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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2605909 No.2605909[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

hey /biz/

I'm sick of all these pump groups who prepick the coin and dump their bags on the members. That's why i made "fair pumps". I will create a list of 10 altcoins and then use random.org to pick one. That way everyone has the same chance of making profit. Our goal is to dump our bags on the normies.

Discord: https://discord.gg/dZDeAZp

First pump will be on Bittrex in about 2 hours.
Countdown: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20170625T20&p0=991&font=cursive

>> No.2605921

get fucked madman.

>> No.2605936

Discord is shit. Join a telegram like https://t.me/BitPumps if you actually want to make profit from FOMO. 1.0 did this and literally everyone profited.

>> No.2605954
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>I'm sick of all these pump groups
>That's why i made "fair pumps"
> literally everyone profited.
kill yourself already pajeet fucks

>> No.2605961

>literally everyone profited
actually impossible, and anyone with 1/20th of a brain knows this
I trust you brah. Can we audit your balances to make sure you didn't pre-buy? Just post your login info to all the major exchanges and we'll login and check to make sure you didn't.

>> No.2605968

Dude. You're missing out. Just try like 0.01 btc on pumpnotifier and see for yourself.

>> No.2605996

You must be fucking retarded. Pump notifier did a massive prepump before captain gave out the coin. Literally retarded anon.

>> No.2605998

> https://t.me/BitPumps
They prepick the coin and dump their bags on you. Have fun.
> Just post your login info to all the major exchanges and we'll login and check to make sure you didn't.
Kek sure

>> No.2606000

Join us soldiers! https://t.me/pumpsoldiers

>> No.2606003

>Left /pol/ because I thought I was becoming too racist.

>come to /biz/ and wind up unironically wishing genocide upon the Indian subhuman street-shitting race

>> No.2606034

Another prepick scam group
I'm European

>> No.2606055
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>I'm European

>> No.2606161
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I'm not trying to scam anyone. People can send me their coin suggestions for the pump. I am going to use Random.org to pick one of them.

>> No.2606207

Quit fucking being scared little pussbrats fags.. Fucking put down a measily .01 and set stops, wtf can u lose.. Ive had a bad trading wk myself but still got balls enough to try to make a quick buck off a short pump..

>> No.2606253

>p-pls fall for my s-scam! a-are you s-scared? h-haha

>> No.2606315

People will always think its a scam. Go back to daytrading shitcoins.

>> No.2606358

Fuck it I'm in.

>> No.2606359

i like this idea, was thinking this was the only way to make it fair. ill join

>> No.2606361

because it's always a scam pajeet

>> No.2606365

Instead of using random.org why don't you do like the other group and make your pump based on the last digit of a dogecoin hash? Using random.org still seems highly susceptible to an admin gaming the system by faking screenshots.

>> No.2606371

>I will create a list of 10 altcoins and then use random.org to pick one
that's cool but why do you need a discord?
do it here. make a thread everyday

>> No.2606376

jump guiz on the board soon will take you to the moon https://t.me/pumpsoldiers

>> No.2606386

Not really. Fast hands win the race. Your loss.

>> No.2606477
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I'm working on livestreaming the coin pick.
>I'm the real pajeet

>> No.2606629

Pump will start in 30 minutes

>> No.2606662
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Just quit trading allready. The market is dead, everyone's fucking dumping and cashing out. We are literally fighting for scraps and everyone's loosing.

PnD groups is the last mark of decline. Don't let thus shit ruin your life more than it already has.

Crypto is dead senpai.

>> No.2606717
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>Crypto is dead
How many times can people who say this be wrong?

>> No.2606722

Hey Join our altcoin pump group.Next pump in 20 minutes.https://discord.gg/dZDeAZp

>> No.2606735
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>> No.2606771

Cause this will scare newbies away. You realize this shit is still dependant on fiat money to flow into the system right? If normies don't buy into this shit it will literally be a bunch of millionaires scamming each other untill there's one left. A lot of big gainers will cash out when these pajeet groups become the new norm.

It's like an ICO scam except this time you win some, invest more and get robbed.

>> No.2606776

you do realize there's like 7 discord groups that shill, "crypto is dead", right?

>> No.2606933

coin is 2GIVE


Just bought 2k, lets see where this goes.

>> No.2606966
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guys this is LEGIT
he used random.org

>> No.2606998

Poorfag here. Your idea seems interesting but I would need BTC to pump n' dump.

>> No.2607010

>Cause this will scare newbies away.
no it wont, they will still buy BTC as it continues to gain value

someone post that pic with the series of successive "new paradigm! return to normal... ??" after every time bitcoin dips for an extended period of time and then comes back stronger than ever