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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 144 KB, 1200x900, ChainLink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26041380 No.26041380 [Reply] [Original]

Congrats you mother fuckers, you're the new generation of millionaires.

>> No.26041413

was here in 2017, picked Icon instead... Korean eth my ass

>> No.26041430

Why is this mooning? there is no announcements or anything?

>> No.26041445

I really am, I really am. Too bad I didn't buy more. 50k feels like shit right now, I need at least 10MM to retire.

>> No.26041446
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>> No.26041460


>> No.26041461

Insiders probably have a lead that staking is soon.

>> No.26041464

Alt season is always kickstarted by chainlink mooning like crazy. That's how you know.

>> No.26041474

lol same, LINK was shilled like pajeet scams are now so I chose ICX fml

>> No.26041488

Sold at 18 last PnD. Don't be stuck with bags, anon. Sell while you can before Sergey drops his weekly shit on you!

>> No.26041501

there was a difference...

>> No.26041507

>Thinking news drives prices
When the news is driving the price, only some serious shit is about to go down
Like in the corona liquidity event in March

>> No.26041519

Open secret that staking is not only this year, but probably Q1.

>> No.26041526
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it's fantastic and unnerving in equal measure

>> No.26041576
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hindsight is 20/20 but linkies won the lottery, congrats

>> No.26041577

$50k too

Still feels pretty good

>> No.26041589

is it too late to buy into this at $20?

>> No.26041598
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I have a feeling the Paxos deal has something to do with it
A signal of actual progress and adoption
One of many to come

>> No.26041605

is it gonna dump again now that it hit ath

>> No.26041611

I can't fucking believe it. I just broke $3M. I love you all

>> No.26041634

>majority of link being moved from exhanges
>sergey tweets about staking
the writing is on the wall. insiders are buying up cheap link before staking is announced. soon there wont be any left to buy.

>> No.26041635
File: 601 KB, 800x779, SergeyLand4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, /biz/, for changing my life for the better.

>> No.26041650

Im not even a holder but LFG i want you all to make it! BREAK that old scummy BCH and get to #8 i belive in you stinkies

>> No.26041653

You’ve been priced tf out dawg. It’ll dump back to like 15-17 buy in when it does

>> No.26041677

>10mm to retire

Not gonna make lad need at least 15

>> No.26041678
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>There are people buying the top right now

>> No.26041701

You're retarded. Sergey has tens of millions of LINK to dump on you still

>> No.26041762

I sold LINK for DOT.

>> No.26041773

checked and right behind you anon wooohooo!!!

>> No.26041794

Is this going to dump? I want to buy when its under 20

>> No.26041796


>> No.26041822

i hope so i got 30k i wanna invest in it but i been fuckin around with gamestop for 2 months

>> No.26041832

yes keep thinking that faggot. see you at $100 next month.

>> No.26041844

I had 30% gains on chainlink in 2017. Pretty good if I say so myself.

>> No.26041848

i hold both

>> No.26041850

>he thinks this is the top
jej, this is exactly like when we hit $5 again at the start of the first pump to $20. $100 by the end of February minimum if that plays out

>> No.26041872

in fact he has dumped his 1M bags some hours ago and link is still pumping hard

>> No.26041896

do you think there is anything like link today? the only stuff I can think of is PRQ GRT and maybe AVAX? TRAC? XSN?

>> No.26041906
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if you were there... then you would've seen the bread crumb threads... the link marine threads.... the sirgay worship threads.... the 42 schizo posts... this wasn't luck nigger

>> No.26041933

I have 2050 link. It's all I could afford. Will I still make it?

>> No.26041958

It was literally below 20 an hour ago. Why are you paying attention now

>> No.26041988

I was here since nov 2017 24/7

>> No.26042018


>> No.26042054

checked, in like 2025 ya
buy a couple dips along the way anon

>> No.26042057

Was a poorfag but passed the IQ test to bank what little I had in Link. Uronically put me in a life changing position for this bullrun

>> No.26042156

I'd be happy if it hits $500. That's all I really need.
I buy $100 worth every week.

>> No.26042165

I have just 2k to invest in LINK. Is this an opportunity?

>> No.26042207

its just a meme

>> No.26042238
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brain damaged?

>> No.26042283

Never invest at ATH. There will be a correction. Buy the dip and then hold. DCA in more over time if you believe in it.

>> No.26042368

I'd buy the top right now if I wasn't up to my eyeballs in it. At this price, it's nothing. When it hits $500 you won't be going, "damn, i wish i'd sold at 22 and waited till it went to 18", but not buying in risks being priced out forever. Not worth it.
You need to think like a pro, anon.

>> No.26042420

Why u think like that?

>> No.26042497
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Hell yeah

>> No.26042554

Haha I picked ark instead fml

>> No.26042580

I hold 10 LINK

>> No.26042592

Have you seen the BTC price? How did your theory work recently with that? Lemme guess. It didn't.

>> No.26042649


>> No.26042736

Same, any profit’s better than none though right? Bought at $18 earlier, I envy those bastards who’ve held this for years

>> No.26042770

Screencapped for when BTC falls back down to 8k

>> No.26042780

I launched my own blockchain instead of just investing in link fml

>> No.26042782

I still wanna rope myself for missing out on such easy free money

>> No.26042812

If this isn’t a larp, I love u too, anon :)

>> No.26042829


>> No.26042856

What are you talking about? There were plenty of dips during the moon missions BTC had recently. That one down to 28k, and the recent one hovering between 31-35k.

>> No.26042860

I sold most of my link at 2.30 for harmony one lmao

>> No.26042862

not with its current market cap we wont be. but Im still going to hold it forever on the off chance

>> No.26042869

Soo what is the price prediction of link eoy?

>> No.26042902

a suicide stack costs 220000$

>> No.26042903

They were doing it on purpose to keep you out and there were plenty of other anons telling you it was whales shilling like pajeets while also FUDing to keep the price down so they could accumulate more.

>> No.26042914

He dumped 1 million today and we still got ATH
That's bullish as fuck

>> No.26042931


>> No.26042961

I felt the same with bitcoin, had a friend years and years ago and I always called him an idiot for buying “fake money”, well he’s laughing now. Now is our chance

>> No.26043010
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guys i lost faith and stopped thinking i was gonna make it so i stopped planning for it, now im actually a few bucks from making it, its all happening so fast idk what to do

>> No.26043016

>was a heavily traumatized homeless alcoholic junkie a few years ago
>going to be a millionaire soon
lmao, life is bizarre

>> No.26043023
File: 12 KB, 813x228, Herewego.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time investing. Poorfag here. I know its not much but I will be able to do $200 a week for this year. I know I'm not gonna make it but I want to hold for the long run. Will post again in 5 years

>> No.26043027

Its in full on price discovery, don't fomo in but one thing to remember is LINK is one of the most liquid alts on the market which means ETH and lesser BTC whales can easily cash into it.

>> No.26043043

millionaire in a world of trillionaire

>> No.26043052

bro wtf are YOU talking about? it went from 20k to 40k in two fucking weeks

>> No.26043063

The good thing with the small amount if its basically no risk and all reward. Enjoy

>> No.26043097
File: 591 KB, 600x600, 1610717288870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

serious question guys. i heard a while back that 6k is enough for a node. i have 56k link. i can't buy anymore and with the buy limits i cant accumulate 4k link quickly. if i wanted to run 10 nodes then i'd need 4k somehow. would any anons be interested in a partnership? every payout would be distibuted according to the proportion of links in our node

>> No.26043099
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My coffee just got more expensive

>> No.26043100

1k nigger

>> No.26043117


>> No.26043219

been a linkie since Sergey released the token. what is a good site to check my iq?

>> No.26043236


>> No.26043247


>> No.26043270

It has been suppressed.

>> No.26043275

You were a visionary as well as I. Top 200 wallet feels so good.

>> No.26043276

whales are selling ahead of the dump, which they know is coming

>> No.26043278
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>> No.26043288

it doesn't matter, if u haven't swing traded your and held you're either remp temp iq or extremely high iq. make that decision for yourself

>> No.26043301

ah I thought you were arguing about the "never invest at the ATH" not the "do DCA" part. i was just saying there were dips after the ath.

>> No.26043315

Lots of capital? Yeah, and try and swing it at the next top. Less capital? No, get a better buy-in.

>> No.26043344

Thanks! I have been lurking a lot more for a few months and was learning how to filter out the bs. I'm using Gemini. So far they seem pretty good.

>> No.26043397

thanks anon. does 20$ correction seem ok?
i'm a small time kind of guy i hold <100 stinkies rn

>> No.26043474

Here's my honest opinion, don't buy in until after this weekend. LINK is running really fucking hard but you missed your buy-in which would have been closer to $15 with that kind of money. Get more link for your capital, your gains will be much less than your losses at these levels.

>> No.26043496

sounds good. thanks man. WAGMI

>> No.26043549

No prob, as much as I want to be a moonboy I've already made it with my stack and don't want a fellow stinker to get boned by people like me that are going to dump at this top.

>> No.26043580

i appreciate it anon. thank you for the honest advice.

>> No.26043631

You win linkies. I made this website in 2017... I haven't changed anything since, the prices I used were real prices at the time. Point and laugh at the faggot who could have bought but didn't. Linkies were just so annoying, I never bought even 1.


>> No.26043640

good xp though

>> No.26043653

What does a stack mean? Im a newfag and see everyone talking about these

>> No.26043671
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>2k link
im priced out forever.

>> No.26043693

You can technically run a node with 1 LINK if you want. 56k is going to net you a lot of gains, anon. Congrats

>> No.26043695

we're not going above $23 r-right...
t.sold my stack at $16 thinking i was clever swing trading

>> No.26043731
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>"How did I make my millions? I did absolutely nothing."

>> No.26043766

Stack refers to the amount you own, some also call it their bag. Example: I have a 1k link stack means I have 1000 chainlink. A suicide stack is 1000 link (the bare min to be comfy when link hits its parabolic height in 2025) and a make it stack is 10,000, this is where you'll be wealthy and well off at the height of its cycle.

>> No.26043769

How much was it worth?

>> No.26043777

Grats men. Am I too late to the party? Currently trying to get some exchanges to verify my identity

>> No.26043812

well link was still crabbing after 2017, ur gay 2017 shitcoin excuse is worth nothing. you never did your research so you wouldnt deserved it anyways, faggot

>> No.26043859

Too late for this cycle, yeah. When is your money going to clear?

>> No.26043905

dude i been waiting like 2 weeks for binance to verify my shit i made an account on coinbase and they did it instantly they dont have as many coins though

>> No.26043957

I remember when this was me last summer... God how things have changed.

>> No.26043973

18th to 20th. Alright bro, I'll just wait until it dips then start putting in like 100/week

That feeling's all too well known man. Coinbase turned me down because they don't offer services in Hawaii

>> No.26044063

Not a bad call, price action should have settled down by then. Good luck fren.

>> No.26044071

Prove it faggot

>> No.26044094
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cant believe this shit. Back in 2017 link marines were crying to even reach 1 dollar. the one time biz was right, feel real cucked rn

>> No.26044111

that sucks i got cucked like that before when ethereum went from like $1 to $15 and I ended up not buying it. that was a mistake lol

>> No.26044188

So I am asking for all of us who missed this cycle: what might potentially be the next big thing?

>> No.26044237

bro theres coins pumping doing 20 and 30x every single day. linkfags are delusional and waited 3 YEARS for their 20x. embarrassing

>> No.26044400

PRQ maybe still more than 10x possible in this cycle. when the first exchange listings are coming it will take off

>> No.26044540

>bro theres coins pumping doing 20 and 30x every single day.
No there aren't? Give me an example of a coin which has done a 20x let alone a 30x in a day.
>linkfags are delusional and waited 3 YEARS for their 20x. embarrassing
Three years *in a bear market*. If you didn't buy link you must be retarded.

>> No.26044570

26k here. Im down. Lets go

>> No.26044604
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It's literally still link. How many times do we have to tell you.

>> No.26044710

Fantom hasn't pumped yet.

>> No.26044717

Oracles should all see a huge bump following links move here. Band, DIA, API3, DOS, TRB for a weekend swing, otherwise just wait for link because there's really no project like it.

>> No.26044853

>Almost 10% over the old ATH after 6 months.
You really are a melodramatic cunt.

>> No.26045023

Only have 6.96 link rn, not sure to sell when high and put more in or what. Any advice?

>> No.26045034

Lots of people that bought link in the low single digits, some even in the tens of cents. I was one of those, so ATH was quite literally a 100x for me.

>> No.26045144

I finally did it, you guys! I now own 22 LINK! BLAST OFF TO THE MOOOOON

>> No.26045202
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One day this will be me bros. I’m so sad that I didn’t get my case settled when LINK was 40c. It’s still not settled but at least I will have money to live off while my make it stack matures. Congrats to the OG marines who are finally seeing things payoff after so many years