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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 283 KB, 1896x951, ANS Antshares.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2609383 No.2609383 [Reply] [Original]

Beijing, we have a liftoff

>> No.2609423

do you trust chinese wallet?
want to get some ant/neo - COINS but not sure if i should trust their wallet

>> No.2609424
File: 62 KB, 589x359, IMG_8692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAGS to riches brother soon

>> No.2609430
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>> No.2609444

needs volume

>> No.2609449

Sell walls are back, its over guy, sell sell sell

>> No.2609458

>410k bags

I hope so bud, I hope so

>> No.2609459

don't move anything to gooks sites for now.
look at this shit https://imgur.com/FQnsVH7
a fucking chinese captcha?

>> No.2609527

hahah thats nice.
i was speaking about PC or Web Wallet though

>> No.2609535
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Houston, we have a problem

>> No.2609545

keep it on bittrex for now

>> No.2609566

How do i activate the black theme you have ?

>> No.2609591
File: 70 KB, 1277x365, orderbook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i the only one who only watches pic related instead of chart?

>> No.2609605

No we don't. The boiling dog has landed. It may go under 200 but it will be a last meal for whales. I's all up from here. Weeks? Weeks. I don't care anymore because it's clear now.

i have a golden dog account.

>> No.2609623

Web wallet is shitty. I tried restoring it and it didn't work. I didn't have any money in it so it didn't matter. I've seen a few people recommend the Windows wallet, should work fine. You can claim ANC. No reason not to unless the 1 ANS withdrawal fee is a lot for you. I don't have Windows so haven't used it.

>> No.2609634

Everyone watches the order book, but the graph helps with visualization.

>> No.2609646

i used linux on my trading pc

>> No.2609690
File: 237 KB, 1898x960, -0-00239198- BTC-ANS Antshares.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to peak at the full book from time to time

>> No.2609699

>tfw bought in at $7 and $6

>> No.2609721

It'll probably go down again, you'll get your chance to buy sub $6

>> No.2609757

Is there a fee for putting the coins back on Bittrex?

>> No.2609785


No but make sure to transfer a round number.

>> No.2609788

I'm up 50 ANS on my stack with this little fluctuation.
Thanks whales!

>> No.2609799

I did the same. But I'm selling it at a fair price. Take a good look at that pic.

>> No.2609825

could be worse bruder enjoy the ride

>> No.2609832

Bittrex is the cheapest exchange, we will could see a rise before the big dip.

>> No.2609879

The fee is 1 ANS. And yes, make it a whole number

>> No.2609924


>> No.2609993

Bought in for first time at $5.43 gimme the gains plz

>> No.2610008
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>> No.2610091


are you using a plugin to get this color scheme? much easier on my eyes than default.

>> No.2610160

Guys sell now, there is very little support down to 210k
When it hits that wall, buy back in.

>> No.2610234


>> No.2610235

If you dont know how to make money in a market downturn, you have no place trading.

>> No.2610256

I've never touched a crypto before, how do I sink my last paycheck on these ant thingys and double my money

>> No.2610269

Buy the highs, sell the lows.
Usual beginner stuff, you'll soon learn by your mistakes.

>> No.2610279

Ants will never die.

Or was that cockroaches?

Maybe they should've named the coin COCK

>> No.2610291

you need to leave

>> No.2610304


it's going to $2,

>> No.2610314

Sorry, is this your place?

>> No.2610334

Fingers crossed!

>> No.2610352

If it does that I will buy so fucking much

>> No.2610391


>> No.2610464

when is this supposed to turn into neo again?

>> No.2610812

That is a damn nice pic OP.

>> No.2610884
File: 67 KB, 1280x720, 1498118640448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This coin is a long term hodl but those whale walls are driving me insane.

>> No.2610940
File: 211 KB, 1600x1782, antshares 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

volume has risen a huge amount past hours for the first time in at least a week. I've been keeping track.

>> No.2611063

Thanks anon, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I've kinda lost track myself.

>> No.2611166
File: 739 KB, 3264x1836, ansvswojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone want to spend some crypto on this commemorative statue showing the life and death struggle of wojack vs the ants we love and hate so dearly? it's very rare, name your price.

>> No.2611210
File: 713 KB, 3264x1836, ansvswojack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2611294

Anyone in this thread who is heavily invested right now at any price is going to be very happy in the coming years if you just hold and don't give in to the whales. Ignore the fud and NEO will make you very rich. Ignore the drops and spikes and just keep accumulating at all the lows in the coming months. I invested in STRAT from the get go and ETH when it was under $6. Made my gains and moved on, got in on ANS when it was 0.0013 and this will be a top performer sooner then you think.

If you guys are true believers start accumulating as soon as possible.

>> No.2611311


this shiz right here

>> No.2611353

Trying to buy more, but can't because coinbase is a bunch of faggots. I had a 5k weekly buy limit on bank account, then all of a sudden they want to verify my ID again, and when I do they drop down my fucking limit to 2500 and cancel any purchase over 1000 because "fraud".

Can't use Gemini because I'm in Alaska. Fuck my life.

>> No.2611377

this guy gets it

>> No.2611405


I hope so. I'm really banking on this being the Chinese backed version of ethereum at this point. Meaning the price can easily mirror what ethereum went up to at its peak plus more since China is more into crypto.

>> No.2611640

how can you guys be so confident? I bought in at $10 and its dropped to half of that, why would it moon again? is something big going to change soon other than the name? I have some bitcoin spared should I invest in ANS or is this the falling knife I keep hearing about.

>> No.2611673

some people actually research the fundamentals of the coins they buy. these ants / neo are going to the moon. whales are currently working overtime to accumulate as much of it as they can. price is just dying to break out.

yes, you should buy more while it is this low.

>> No.2611684

Im sick of holding these bags....this coin is starting to give me ripple/dgb vibes.

>> No.2611722

Is it a strong possibility of it happening? I've already put 25% of my portfolio into it

>> No.2611777

I'm 90% in
Who knows my dude, get rich or die trying

>> No.2611867

that's because you're stupid. literally no comparison between ANS / NEO and those two shit coins.

>> No.2611876

The whale activity should be a good early indicator of its potential. Read the whitepaper and of coarse make your own judgement. Watch the buy and sell orders fluctuate and you will see it is being artificially forced down. It may even hit 0.002 before rising but I personally don't believe this will last for long.

>> No.2611914

Will three more days be too long to wait for the bounceback? Im trying not to get double charged for sending fees from coinbase.

>> No.2612093
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>> No.2612109
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very nice, cheers anon

>> No.2612244

Couldn't tell you. I would say you will be safe for the next few months to buy in if this is a low point. The re-branding should hike it up temporarily in preparation for it and then drop again.

With only 50Mil ANS in circulation now. If this as a gamble pays off and could saturate the Chinese market it could have the potential to outweigh ETH in price.

>> No.2612261
File: 66 KB, 399x382, 1475638148628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2612377

Space shuttle hit the sell wall, abort mission

>> No.2613271

Can anyone remember if bittrex identity verification says in progress or something. I uploaded my document like 2 weeks ago but there's no indication anything is happening

>> No.2613278
File: 486 KB, 614x1042, 1498356332345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this meme is going places

>> No.2613282

I got enhanced within 10 minutes of upload. ymmv

>> No.2613290


The price is being calculated on 100 million coins

>> No.2613299


Ok thanks I guess I'll upload again