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26058930 No.26058930 [Reply] [Original]

Heise.de told me, that Radix is the next big thing, after Ethereum.

I wonder what the Avax, Fantom and Cardano cult members are thinking about it.

>> No.26058978

You should always invest in the team, anon.
The AVAX team is one of the best in crypto. Place your bets accordingly.

>> No.26059065

Can’t believe there still seems to be non-believers lol

>> No.26059112

Radix is literally the future of the whole sector

>> No.26059188

Polkadot has pure composability when SPREE is implemented.

>> No.26059248

Wtf is Heise.de? They sure seem to be crypto experts kek.
>go to heise.de
>search for 'radix'
>0 results

>> No.26059273

It isn't even sold on coinbase.
What a joke

>> No.26059300

I once saw the Avax founder polishing his nob in his car parked outside the local school.

>> No.26059787

Whales have executed swaps for eXRD worth 500k dollars these days. What do they know that the rest of the crypto space doesn't?

>> No.26059819

pajeets getting paid to spam this useless shit again?

fuck off Rakesh

>> No.26060198

It's not atomic composability, they still take multiple blocks to slowly process cross parachain transactions
You need to look harder than that here's a clue ETH, look very carefully, there are so many little clues that radix is about to blow up I warned some of you before about these clues and nobody listened

>> No.26060561

Actually it was Dollar Bill from Billions who said this first. Don't trust Haiste.de, trust Dollar Bill.

>> No.26060693

team looks weak, tokenomics are shit

>> No.26060874

lmao. The team is probably top 5 in crypto. As far as the devs is concerned, even higher, because of Dan.

>> No.26061364

>He doesn't know Dan Hughes is180IQ
>He doesn't know Dan Hughes can give Vitalik a run for his money on intelligence
>He doesnt realise WW market bought over 2m Radix and donate 200eth to marketing
You're ngmi

>> No.26061486

one of the most professional crypto teams out there. and not only the tech side.

>> No.26061563

I'm interested in the VCs. Didn't guys from Transferwise also invest heavily into Radix?

>> No.26061689

Yeah the founder of transferwise invested. You do the math if transferwise will run on Radix in the near future

>> No.26062147

Someone in here smart enough to explain pic related? I get composability is what makes the current DeFi ecosystem on ETH so great and valueable but why is Radix supposed to be the only up-and-coming platform that beats all others in that regard?

>> No.26062198

Bitcoin-Millionär gib a Ruh!
Auch: heise.de

>> No.26062848

I wouldn't be surprised if other providers started switching too.

>> No.26063473

Is it too early to shill this project on Biz?

>> No.26064117

Because all others have slow and expensive cross-shard transactions. If you don't have fast cross-shard transactions, you are forced to deploy all interacting dapps in one shard and this means no scaling for them (that's the approach e.g. polkadot and ETH2 want to take). Besides that, if that wouldn't be enough the competitors cross-shard transactions also break atomic composability (multiple dapps can interact in one transaction in one "block" and all fail or succeed together).
Polkadot, ETH2 and Elrond for example are using a metachain for cross-shard transactions, which is slow, expensive and breaks atomic composability. This is a huge bottleneck and therefore not a scalable solution.

That's the reason that right now only Radix is able to overcome Ethereum's network effect, because it is better in every aspect compared to ETH 1. ETH 1 has atomic composability (because no sharding and single blockchain) and that's why no other project replaced Ethereum yet, because this would break e.g. the Ethereum DeFi ecosystem.

I really can recommend you to research Radix before it is in the Top10 (you will have to pay a premium then, your choice )

>> No.26064137

Should i hold both Avax and Radix?

>> No.26064198

Avalanche doesn't scale because they don't break atomic composability across shards (they admitted that they are not able to do that).

Therefore better to only invest in Radix (Avalanche doesn't scale and has no future, it will never replace Ethereum)

>> No.26064257

Sorry can't edit. I meant that, avalanche doesn't have atomic composability cross-shards.

>> No.26064778

how many do I need? I knew about this 2 years ago and it seemed promising back then

>> No.26064924

radix = centralized. 100 validators only. you dont need a blockchain for tha. nobody cares

>> No.26065052

The subset of validators can be way larger than 100 (and will be) without any issues at all

>> No.26065138

You're delusional.
But here, I'll help you make up your mind and see that this is actually the only one that has solved the trilemma. Go read this

>> No.26065338

Radix is not centralised, Radix has 100 validators per shard and not for the whole network and the amount of shards is nearly unlimited 2^256.
The 100 validators are selected randomly from all nodes and therefore it is safe, you can check the Cerberus academic white paper for me details.
This describes the roadmap to RPN-3 with full scalability:
Radix is nothing less than a technical breakthrougth in distributed ledger technology and you can either research now or after it is in the top 10 (but then you pay a premium). That's up to you.
If you are smart research now and buy for cheap, like buying Ethereum for below 1$.
Ethereum pioneered smart contracts and Radix enables them to scale for real world mass adoption. That's a game changer.

>> No.26065426

The more the better
Radix is the only distributed ledger which is able to scale and all other competing projects are not able to scale. Simple but true and scaling is a requirement for further adoption.
Remember the whole crypto space is still very small and early.

>> No.26065487

yes, please stop. dyor and pool for now

>> No.26065569

I'm researching both and trying to decide which one to back. To be honest I've been leaning towards avax, but happy to see a different point of view.

Can you explain more about this? From what I've read avalanche already far surpasses the base requirements for global servicing.

It's proven to be capable of 4,500 tps, given that visa real world usage is half of that it should be more than enough.

The next key thing would be time to finality, which again avalanche is able to reach finality in less than 3 seconds.

Basically is doesn't seem to me like avalanche needs to scale because it should already be more than capable of supporting global usage?

Am I missing something?

>> No.26065776
File: 535 KB, 1076x1178, 20210113_134050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go. From the fucking ceo

>> No.26065825

45000l is still not high enough. Visa is 65000 tps. Radix has been proven through dans flexathon thst cerberus is capable of over a million. Its fucking ground breaking

>> No.26066163

You are missing the point that Avalanche does not support cross-shard composability. You may compare https://getradix.com/pdfs/factsheet_1.pdf and https://www.radixdlt.com/post/breakthrough-in-consensus-theory-scaling-defi-without-breaking-composability/
These 4500 TPS are per shard and also the problem is that they are using a new randomized consensus concept which is mathematically unproven whether it is secure.

Regarding your question whether a few thousand TPS is enough: definitely not for a real world mass adoption of distributed ledger technology. Visa right now is only one company and has transaction peaks of a few 10K-20K TPS (average is around 4K TPS).
And this is only a single company, therefore no having a few thousand TPS is not enough.
This is also a great article regarding future potential of distributed ledgers https://www.radixdlt.com/post/why-true-bitcoiners-should-support-dlt-and-defi/

We will need 1M+ TPS in the future, if the whole world and economy uses it for transfer and processing of value. Sure this takes time, but I am talking about a time span of 5-10 years.
Think years ahead and you will be ahead or without competition.

>> No.26066541

>7 years to create an erc20
>dont even have a mainnet
radix has been debunked already. it's just a sharded bft algorithm and you shills talk like it's a new thing.
avalanche is on a whole new level. 4500 tps is just with a rasperry.

>> No.26066683

Thanks anon, it looks awesome. I'll be looking into radix alot more, I need some 3rd party info because as a rule I treat info docs created by company about their own product with skepticism.

If that they say is true then it certainly puts it ahead of any other project.

The only problem I see is that their mainnet isn't planned until 2022. Which means that the other projects have time to improve /overcome their own flaws.

But more importantly they have a full year to gain traction and solidify a first mover advantage in this scalability war.

>> No.26067106

>token avax shill appears, you cretins are a horrible stain on this board
Good things take time unlike scams, a long R&D process is good thing retard
>just a sharded bft algorithm
Then why is it better than avax in almost every way? Why is it more scalable than avax? Why does avax not have atomic commits across subnets but Radix does across all shards? Why do avax validators need expensive high end hardware but Radix validators don't? Why is avax bottlenecked by latency issues and the primary network?
You stating Radix has been debunked doesn't mean it has. You tried to dismiss Radix with a buzzword categorization of it but didn't provide any valid arguments. You can call Radix what you want but it outperforms avax in nearly every single relevant technical metric.

>> No.26067381

it's not better at all. radix shills have been trying to gain some hype for free on avax. they're panicking because they know real projects are being built and will be built on avax, not on radix. hf launching your mainnet in Q2, after 7 years. it will already be too late. better hop on your next scam now.

>> No.26067467
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Lmao, okay bro. You're delusional.
Give me a FACT that shows avalanche beats radix in any way

>> No.26067497

Do you even know what composability means?
Do you even know anything or are you just a shill?

>> No.26067580

this pic is absolutely ridiculous and have been debunked and mocked already.

>> No.26067626

Ok so you're a shill, 0 actual discussion, 0 knowledge, 0 braincells. Bye

>> No.26067699

Yes it is, I just provided an extensive list of reasons why radix is better than avax and you didn't counter a single one of my points, you just covered your ears like a six year old child and replied with
>No sir avaxing much betters
This is why nobody takes avax shills seriously. You are all a bunch of dimwitted 3rd world bots. Other projects actually try to explain the advantages of their projects. You faggots never make any valid points. Nobody is panicking about your shitcoin.

>> No.26068067

What a surprise.
The avax shill disappears when he's forced to come up with coherent points and evidence, the same story every time. It just shows how fundamentally strong the technology behind radix is when people can't have no legitimate criticism so they have to resort too lies or unfounded claims.

>> No.26068472

get in Radix now before the tsunami

>> No.26068482

Radix is dropping code next week thats gonna make Avax devs hang their heads in shame

>> No.26068515

things about AVAX is that it's crap. You cant hide from the truth anon. Become a genius. Buy Radix.

>> No.26068644

I'm kinda sad to know how Avax is going to implode once the truth comes out about Radix

>> No.26068951

You are welcome, glad to help you out :).

You may take a look here, one is from IvanOnTech's video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NX9pHxtrhTU and from Boxmining https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7pIfyqrvZg

Only thing Ivan is missing is that, yes Radix will be compatible to Ethereum (via easy bridges), but for the long term Radix will overtake Ethereum, because Ethereum is unable to scale. But here I am not talking about next weeks, but next years (think of 2-4 years).

The mainnet RPN-1 (with 200 TPS as lower bound) will launch in Q2 this year (also the developers said that 1000 TPS could be possible for the final RPN-1).
Then in H2 2021 the Radix Engine V2 (smart contract platform) will be launched to build dapps.
In H1 2022 RPN-2 (first scalability upgrade with 2000+ TPS) will launch.
And finally in 2023 the RPN-3 with full infinite linear scalability will launch.

These points are important however:
(1) the competitors will not be able to solve it faster (if ever), because they need to solve the trilemma (which is very hard and was thought of being impossible) and secondly they are restricted by their current base architecture which they can't change anymore. Therefore I think the current layer 1 competitors will not be able to achieve infinite linear scalability with full atomic composability for a long long time (probably never without launching a new network, but then they lose most of their user base)
(2) We will probably never reach the TPS limits while using RPN-1 and RPN-2 until RPN-3, because building dapps and adoption takes time. Ethereum right now runs with 15 TPS with a much larger user base and apps. When we need more TPS to support the growth in users and TPS the network will be ready (first RPN-2 and then finally RPN-3). Even RPN-1 will have 10x the TPS of current Ethereum 1, therefore there will be no problems in the beginning.

That's why I think Radix is such an amazing opportunity.

Nice to talk to you by the way :)

>> No.26069026

Its pointless drawing a comparison.. you spent 7 years and all you have done is failed to release mainnet (and had to change the consensus to use Hotstuff / cerberus) and launched an ERC20 token.
You are a fucking erc20 ffs!!!
Lamix shills will be on suicide watch when there will be atomic composability between subnets.

>> No.26069092

>In H1 2022 RPN-2 (first scalability upgrade with 2000+ TPS) will launch.
h1 2022

>> No.26069282

By the way, I know it nearly sounds to good to be true. I thought the same in the beginning, but the more I researched and compared the competitors (with their failures of scaling) to Radix the more I get convinced by Radix. I didn't find any red flag of Radix - only green flag. It is simply as good as promised.

Therefore the only thing I can recommend to you is: dig as deep as you want until you are convinced that Radix is really that amazing :)

DYOR is always the key, I may add that their Telegram group is very helpful (and full of knowledge).

>> No.26069386

Did you even read or understood what I wrote?? :D

>> No.26069394

Actual quality on 4Chan, thanks anon. Radix looks v interesting

>> No.26069485

Well, Cerberus is the first consensus algorithm which allows to scale a distributed ledger without breaking atomic composability.

Besides that, it is your choice to wait for mainnet release in Q2 2021 and buy XRD with a premium.
It is simply buy eXRD now for cheap or for a premium later on - your choice ;)

I can only give you a hint to research it.

>> No.26069710

zero reading comprehension confirmed do you know what a '+' sign means?
Brainlet confirmed.
Still no actual arguments still haven't debunked any of my points.
You are just screeching vaguely biz sounding phrases and below reddit level insults to try and fit in on this board.
Emin is bullshitting, there will be no atomic combosability across subnets, if there was he would be able to provide a rough explanation of how he intends to do it without giving away the technical details but he can't.. The fundamental architecture of the Avalanche network prevents atomic composability from being achieved without sacrificing decentralisation, scalability or security.
Avax shills (Including Emin) just say stupid shit with no evidence to back it up you are all intellectually disabled

>> No.26070427

How to fake your numbers and get to millions of TPS, a short thread. Note, this is not engineering advice.
- Make transactions as small as possible, down to a single byte. Cram millions of txs into a single block of a few megabytes. Actually, even better: just assume that all transactions are valid, and pass around only a block hash.

-Run your experiments on the same machine. Turn off any latency simulations as well. Even better, run all your experiments in memory. Turn off persistent storage, and just story your data in the fastest hashmap you can find. Toss LevelDB in the trash.

-Turn off all signature verification. Even better, turn off all crypto. On second thought, don't even implement your protocol, just simulate the fast path.

-Batch on the client side. Let the client issue an obfuscated transaction (eg, from an off-chain scaling solution), and call that millions of TPS. Ignore actual decisions-per-second from your validators.

-Shard your system into millions of partitions, and make sure no transactions cross any of these partitions. Effectively, just assume your system is running multiple parallel networks, and then aggregate all the TPS numbers together. Easily millions.

-Only record the first few seconds of your implementation, when things are mostly running in memory and haven't touched persistent storage. This way, you can still claim you write to disk.

-Implement crazy low-level optimizations, and call them algorithmic. Eg, do signature verification on GPUs and highly specialized hardware. Then claim your protocol "scales".

>> No.26070492

It's a fact that Avalanche will never have atomic composability. They can be good at other things, other use cases. But dont be duped into thinking you could add composability now, it's not possible. Needs to be built into the core. Radix will be the only sharded platform that has it. That's a fact.

>> No.26070595

even if they'll never have it, it doesn't really matter.

>> No.26070734

it does matter, do you even know what composability is?

>> No.26070789

it matters for DeFi. in fact its vital

>> No.26070825

it's not. ever heard of qnt btw?

>> No.26070884

answer the question, do you know what composability? Write an explanation.

>> No.26070959

does this retard not know we can see their ID

>> No.26070985

qnt can't solve atomic composability

>> No.26071201

So many Avax pajeets posting every day about things they don't understand. Meh atomic composability, meh TPs, meh decentralisation. GL holding your shitbags AVAX cuks. The Avalanche of the future will be AVAX supply dumping on all the pajeets shilling their shitbags. Doesn't even have composability like ETH 1.0....Eth 1! Imagine releasing a protocol in 2020 which is worse then ETH 1.0 and thinking you made it

>> No.26071393

Knew you didnt write anything yourself, haha all you did was copy paste as a shill.


They even answered all of the critique showing how you (the person who wrote this) was wrong

>> No.26071599

I don't even hold any Radix and couldn't care less. Yes, I'm researching it still to see if it's worth a shot. But QNT has literally nothing to do with composability.. Your statement just proves you don't know shit.

>> No.26071758

i never claimed it had composability, just that it renders radix and the layer 1 wars pointless.

>> No.26072198

>it renders radix and the layer 1 wars pointless
You're clueless dude

>> No.26072231

Wrong, you need atomic composability e.g. for DeFi. ETH1 has it by the way, therefore if you want to scale the current DeFi ecosystem (and use cases) you need to be able to scale without breaking atomic composability (ETH2, Polkadot, Cardano, Elrond, Avalanche, Cosmos fail in that regard).

You may simply read this article to understand the problem:
After you did that, you KNOW where to look and you can research whether other projects like Avalanche are able to scale without breaking atomic composability (hint they are not, confirmed by their lead developer).

And right now, Radix is the only layer 1 distributed ledger which is able to scale while ensuring full atomic composability.

>> No.26072326

I agree going to war with Radix is pointless, you don't stand a chance

>> No.26073215

You went from
>radix is centralised
that got debunked
>that pic is ridiculous and debunked
Without providing any argument as to how it is debunked or any evidence
>avax will have atomic composability
that got debunked so you pivoted to
>well avax doesn't need atomic composability
Yes it does if you want to run defi or require apps on different subnets to interoperate quickly for a transaction you spastic. You STILL haven't substantiated a single claim, you just keep pivoting to more lies.
Yes this is how you fake it for a 2018 fake whitepaper sharded blockchain project. Radix is a DLT sharded at the layer 1 level and none of your copy paste applies to Radix.
1. Radix replayed the whole of the bitcoin network not some bs fake transactions
2. Radix used several nodes not one machine
3. Nothing was turned off to shortcut the TPS numbers
4.transactions did cross the partitions thats kind of the point in cerberus
5. No specialised hardware was used
Holy shit you are retarded you literally know nothing

In conclusion fuck off you lying rat of a scammer everything you say is a joke and nobody should take you seriously you absolute moron. God you are a stupid motherfucker.

>> No.26073549

Seq absolute destroyed lmao

>> No.26074031

Okay Radix shills seem legit. How much is make it stack? I feel like I need to hit big on a shitcoin b4 to get a decent stack.

>> No.26074321

depends how long you are going to hold and what is a make it amount for your situation. I have no doubts radix will overtake DOT and enter the top 5, that would put it at over $15 Billion marketcap. Longer term I expect the whole crypto market cap will grow so even ETH and BTC will have much higher marketcaps and radix is likely going to be up there with them. Use that information and your own research to decide what a make it stack is for you.

>> No.26075066

What makes me feel the most comfy about Radix, is the high IQ discussion level in their telegram chat

>> No.26075604

>took 8 years and delivered nothing
>no working product
>extreme inflation

anyone who buys Radix instead of AVAX is a fucking trenchbrain idiot.

>> No.26075642

there is no make it stack with radix lmao. look up the inflation.

>NETWORK EMISSION is generated by the Radix Protocol at a rate of 300m RADIX TOKENS per annum. The total cap of 24Bn tokens would be reached 40 years from the release of the Radix mainnet.

>> No.26075874

>radix is centralised that got debunked
Only 100 Validators according to their Whitepaper, they promise more but we all know they will never get there lmao.
AVAX did in 2 years what radix couldnt accomplish in 8+ years.
all because:
IC3 Gigabrains > Trenchbrain niggers that made Radix

>Yes it does if you want to run defi or require apps on different subnets to interoperate quickly
isnt a problem on AVAX tho, already works perfectly between P, X and C chain, no reason it wouldnt work with subnets.

>> No.26075954

The fact that Radix is sharded is something to worry about especially since many of the consensus traits is taken from HotStuff which was created by Ted Yin. The same man has warned against sharding.

>> No.26076088

If you don’t buy Radix, you are either stupid (have no understanding of the amazing tech) or you have a bag full of other shitcoins like Avax. PERIOD

>> No.26076216
File: 287 KB, 575x620, radixisapajeetcoinifyouholdityouraredumberthanniggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26076312

where to buy, how much do i need?

>> No.26076440

Its 100 validators per set.. & there will be shit loads of sets. Can you even read you fuktard?

>> No.26076501

lol how is 100 validators taking part of the consensus not centralised. Using RNG to randomly select validators is a weak way of 'scaling' validators. It's just putting a bandaid on a problem.

>> No.26076553

dosent change the fact that there are only 100 participants involved in making a decision.

It's like polkadots 100 sets of 10 validators. Trash.

>> No.26076859

There is no reason man, these people are so dense and are just cheerleading their coins. They cant have a proper discussion, they cant read papers all they do is copy paste what someone else said.

>> No.26077070

dont you guys like extremely low fees?

>> No.26077213

lol does polkadot actually have 60 sec finality? that's actual trash and I just bought 100 USD worth ;/

>> No.26077238

Then why aren’t you debunking and mocking it?

>> No.26077355

dot is trash, get rid off it.

>> No.26077387

>Its 100 validators
and there will never be more thus its centralized.
you get extremely low fees on AVAX which is actually decentralized.

>> No.26077408

Are you back with another account? I'm really starting to think this is actually Seq shitposting on biz because of how you spazzed out so hard and started posting more lies.
I can tell its the same person/group of people because you are as stupid and have as poor reading comprehension as before and you are still just posting the SAME debunked lies.

radix is not centralised see earlier posts this is 100% a lie the 100nodes thing is debunked by Dan here >>26065776 go to telegram and find the full message I'm not explaining it again to you low IQ fucktards because you have zero reading comprehension.
check flexathon as proof of delivery also delivered a mathematically solid consensus algorithm and DLT design. Do you also count Emin's earlier work as 'delivering nothing' you retard? Make sure you are consistent and apply the same criticisms to your own project.
>>26075642 Eth has inflation so do most currencies there is nothing inherently wrong with inflation only hyper inflation is an issue
AVAX didn't do what radix couldn't because it has no atomic composability and is bottlenecked by its pchain wrong again
>isn't a problem on AVAX yes it is when a copmlex defi system runs across multiple subnets atomic composability is essential to prevent transactions getting fucked by volatility between blocks or partial failures of transactions. Basic apps working in a test scenario does not prove that complex networks of interoperating dapps will work you idiot.
Out of context appeal to authority radix isn't a sharded blockchain so the same issures don't apply moron.
HUHUHUH typical fucking avax memers just sticking generic text over a generic meme and failing to be funny. Nice argument again you low IQ cretin.

>> No.26077432

100 validators is only on rpn-1, their first version of the network and that version already did 1 million transactions per second. So yeah, I think we good for top 10 buddy

>> No.26077617

>radix is not centralised
100 nodes is centralized.
>For the unsharded RPN-1, the number of Staking Nodes is targeted to be approximately 100.
>Later versions of RADIX LEDGER are planned to substantially increase the number of node
which they wont do because they CANT or they would have done it from the beginning.

>Do you also count Emin's earlier work as 'delivering nothing'
Emin is the Number 2 of IC3, next to Ari Juels hes the biggest brain in this entire space.
Radix is made by literally whos who couldnt come up with anything in 8!!! years.

AVAX vs Radix is like Chainlink vs Witnet.

>Eth has inflation
AVAX doesnt, its hardcapped.
>and is bottlenecked by its pchain
its not tho.

> their first version of the network and that version already did 1 million transactions per second
easy to achieve when it all runs on the same laptop.
its centralized and there will NEVER be more than 100 nodes in this system.

>> No.26077698

so you mean its a set of 100 validators?

How many are involved in the process of validating transaction then.. could it be 100?

>> No.26078093

>easy to achieve when it all runs on the same laptop.

it didnt run on the same laptop bro

>> No.26078227

it probably did, lets be real here.
meanwhile AVAX had real decentralization months ago.

>> No.26078458

this is the problem with you AVAX retards, is all "probably" "it doesnt matter" "it can" "if it can't it doesnt need it". Like you are so fucking dense and you have no idea how to read a paper so you just shout useless retorics and debunked meaningless shit. You dont even write your own shit as shown by
who just copied this
and didnt even bother to look at the answers.

>> No.26078516

No it is not putting a bandaid on a problem stop taking bits of information out of context to support your stupid false narratives about radix. The RNG puts no restrictions on scaling. By switching up validators with RNG it basically makes collusion impossible and with multiple sets of validators switching up there is no centralisation keep dreaming avax fuckboy
How many times 100 nodes is only rpn1 stop repeating the same lies
if a network of apps interoperating across different subnets is trying to run on AVAX then yes the Pchain does bottleneck throughput as there will be latency issues when gossiping across the different subnets
The test was ran across MULTIPLE NODES not the same laptop I literally already debunked your retarded claims STOP REPEATING DEBUNKED POINTS.
>>26077698 Later RPNs are not limited to 100 validators. How many fucking times does this need to be said to get it into your thick skull.
No not for later RPNs HOW MANY FUCKING TIMES? you avafucks are literal copypaste seq bots

>> No.26078744

Its centralized and so far we havent seen any decentralization from CuckX.
since they couldnt deliver in 8! years there is no reason to believe anything they say.
Emin on the other hand delivered already months ago.
he never had to limit the amount of nodes or cheat the numbers because the tech actually works, it can scale. Radix cant thats why they are so slow, its a long con.

>and didnt even bother to look at the answers.
you mean the cope and lies.
>How many times 100 nodes is only rpn1 stop repeating the same lies
and there will NEVER be more than that
>The test was ran across MULTIPLE NODES not the same laptop
Ok it ran between 3 laptops in the same room, still not an achievement and not decentralized.

>No not for later RPNs
which dont exist yet, they wont scale no matter how much wishful thinking you apply here.
your mental gymnastics and cope is hilarious.

>> No.26079065

>These tests replay the entire 10 years of Bitcoin’s transaction history on the Radix ledger, with full transaction and signature validation, on a network of over 1,000 Nodes distributed evenly throughout the world.
>1000 nodes

oh no, you were wrong AGAIN. I wonder if that will change your opinions this time. I think we all know the answer dont we

>> No.26079205

Radix consensus, wasnt that supposed to be some lattice based raiblocks similar thing 2 years ago?

What changed? Why they on about this cerberus "randomized validators from a set"?

Where they wrong for 6 years?

>> No.26079237

also what is the deal with all these hacks their defi network?

>> No.26079289

Where is AVAX community/discord/dicklord server?
This kind of talk, consensus, sharding, composability. Not the "when moon lambo muh price".

RadixDLT used mailing lists last time I checked. Seemed quite OK tech focused.

If I want to talk to avax devs, where go?
RadixDLT guy, reachable by email and responded like a normal being.

>> No.26079513

No Radix's Tempo was never a Dag. Dags can't scale.

>> No.26079521

but the consensus is O(n^2) tho?
Hard or impossible to scale those

>> No.26079707

stop repeating the same lies
Radix didn't cheat the numbers you have provided zero evidence despite making multiple claims with multiple accounts and continually pivoting

Emin had years of work where he produced nothing, legit tech advancements take time in every field, radix is the first ledger with atomic composability and a solved trilemma you can't expect that to take 2 years, if it did we'd have been at mainstream adoption several years ago. If you are too stupid to understand this I literally don't know what to say to you.
>never more than 100 nodes
saying this doesn't make it true you are going to have to post some evidence or provide a logically consistent argument as to why it is impossible to have more than 100 nodes
>3 laptops
the test used over 1000 nodes stop lying
>don't exist yet won't scale
This is faulty logic by this line of reasoning nothing new will ever exist because it doesn't exist now, but if we are to use your stupid line of reasoning the flexathon demo
Dismissing things as cope and trying to belittle arguments without disproving them with evidence or structurally picking them apart isn't a legitamate argument and is in fact cope in itself, how ironic.
I called it in this post>>26073215
You are a dishonest lying rat and haven't substantiated any of your claims. Everyone here who isn't braindead can see how stupid you are and how you are incapable of making any incoherent point. You may need to reconsider your life when it has came to the point that you are so attached to a project you are not invested in that you spend your whole life copypasting false low IQ arguments into every radix thread you can. I'm not sure if at this point you are trying to convince yourself that you are actually capable of basic intellectual thought, or if you know you are full of shit and just trying to save face. How much more of your life are you going to spend lying to yourself and everyone around you. You shitstains make this board 100x worse

>> No.26080523

too little, too late. this is an avax board now.
hf launching your shitchain this summer. sage

>> No.26080585

Why did they Radix muh Tempo and now they do something else instead?

Was Dan wrong all along?

>> No.26080791

its called R&D you utter pleb

>> No.26080830

>Was Dan wrong all along?
yes, these retards finally understood what they were doing was wrong but they still wanted to make some quick buck and had to come up with something quick.

>> No.26081116

You are wrong here but stop pivoting, you still haven't supported any of your earlier points and you have been proved wrong on all of your lies, address these before we move on to your next rabbit hole of spewing lies and bullshit.
Typical dumb avax shill, no actual arguments, pretty sure all you fucks came from some discord pump and dump group pretty suspiscious how you've been invading every single thread on biz today.
There were issues with tempo which were imporived with cerberus, its not like everything about tempo was wrong, the security just needed improving. Its pretty normal to have iterations of a technology when building it, but crypto is so full of scams most people don't go through this iterative process they just release flawed code, so now everyone sees Dan using proper development framework as a bad thing
Apart from Cerberus builds on the positive features of earlier iterations. This is such low tier FUD you are spraying out lies

>> No.26081278

Yes, thats the difference, in the 7-8 Years Dan has worked on this he has come up with many different solutions, but they all have their own problems, now AVAX boys think that they got it right on the first try. But they havent, because they have no composability and still dont scale.
Cerberus however does scale, does have composability, is decentralized and is secure. It was done by years of research and testing.
>wanted to make some quick buck
Radix foundation is a non profit and they havent sold tokens for many years although they could have, how is that "wanting to make a quick buck"?

>> No.26081295

>1000 nodes
that dont exist and wont exist.
twatter, discord, telegram
pick one
>Radix didn't cheat the numbers
>and a solved trilemma
AVAX solved the trilemma, its decentralized, Radix has only 100 nodes.
how many times until you understand?
are you legit retard?
>a logically consistent argument as to why it is impossible to have more than 100 nodes
top kek you talk about the blockchain trilemma and dont even understand what it is lmao.
I keep it simple: more than 100 nodes in a classical protocol (which radix basically is) = it becomes slower.
>the test used over 1000 nodes
1000 nodes running on 3 laptops, still not decentralized.
AVAX testnet had 2000 independent Validators and ANYONE could participate.
>This is faulty logic
no its not.
Why should I eat up the hopium for something that theoretically exists when I can just use AVAX that already worked perfectly 3 months ago?

>> No.26081377

>AVAX boys think that they got it right on the first try
Nigger it already works for months.
> and still dont scale.
Testnet was 2k Validators, Mainnet is at 739 Validators right now after 3 months and its the most decentralized crypto on the market and there is NOTHING preventing it from scaling to millions of validators.
>Cerberus however does scale
it doesnt and its not even working lmao.

>> No.26081385

>AVAX that already worked perfectly 3 months ago
No composability, doesnt scale. "Perfect"

>> No.26081442

>doesnt scale
It scales you dumb nigger. its already more decentralized than anything else.
right now its already more decentralized than your shitty radix could ever hope to achieve.
in terms of trilemma solving yes.

>> No.26081514

> however does scale, does have composability, is decentralized and is secure. It was done by years of research and testing.

Thats what Dan said about Tempo too.

>> No.26081622
File: 3 KB, 409x44, dan_telegram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See image

>> No.26081691

aVaX sOlvEd tHe TriLeMmA


>> No.26081761

now you post some proof to support your claims dumbass, the rest of your post is a copy paste that has already been debunked multiple times by multiple people you have no credibility.
Avax has no atomic composability and is bottlenecked by latency issues with gossip when scaling especially when subnets are required to interoperate
Tempo is still better than 99% of projects out there in fact some other layer 1s like solana are very similar to tempo but more expensive to run nodes on and more centralised

>> No.26081800

Not buying it, though I havent read the cerberus paper yet.

Should have just kept the name Tempo then.
Cerberus this shit popped up on my radar and I just stewed it under "orouborous ada cardano crap again".

>> No.26081975



There is also a upcoming "flexathon" where Dan will build a decentralized twitter on Radix, not sure where it will be but I guess if you look at his twitter on Monday you will see.


>> No.26081998

lol dude, im on the same point, scalability of nodes communicating with each other.

>> No.26082267

You haven't provided any evidence for your initial debunked points
3 laptops
cheating numbers
RPN3 will only have 100 nodes
which i debunked stop pivoting, go back and address them properly you time waster
You also literally denied that claiming something can't exist in the future because it doesn't exist now isn't faulty logic.

>> No.26082311

This is just a small selection of your debunked points there are more because you literally pivot after every point

>> No.26082396

>source: dans ass
in reality none of it exists today.
yes it did.
anyone can see it and use it.
>Avax has no atomic composability
they will soon, C chain isnt up yet.
meanwhile radix didnt even get the absolute basics like scaling beyond 100 nodes lmao. still stuck in the trilemma.
>bottlenecked by latency issues
sub second finality isnt a latency issue you dumb shit.
>subnets are required to interoperate
is subsecond too. you can see it from P to X chain already.

>> No.26082439

>radix debooonker
bags must be heavy, where you one of these retards that were scammed 8 years ago or are you a fresh victim?

>> No.26082569

>It has a circulating supply of 400 Million EXRD coins and a max supply of 4.41 Billion
How high can this possibly go? What does the token even do?

>> No.26082672

Dont be so hard on Radix fags
RadixDLT is basically 1 man show, its just Dan doing things.

At least he didnt make an ICO and run away with peoples money to fuck a girlsdoporn hooker on a yacht, like RaiBlocks/NANO guy did.

>> No.26082695

it's a useless shitcoin and does nothing
pajeets are getting paid to spam this

>> No.26082700

Still no sources? cool

latency issues will happen as the network grows I'm not talking about now

lmao supply meme did you discover crypto last week

>> No.26082835

>How high can this possibly go?
it will go nowhere because:
>NETWORK EMISSION is generated by the Radix Protocol at a rate of 300m RADIX TOKENS per annum. The total cap of 24Bn tokens would be reached 40 years from the release of the Radix mainnet.
>Although anyone may run the client, only Staking Nodes are able to directly participate in consensus.
>Between the years 2013 and 2017 members of the early Radix community contributed approximately 3,000 BTC to Dan Hughes who initiated the theoretical development of the RADIX PROJECT.
>In recognition of the contributions made by the early contributors RADIX DLT and DAN HUGHES have agreed with these community members to procure the delivery to them of 3Bn RADIX TOKENS, creating an approximate token price of 1 BTC per 1m RADIX when the RADIX LEDGER is instantiated.

>What does the token even do?
it steals your funds and makes you poor.
a one man Scam that goes on for many years now. its time to kill this shitcoin for good by posting the truth about it.
>latency issues will happen
they wont tho. read the whitepaper nigger.

>> No.26082860

and kek at
>avax will have atomic composability but we can't even give a vague outline of how.
I could make any claim with that logic, oh wait thats what avafuckboys do all the time baseless claims with nothing to back them up

>> No.26082921

Better sharp your pencils.
RPN-3 has an unlimited amount of nodes? Did you even researched a small bit?
Compare here: https://github.com/radixdlt/docs/blob/master/releases/consensus-roadmap.md

>> No.26082926

i have read it and we can get onto that topic when you finally source all your bs claims.

>> No.26082945

>An in-depth description of the application of PoS to Cerberus within the Radix public network is left for future work.
oh no no no radix bros getting too cocky.
looks like another 8 years of scam ahead of you.

>> No.26082985

>i have read it
no you didnt. stop lying you nigger.

>> No.26082993

no im agreeing with you i said i debunked all those claims and he still hasn't provided evidence for any of them.
hurry up with those sources bitch

>> No.26083138

is that all you can type?

you didnt even research the garbage you bought? no wonder you are a poorfag.

>> No.26083207
File: 129 KB, 276x276, Screen Shot 2021-01-16 at 22.19.45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that day when Radix flips Avax

>> No.26083221

stop talking bullshit. Radix has 100 validators per shard which is totally fine because they are selected randomly from all nodes (secure and fast).
But the amount of nodes is unlimited while having full atomic composability across all shards.
And there is simply no other project out there (no Polkadot, no Avalanche, no ETH2, no Cardano, no Elrond, no Cosmos), able to scale infinitly without breaking atomic composability.
Show me one and why? You see you will not find any. That's why it is smart to buy Radix because it will be one of the future top 2 coins.

>> No.26083288

never ever.
>Radix has 100 validators
of which not all even participate in consensus.
as admitted in their whitepaper.
this not only makes it centralized it makes it a scam because this trick is often used to boost numbers.
>able to scale infinitly
AVAX can
if you actually read the whitepaper you would understand why AVAX can scale and why radix cant.
>That's why it is smart to buy Radix
its incredibly retarded to buy Radix.
see >>26082835
enjoy your 300m radix per year dumped on your dumb ass.

>> No.26083400

It is not a one man scam. He simply iterated until he found a solution which will work for every load and scales (unlike the guys from Polkadot or Avalanche).

The network emissions are not a issue at all, because it will only double the total supply in 40 years, this means the growth in an emerging market only needs to be more than a 2x price increase over 40 years. Are you serious if you don't think Radix can do that over 40 years you are a fool. Better burn your money then directly - make a nice fire.

Better to research Radix now until it is too late - you will buy Radix then but with a premium. Your choice.

>> No.26083466

I will never buy radix because I'm a fucking retard nigger like you.
I tell you what will happen: we will kill the radix shitcoin the same way we killed all Oracle competition for Chainlink.

>> No.26083500

*not a retard nigger like you

ye you get the point.
radix days are numbered so join AVAX or die.

>> No.26083603

Didn't you understand what I wrote?
AVAX can not scale infinitly because they have slow cross-shard transactions and break atomic composability cross-shards (the lead developer confirmed that in a tweet).

Yes, you can add more shards, but the thing is if cross-shard transactions are slow you will need to deploy all dapps interacting with each other in one shard therefore no scaling at all for these dapps.

No, these 100 validators are participating in consensus. This is simply not true.

Besides that, Dan has nearly finished his flexathon a prototype version of RPN-3 which gets published next week. Therefore everyone can take a look and see that it is real that he solved the trilemma and Radix is the technical breakthrough he talked about.

>> No.26083656

lol, the thing is in a year you will die for getting your worthless AVAX swapped for Radix in a year.
But that's your choice, you will get rekt not I my friends ;)

>> No.26083665

In the end you will have no choice but to buy Radix or you'll be left out of the new global financial system. - Avax ngmi sorry

>> No.26083753

centralized shitcoin with a retarded and lazy team

Can't even be 1/100th of what AVAX and ADA will be

>> No.26083788

Hi Dan

Good luck with your ecoin

Ill buy when its time, just as a token of thanks for not being a douchebag like nano guy.

>> No.26083849

>they have slow cross-shard transactions
they dont, it takes under a second between P and X chain, same goes for X chain.
>Yes, you can add more shards
AVAX has no shards dumb fuck.
>This is simply not true.
the whitepaper says something different.
page 12:
>Although anyone may run the Node Runner client, only Staking Nodes are able to directly participate in
>Dan has nearly finished
just wait 8 more years yes? he will never finish shit and only show you some demo on his laptop with fake numbers.
AVAX already accomplished MONTHS ago what Radix will never achieve.

nice mental gymnastics but in a year you are poor and probably roped while I'm richer than I am already.
>the new global financial system
wow I wonder who will win, some nobody who didnt achieve anything in 8 years or the top guy at IC3 that has direct connections to everyone that matters in the space.
hmmmmm really hard to figure out.

>> No.26083868

ADA?? you're bringing that piece of shit into this convo.. okay now its clear you are fucking clueless.. lmao

>> No.26083933

true AVAX is superior to everything.
ADA or radix or other centralized garbage will never be able to compete.

>> No.26083943

subnets is sharding you fool

>> No.26083960

Trying to mock my style of typing like a retarded 4 year old doesn't support your argument in anyway. Debunked is the correct term to use here and therefore I am using it.

That source doesn't support any of your points and makes zero reference to that 3 laptop nonsense you came up with it is a complete strawman
yes you have been debunked
We have already been over this
hurry up with those sources
you sound like you are having a mental breakdown

>> No.26083973
File: 31 KB, 750x792, 136316710_4923662044342825_3103927883416853475_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20 posts by this ID

>> No.26084014

Cardano is a joke. They failed scaling their layer 1 and going for layer 2 scaling now, which breaks atomic composability. Really nothing to see here. A market cap of 9B$ for such an inferior technology is just hilarious.

"What is the relationship between blockchain and Hydra
The first layer options will always be limited in terms of the number of transactions processed in a given period of time. If decentralization is not to be sacrificed, throughput will never be sufficient to allow a large number of people to use a consensual distributed network. The solution may be to create a second layer above the first layer. The first layer is what we call blockchain. It is the most secure and decentralized network with lower throughput. Above this first layer, it is possible to create a quasi-independent network, a second layer. The second layer is built to scale as high as possible and make transactions fast and cheap. So Hydra is the second layer solution for Cardano’s first layer."

I mean is this kind of a joke?
Radix: wait .... hold my beer - are you fucking serious?

>> No.26084022
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it looks like i walked into a serious melty. which means money is to be made as no one would have this much of a melty if there wasn't some serious potential. give me a qrd on radix, anons, besides what i've already read so far.

>> No.26084072

Calling Radix centralized being the most decentralized distributed ledger is just funny and utter bullshit.

Do you even believe what you are writing?

>> No.26084107

another retard joined the thread
cross subnet transactions will be slow when the network tries to scale
subnets effectively work like shards for the purpose of his argument
still waiting for your sources bitch

>> No.26084144

Just read this whole thread. Very interesting claims from both Radix and Avalanche, I've been reading up on both and can see Radix has some pretty technical explanations on how it solves the crypto Trilemma, does Avalanche have anything similar? I can't seem to find any.

>> No.26084181

>That source doesn't support any of your points
But it does:
I quote from Page 12 again:
>Although anyone may run the Node Runner client, only Staking Nodes are able to directly participate in
Yup fake numbers and centralization hiding behind this.

>you sound like you are having a mental breakdown
it gets me all excited seeing an almost dead shitcoin and shitting on it further.
It is centralized
>Although anyone may run the Node Runner client, only Staking Nodes are able to directly participate in
>capped to 100 nodes
>cross subnet transactions will be slow
they wont tho.
>when the network tries to scale
already more decentralized than anything else and not showing any problems. AVAX can scale to millions of Validators.

still waiting for you to grow a brain deboonker nigger.

>> No.26084219

The main valid criticism of radix I see is that it isn't a finished product yet, though we can already buy into it. AVAX at least has something already running.

Though based on what I've seen in the white papers, I'm stacking radix, not AVAX.

>> No.26084220

>I can't seem to find any.
are you retarded that you cant use google or type "avalanche explained" into youtube?

>> No.26084251

Riddle me this, how is AVAX going to solve composability?

>> No.26084266

>it isn't a finished product yet
Its also centralized and cant scale. radix nigger didnt even solve the trilemma because HE CANT.
>I'm stacking radix
only thing you are stacking is the bills you cant pay you poverty addicted retard

>> No.26084352
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Totally agree with you, anon. Fascinating thread. But before we can proceed we need info on a very important inquiry, which girl was that? Name or episode, please.
>to fuck a girlsdoporn hooker on a yacht, like RaiBlocks/NANO guy did.

>> No.26084354

the source does not mention your 3 laptop bullshit
that point doesnt prove centralisation there can be over almost limitless validators so you may need to compromise 100000+ validators to take control you haven't proved anything

>> No.26084496

>the source does not mention your 3 laptop bullshit
are you just too retarded to read?
do I really have to paste it in a third time so your miniscule jeet peanut sized brain registers?

>there can be over almost limitless validators
there cant even be more than 100 lmao.
is 100 "limitless" for shitskins?
>you may need to compromise 100000+ validators
since not all of them participate in consensus it could be just 3 or 10 to gain control.

>> No.26084524

scam. buy trtl

>> No.26084549

The short summary is that Radix is a technical breakthrough in distributed ledger technology and the first DLT which is able to linearly scale infinitely without breaking atomic composability (important for e.g. DeFi - this explains it in more detail https://www.radixdlt.com/post/breakthrough-in-consensus-theory-scaling-defi-without-breaking-composability/).).

All other layer 1 projects (such as ETH2, Polkadot, Avalanche, Cardano, Elrond, Cosmos) sacrifice atomic composability for some scaling.
But the thing is, if you want to overtake Ethereum 1 's huge network effect you need to be better in every aspect.
And exactly this is why all previous ETH1 competitors failed - they broke atomic composability for some scaling -> you can't migrate your ETH1 DeFi ecosystem to there (ETH1 has full atomic composability because no sharding and one single blockchain, although doesn't scale at all).

To sum it up, Radix's breakthrough is mindblowing and I researched the project deeply after I found it a half a year ago and the deeper I digged the more convinced I got. I only found green flags and started realising the bottlenecks of the competitors and that they will never be able to scale their architecture (you need to know where to look first - especially regarding whether cross-shards transactions are fast without breaking atomic composability). Because it is incredible hard to change your base architecture after you launched your distributed ledger. That's the reason why Dan waited, improved and researched over 7 years, to come up with a perfect approach without downsides.

And exactly this is happening right now, mainnet will be launched in Q2 2021, testnet in Q1 2021.
Things are getting hot and funny thing is that the competitors are getting frightened and hanging around on 4chan repeating bullshit phrases all the day long :D

>> No.26084684

Your claims are getting stupider as this thread goes on lmao this is some shit tier fud, this is approaching the territory of saying you control the cyber police and will tell them to shut radix down tomorrow. You sounding so unhinged and I'm still waiting for sources.
yes but they weren't 3 laptops if you are going to claim that they were you are going to provide evidence of this

yes there can be limitless validators learn to fucking read

a minimum of 100 will participate in consensus so it can't be 3 or 10 you are saying the dumbest shit right now I knew you were stupidat the beginning but now I'm starting to think you might actually be mentally disabled.
Go find me a source with evidence for your stupid 3 laptop claim and then do the same for all your other retarded claims

>> No.26084723

I don't understand why they believe radix can scale to 1000+. It's been 8 years, and they can do 100. What proof is there that 1000+ is possible without sacrificing decentralization? What has radix shown for a working product that gives radix supporters so much conviction that they will be able to scale well beyond 100?

Also, if you guys know classical concensus protocols, you will know that 100 number wasn't just pulled out of Dan's ass. There's a reason it's 100...

>> No.26084778

>Radix is a technical breakthrough
Its not, stop lying.
>which is able to linearly scale infinitely
only if "infinitely" means 100 nodes lmao.

>I'm still waiting for sources.
even to stupid to read the radix whitepaper lmao
they spell it all out for you but your jeet brain just doesnt register.
>so it can't be 3 or 10
the point is its the same type of scam, basically same as Polkadot where 10 validators control everything and the rest just hangs on to them. looks decentralized but isnt.

>> No.26084842
File: 36 KB, 704x316, RPN-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't get the point.

There are 100 validators per shard, which all work together for consensus. Besides that, these are selected randomly so no you can't collude with them (these are also reelected after some time).
To compromise the network you need at least 33% of all stake (or the validators having 33% of the global stake). Therefore it is all secure and decentralised. Stop repeating non-sense phrases please.
Your claim with 3 laptops is utter bullshit.

Across the whole network, the number of nodes are indeed unlimited in RPN-3, just compare their roadmap (including nice infographics):

>> No.26084922
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Dan Hughes has a small head compared to Brendan eich, buy BAT instead

>> No.26084963
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>To compromise the network you need at least 33% of all stake
and you dont see a problem with that?

>> No.26084976


>> No.26084993

>There are 100 validators per shard
yes and that makes it centralized.
>these are selected randomly so no you can't collude with them
makes it too slow.
sharding doesnt really work no matter how you twist and turn it, the Avalanche solution is superior in pretty much everything.

>> No.26084998

Maybe you should go back to elementary school and learn to read? You would do all of us a favour.

There are 100 validator nodes per shard, but because Radix has nearly an unlimited (2^256) amount of shards we can have nearly an unlimited amount of validator nodes network wide.
This is a great video how Radix does state sharding: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0GyEYvK7EI

I can really recommend that to watch.

>> No.26085065

No, that's the same than for every other proof of stake.
It is nearly impossible to buy 33% of the total network stake. While you buying that the price would dramatically increase. Therefore this is safe. Same security than ETH2 or any other proof-of-stake distributed ledger.

>> No.26085100

>There are 100 validator nodes per shard
which is centralized.
>Radix has nearly an unlimited (2^256) amount of shards
and all of these hang off the 100 validators.
which again means centralization.

>> No.26085106

Is this you again with a vpn? Another avax bot? Your friend? posting the same garbage

there you go again with your psychotic delusions
you can't control everything with 10 validators not sure if you are too stupid to understand or deliberately being intellectually dishonest
hurry up with the source, the radix whitepaper supports none of your claims, and you won't trick people watching the thread and too lazy to read it into thinking it does. You sir are a failure
get me a source bitch and don't come back empty handed again.
do you realise how small the shards are? there are 2^256 shards
Fucking hell is this what happens when someone LARPS as being intelligent their whole life and is finally called on their BS but can't handle the truth?

>> No.26085123

how does 4B Radix beat 800m AVAX though I'm genuinely curious

>> No.26085136

Don't you understand what I write?

Avalanche breaks atomic composability across shards/subnets and therefore interacting dapps will be deployed in ONE subnet -> therefore no scaling for them at all -> AVALANCHE DOES NOT SCALE

>> No.26085181

not avax. it's 80%
>It is nearly impossible to buy 33% of the total network stake
entities can collude

>> No.26085195

the concrete amount of supply is just a number. Only thing what matters is your share of the pie. Therefore just buy more tokens and you are fine.
It is the same to have 1000 tokens from 1 million supply compared to 1 million tokens from a 1 billion supply.

>> No.26085291

Problem is that it is not mathematically proven that AVAX consensus is secure at all (unproven new consensus algorithm). I would risk my funds in there.

>> No.26085300

the validator set is different for every shard and with RPN3 larger validator sets can be used.
I'm starting to wonder whether you are actually capable of processing information or if you are pure copy paste.
Not when the validator set is randomly selected out of all possible validator nodes on the network and constantly changes, it is impossible to predict which nodes you must control for collusion.

>> No.26085309

> the radix whitepaper supports none of your claims
but it does, they openly admit it, I linked it and quoted it directly.
If you are too stupid to just read page 12 you can also ctrl F.
>do you realise how small the shards are?
so centralization.
we are starting to make progress.

they dump 300 million radix every year on you.
subnets are not shards brainlet.
you should really read the AVAX whitepaper first before trying to make these claims. you are obviously lacking the education to participate in this discussion.

>> No.26085353
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I was hoping some Avax shill would actually give some technical defense to explain how Avalanche handles atomic composability. But nothing, so I looked up the CEO on Twitter and found a discussion between Emin and Dan (Avalanche and Radix CEO / CTO) where Emin admits Avalanche does not have this working at this time. So Avax Anon is claiming something even the CEO says they don't have? Makes me question the rest of this Avax anons claims desu

>> No.26085398

No, they can't collude because they don't know each other also have no incentive to do. Would you risk you great staking rewards for illegal attacking your own network (which would make your funds worthless). And needing to hide from the prosecution in the future. And then you need to find 33 out of 100 random people which accept that -> this is not going to happen.

>> No.26085434

why does a smart contract platform need to scale, wouldnt the most demanding platform that can circumvent cost out compete the worse products? so we dont need 10 thousand crypto kitties platforms simultaneously existing? is ethereum classic the only chain that will have this as is?

>> No.26085477

they tested it for years, it actually works.
>and with RPN3 larger validator sets can be used.
doesnt exist and wont exist, I guarantee you they will never exceed 100 nodes.
also sharding is slow, no sub second finality on radix eth2.0 or polkadot because of this

>tells it supports it and its out soon
where is the problem retard?

>> No.26085496
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I'm getting Bart vibes

>> No.26085500
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Yes and since it's already launched it's basically impossible for them to add it later. ETH2 for example breaks composability to scale, AVAX is using the same solution to scale. So the only way for them to have composability is to break their scaling which already isn't good enough even if it's better than a lot of the current blockchains.

>> No.26085554

>spastic still thinks subnets are shards
Lmao why are radix niggers so fucking dumb?

>> No.26085592

What's the difference except for the name?
You never answer my questions and it's probably because this is way outside of your IQ range.

>> No.26085668

>What's the difference except for the name?
Subnets have nothing to do with how Avalanche achieves Consensus.

>You never answer my questions
just read the whitepaper you dumb nigger. do I have to spoonfeed you everything?

>> No.26085744

It doesn't you are spouting garbage again there is zero evidence in the whitepaper of your 3 laptop claim (your original claim was actually that it was one laptop), there is zero evidence in the whitepaper of RPN3 having only 100 nodes. There is zero evidence radix cheated the numbers on the test. There is zero evidence in the whitepaper that radix is centralized and all your attempts to misrepresent the information in there to run this narrative have been debunked. There is zero evidence for any of your other crackpot claims.

You still made the retarded point that because something doesn't exist now it will never exist which is beyond retarded.

small shards don't mean centralisation 100 validators minimum per shard when 2^256 possible shards exist does not mean centralisation and these are 2^256 possible, key word POSSIBLE shards.

Avax will have latency issues when trying to process cross subnet transactions
There is zero evidence it will ever have atomic composability across subnets.

Sit down, take your meds and provide some sources if you want to make claims.

>> No.26085770

>non sharded environment
Why would I care?

>> No.26085818

They are virtually equivalent when we are specifically talking about cross shard or cross subnet composability or relations between subnets and the pchain vs shards and a mainchain on a blockchain with sidechain models, the different variables between the two are irrelevent in this specific comparison

>> No.26085900

We have hope and dreams of atomic composabikity just like radix has of scaling.

>> No.26085920

Its centralized and while we cant directly prove that they are indeed scamming you it has all the same red flags all over it.
you trust these radix retards then you are the retard.
>something doesn't exist now it will never exist
The problem radix wants to solve was already solved 2 years ago with the Team Rocket paper.
like someone else said, too litte too late.

>small shards don't mean centralisation
cmon man are you even trying anymore?

>100 validators minimum per shard
and every shard is centralized with 100 validators.
>Avax will have latency issues when trying to process cross subnet transactions
it already does that with zero issues.
>There is zero evidence it will ever have atomic composability across subnets.
it basically already works.

>They are virtually equivalent
nope, has nothing to do with the consensus and a subnet.
see you dont even know the basics, why should anyone listen to a dumb nigger like you who says shit like:
>small don't mean centralisation
fucking idiot lmao.

will be a walk in the park to destroy radix.

>> No.26085935

Lol I actually feel bad for Emin he seems a normal dev but his shills make him look like a scammer, with their stupid claims, I'm glad he admitted they currently don't have a solution instead of lying like the fuckwit in this thread.
The non sharded environment he's refering to is solana. Solana isn't really relevant in the discussion we're having in this thread so don't worry too much about that, the point he was making is that even Emin isn't claiming that AVAX has atomic composability across subnets.

>> No.26085968

However Avax uses 'Random Sub Sample' algorithm which has too many issues with meta-stability. For this reason Radix rejected the inferior RSS model.

>> No.26085976

>A subnet, or subnetwork, is a dynamic set of validators working together to achieve consensus on the state of a set of blockchains. Each blockchain is validated by exactly one subnet. A subnet can validate many blockchains. A node may be a member of many subnets.

>> No.26086192

>which has too many issues with meta-stability.
it has literally no issues at all you nigger.

>dynamic set of validators
yes consensus for the subnet but has no influence about consensus on X or P chain
has nothing to do with sharding.

>> No.26086232

radix does scale https://arxiv.org/pdf/2008.04450.pdf

so you finally admitted you don't have proof that was much harder than it should have been.
Unfortunately you are now pivoting to vague points about mysterious 'red flags' which again you can't explain or prove
>the problem was solved with the team rocket paper
No it wasn't Emin literally admitted AVAX doesn't have atomic composability across subnets and hasn't even provided a rough theoretical framework of how they would achieve it.
I'm going to need evidence on your small shards centralization claim again you're just using that BS tactic where you just try to mock an argument instead of confronting it
>centralized shard point
you literally can't explain this and have no arguments stop stating stupid things as facts

>avax already does thes
no it doesn't it hasn't scaled to the level of running huge global financial systems yet so it hasn't done these things under an environment where more scaling is needed and theoretically it will run into these issues with scaling, so you have no evidence and the theoretical prediction against you.

They are virtually equivalent FOR THIS SPECIFIC EXAMPLE as in both shards and subnets are siloed to some degree from each other and transactions done across them require another layer to connect them.

>> No.26086303
File: 23 KB, 752x288, OHNONONO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro I know, the thing that makes this even worse is that it's the same validators for everything, no matter what subnet you're on since there is only one set of validators.
Radix has different validators for each shard/subnet that is unknown and swapped which makes it inherently more decentralized just by that even if radix only had 10 validators per shard.
>also pic related

>> No.26086521

>also pic related
what's up with pic related? would be the same with radix, some subnets would require compliance with laws, that's just the laws.

>> No.26086536

>so you finally admitted you don't have proof
the proof is in the whitepaper, learn to read between the lines and to connect the dots.
>mysterious 'red flags'
I already pointed them all out, limited node amount at the beginning, strong focus on buzzwords, making big claims with no proofs to show for it, 8 year development and nothing achieved, one man loser team, artificially boosting numbers etc.
red flags all over it
>No it wasn't
yes it was.
>across subnets
yet because subnets launch with the next big update.
he even says it in that tweet where he replied to the radix loser.
>I'm going to need evidence on your small shards centralization
>you literally can't explain this
small amount of participants = centralization
really not that hard to understand, jeet.

>it hasn't scaled to the level of running huge global financial systems yet
but it will, EGS, cornell and IC3 have the perfect connections to make it happen.
the radix loser has nothing, talks to the shadows on the wall the retard.
>and theoretically it will run into these issues with scaling
its a leaderless protocol it will never run into these issues, it can scale to millions of validators.

>no matter what subnet you're on since there is only one set of validators.
this is where the ISO comes in, the Initial Subnet Offering.
like with chainlinks model the subnets can decide how much decentralization they actually want and how many nodes they need.
obviously the more nodes the better.
>it inherently more decentralized just by that even if radix only had 10 validators
no, thats centralization. pretending 10 validators isnt centralized wont make it decentralized.

>> No.26086573

Wut!! Avax subnet validators have to dox themselves.. lmfao

>> No.26086648

depends on the subnet, usecase etc.
its optional but overall a needed feature.

>> No.26086717

no, retard, some of them may need to to be compliant with the laws. that's what the fiancial sector explicitly wanted.

>> No.26086724

- AVAX, same validators which need a license, KYC and live in a specific country for the whole network
- Radix, different validators for different shards all unknown to each other meaning there is no chance to collude. Even trying to ask a user if he is a validator and if he wants to be malicious towards his own network would be a hard. The less validators the harder it is to find another validator.

I thought this was something you were complaining about earlier? The 33% thing you said. Now it seems like AVAX validators have a way easier time finding each other since they all need special licenses etc, it would be much easier for them to collude and find each other to be malicious towards their own network, the whole network, not just a shard. Oh nonono, looks like your earlier argument bit you in the back. Retard.

>> No.26086767

Bros I'm so conflicted. Who the fuck do I invest in.

>> No.26086815

Invest in yourself, fren

>> No.26086875

>AVAX, same validators which need a license, KYC and live in a specific country for the whole network
again, depends on the subnet and you dont have to sign up for every subnet.

> Radix, different validators for different shards
but capped at 100, AVAX subnet could include thousands of Validator nodes.
can 100 people collude? absolutely.
1000+? its starting to get unlikely.

>AVAX validators have a way easier time finding each other since they all need special licenses etc
only if you want to validate a specific subnet and every subnet will have different specs.
for a normal AVAX node you dont need any KYC.

AVAX obviously.

>> No.26086897

>since they all need special licenses etc
you're so fucking retarded, they dont need a license. if visa wants to create a subnet they absolutely will need KYC/compliance/license, enterprises wanted that option because they have to follow regulations.

>> No.26086904
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Is there even a choice?

>> No.26086934

It's pretty obvious who you are from your BS line of reasoning and its hilarious how you spend your whole life failing at fudding radix. You spend more time fudding radix than you do learning about your own project.
You post one thing then contradict yourself with the very next post.
The rest of your post is more psychotic rambling with no evidence or sources.
Radix has atomic composability
AVAX doesn't and does not have a single shred of evidence or theory explaining how it will ever have atomic composability

there are not a small anount of participents if i take a large group and randomly sample a different sub group from the larger group there is no centralization, this is very similar to how sampling works in statistics and in for studies in medicine/biology world kek. There is even less centralisation if this sample sub group is for a single shard.
>avax will scale to that level
of course, well I mean it will try and then it will run into the issues I stated
AVAX however uses the SAME group of validators and has higher barriers to entry to being a validator making it more centralised than many claim.

>> No.26086988

sounds like that Coti shit where everyone has to dox themselves. you ain't decentralised if you have to apply for a fucking license from a *central* authority. Another avax weakness identified baka.

>> No.26087016

So some subnets might be controlled by 1 validator if no one else wants to sign up to it? Amazing.

No Radix validators aren't capped at 100.
Also the less validators, since they are unknown, makes it harder to find each other. The more validators there are, the harder it is to find enough. Great huh?!

Still, AVAX has the same validators for every subnet, Radix have different one's for different shards meaning Radix can and will have more validators combined than AVAX has.

>> No.26087054

Good point, didnt even think about that. Centralized entity choosing who can be a validator, even worse! Oh no!

>> No.26087143

jeets cant meme
>it will try and then it will run into the issues I stated
it wont because its a nonissue for a leaderless protocol.
>and has higher barriers to entry to being a validator
not really, just buy AVAX, set up a node which takes 3 minutes which can run on a raspi, set stake and thats it.

you dumb nigger it depends on the subnet if there is KYC or not, there will be subnets with and without KYC and for an AVAX node you dont need any KYC at all, just the minimum amount needed to stake.

>So some subnets might be controlled by 1 validator if no one else wants to sign up to it?
If its made by a retard like you maybe, anyone with a brain understands decentralization and will try to onboard as many nodes as possible for maximum security.
>No Radix validators aren't capped at 100.
yes they are, it says so in their whitepaper.

>AVAX has the same validators for every subnet
nope, read about Initial Subnet offerings and how it works you brainlet fuck.

and no Subnets are NOT shards.

>Radix can and will have more validators combined than AVAX has.
they need to start to catch up, so far Avalanche is very very far ahead.

>> No.26087381

Being a leaderless protocol doesn't address the issue of gossip running into more latency issues as more subnets are added and the network tries to scale.
Yes barriers to entry are high the amount of avax needed for a node isn't accessible to everyone
YOU STILL didn't provide sources to your points, you still contradicted yourself multiple times in this thread discrediting yourself.
still no proof for 3 laptops still can't back up any of your other low IQ claims, you are getting shat on by everyone in this thread. This right here is proof that Radix is a high IQ coin and AVAX is for deluded psychotic morons with paranioa who contradict themselves and their own CEO, this thread is such a great insight into the delusion and dishonesty of you intellectually disabled fuckboys. I'm so glad I don't hold AVAX because if I did I might lose some IQ points coming into contact with cretins like you

>> No.26087434
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>cant meme


>will try to onboard as many nodes as possible for maximum security.
Ok so I have to manually ask people and beg them to join me? So you're saying I already know the validators beforehand and can actually collude with them to scam/rugpull the shit out of anyone joining my subnet? Based, that's secure as fuck.

>>AVAX has the same validators for every subnet
>nope, read about Initial Subnet offerings and how it works you brainlet fuck.
Ok? So this thing that AVAX wrote themselves is a lie?
>All 3 blockchains are validated and secured by the Primary Network. The Primary Network is a special subnet, and all members of all custom subnets must also be a member of the Primary Network

>avalanche is far ahead
no scaling, no composability, it's a barely improved ethereum, nothing more.

>> No.26087500

What's even worse is I've seen them stealing CHADIX memes

>> No.26087596

Stealing memes is low IQ jeet. Bad Avax stealing memes against their own project. Based irony

>> No.26087740

AVAX has none of these issues but for you to understand how Avalanche actually works you would need to read the whitepaper. you are too dumb to do this.
>I'm so glad I don't hold AVAX
coping poorfag, probably missed Link too and put his money on witnet or some shit lmao.

>cant meme
they are low energy and obviously made by talentless hacks.
>Ok so I have to manually ask people and beg them to join me?
now the dumb nigger doesnt even understand incentives or that different usecases have difference specs.
>no scaling
already scaled and already most decentralized network, something radix can only dream of
>no composability
why radix niggers even care about this? they havent even solved the trilemma, have no mainnet and have nothing after 8 years.
>it's a barely improved ethereum
its ethereum with true decentralization, sub second finality and high tps.
and much more.

>> No.26087945

Thanks for not answering anything again. You're great man, keep saying things and maybe one day it'll make sense

>> No.26087966

Kek this guy. You think Avalanche is more decentralised than Bitcoin? Can you just say this again, it's priceless. More validators does not mean more decentralised. Meh big number must mean better. What kind of low IQ jeet must you be to say such crap and at the same time claim to understand the technical protocols you are discussing? You think Emin is fucking Satoshi? You think Avax became the most decentralised network in a few months? Another dumb fuck claim from you

>> No.26088011

Lol avax does have these issues there will be latency issues with gossip as the network tries to scale.
Don't care about memes but I've seen Avax copy Chadix memes several times before
Lol Radix scales infinitely avax doesn't we're running into the issue where you can't process information again. Remember? Oh no you can't process information so you can't remember.
Lol at why do radix care about composability, everyone cares, Vitalik cares ETH have been trying to find solutions and Emin wants a solution. Radix has solved the trilemma get dabbed on with that fake news again

And once again Avalanche is a barely improved ethereum and functions very similarly with similar issues.
Have you taken your meds yet? Maybe the Doc can send them if you're in lockdown? Or will you start making baseless psychotic accusations towards him too?

>> No.26088262

>You think Avalanche is more decentralised than Bitcoin?
yes, BTC is centralized through mining pools and on the hardware level through asics and cheap chink electricity.

>More validators does not mean more decentralised
yes it means its more decentralized you centralized loser.
everything was answered but seems like someone with a shitskin IQ cant grasp it.
>there will be latency issues with gossip
you keep repeating yourself, this wont make it any more true tho.
>Don't care about memes
thats why you will lose.
meanwhile AVAX wages meme warfare against all its competition and like with Chainlink they will succeed with this.
>Lol Radix scales infinitely
on a paper written by a scammer maybe, in reality it doesnt scale above 100 nodes and never will.

>> No.26088363

Cope more, you give no rebuttals no any argument thrown at you, all you say is
>Yes it is you loser you're wrong!!! REEEEE

>> No.26088570

So Avax Anon thinks Avax is less centralised than Bitcoin lmao. Bitcoin is less decentralised than it can be for the reasons you stated BUT Avalanche is NOT more decentralised, and Avalanche does NOT have the most validator nodes in crypto. Research it and you'll realise even ADA has more, and ADA is a shit protocol too as it can't even scale on its L1 without breaking so they made a L2 called Hydra. Avax is much better than ADA tech, maybe even better than most protocols, but it is not more advanced or more decentralised than Radix

>> No.26088586

Nothing was answered again and still no sources after over 100 more posts
Now you are projecting, notice how we told you to stop repeating your baseless claims and now you are accusing us of the same. You are copying us just like avax copies radix memes and copied their tech from team rocket. This is some strong projection. The difference is we a restating logical points which haven't been debunked you are repeating stupid baseless lies like 'radix did the test on 3 laptops' Do you have issues with narcissim as well as psychosis? You're a real mental case despite managing to hide it when you communicate on other non 4chan platforms.
I don't personally care about memes but radix holders do and as i said avax steals chadix memes and chainlink memes and makes shitty copy paste versions with no wit, kind of like your copy paste arguments...
Lol now you are legit resorting to calling a mathematically supported paper a scam.
You've gone off the rails, well and truley headcase, just a quick question do you daytrade? I'm wondering how someone as mentally ill as you would cope with the stress.

>> No.26088739
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I hope new friends don't buy this. If you need to do this then your project is shit. Sure you might get pump because of bull run where even dogshit pumps but doesn't change the fact your project is shit.
also. welcome to 4chan.

>> No.26088874

More projection AVAX shills are the biggest spammers on this board

>> No.26089027
File: 45 KB, 929x1175, 1596119720857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right now, you're juste a laughable erc20. come back to us when you have a live protocol and then we can talk.

>> No.26089098

Come back when you have atomic composability, no latency issues, no bottlenecks, different validators and some original memes.

>> No.26089115

Let me know when Emin solves atomic composability. Good luck with that

>> No.26089272
File: 15 KB, 381x201, ravax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more casualties from the ravax war. it pains me to see it. a peace treaty was never even an option.

>> No.26089333
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And when you have no central entity issuing licenses to be a validator
>I'm decentralized, trust me bro

>> No.26089490

hahaha top kek imagine trying to play the decentralisation card when avax is literally the definition of centralisation. Don't throw rocks in a glass house fuckboys.
If you are not one of the anons that has shitposting about avax and posting fake fud about radix then i legit feel a bit sorry for you but your boys should have never tried to mess with radix, no use trying to bully other people then calling for a peace treaty as soon as you start getting your ass whooped

>> No.26089681

nobody is whooping anyones ass anon. this is a senseless battle with no victor. we should unite in our gains instead of battle buzzwords and metrics until there is nothing left but dust

>> No.26089952

But the fudsters did get whooped, they tried to use weak false debunked fud and we were smart enough to call it out and explain why it was wrong. I maybe would have considered uniting months ago if avax shills hadn't been continually shitposting everyone and maybe I'll reconsider if they manage to change their behaviour over a long period of time but I'm not uniting right now after your bros have spent the last 2 months spreading lies about radix, btc, eth, dot and even unrelated projects like statera. You can't just start fights then be like 'whoah bro lets all calm down' as soon as the other side fights back

>> No.26089996

Smells like smelly pajeet in here

>> No.26090024

Radix = Centralized Shitcoin with zero consensus

>> No.26090081

please direct me to a thread where the avaxers started shit fren

>> No.26090120

scroll up in this thread, go through the archive, check many of the threads from earlier today, not just radix but DOT and other coins too they are even doing it to BTC

>> No.26090249

They have not lol. Look at da s flexathon that proves it.

>> No.26090502

take your pills schizo

>> No.26090526

You do realize that these are just examples of what subnets can offer, right? They aren't mandatory. The idea of subnets is that they offer flexibility. That doesn't mean the entire network of nodes is affected.

>> No.26090620

There is still some centralized entity that gives out licenses to the validators, whether it's required for 1 or 100 subnets doesn't matter. If they say no you can't join that one. Decentralized my ass

>> No.26090665

Yo did they not also donit in a way that would relfect poasible issues? Eg bad nodes and ones that had issues connectig?

>> No.26090676

>an avax shill was mean to me on my thread
shills from every coin come shill in other threads/twitter posts, this is internet ffs

>> No.26090689

>can't have no legitimate criticism
dude your whole project is a riced out version of ethereum that's been in "development" for 8 years lmao

>> No.26090700

I don't think this is true. as from another battle thread

> people can create sub-nets with their own set of requirements (e.g. for compliance with local laws) THIS IS A GOOD THING, and doesn't make the base level subnet centralized since anyone can create a node (currently 750+)

>> No.26090702

There we go trying to copy my debate tactics, copied team rockets consensus algorithm, copied chadix memes, posting copy pasta fud and now copying an insult i litererally used in this thread which applies to your boy but not me. Is avax a copy paste coin?

You know when insecure people accuse other people of having their problems? Thats exactly what avax do, accuse radix of being centralised when avax is more centralised

>> No.26090758

>There we go trying to copy my debate tactics
lololol wtf is this schizo talking about? take the damn pills NOW

>> No.26090778

>copy my debate tactics, copied team rockets consensus algorithm, copied chadix memes, posting copy pasta fud and now copying an insult i litererally used in this thread which applies to your boy but not me.
literally take your meds retard

>> No.26090801

Fuck i am excite for this.

>> No.26090816

whos side are you on anon? or are you voting for peace

>> No.26090916

That will be up to the people that want to transact on that subnet. As the other anon pointed out, it all about incentives. I'm handing out licenses for validators and people don't like that because they feel it's centralized? Fuck, no one wants to use the subnet? Alright, let me get rid of that license model so people feel safe and actually want to use the subnet. Again, it isn't mandatory. That's like saying an ETH project is fucking shit and then blaming all of ETH for it.

>> No.26090930

Ethereum is a blockchain
Avax is a blockchain

Radix is not a blockchain and scales way beyond both while keeping atomic composability something no blockchain has solved, it seems like you don't know what you're talking about

>> No.26090980

I told your boy to take his pills, then you tell me to take my pills. You are copying what I'm saying because you can't come up with anything of your own. Are you too stupid to understand this?
again i told you to take your meds now you are saying it back to me you are all low IQ copy paste bots

>> No.26091047

Ok so basically
>Yo friends, let's rugpull these guys
>Me and my friends are validators
>Act nice, develop this dapp
>Lots of people join and put money into it
Based validators colluding, great protection from that.

>> No.26091143

>"and I started talking about pills and then they tell me about the pills and they say I'm crazy I'm not uh uh uh I'm not crazy I have radix anus compost ability take medicine aaaaaaaaha help schizo schizo you copy me you copy me bots they are robots they are all robots help"

they are right you are batshit insane

>> No.26091152

Radix. Why the fuck would i shill avax?

>> No.26091202

ok keep repeating yourself and copy pasting low iq braintard shit, maybe eventually if you believe enough it will come true

>> No.26091211

Does not matter. will Feel so good to gloat in a year

>> No.26091248

So you're saying that radix has anti-rug pull built in? God damn what part of the white paper was that fucking retard.

>> No.26091273

>Me and my friends are validators
you forgot a couple details tho:
>everyone can see your validator has only minimum stake and minimum stake time and are fresh nodes
>everyone can see that you and your friends are just 10 validators (so centralized, legit projects will have thousands of nodes in their subnets)

nobody would trust your subnet. simple as.

>> No.26091321

defi whitepaper pgs 6-11 component catalogue and using a FSM for coding smart contracts Radix is anti rugpull

>> No.26091366

You are the only radix shill in here with any sense. I'll check it out. Thanks.

>> No.26091469

Most people involved with radix are actually pretty nice, its only because so many people have been throwing stupid irrational fud at the project that discussions turn out like this, plus we are on biz.

>> No.26091512

Doesn't stop validators from colluding, especially not if they can see each other, then it makes it even easier to just take over the whole network

>> No.26091622

Everytime i brought up an issue with avax they just called me a radix shill without answering he quesio.

>> No.26091792

>Doesn't stop validators from colluding
nobody will trust it to begin with.
it would be too centralized to be a proper subnet for anything DeFi or whatever.
this forces you to onboard more nodes to increase trust and security, more nodes which you dont control so your only attack vector is through the code but this can be audited.

>it makes it even easier to just take over the whole network
you would at best just control your scam subnet but not the AVAX network itself, you would also dont have any control over the "unsuspecting" nodes that you maybe lured in somehow. they would still validate AVAX but get your scam shitcoin airdropped at the end of the staking period.

>> No.26092058

A few people have had that same experience, I don't know what is wrong with some people.