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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26073124 No.26073124 [Reply] [Original]

>$40k networth
is it over?

>> No.26073160
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>> No.26073197

I always try to act nice to my parents so I don't have to move out and pay rent.

>> No.26073234

old people dying has a bigger impact on your potential than you think.
> 33
> $2.2MM

>> No.26073274

Do you have a job?
If you do then yes it's over

>> No.26073301

could be a lot worse

>> No.26073308 [DELETED] 
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I don't feel too well bro's

>> No.26073323

>maybe $10k
(Have a car worth maybe $5k, about $4k worth of crypto and $1k cash) im still a student though. Hopefully this bull cycle can lift me up a bit and i can have more money for the next bear cycle.

>> No.26073332

How so?

>> No.26073358

Most definitely is over permanently unless you pool your entire networth into the infinity pool. The clocks ticking you better hurry

>> No.26073362

He probably got some inheritance

>> No.26073366

Everyone I know has inhereted large sums of money or a house by the time they're 25. How are you still so poor?

>> No.26073442

I'm 35 and I'm nearing 1 million in crypto.
I literally had like 30k to my name three years ago.
Chill out but sort your shit out. Mostly, stop feeling sorry for yourself. You still have a lot of life left. Don't focus on regret but on making the rest of your life less shitty.

>> No.26073462

Some of us never get any inheritance like that.

>> No.26073542

Just start to invest in crypto
27 here was a 30k poorfag 1 month ago now I have a 65k portfolio

>> No.26073557

everyone you knows' parents die by the time they are 25? lolwut

>> No.26073586

such is life in Flint, Michigan

>> No.26073625
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Don't worry anons, if you didn't come from a middle class+ family like me, all that really matters in your 20s is that you don't become entrenched in debt like the rest of society. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.26073643 [DELETED] 

would've been me if i kept on studying
instead i went working for a year
so far my moneys trippled

>> No.26073788

My parents won't pass until I'm 50 and I plan to retire at 45. So I'm doing this all on my own. It's ok though, I can do it.

>> No.26073846

I'm assuming you road a couple moonshots. How did/do you deal with taxes?

>> No.26073868

>13k net worth
How pathetic

>> No.26073880

Sorry dawg not everyone is able to be born a trust fund baby

>> No.26073906
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>450k networth
yeh man, we're both fucked.

>> No.26073907


>> No.26073960
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>> No.26074029

need rope

>> No.26074038

Its okay, just focus your energy into making more. Most people are in debt these days, you are all ready a winner if you are debt free.

>> No.26074081

fuck you, nice bait, i'm triggered now

>> No.26074082
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Yall in?

>> No.26074151


>> No.26074224

>$100 cash
>0 crypto (not today cia)
Least I can still get morning coffee

>> No.26074254
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>> No.26074277

> 45k net worth now

Enjoy the free data point you miners

>> No.26074279


I have no hope.

>> No.26074307


>> No.26074378

Woah everyone on an anonymous board is above national average

>> No.26074385

As long you’re debt free, no.

>> No.26074692
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If you put all of that in the stock market and made net 5% on it, you would be making the equivalent of a comfy $1/hr assuming 40hr work week.

>> No.26074844
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>> No.26074925

>$23k after debt

I feel pretty content with that, if Biden wants to wipe out my student loans then I'd feel even comfier

>> No.26074944
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>hit 150k nw this bull run

>> No.26075399

>26 in Finland
>30k crypto, 100k stocks and ETFs, 160k apartment

Still feel like I will never make it. Currently putting almost all salary every month to stocks/crypto

>> No.26075482
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25 and £1k net worth

>> No.26075501

Darm same bro RIP for both of us if we don't make it

>> No.26075513

My net worth was like -20k at 25.
I had so much sex though. It was pretty cool.

>> No.26075635

That’s where I am now. I put a lot of money in my DoD IRA and probably will never see that money. I’m tryna make easy money instead of an only fans.

>> No.26075652

>75k net worth
I'm fucked, lads.

>> No.26075669

Shit guys with my loans I am at 5K net worth

>> No.26075894

3k in stocks
A loving gf
1m. assured inheritance waiting for me after relatives start dying. (hopefully very late)
A gay uncle with no sons who is worth 40m.+ (potential big bags if he decides to give it to his nephews)

>> No.26076066

I almost feel like saying. Just keep paying the bare minimum and keep accumulating.

>> No.26076154

Only started ~2 months ago, up 8k.

>> No.26076319
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>$40k in bank. maybe $15k in 401k?
i have nothing invested and this is my first time on /biz/. wtf do i do? is there like a tutorial video i can watch? i hav decent job.

>> No.26076364

So now that we got rid of all the LARPERS we can continue this thread ?

>> No.26076395
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>1k networth

>> No.26076552

>60k in crypto
>54k student debt
Never graduated either

>> No.26076554
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>> No.26076705

Mass repliers get the rope first.

>> No.26076789

110 years old 1b net worth.

>> No.26076893

fucking richfags get off this board

>> No.26076962

im sorry that im old enough to be your great great grandfather, son.

>> No.26077206

What do ya'll use to keep track of your net worth?

>> No.26077248

my fingers.

>> No.26077272


>> No.26077357

>$21.8k in the bank, $5k in investments, $100 in venmo, $10k in retro video game collection, minus 2.7k in school tuition that I have to pay

>> No.26077477

no quit being a pussy

>> No.26077478
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>thinks that its a lot of money

>> No.26077520

It is actually , neither you or your friends and family have a quarter of those fake larper posters retard lmao

>> No.26077564


>> No.26077573
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>$7.2k in savings
>$4.6k USDC
>missed this entire bullrun

wish I was fucking joking

>> No.26077640

least your not in debt and didnt get wiped clean in june

>> No.26077682

The only people I know who don't have 50+ are normies who live their lives month by month instead of thinking ahead.

>> No.26077683

I have $30k debt from 2 degrees lol

>> No.26077787
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>0$ med student
>no student loans thanks to cute parents

>> No.26077817
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Seethe more poorfag

>> No.26077865

what do you do for a living anon?

>> No.26077871

>under $1k

no debt. problem?

>> No.26077953

Just buy a 1MM stack of CKB and wait a few months

>> No.26077980

> 36
> quarter mil including home equity

>> No.26078043

>anything under 30
>non-negative net worth
>it being over
You have no idea how low the standard really is.

>> No.26078181


>> No.26078259

I‘m 26 and have a net of 130k€.
But here are things to consider:
HALF of that networks came in the past 12 months due to eth and btc thriving. I‘ve been working full time for 3 years now (Uni education before that)
I kinda live like a monk and save 60% of my bad income so I was able to invest 1k into crypto every month.
Moral of the story is, your age Dienst rly matter that much, your networth won’t rise linear. Some things you do today will heavily impact it on some years but you won’t exactly know when. Maybe in a year my networth is only half of what it US today’s and that’s okay too. I’m still accumulating. Good luck to everyone feeling poor or hopeless, your chances are much better than you probably think.

>> No.26078283

least its frozen for now

>> No.26078359

if you even have an investment or know how to your ahead of most debt slaves

>> No.26078478
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that's /biz/ allright... calculating the time when your parents will die for some gains.

the absolute state of this board.

>> No.26078762

Nice, you're ahead 99% of the people here. 35 here and corona stopped my consooming and travelling habits so everything has gone to stocks, but not enough on cryptos. I wont make it but feeling pretty comfy.

>> No.26078958 [DELETED] 

>multimillion trust fund

its all so tiresome

>> No.26078972

Is this bait or are you actually that poor? I'm 22 and have > $50k just because I was a nerd and liked weed when I was 17. 2 BTC was like 2 weeks of my McWage in those days. I wish I never sold now but oh well.

>> No.26079100

kek this
even r/wsb zoomers seem ahead of us now

>> No.26079219


I'm 36. at 25 I was worth about the same.

current net worth is approaching 1m. Only 100k of that is crypto.

Wealth accumulates slowly at first, then all of a sudden

>> No.26079375

wtf were you doing the past 6 years?
>26, just broke 800k nw today

>> No.26079515 [DELETED] 
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>10M (only for now, i get the rest of the 100M when I turn 18)
guys i dont think im gonna make it

>> No.26079714

>$760k usd

Almost made it out of 6 figure hell, in my country I've already made it.

>> No.26079776


>> No.26079777

Unironically yes poorfag

>> No.26079907
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>$250K in Vanguard index funds
>$21K in various Crypto
>$15K in various ETFs
>$5K in risky stocks
>$4K in bank acct
>??? in pokemon cards that were sitting in a shoebox for over 20 years (pic rel)

my parents saved like $100K for me for a college fund way back in 2009 but scholarships+grants paid for most of my (in-state) tuition so I just reinvested it with vanguard; only just recently got into crypto + ETFs + individual stocks (no idea what i'm doing, just blindly following trends)

i'm pretty lazy, depressed, and retarded and have never worked a full-time job; I kind of waffle between NEET and part-time wagie (still live at home)

if I were more motivated i could probably make it to a million but i am just so goddamned lazy; i feel like i'd rather go to sleep forever than work a full-time job

>> No.26079937

and the only people who dont get >>26077520
this are too materialistic, concerned with self image, and have zero happiness.

>> No.26080011

if you want to offload that shit for a profit get them graded

>> No.26080031

>no debt
>dca'ing into etfs starting a month ago
gotta start somewhere

>> No.26080076

What the fuck do you guys consume if 6 digit worth isn't considered making it?

>> No.26080136

ay i have that poliwrath

>> No.26080212


but also

>gf with big booty

could be worse

>> No.26080225

The goal is to have a few million so you can make 100k a year off of low risk investing and preserve your money.

>> No.26080228

Most people are in debt so being above 0 is impressive these days.

>> No.26080233


>> No.26080995

I do not have a cent to my name.

>> No.26081006

you need money to make passive income anon. the goal is to not work unless you explicitly want to work. i don't think most of you normies understand how much of your life is wasted on menial labor for other people who are making much more on your work

>> No.26081044
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Yes. Problem is /biz/ wants to only compare themselves to the 2 mil net worth 23 year old.

>> No.26081050


>> No.26081073
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>30k in debt

>> No.26081075

Wise and kind words!
You will make it, Brother.

>> No.26081107


To be fair I've been NEETing it up for the past year. I don't even mind doing hard work it's just the people you have to deal with in the workforce are so toxic.

>> No.26081151

3k networth 2 of which is in a 401k my employer matches


>> No.26081179

the workforce itself is toxic lol

>> No.26081182

Justin Biber already has a child?

>> No.26081191

I don't get it so the average american would be at what %?

>> No.26081264

If I fail this semester I'm going for a reroll.

>> No.26081317

Thanks. This image will help me cope.

>> No.26081359

>around 60k floating cash and some assets, no house

>> No.26081449
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>> No.26081476

It's an age bracketed chart. Doesn't measure that.
Median for age less than 35 is 10k-30k my guess. At that age you consume more than produce and accumulate debt. Averages are skewed because of the million and billionaires.

>> No.26081545

>$25k crypto
>$2k in the bank
>$3.5k debt

>> No.26081570
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>> No.26081711

thank you anon, now I also understand why they use median instead of mean for these charts

>> No.26081879

The Rock and Jonah Hill have normal bodyfat on average

>> No.26082031

kek, nice analogy but correcto

>> No.26082113

-people post net worths many times mine while being 4 years younger


this thread is like the reverse of the "how many women have you had sex with" thread

>> No.26082116

By next year I should be around 60k from wage slaving, not accounting for unexpected losses or gains. My only rich relatives are the ones I don't want to die. The ones that probably deserve to die either pissed everything away or never had anything to begin with.

The approximate sum of my checking, savings, and brokerage accounts.

I can't say much about crypto since I'm not even in it, but I've benefitted from learning about stocks. I'd start slow and just learn through research and experience.

Sounds comfy. I'd be content in your position.

>> No.26082120
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>Never even touched a boob

It's over for me. You've gone, OP.

>> No.26082467

>I'd start slow and just learn through research and experience.
can u give me like video tutorial or something im afraid of getting disinfo'd

>> No.26082469

People who come here are more likely to be into finance. But yeah, net worth, salary, how many women you've been with, and how much you bench are always lied about

>> No.26082517 [DELETED] 

not a LARP

>> No.26082529
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>only made $200k last year
i want to fucking die

>> No.26082547

How fucked am I?

>> No.26082620

I just held link its not too hard

>> No.26082635

>10k networth if I consider my student loans but 70k in crypto, which started as 18k late last year
honestly I feel pretty optimistic. We're gonna make it bros

>> No.26082769
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>sauce me

>> No.26082954

Never invested, waiting for the imminent crash to get in with a phat(to my level) stack.

>> No.26082988

Uhhhhh I actually haven't used video resources for stocks but I know brokers put out videos on the fundamentals. Charles Schwab and TDA do this on yt I think. Personally I found the /smg/ OP pretty informational and Investopedia is solid for all the jargon. Just search for "define x investopedia" and they probably have a page for it. There's a lot of shilling obviously but there'll be real winners among the refuse so it's useful to learn how to filter all the information. Make sure to do your own research and hone your bs detector.

>> No.26083131

London Keyes you fucking r tard

>> No.26083174 [DELETED] 

I think of it as intergenerationally low time-preference.

>> No.26083320

pretty much exactly me, except i've got MtG cards instead.

>> No.26083352
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Dumb fucking nigger

>> No.26083476

Absolutely seethe at the fact that I’m 80% instead of 99% for my age... this can’t be healthy

>> No.26084090
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>33, debt free but only 1k in stocks and 3k in bank
Never too late to start learning and escape the wage cuck life, glad you guys are making it

>> No.26084267
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>London Keyes
Sorry for not being a coomer

>> No.26085182

relax anon you're good

>> No.26085279

>7k in crypto
>15k in savings
>13k in stocks
>no debt
>started in July with nothing
We are all gonna make it.

>> No.26085480
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>40k net worth
>didn't buy stonks because figured society would collapse by now or a few years from now
>thought bitcoin/crypto was a useless meme
Now all I want to do is be free from this prison of wage cucking.

>> No.26085556
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>10aud in bank since Trump bets got paid to Biden.
If Trump was announced to be the winner id be 250k aud in bank as well enough to leave stupid Australia. :(
>sold snx too early
>didn't retain my dot stack
>never bought pnk or Avax
I have a decent link stack but i could have been so rich if I just yolod hodl then sold at coins aths rip..

>> No.26086154

this but I'm 25

>> No.26086283

Dude the stock market is STILL recovering from covid shutdown. YOU STILL HAVE TIME YOU KEK

>> No.26086366

Yes i'm going to invest, but there is no cope for looking at those gains on like literally every chart.

>> No.26086486


It's pretty bad for my age, not going to lie. But considering I was -14k at the end of 2019, I'm doing pretty well so far. Have a plan to try and hit the 200k mark by 37. Though it does rely on the entire economy not collapsing again, so it may not happen.

>> No.26086534

how do i know what to buy? i dont have a ton of time to research and learn all this shit

>> No.26086789

>decent uni degree, decent job 45k USD salary, govt guaranteed 75k in 2 years
>net worth: no clue, 19k in student loans, 1k in crypto, 3k in bank, car worth probably little

>> No.26086807

I'm 21 and I have 3000 is it too late to start investing?

>> No.26087037

Looking at this chart, is there an argument for over 3 million being the real made-it minimum?

>> No.26087073


This really puts in perspective that 50k GRT is way more than any normal nigga lmao thanks OP! Good luck!

>> No.26087108

yeah :/

>> No.26087123

>Graduating in a year

>> No.26087632
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>around 500€

>> No.26087940

I'm going to make it and you can't stop me

>> No.26087972

29 years old


pretty average amongst my friend group :/ not enough to buy a house, but not so little to have to do pussy ass jobs for insultingly low pay

>> No.26088169

Do you count a house towards net worth if it's not paid off?

>> No.26088182

How the fuck is 400k not enough to buy a house? Where do you live??

>> No.26088238
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>210k net worth

>> No.26088245

At least I am halfway through a non-meme degree

>> No.26088392
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0 fucks given. Haven't worked in years & wont for several more, that's all that matters

>> No.26088478
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>$255k net worth
it’s over for me boys
i cant fucking take wagecucking another 30 years

>> No.26088484
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some people cant be helped anon.

>> No.26088577


wagmi faggots

>> No.26088615

3,500 stacklet

should I kms for not making it to 10k in time?

>> No.26088783

>-10k net worth

its an abstract feel

>> No.26088832

Everyone here is going to make it

My NW was 40k 3 years ago. I'm 28 now and my NW is now 240k.

>> No.26088983
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>> No.26089007
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>buying before the up and comming clusterfuck of lockdowns

>> No.26089154

how much of my total savings should be invested? wtf am i doing?

>> No.26089218

All of them, in doge coin

>> No.26089590

>tfw no gf

>> No.26089720 [DELETED] 

When I was 25 I was worth around $300 and moved back to my parents for a year

now I'm 27 and my networth is over 6 digits, so its all possible, in my opinion its more about your self belief (faith) and the energy you have before you start a task more then your ability's. ability's come with time but those are more improtant

my opinion at least

>> No.26089960

Botcoin.tax bro it's easy
>t. CPA

My question is wtf do you put the money after you cash out. The stock market and housing markets feel too high which is what those "safe funds" are. Do rich people just put more into an REIT and funds slowly over time, and keep the rest in money markets? What the fux

>> No.26090110

idk about you anon but I spend around 30k/yr, which is almost exclusively on the bare essentials (rent, utilities, food). If I have, say, 300k saved then I could NEET for 10 years but then I'd be shit out of luck after that, even if you include any returns from safe investments. Most people (in developed nations) would need at least seven figures to fully retire.

>> No.26090168

>only $350k
yep, rope is my future

>> No.26090229

I’m 22 with no money to my name and shit economy degree. It’s not over until you cash out.

>> No.26090232
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>8k I'm willing to put into crypto
>order placed for 250 LINK at $16 AUD so I can get in once the price dips, $4000 AUD total
>4000 AUD left over, not sure what to do with this since ETH and BTC are still at ATH
What should I do bros?

>> No.26090308


>> No.26090330

Buy a dress and become a famous trap on onlyfans

>> No.26090355

>aping in AFTER it moons

>> No.26090462

>in the 95% for 2 age groups ahead of my own
>still feel like it is not much and everyone else is doing better

Is this normal? How the fuck do I fix this and start enjoying my life

>> No.26090631

I know a rich old hag with a 100k+ salary. Seems poor, I'm fairly sure she uses most of it. Idk how considering she's unmarried.

If I had a 100k+ salary I'd be retired by end of year 10.

What's the point of such a salary if she's gonna work herself into the grave. Then again she seems to enjoy pushing wahies around and is likely power hungry.

>> No.26090688


26 with 300k net worth. It’s aight

>> No.26090843
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27 pic related
I made 175k in 2019 and would have made that again in 2020 but Covid FUCKED my industry and only made 115k. Really fucked my NW trajectory. At least im still employed.

>> No.26090868

>$4100 in the bank
>$1000 crypto holdings
>3 small business ventures bringing in almost passive income selling stuff (not dropshipping or any tacky shit like that.)
>no debt.
>fun part-time labouring job, full-time study for an applied economics degree.
>poor family, have to pay for all of my own stuff and will never get an inheritance.
Could be worse bros.

>> No.26090931
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It's feasible for me to live on $20K a year if I'm really frugal about it. I have about $60K between savings/investments and will probably have around $70K by the time I leave my current job.

Considering just burning through it and just killing myself when it's near gone. I'm almost 30 and I don't have any prospects or goals. A few final years out of the rat race and then exiting the stage while I'm still relatively young doesn't sound so bad.

>> No.26090977

>830k net worth
for me, its just begun

>> No.26090982

Dude I’m 30 and worth less than $10,000 so worry less.

>> No.26091041

I'm 25 with 16k networth.

>> No.26091048

do you not have a job?

>> No.26091125

Why are the rich anons the sad and lonely ones? Seems like the poor anons ITT are better off.

>> No.26091197

>1k networth
go myself a bit of an online business now though so i might be able to increase that by a lot soon

gonna spend most of my earnings desu but i should still have 5k in crypto by the summer

>> No.26091251

im poor and sad and lonely

>> No.26091470

mum passed away in 2016, got $10k in insurance money. put it into antshares and later raiblocks, now retired and going to do well in this new bull run. I'd rather she were alive and well, desu, but doing the best I can.

>> No.26091507

23 and negative net worth from school so you’re fine bud just keep the paychecks coming in and keep and open mind

>> No.26091630

How did you 2x in such short amount of time, I assume you risked your entire capital in one or two mid cap tokens?

>> No.26092195
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or, yknow, btc

>> No.26092262

38, -25k net worth
10k bitcoin I bought last week
5k 401k
5k cash
15k student loans
30k credit card

>> No.26092318

Buy it before the trillion dollar infrastructure bill passes

>> No.26092371

What do you have your 401k invested in

>> No.26092553

idk i havent touched it since i signed up. i guess the default stuff?
should i move my 40k from my checkings to savings? does that even do anything?

>> No.26092852


no skills no job no gf no friends no family

what now bros?

>> No.26092934
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feels bad man

>> No.26092943

Im 18 and I told my dad to loan me 50 grand for chainlink in 2018. Literally a millionaire now lol. But I'll probably just live with my parents because my dad's rich as fuck and our house is so big I can go days without seeing anyone

>> No.26092972

literally just buy index funds, BTC, and ETH if you don't wanna do research

>> No.26092978
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So many rich people here I legit have no fucking idea how to make money with this is currently have 3 euro in Bitcoin and I’m probably gonna doing some depressing job

Anybody wanna share 500 dollars to change my life?

>> No.26093011
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>> No.26093057

brown id fuck off pajeet

>> No.26093086




One day an actually rich anon will help me

>> No.26093135


>> No.26093173

I had nothing all my life so was poor had no friends, no family to rely on

finnally get money
blow it all in like a year
seriously like fucking 1k every month being spent at the very least
now i'm a poor fag again

>> No.26093455

but BTC and ETH are at peaks now? should i wait or buy now?

>> No.26093831
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> -7k
getting fired really sucked.. and being robbed of UI.. I'm gonna put sugar in the gas tank of the zoomer faggot that got me fired.. in minecraft of course

>> No.26093854

>kissless, hugless virgin
what do

>> No.26094453

>85% With all students debt
Feels good man but it won’t last long unless I keep it up

>> No.26094520

How did you get fired?

>> No.26094590

>900k crypto + 150k other
>self-made, no inheritance

still not enough capital. get your shit together and invest aggressively. don't do weird bullshit with your money. the first 100k is the hardest. life is psychologically easier in mid upper 6figs. still working for shit 50k/yr salary. salary doesn't matter at the 1mm level, just get enough to cover your costs and invest what is leftover.

>> No.26095201

This is basically me.

Looking to start funneling money into ETFs once I hit 150k for a down-payment on a house. Luckily I'm almost there

>> No.26095803
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>kissless hugless virgin
>hit 1 million CAD net worth yesterday

36k link stack i bought mostly in 2017 and 2018 with money i had saved from my high school job and every birthday and christmas of my life. I use an old car of my parents and dont do drugs or spend very much money. I think im gonna join a church and start volunteering to find a nice wife