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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26080550 No.26080550 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, please tell me I did good when I bought Rubic at 0.009.

>> No.26080669

Explain why this is mooning and why it has potential to be worth a shit ton more. It's only a 2 mil mktcap

>> No.26080913

Because it's an actual product with a real use case. Unfortunately alot of people just want to pnd. It'll start moving alot more once more wallets accumulate.

>> No.26080961

Explain it then. Explain what the product is what the use case is. Go ahead, do it. Prove this isn't a PnD and I'll help you shill it non stop.

>> No.26081028

don't hold any but I could see it hitting 10 mil in mktcap

at least the team is public https://rubic.exchange/

>> No.26081063

you did good, this isnt a pump and dump and still very under the radar. giving me PRQ vibes in term of potential

>> No.26081170
File: 189 KB, 600x701, 1f086fa506115a79ff7232e2a11bb6ba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>multi-chain DEX, will soon add instant cross-chain trades. ETH to BSC this month. HUGE.
>will connect to dev team's previous poject myWish, making it the only exchange with create and list your token function, among other unique functions you'll have to dyor for
>intergrated/partnered with binance, EOS, NEO, okex, 1inch etc.
>100% anonymity when trading
>liquidity pool and staking coming
>non anon dev team with successful track record
>active af github
>1.4m mcap, or 1.7m fully diluted

>> No.26081260

I went into the TG and decided not to buy. It's literally like one of those trains in India that has a million people clinging to the sides and roof except they're all euphoric about rubic

>> No.26081261

This is all just fluffy talk. Go to the site yourself and see that their "multi-chain dex" is literally just shitcoins. You can't trade ETH for DOT or anything like they're implying. You can trade ETH for BURGER though.

>> No.26081266
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Max Supply

>> No.26081341

It's going to be a crosschain DeFi platform. Dex/Amm etc. It's alot like Ren, but will have more community based features. Something that will appeal to basically all different tastes in crypto. Obviously there are going to be people who try to PnD, just look at the contract transaction history. Upside is that as people were dumping there were others buying in just as fast. Kinda like SNX when it was below 50 cents. It doesn't need shills yet. It's cheap enough for anyone to buy in. Just let it take its natural course

>> No.26081356

90 000 000 circulating

>> No.26081437

Go look at the roadmap before you reply again

>> No.26081460

honestly, i thought that this would have seriously dumped after yesterdays ath and all the spam threads but it has suprisingly held relatively firm in terms of price

>> No.26081507

It's coming. believe or don't believe, you can wait and buy when ETH/BSC swaps are live in a few weeks and the price is 0.10c

>> No.26081517

I spammed it on purpose to lower the price
I made threads appearing like a pajeet
to buy in lower

this coin is honestly legit

>> No.26081532

Does it do BTC <-> ETH?

>> No.26081577

cryptocurrency telegrams are shitshows in general so that's not unexpected

>> No.26081644
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>> No.26081649

Someone legitimately refute this and I'll go all in and spam biz with this until it reaches .1. If you can't I'll fud it forever whenever I see a post. Don't fuck it up.

>> No.26081874

it's just not ready. thats why it's a 1.5mil MC and not 150mil MC

>> No.26081927

never gonna make it

>> No.26081949

So no reason to pump? Why would it be worth 100mm one day?

>> No.26081983

Are you new?
>Always do the opposite of what biz says

>> No.26082032

buying RBC for 0.009 is like buying bitcoin for 10$

>> No.26082056

wtf is there to refute. all this shit is coming. github active, devs doxxed and legit. eth to bsc this month. if you don't believe they can pull it off don't buy

>> No.26082180

This. And this is also the reason why a lot of anons are freaking out about it, because this is the time to stuff your bags.

They have the framework ready, now they have to put the pieces into place.

They announced layer 2 as well. There is no reason to believe they won't deliver.

>> No.26082479


Guys you better be telling me the truth because I've just put more than $1k in this and I'm scared. I hold more than 100,000 Rubicons.

>> No.26082527

what do you mean no reason to pump ?
This is alt season and this is a 1.5mil MC coin with visible team. Just buy half a eth or something and forget about it

>> No.26082604

can someone explain to me why this is different than uniswap or sushiswap

>> No.26082662

Just get prq lol. Fuck even graph or RSR. There's no fundamentals on this.

>> No.26082720

Guys please stop shilling still working on the accumulation, I'm all tied up in XSN rn

>> No.26082725
File: 61 KB, 1092x962, 1610802698487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can only swap ETH based tokens on those. With Rubic you can swap between Eth, Binance Smartchain, Tron and soon Polkadot.

You know literally nothing about the project.

>> No.26082802

multi-chain DEX has potential to set it apart, 100% also shows appeal. I heard rumor the token itself will have a fair few uses such as fees and stuff. If the token fees end up being cheaper than gas fees in the long run that would also hold some form of appeal. This project is similar to DEXG where there seems to be an attempt to do some innovative things but not all of them might pay off

>> No.26082808


and this

>> No.26082868

>You can only swap ETH based tokens on those. With Rubic you can swap between Eth, Binance Smartchain, Tron and soon Polkadot.
interesting, what's the catch? also what are the odds we'll see "mainstream" adoption? I'm not sure the crypto community at large needs this

>> No.26083060

already deep in prq since august 10th anon. the fundamentals on rbc are huge, it's just a q of if they can pull it off. eth to bsc implementation starts in a few days, we'll see if they deliver

>> No.26083153

Feels good ngl

>> No.26083158
File: 46 KB, 741x406, 1610704536665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't dare to predict adoption. All I know is that they are unique in what they do. There is no catch really.

I know of only one other project that does something similar and I deeply into that one as well. Pic related.

>> No.26083194

You bet your ass CZ will tweet about it when they do. He's gonna be all over it.

>> No.26083334

>what does uniswap do? rly? just for erc20 swap? i am not sure crypto community at large needs this

>> No.26083448

What if I have bought at $0.014?????????

>> No.26083521

Imagine a couple of good CEX listings during normie season.

>> No.26083597

You done good fren.

>> No.26083847

lmao people actually fell for this pnd

>> No.26084099

Brainlet here. I just bought some with metamask where the fuck can I actually see the coins? It took my ether but I don’t see any rbc in my wallet. Did I fuck up?

>> No.26084173

Wait I can see it on etherscan. How the fuck am I supposed to use them if I can’t see them in my wallet?

>> No.26084214

Add custom token on MetaMask

>> No.26084247

add a custom token and use the address from the etherscan receipt

>> No.26084347

Thanks man I’m new to this. I even bought xsn early and would have made a shit ton on it by now but I was dumb and left it on livecoin which got exit scammed.

>> No.26084494

this is the one lad. will be the first place to offramp bsc without having to use a binance service. effectively ruling out binance having any control over it. the team has also said they are not required to report on transactions related to tax as their jurisdiction does not require it. this paired with CNFI is all you need to survive outside jew system

>> No.26084710

I have a feeling guys, we're gonna make it thanks to this token. Seems legit, decent team, has many people interested, low supply, micro mcap, and waiting for exchanges. It's certainly very, very early. The pump is inevitable.

>> No.26084856

>It is uniswap, except instead of only swapping eth tokens, it will swap all coin on all blockchains. It will do so seamlessly, instantly, and anonymously. It is a token with 1.6 million market cap, but 20 billion in associates and co-operators.

>> No.26084893

the good thing about this is only /biz/ talks about it. no one mentions it on twitter or the 20 or so TGs im in

>> No.26084933

The catch is making the technology of that work could be tricky and not pan out. Its a risk, but one I believe to be worth taking

>> No.26085234

The catch is them not delivering on the technological side, compared to bigger players like Stakenet who have been working for 3 years if not more.
An idea and a beta product alone ARE NOT worth 1M marketcap.

>> No.26085426

look at dexg, that is just a fancy amm with no cross chain promise and that is 12.5m mcap. you gotta be retarded not to put at least 10 eth into this. plus, their dex works and it has a fucking order book. i have been wanting that ever since uni came along. its going to be fucking wild.

>> No.26085732
File: 198 KB, 636x636, 1588538052092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll have to see. I grabbed a suicide bag but understand that I'm not very hopeful. Maybe in 6 months I'll remember these posts and laugh at how worried I was, for nothing.

>> No.26085780

thats like buying bitcoin at 16$

>> No.26086304

What amount is suicide bag? Make it?

>> No.26086361

Why aren't you on Coinbase https://twitter.com/coinbase/status/1349770797615869954

>> No.26086443

Suicide bag is 100k, make it - 1kk.

>> No.26087212

The link was sent to devs.

>> No.26087668

ranjeet please no rug

>> No.26087708

Пoшёл нaхyй, тянy кoвpики из-пoд peтapдoв кoгдa хoчy.
Sure, dear sirs.

>> No.26087727

so basically it can do what coinbase can do...?

>> No.26087825

But with less fees.

>> No.26087852

I regard every shitcoin with a cube as a scam. (Except link)
Come on guys, the logo is literally just a fucking cube kek. You'll be rub-pull before you can say wassa wasaa wasaaaaaaaa

>> No.26087911

Where to buy this shitcoin?

>> No.26088034
