070
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Projection? Kek

>> No.26122082

>I live in Poland
no crypto<>crypto tax, absolutely based!

>> No.26122161

No, such are the wages here. It would be slightly more ($15k) in the capital.

>> No.26122164

Dilate tranny you know i'm right

>> No.26122210

Yeah it's good, I can trade and cash out to stablecoins without paying tax

>> No.26122230

well, with 1k a month you made 5 figure portfolio. ain't bad.

>> No.26122240

Quick google search says the average income in Poland is just under $20k. Who's lying?

>> No.26122260

Work from home until summer *

>> No.26122313

This is a nordic board.
90% Norwegian, Binnish, Swedish and Dane posters.

>> No.26122314

>Once I cash out I will move to one of these poorer countries
I'm already in one of those poor countries :(

>> No.26122319

ruh roh

>> No.26122322


Poland is going to be invaded by Russia in 10 years, or nuked.

>> No.26122606

I'm talking net wages. They probably list gross.

>> No.26122693

I'm Swiss. I can earn more from unemployment than most Americans can from a job.

There's always a richer fish.

>> No.26123330

>Yeah it's good, I can trade and cash out to stablecoins without paying tax
do you know how many people dream of that?
you have complete freedom, don't fuck it up this season
reported to interpol

>> No.26123390

Actually it's pretty funny to see them grasp to gain 9 figures to get exactly what i get with 4

>> No.26123529

what's cost of living

>> No.26123567
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>> No.26123720

America has niggers and Poland doesn't. I think that's a fair trade off

>> No.26123926
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, 1610245360910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Think of that before you mock my 5 figure portfolio you fucking nigger.
Cope you fucking poorfag. Americans run this planet. The entire planet exists to satisfy our desires for burgers and cheap furniture.

>> No.26123975

Our countries are cheaper. The price of rent for one month in San Francisco can cover up to one year anywhere else.
Also, burguers pay more taxes than anyone else. They are even taxed on crypto to crypto trading, which is insane.

And even with all that, they want a wall so that nobody can escape from the US.