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File: 449 KB, 1080x1809, Vitalik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26073212 No.26073212 [Reply] [Original]

XSN - Trustless L2 bridge between coins.

Just like Vitalik said.

69c's and climbing

>> No.26073252

>He mentioned my shitcoin on March 25th!!

>> No.26073287

yeah and vitalik also funded a lot of friends who did nothing with it. don’t listen to this autist for anything price/business related.

>> No.26073343

I listen to him for things related to Eth and eth's growth where he's been amazing.

This is the thing.

>> No.26073368


>> No.26073469

Eth's price, and something to help eth grow isn't him funding friends.

If only he funded XSN!

>> No.26073647

It's solving a real world problem identified by the head of the 2nd largest cyrpocurrency!

>> No.26074012
File: 393 KB, 991x695, 1598627545416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>68c stable coin

>> No.26074078


>> No.26074198

Kek i remember that nig getting upset and he got the biz channel renamed to forums, then it went back to biz

>> No.26074261

My favourite moment was a dev coming here and btfoing a fudder then daring him to prove he could abuse an exploit.

>> No.26074281

kek, those kinda people should fuck off

>> No.26074327

lmfao I spit out my beer.
Good times.

>> No.26074342

Vitalik has repeatedly directed funding to his friends. Vitalik pushed for rolling back the chain after the hack because it was his friends who lost big money. Vitalik has been shilling ETH 2 in a disingenuous way to prop up ETH's price, and he is now pushing up for a new nomenclature to cover up the fact that ETH 2.0 may never be completed, and if it is it is 3-6 years away and, hey... can't we just quit early anyway guys, it's good enough at ETH 1.5... wait what was that?... now let's not call it ETH 1.5 anymore, we'll erase the phase nomenclature in favor of a new even more misleading and obscure nomenclature. KEK

>> No.26074546

even more reason this XSN L2 bridge is gonna make it

>> No.26074608
File: 743 KB, 580x732, bk2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26074656

he didn't even mention it

>> No.26074723


>> No.26074855


>> No.26074938


>> No.26075027


>> No.26075226


>> No.26075313


>> No.26075384

But xsn isn’t trust less. That’s the problem.

Also no one will use the ‘dex’ because when people trade, they generally want to trade all their stack. Having to use your collateral to open a channel means you’ll never be able to trade everything. You are also not saving a great deal from this unless you are a day trader. But, day traders generally swing their whole stack.

>want to trade btc for xsn
>open channel. Move to layer to (pay the layer 1 tx fee)
>trade (low fee) for xsn
>close channel and decide to trade for some link
>deposit xsn into channel, pay the layer 1 tx fee
>trade for link (small layer 2 fee)
> close channel

Now I started the day with BTC. Now I have btc, xsn and link. I also have payed 2 layer 1 transaction fees, and also completed to layer 2 trades.

Doesn’t sound like they actually solve.... anything? Why can’t you make a channel to the ‘dex hub’ and then you could trade any coin/token you want within that. Oh, cause they are insistent on using the lightning network

>> No.26075414


>> No.26075433
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>> No.26075440

69c stable coin

>> No.26075629

$100 confirmed.

>> No.26075648

we did it reddit

>> No.26075713
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>> No.26076506

where do I even buy this shitcoin?

>> No.26076574
File: 148 KB, 480x338, happening.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whitebit (no kyc) or wait 3 days and get it on bitfinex

>> No.26076646

i feel like i am a retard because i dont really do my own research and just read up a little in biz threads, but how come people cant easily find out where to buy? every coin on coinmarket shows all pairs it has.

>> No.26076663

Does whitebit actually work

>> No.26076753

that's where everyone has been buying from

>> No.26076788

why the fuck wouldnt it work why do you ask stupid questions like that?

>> No.26076864

But the eth I deposited isn't showing up in my main wallet on whitebit

>> No.26077208

that's... where I bought it

>> No.26077353

is ETH slow right now because of all the bullish activity? havent used it in awhile but im curious

>> No.26077480

Idk but I hope that's the problem and I haven't just lost my money

>> No.26077720

does the tx have a lot of confirmations?
somewhat unrelated, but i remember waiting hours for btc to show up on livecoin even though the btc had 6+ confs
if you sent it to the correct address, you should be ok