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File: 8 KB, 250x250, 1593782253081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26103535 No.26103535 [Reply] [Original]

>lowest amount of trading volume on the USDT pair out of the top 200 shitcoins
>pumps the least
Really makes you think. Who is pumping all those other shitcoins, I wonder?

But seriously, at what stage did you realise that you're going to have to wait until the bear market+next bullrun to make it, fellow pajeet?

>> No.26103555

It’s Jews probs right.

>> No.26103572
File: 12 KB, 354x354, 8mro667g7cp41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he bought

>> No.26103577

People realized that Kleros is a fart coin

>> No.26103612

Pnk is always lagging behind but when it pumps, it pumps twice as hard. Its obvious that smart people keep accooming right now because Proof of Humanity can be revealed any minute now and 27% apy farming which consists of 1M pnk every month to be distributed fairly to staked jurors. Those two news will give it a 50-100% pump

>> No.26103711
File: 12 KB, 213x128, c2367888541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PNK has always been a long term hold, who told you otherwise? Even knowing that it's my only hold and I will keep buying until $5. I'm not even sure I'm ever going to sell since I probably will make so much money from being a juror I don't have to. If I decide to sell, it won't be before 2023.

>> No.26103756

I'm so deep invested in this project that I just can't sell. It's either Lambo or death. My bags contain 350k of these pinkies.

>> No.26104086

>farming meme
I actually think this is a terrible idea and instead of diluting the juror pool will only make it more absurdly imbalanced as whales throw their stacks into the mix. It also reeks of defi scams or pseudo-defi scams like ampleforth or lition. I know there's no lockup period, so it isn't the same, but still.

sirs, this is the only coin that you do not need to sell, I don't know why you're talking about selling. I never brought it up. But at least we're all in this together and will either go down with the ship or make it to Atlantis. Cheers, Clement.

>> No.26104103





>> No.26104226
File: 22 KB, 98x128, kleros meme template.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use wisely sirs

>> No.26104268
File: 775 KB, 906x1146, 1597966157217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a judge judy scamcoin sir PLEASE do NOT buy kleros

>> No.26104276

just like with LINK, playing long term games gives you the long term gains.

dont be a bizlet falling for get rich quick schemes.

>> No.26104284

sir this is false
please retract this statement

>> No.26104301

full pic

>> No.26104321

I agree with you. Wtf. This explains why it's crashing, I never heard this until now.

There are plenty of jurors already why the fuck would you randomly dilute the supply for literally no reason on a tiny coin with no volume.

>> No.26104328

>50-100% pump
if that's all we expect then I'm fucking selling this judge judy bullshit

>> No.26104339

anyone got the meme of the woman asking the man how he got his wealth and he replied back with that he larped as an indian for 3 years on a Laotians fishers-mans board?

>> No.26104358
File: 19 KB, 250x100, all purchases are final sir.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go sir
thank you for your interest in kleros coin

>> No.26104364

sirs.. i am serious

>> No.26104368
File: 533 KB, 932x1000, 1597966266898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got your back Prindheep

Sue me for defamation in Kleros Kourt (tm), sir..

>inflating the supply
They're not actually inflating the supply, they're distributing it to decentralize it. That was PNK they were going to sell onto the market, but since the UNI airdrop they've made so much money they'll never need to sell a single PNK ever again. I'm not memeing. There will never be Sergey-tier dumps. Instead they decided to reward people contributing by being a juror. It's not a bad use of money per se.

>> No.26104396

i am more serious sir
now if you do not refrain from derailing the thread I will be forced to file an injunction in kleros court
good day sir

>> No.26104454
File: 77 KB, 305x305, Sajajalalalawawarlal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will have you know my attorney Rajneesh Pralalabad is the top attorney in Kleros court and is not someone to be trifled with.
I suggest you take this disrespect back to your village where perhaps such behaviors are appreciated

>> No.26104469

The full picture with the OOOOO subtitles. I've been trying every search in the archive, not finding it.

>> No.26104489

you speak of nonsense sir
we have no idea what you refer to

>> No.26104498
File: 32 KB, 250x250, 1598830288174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one? I don't think there ever were OOOOOO subtitles. There might be in the one with judge judy and the green arrows?

>> No.26104503

sir.. I have a rightful claim to the picture, now hand it over or I WILL be forced to file a case.

>> No.26104535
File: 629 KB, 923x638, 1579617351145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one I found on youtube but it's not the exact right moment.

>> No.26104558
File: 15 KB, 271x186, 1590384726375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, you mean this one? I always thought that was a number of dollars. 1PNK = 1000000000 or something. Good eyes, anon. Now do the needful.

>> No.26104596

in case it was not obvious to you this thread is for a BRAHMINS and KSHATRIYAS only thread.

VAISHYAS and below are not permitted to post here. kindly know your place sir

>> No.26104615

Who knows. That leave more time to accumulate, right?
It's all about the exchanges, the team do t want to pay fees so kleros first need to become big for the exchanges to list it for free

>> No.26104635

I sold a few weeks ago and for once I didn’t sell the bottom. Pnk is not one of the chosen ones for this bullrun. It was a fluke that pumped during DeFi, no new money will come in.

>> No.26104652
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>> No.26104657

>t. filthy dalit investor

>> No.26104685
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>> No.26104746

I think we're in for a market crash to shake out the dumb money that has steamrolled into crypto recently, and I think we'll see BTC back to being 10k and ETH the $250 stablecoin it is meant to be. But PNK is worth much, much more than the paltry 60m it's being given away for.
>aave integration
>maker/dai integration
>proof of humanity
>ubi token news
>small integrations like insurance and api3
>no more token dumps
everything seems so bullish, even if the market falls apart around us I think PNK will do extremely well in a bear market.

>> No.26104803
File: 191 KB, 900x905, 1610816979318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i do feel bad for abandoning my pnk pals but the profits ive made on other coins are nice

>> No.26104944

Since I bought 100k pinakions my dick doubled in size.
Yes doubled.
And I fucked twin sisters.
If this is not a sign then I don't know what is.
I can also solve Rubik's cubes with my hands tied and my bonnet over my eyes. I can eat with my ass and I can jump while walking on my hands.
I have so much stamina I feel like I'm on coke, adderall, methylphenidate, ephedrine and mdma at the same time. My father fucking told me he loved me.
Guys if you don't buy it won't happen.
Fuck I even have a clean butthole every time I poop. God fuck yeah!

>> No.26104984

Lold irl fuck you anon lmao

>> No.26105119
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>> No.26105310

Tf is farming

>> No.26105334
File: 106 KB, 1018x568, pnktech&talk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26105843

I'm even the right color you see?
Now I can see through clothes, not that I need to anymore as random girls seem to wait at my door to ask if they can take a shower at my place.
Oh I didn't tell you but I seem to be peeing chloroauric acid, so now I pee in Bleach buckets. But my dick is now made out of diamond, even if it somehow became more sensitive.
I have a thin third leg that developed out of my scrotum, so now I can sit anywhere.
But I don't sit because I'm fucking full of so much energy, I don't even need to sleep anymore!
I don't need to cook anymore, a box appeared in my kitchen and I just speak out: "two honey weed stick and a pizza" and it is in the freaking box. One time I asked for a blowjob, and when I opened the box there was a severed head and a condom inside. Won't do it again though, it was slightly dry.
I got a car now, not that I bought one but a guy just appeared and gave his venom to me when I walked out of my mansion. Oh yeah my mansion, not my fault but when I bought my pnk my computer fell on the ground, made a hole and it seems like a druglord had built a secret Batcave shit under my studio's living room, dunno don't ask, but that's how I call it now.
I cannot fucking understand how my life became this awesome the moment I bought in. I guess it is one of those things, you know like you buy waters and it turns out to be vodka? This kind of shit is just my life now.

>> No.26105915

based kangaroo

>> No.26105960


>> No.26105980

Its a fucking shit coin mate its never going to work just get out. I dont know what idea you've got in your head about it having utility, but there just is none. Its trash for pajeets by pajeets so sell it and stop fucking whining. Its good only for the memes. That is it.

>> No.26106165

we are not all from india sir

>> No.26106365

Need this shit to dump so i can buy more

>> No.26106389

mate sir you must checking yourself before you wrecking yourself, yes?