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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 171 KB, 1000x664, bar-scene-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2605376 No.2605376 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that real respectable adults buy an iPhone every year, drive a BMW financed with crippling 7 year loans, live in a fashionable city district, go out partying drinking $15 cocktails, work 60 hours a week and live from paycheck to paycheck.
You're not a manchild who can't afford any of this, right?

>> No.2605389

> tfw not normie scum

feels good man

>> No.2605397

trust me I'm leveraged to the point of uncomfortability. it's weirdly working better than when I just saved all my paycheck. there might be something to the psychology of this.

>> No.2605399
File: 43 KB, 650x456, 1494381530866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here as NET I just need to have a pc, my coins is a good pc, good luck in the future when you have to join 2304 years of salary only to get in my monthly income

>> No.2605421
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>> No.2605489


All of my coworkers live pretty much like this, here I am trying to make a future for myself speculating on cryptocurrencies. Normies live in like a trance of consumerism and believe that they can never attain anything higher, or that they refuse to put in any effort.

I can't be the only one, right? Everyone is basically brainwashed to be wage slaves?

>> No.2605535

Most people are

>> No.2605559


I legitimately don't know how people have the urge to "go out" when they surely know they have to go back into work the next week, and the next week, and the next week, over and over again in a never ending cycle.

How can you justify wasting time like that? You need to invest your time into doing something that's going to help you escape from wage slavery.

>> No.2605560

God, BMW's are the ultimate poor wagecuck living beyond his means car. Probably tied with Audi and Lexus. Everything else is the life though.

>not getting a Benz financed with a 10 year loan

>> No.2605578

To be honest, I'm sometimes tempted to buy a "premium" car
but then I look at compound interest table and figuratively slap myself back to common sense.

>> No.2605608

They go out to escape that thought. They're like a prisoner who is so broken that when his cell door is opened he doesn't even try to escape because he knows he can't or doesn't think it will be any better outside. They don't want to attempt to escape wage slavery, they just want to pass time until they're dead. You're not so different.

>> No.2605615

kek, you left out 'give massive amounts of money to a female so she can see how fast she can burn through cash on retarded materialistic purchases'

My coworker makes like $125k a year and we live in the midwest where cost of living is cheap. He drives a beater car and doesn't get to indulge in any hobbies because his wife spent them so far into debt that he can't afford $5 lunches.


>> No.2605623
File: 114 KB, 1366x768, Ford-Fusion-2005-1366x768-008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the only car you will ever need

>> No.2605628

>You're not a manchild who can't afford any of this, right?
Neither can they

>> No.2605635

That car is ugly as shit. And im a cheapsteak. Would get if cheap enought tho, but man, there are better overall cars for the same price probably.

>> No.2605636
File: 294 KB, 1920x1226, Skoda_Fabia_front_20080612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drive something similar, probably a close European equivalent.
Near optimal TCO, high reliability, no frills.

>> No.2605641

>living paycheck to paycheck
>living off credit

I never understood why my generation does this. I'm setting aside money for emergencies, savings, and to have a future. What are people gaining by sustaining themselves only in the moment?

>> No.2605653


> has a car
> thinks hes not a money-wasting normie

>> No.2605665


you see, this looks fine >>2605636

>> No.2605672

>put money into index funds
>don't spend money because I'm not materialistic
>only good possession is a $1000 computer
>essentially saving 75%+ of my income
>early retirement is near

This is the true way of living: being financially independent.

>> No.2605705

damn i thought it was ugly as shit when my grandmother drives it
but now it's grown on me and i like it very much for not being some degenerate attention whore shape
it also doesn't go above 160 so theres almost no chance i'll kill myself in it

>> No.2605718

>when my grandmother was driving it*

>> No.2605742

You're almost there. I got my company to let me work from home, so I don't even own a vehicle, and used that to convince them to buy me a computer and two monitors.

>> No.2605749
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>he doesn't have a car
>puts spaces after his sideways V's

>> No.2605754

>This is the true way of living: being financially independent.

This anon gets it. A few years of hard work and frugality now can set you up for early retirement and doing what the fuck you want for the rest of your life by age 40.

>> No.2605756

» uses american sideways vs

>> No.2605764


touché anon
well played

>> No.2605826
File: 100 KB, 550x733, betamanlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw in the end you lose it all for playing with Ponzis and end up just as poor as them but missing out on the fun
Not saying it's necessarily going to happen, just don't think stoicism is always rewarded with hedonism. This IS a get rich scheme.

>> No.2605881

I enjoyed this provocative post.

I live like a total poorfag despite middle-class salary because i put all my money into crypto. not feeling GREAT about that this weekend but whatever. long-term it will pay off.

I did get a cheap-ish used car to try and save money, but the repair bills have been fucking brutal. With Cars, You Lose.

>> No.2605915


Of course you can lose it all, but I think it is pretty unlikely unless you are completely reckless. I've made good short term gains, and I have some long term holds that I think will do great.

I've lived the normie lifestyle, and I can honestly say I would rather off myself than live like that the rest of my life. Maybe I'm just crazy, but becoming wealthy is my only motivation. I think crypto in this state is one of those rare opportunities to make it

>> No.2605977

I love stories like this

>> No.2606044
File: 261 KB, 1440x2560, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jokes on all of you. Those normies probably have rich parents that owned a couple of houses and acres of land in Montana and they will marry a slut wife with even richer parents.

Jokes on all of you. Yes, they can party, buy Range Rovers, get new iPhones every month and life live to the fullest while you all become like jews pinching pennies rubbing your hands buying 0.0001cent scamcoins while typing "lambos" "to the moon" on an indonesian bambo figurines fetish forum.

Enjoy your wretched lyfe.

>> No.2606085

"she got an ass but her titties little"

>> No.2606096


After I moved into my own apartment last year my motivation to go out on weekends dropped by 90% and I'm so much happier for it. Then again, I've since gotten a bit older and am married so partying is nowhere near the top of my priorities. Chasing random women is fun for a while but there's that looming thought that that kind of lifestyle should probably come to an end at some point.

>> No.2606148
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You got me OP

>> No.2606156
File: 41 KB, 853x853, isis smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny but true. My friends don't understand why I invest money and don't spend money drinking all weekend.

I am not going to inherit anything. I am truly self-made.

>> No.2606209

I can afford all of that and more.

>> No.2606212


Why not both?

>> No.2606213

Reading through threads like this is fascinating. NEETs fooling themselves into thinking they're better than humans, crying about them just to feel better about themselves and acting superior for falling into a Ponzi scheme and also crying that college is a scam. truly fantastic stuff.

>> No.2606256

Unless you have $100 million or more, you shouldn't drive a premium car.

>> No.2606278

Sure I'll take the bait.

They can't afford it either, hence the loans.

>> No.2606284


t. coping nocoiner

>> No.2606293
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Really makes me think

>> No.2606299

>mfw this board is full of social rejects who are surprise surprise poor (shit job/no higher education in a bankable area) and can't afford living like humans who use money for whatever they want while still saving up

So glad I worked my ass off as a kid and got into Medicine. Now I can laugh at poor spergs whose life is nothing more than penny-pinching.

>> No.2606322

Enjoy virginity.

>> No.2606332
File: 426 KB, 2048x1315, asesino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2606333

Enjoy touching buttholes for a living. Wagecuck.

>> No.2606340


t. coping butthurt nocoiner

>> No.2606354

>anon is so salty, his fat man tits take like coins

>> No.2606362


t.coping butthurt nocoiner

>> No.2606366

normies reeeee etc

In all seriousness though, I'm mentally ill as fuck. I have never been able to fit into society, I have been poor my whole life until recently (when I got a decent job) so the whole lifestyle of buying expensive cocktails to flirt with normies is not very appealing to me. It doesn't sound like pleasure or hedonism it sounds like humiliating anxiety-inducing hell.

If I was rich, I wouldn't be a normie suddenly, I would just be a rich weirdo. Crypto is my way out of poverty (and now out of wagecucking).

>> No.2606368

I have a half a million $ in cryptos, coping much?

>> No.2606380


oh, really? good on you :), i hope it's not in shitcoins tho.

>> No.2606405

I totally believe you, anon-kun! This isn't some form of LARPing on the internet!

>> No.2606459

Ah yes, the virgin who blames women for being alone and not having the ability to love.

Maybe look for women who arent materialistic? I have been happily married for 5 years and she isnt materialistic at all. Doesnt even ask me for anything, understands about planning, etc...

Again, enjoy waking up at 50 years old and hanging yourself

>> No.2606479
File: 709 KB, 860x851, 1498241210782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope she doesn't divorce you and take your kids and your money anon.

>> No.2606516

>never spending any money
>retiring early and not having enough money to enjoy life in retirement either

There are two sides of every coin, you should still vacation, take up an expensive hobby, and go out a couple times a month even though it is expensive.

Besides, there is no promise that the money will be there when you retire. Look at all the times in history where allt he honest savers life savings just got wiped out. It's honestly likely to happen again in our lifetime.

There are middlegrounds, and the cuck that won't go out to lunch once a week because he would rather save is just as pathetic as the BMW leasing normal dropping 300 at the bars every weekend.

>> No.2606531

>take up an expensive hobby
Why? There are thousands of cheap, fun hobbies.

>> No.2606613

>not having a job that provides you with a new iphone and bmw company car each year
>not buying a samsung galaxy each year and being "lil two-phones" one for the bitches and one for the riches
>not owning a micro brewery bar so you never have to pay for your cocktails
damn /biz/ where's Masi Oka when you need him I know he used to post here

>> No.2606648

Why? I have no desire to do such things.

You seem to believe that I am limiting myself in order to save money. Not the case, I don't want to do those things anyway.

Why would I go out to eat, when I could cook at home? Why is eating out such a special, sacred thing?

Why is a hobby good or worthwhile only if it is expensive?

The money will be there if there isn't another great depression. On average, the stock market grows about 7% a year.

>> No.2606664


>> No.2606744

Abundance mentality, definitely. It's better to use your money and feel good than save it and feel miserable. But if you can capture abundance mentality through less wasteful means and save most of your money as a result, then you've found the winning formula to life.

>> No.2606772

>It's better to use your money and feel good than save it and feel miserable.
c) save it and feel good

>> No.2606787

this, saving money doesn't make me feel bad, it makes me feel good

>> No.2606789
File: 27 KB, 450x450, 1313735607890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>point out that the majority (more than 50%) of women will spend you into debt
>point out that the majority (more than 50%) of women will use the legal system against you when they can't get anything else out of you


>> No.2606823

>be cuck get given cuck gifts
>wow I'm doing so good goy

Enjoy being at the beckon call of whatever kike gives you your pity BMW

>> No.2606827

Spending money mindlessly is actually a case of scarcity mentality, lad

>> No.2606838

>go out partying drinking $15 cocktails
I've had some really good 10€ (back when that was still 15$) cocktails.
This is nothing bad.

>> No.2606882

You can make them yourself for $2

>> No.2606956

And I can also jerk myself off, but fucking a bitch is still better.

Same goes with having somebody making you the perfect cocktail and enjoying it in a cool bar.

>> No.2606986

>cool bar
Where do you find a bar that's not 99% Normies?

>> No.2607024

>respectable adults
respected by who? each other? does that circle jerk count?

>> No.2607086

You don't have to interact with people you don't know.

>> No.2607131

>go to loud bar
>do not bother to interact with people
>buy expensive drink
>drink expensive drink
>go home

This sounds like a lot of fun! I can't imagine what I've been missing out on!!

>> No.2607134
File: 96 KB, 500x555, look-atthese-people-glassy-eyed-automatons-going-about-ther-dailyuves-never-1186459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire thread

>> No.2607140

>cuck tales

>> No.2607148

Why are you so hostile?

>> No.2607164

lmao you're a faggot bro

>> No.2607177
File: 21 KB, 608x456, american psycho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I lived an upper middle class yuppie lifestyle in the 1980s-early 1990s, pic related

But everything is so shit these days that all of that normie shit you described sounds miserable in 2017, being a shut-in NEET or a workaholic millionaire is where it's at now. Smartphones ruined everything.

>> No.2607186
File: 18 KB, 200x300, 1408312447759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I go out on the weekends and hang out with my fraternity brothers
>mfw I have coins and have invested in a mutual fund while they complain about having 4 dollars in their bank account.

Best of both worlds lad, fun and future accounted for!

>> No.2607200

i actually managed to break my iphone 3gs. Im scared of breaking the newer ones, which are even more fragile.

>> No.2607211

I don't understand pictures of attractive people eating foods you know they avoid.

>> No.2607249

i find this hard to believe.

like i make $8k after taxes but really try to limit all expenses to $2.5k - of which $1.5k is just the rent -, and i still basically live like a chinese jew and think i aint saving enough.

>> No.2607251

Normie get out. REEEEEE

>> No.2607261


>> No.2607274

>t. self-centered 115 IQ 25 years old white urbanite
Dumber people have much less awareness and capacity for introspection. Smarter people go beyond trivial thoughts about others. "We are all equal and isn't it ironic" is pseudo-intellectual garbage from people who built their own mental prison.

>> No.2607285
File: 2.19 MB, 1960x1102, PHOTO_25-06-2017_16.07.35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reminder that real respectable adults buy a non-hackable phone every decade, drive a metallic grey Aston Martin DB11 paid in cash, live in a italian villa with wineyards on the outskirts, go to elegant parties and drink delicious and elegant wines, and don't work because he's already too rich (spend his time travelling, learning and improving humanity).
You're not a manchild who can't afford any of this, right?


>> No.2607300

invest in high dividend paying stocks and your problem solved

>> No.2607304

>But everything is so shit these days that all of that normie shit you described sounds miserable in 2017
Even back in 2012 stuff was better in Canada. Now there are roaming packs of somalians and other yufs at every entertainment district.

>> No.2607305

I find it quite anxiety-inducing to live from paycheck to paycheck with credit card debt (like most people have).

>> No.2607336

>So glad I worked my ass off as a kid and got into Medicine. I don't penny pinch.

Wanna know how I know you're lying?

>> No.2607337

I can afford a fat wife with 0 dollars

>> No.2607423

This is a pretty funny thread
>normies actually buy toilet paper?! What's writing with then don't they know there are free leaves right outside
>normies pay for water? Uh there are drinking fountains in parks all over!
>showers? When there alre perfectly good fountains, that have the added bonus of having money in them?! Normies, I tell ya
>Going out to eat? That one I can agree with, dumpster food is the cheapest there is!

>> No.2607427

most people aren't that honest with themselves

>> No.2607576

You are equating necessities like toilet paper and drinking water to luxury cars and new phones. You are a delusional normie.

>> No.2607619

toilet paper is not a necessity

>> No.2607642

why are european cars so ugly

>> No.2607659

Lol get real wagie filth, this is what we're discussing here.
We're talking about idiots who lease a bmw and then can't afford to replace a burned out bulb or drive it in sport mode because "muh money". Live paycheck to paycheck with no planning at all.

>> No.2607668

thi, only patricians know that you only shit in thwe morning before you shower

if you can't even control you shit schedule to 1 shit a day then you're a subhuman and probably financially insolvent like your anus

buying megapacks of scott-brand bathroom tissue is acceptable if you're more keen on rubbing your asshole with paper pulp though, as it'sabout 4.99 for a pack of 24 here and that lasts me about a year

>> No.2607716


I think it might have something to do with "fitting in" with the crowd.

Personally, I'm more interested in saving most of my money because my savings is my only safety net.

>> No.2607784

>not piece of shit build-quality because everyone finances them

>> No.2607808

Elliot is such a cuck, holy fuck. I could get laid with $0 if I tried.

>> No.2607904

Why does my brain tell me that there is a merchant outside that window?

>> No.2607939

>grow up poor in a small town
>town and family getting poorer by the day
>have terrible drug problem by the age of 23
>indicted by the DEA @ 27
>get off on technicality
>decide to change life
>get clean open a small cash for gold
>dad owned a jewelry store in the 80's so i had some insight
>spend 363 days a year stuck in an box for 8 hours a day trying to get ahead
>business begins to boom
>hard work starts paying off
>flunk through a couple of employees and finally find a winner
>now obligated to work less than 20 hours a week
>meet nude russian model in florida
>kidnap her to back midwestistan
>family, baby, boat, cars, house, plan to spend the entire winter in panama
>life is good, drive a honda civic because I don't want people to perceive me as wealthy
>don't drink or spend money at the bar
>pay taxes on 200k personal income last year
>bored at work so I check out biz after years of /k and /b
>crypto crypto crypto
>ehh ok ill bite
>addicted like a crack head again

>> No.2607962

>>crypto crypto crypto
Would you share some with a poorfag?

I'm willing to pay my parents bills and leave their house.

>> No.2608012
File: 21 KB, 504x345, 1493470002055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're telling me you made 200k buying precious metals and jewelry below market value from desperate people?

>> No.2608020

>respectable adults
Meh, fuck being a respectable adult. Here's my current character load out:
>early 20s
>tfw no gf
>8/10 ottermode with a 99 autism stat
>android phone
>zl1 manual transmission with auto rev matching always turned off (getting the 1le upgrade kit soon)
>no debts
>networth: $1.8m
>self-made (poorfag family)
>never worked a wage job
>living conditions: 1 bedroom apartment paying monthly rent to the rentjew
My possessions and networth are all thanks to the gaming and cryptocurrency memes. I might upgrade my KHV and rentjew stats soon, but right now I'm pretty content. Embracing my autism was the best decision I ever made, and even if I master the art of seeming normal to the normies, I will never forget where I came from. I love each and every one of you faggots, not on this board in particular - this board can fuck off, but 4chan in general


>> No.2608045
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fuck you too

>> No.2608055

that and gift cards
I provide the service of converting precious metals into cash for people. For this I charge a fee, I am tasked with competing in the market just as walmarts prices are. For some reason people just see it differently. Economically its no different than any other business or market.

>> No.2608083

I literally stand behind a counter and buy visa gift cards of random crackheads all day @ 70% of the value. Then I run them through a POS for a 28% profit.

>> No.2608091

How do you avoid credit card theft?

>> No.2608095

That and I just bought ETH at fucking 282.00 on a leveraged long. Which has me biting my nails.

>> No.2608106

Not my problem, I cash out the Visa's as soon as I buy them, if i suspect they are stolen I don't buy them.

>> No.2608152
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>> No.2608204

Escape shittiness of life. Also to get a gf from the selection of girls that have already taken 7 dicks

>> No.2608214


Hope you've enjoyed being the only earner in your household

>> No.2608390

if you're close enough to those friends, whatever they inherit becomes something they share with you.

>mfw you don't actually have friends
>mfw an "investor" thinks he can't afford a few drinks

>> No.2609574
File: 517 KB, 1000x665, 1497454836376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>recent engineering graduate
>Depressed af working a shit junior engineering job but good pay (36k pounds)
>Go abroad with dad for 6 weeks and spend days hiking, fishing, hunting, cooking our hunt and shooting guns.
>Forget about shit job back home and enjoy life again
>Totally content with life, relaxing with bros and staying outdoors all day whilst hunting and eating whenever we want.
>Come back home and everyone calls you a barbarian and uncivilised
>normies I show pictures to always remark 'i can't believe you enjoy that anon'
>reality hits and back to being miserable again

Sorry lads just had to vent.
At least I have 250k in crypto.

>> No.2610532

*had 250k in crypto

>> No.2610690

I'm glad you felt better and you are doing well overall but I'm not surprised they gave you shit for killing animals. Pick on someone your own size (with a gun) next time.

>> No.2610743

wow is it really possible that somebody thinks a vacation is more fun than his everyday job?

i'll bet you won't make fishing and hiking into a career, wonder why....

>> No.2610758

You have a store that says "Jewelry and Gift Cards 4 C$sh" and people actually come in?

>> No.2610773

How the fuck is your networth 2 million at 20 years old?

>> No.2610809

How old were you when it ended?

>> No.2610861


android, drive a honda cause wasting all your money on a car is stupid, live in a big place in the suburbs, dont drink shitty mixed drinks, no 60 hours, and not living check to check


>> No.2610949

I really love the new model Fabia, one of only a few hatchbacks I like

>> No.2610981
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Feels comfy, man

>> No.2610996
File: 351 KB, 1200x900, 1458175330282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>olympic medalist
>still shakes her ass like a baboon for attention

women are pathetic

>> No.2611033
File: 11 KB, 236x314, comfy 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iPhone because they're simply better from an engineering and end-user QoL standpoint, they also hold their resale value like crazy. Only buy every few years, recoup tons of initial price, as opposed to literally throwing away my worthless Android devices.

Camry and minivan, boring but functional

small two-story house in white suburbia, $80k

wife, kiddos on the way


>> No.2611049
File: 86 KB, 708x837, adac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mostly bought the Fabia because it has very consistent reliability ratings by the German Automobile Club (ADAC).
It's not the #1 most reliable car, but in the green every single year. All in all I expect it to be cheap in the long run.
Also you can find many used ones over 200,000km which I take as a good sign.

>> No.2611055

>investing more than 10-15 percent of your income

>> No.2611058



>simply better

the screen is literally trash compared to an AMOLED screen you fucking pleb.

>> No.2611059

What a fucking stupid thread.

>> No.2611091
File: 3.18 MB, 600x330, samsung flagship landfill phone.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the screen is literally trash compared to an AMOLED screen you fucking pleb.
So? I do more than just stare at the screen and count contrast ratios. Plus AMOLED lose huge amounts of brightness permanently over the years—yet another factor resulting in Android crap being tossed straight into the landfill.
>fucking pleb
bit hostile there bro, typical lagdroid user

>> No.2611114

Daily reminder that we are discouraging normies from getting into crypto. So.eof us need to accumulate so we can sell off in 2 years when it goes mainstream

>> No.2611171

If you want to be pragmatic in purchasing a vehicle you would purchase a sedan. Not some shitbox SUV like every moron purchases.

>> No.2611205

>expensive hobby
Spoken like a true normie. Get a hobby that pays for itself, or makes money. I work on old sports cars. Current project coming out to $1800 and should sell for $3500 after I get bored of driving it

>> No.2611247


Goddamnit anon. Don't give the cucks knowledge! We gotta Chad over them till they die

>> No.2611259

She dont. Shes squatting to make it look like she has one lol

>> No.2611607

>Called a barbarian for enjoying a hunting trip

Holy crap UK fags are bigger cucks than I realized

>> No.2611638

The memes are true.

>> No.2611654

>Get a hobby that pays for itself, or makes money. I work on old sports cars. Current project coming out to $1800 and should sell for $3500 after I get bored of driving it
you spend 2 months of free time on a project to make one week of low income wage?

>> No.2612508

You forgot to mention the 9/10 that sucks my dick every night

>> No.2612630


I demand proof

>> No.2612666
File: 49 KB, 425x300, 1365734173222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so I have literally just "created" my wallet.

Now where the fuck do I buy ethereum when there is no local trading (that I know of) in my country?

>> No.2612701

localbitcoins > Buy BTC > poloniex > trade BTC for ETH >... ? hodl ? > profit

>> No.2612702

>he thinks people are this self aware

80% of the world are brainless morons. trust me, I know A LOT of people very well

>> No.2612799

kek makes sense basic human psychology at work

they think currencies are not real goods but exist as an abstraction on a higher level where all currencies must be equal to each other as a denotation of value because value is a zero sum game for them

well at least that's how it works when they don't try to think about but rely on their intuition

it's similar to traders (jews) who were seen as speculators, parasites, profiteers who profit from real work while providing no real service over the centuries, normies don't factor in time and think value exists in some eternal neverland instantly

>> No.2612825 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 620x412, z6959040Q,Dolary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

want money jump

>> No.2612933
File: 50 KB, 484x1024, 1498353420772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't buy the dip