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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26035327 No.26035327 [Reply] [Original]

Made a Quant Staking Calculator.
Maybe it's of some use to anyone.
Payout is in XCM and fluctuates with the prices.

>> No.26035794


>> No.26035821

new logo when

>> No.26036094

Coinfession: I only picked some up for the staking and will sell it once xcm can be staked.
I don't really know what QNT does.

>> No.26036173

yet you made the whole site? fucking based

here some basic info

here some redpils

>> No.26036578

I'm not yet sold because I'm not really seeing many threads on QNT (yes I get all my information from /biz/), so I thought it'd be okay for a couple of months because CM trusts the project.
Don't know if it was on your list on or on an image you compiled, you rated XCM with less risk and higher gains, that's what I think as well so there's that.

I'm hoping google picks up the site and I can get some people on CM.

>> No.26036672

yeah i actually didn't know about the upside when i made that list
after talking to some qntbros i realized this could be worth more than btc per coin..

>> No.26036732
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>> No.26036998

yeah that's basically how I felt after realizing that
it's a long term play and IF they succeed they could eclipse the mcaps of even btc
with this im only a little scared of missing out though

>> No.26037071

Such a comfy hold, especially on CM.

>> No.26037125 [DELETED] 
File: 176 KB, 934x1187, aa05f659-c464-4202-a007-5b89e139c2bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quant will become the literal token sitting on top of everything. You know back when BTC tought everything will run on BTC, either in form of side-chains, the lightning network, etc? This token is Quant. And it will bring smart contracts, interop, and everything "to BTC." If you can even still call it "BTC" afterwards. But you should understand the implication of how it will be Quant sitting on top of BTC, ETH, XRP, IOTA, and every other token, which will reside a layer below Quant.

It is literally the token of all tokens. Buying it is like hitting the motherlode.

>> No.26037163
File: 176 KB, 934x1187, aa05f659-c464-4202-a007-5b89e139c2bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quant will become the literal token sitting on top of everything. Remember back when Bitcoin maximalists believed that everything will run on BTC, either in form of side-chains bringing smart contracts, the lightning network, other addons delivering IOT, etc? But the actual token which will do this is Quant. And it will bring smart contracts, interop, and everything "to BTC." If you can even still call it "BTC" afterwards. But you should understand the implication of how it will be Quant sitting on top of BTC, ETH, XRP, IOTA, and every other token, which will reside a layer below Quant.

It is literally the token of all tokens. Buying it is like hitting the motherlode.

>> No.26037326

And why are these guys gonna win?
Many projects want to be the new all chain.

>> No.26037479

no, no project is trying to solve interoperability between banks/cbdc's
and they might not win, so yeah, a little risk
but they have some top people on their team so, yeah they might win

>> No.26037612

Some shitty Pajeet startup ico can’t compete with how balls deep gilly is in institutions and regulations

They are also basically finished, it’s not some roadmap pipedream.

>> No.26037616 [DELETED] 

It's not an "all chain" like IOTA. Indeed, it bets on the opposite of there being a "winner takes all" scenario, but unifies all chains in existence, in turn potentially even solving the blockchain trilemma in a virtual way, via "interoperability" (really unfication) between all chains. And the more different chains there end up being, the bigger the requirement for interoperability, and the better for Quant.

Why it will win? Because of the people behind it and the connections and tech they will bring. There's no real competitor outside of maybe Fusion's DCRM, which is simply behind and lacks the connections Quant has. And I am not DCRM connects legacy the way Quant does. Just look at Quant work on ODAP (the protocol they want to use) with Intel, MIT, etc. All the while projects like DOT can't even really scale... There's no competition.

>> No.26037642

>giving your qnt to an exchange... ngmi

>> No.26037650

It's not an "all chain" like IOTA. Indeed, it bets on the opposite of there being a "winner takes all" scenario, but unifies all chains in existence, in turn potentially even solving the blockchain trilemma in a virtual way, via "interoperability" (really unfication) between all chains. And the more different chains there end up being, the bigger the requirement for interoperability, and the better for Quant.

Why it will win? Because of the people behind it and the connections and the tech they bring to the table. There's no real competitor outside of maybe Fusion's DCRM, which is simply behind and lacks the connections Quant has. And I also don't think DCRM connects legacy the way Quant does. Just look at Quant work on ODAP (the protocol they want to use) with Intel, MIT, etc. All the while projects like DOT can't even really scale... There's no competition.

>> No.26037727

there is no chain involved
remove that from your mind.
you have to realize that everything will sit on overledger. overledger is the literal bridge to EVERY SINGLE PAYMENT CHANNEL ever MADE. EVER. fiat - usd - btc - eth - link - fiat - venmo - paypal
it does the whole thing.
Quant is NOT a blockchain
it connects literally everything. and the team is the most massively stacked team crypto has ever seen.

>> No.26037833

the fuck even is your id and why do you post stuff that makes me cum

>> No.26037867

Fact: reminder that QNT is permissioned, thus centralized. Gilbert can kick anyone out of the network.

>> No.26038009

im also kind of worried companies are not willing to play along with some crypto game theory game where they have to buy qnt to win the network priority

>> No.26038100

guess we'll see if gilbert can truly become shillbert

>> No.26038377

>getting paid out in CoinMetro’s Monopoly money ponzi scheme
Yeah, no thanks.

>> No.26038521


Fact: Banks, governments and institutions will not touch blockchain when carrying out critical tasks without an element of control. In fact that's one of the main barriers holding back adoption.

Do people seriously think these major institutions will spend billions of dollars re-structuring their systems, and then risk billions of dollars of data/value transfer on one blockchain where if something goes wrong then tough shit? Not gonna happen.

Overledger connects legacy systems to a web of blockchains. That immediately makes it much cheaper, safer and faster to leverage blockchain tech. It also means these institutions can spread blockchain activity out across multiple blockchains for multiple layers of redundancy, and also leverage different blockchains depending on their strengths and weaknesses (for example, BTC for security, XRP for speed). Problems with one blockchain? Overledger immediately switches system activity to another one.

Their system also allows multi-chain smart contracts, and multi-chain value transfer. And while Overledger requires use of the QNT token to validate transactions, the Quant Treasury can act as an automated buyer and custodian so enterprises don't have to touch a QNT token if they don't want to.

Absolute no brainer.

>> No.26038538

Some form of regulation is inevitable. Especially when the big money comes in. And it will come in via OVN. Be happy that you get a chance at profiting off it at all because... >>26038009 there is the element of "muh game theory" to some degree.

>> No.26038681


See above anon. There's the Quant Treasury. QNT is needed as a utility token for Overledger, but enterprises don't actually have to touch a single QNT token.

It's the only project I've seen that has sorted utility token demand while eliminating the barrier of expecting major institutions to actually buy and hold tokens. Best of both worlds.

>> No.26038763

>See above anon. There's the Quant Treasury. QNT is needed as a utility token for Overledger, but enterprises don't actually have to touch a single QNT token.
yeah i dont think the problem is getting quanties but having to get a lot of them

>> No.26038819

>having to get a lot of them
meaining companies are going to think "wtf why do we have to buy more of this, what kind of poniz is this"

>> No.26039173

You’re an absolute brainlet if you think these chains will run on a centralised closed source interoperability network

>> No.26039292


>> No.26039383


>> No.26039410

What’s the value in them using blockchains then? You’re getting rid of the whole value proposition & usefulness by using a system like quant on top

>> No.26039425

Grow a brain.

>> No.26039517

Shut up Corporate Muh enterprise bagholder shill

>> No.26039624

Gypsy cunt

>> No.26039646

the purpose of decentralization is censorship resistance, aka no company/government can censor a transaction or shut down the network. qnt people are boot lickers.

>> No.26039873


No use case for blockchain in enterprise is 100% decentralized, as the inputs and outputs will typically be used by legacy systems and therefore break the chain of decentralization at some point.

Quant also does use blockchains, but to sign and validate data/value transfer between chains, so there's still an immutable record of what's going on chain and where it's going.

If it didn't have a value proposition then SIA, the SWIFT of Europe, wouldn't have been interested, but there they are: https://www.sia.eu/en/media-events/news-press-releases/quant-network-and-sia-successfully-tested-blockchain-interoperability

>> No.26039988

dencentralized blockchains and DeFi are making banks obsolete anon. your permissioned centralized solution is a thing of the past.

>> No.26040143

glad you made this post, gives me a justification to disregard all your other ones

>> No.26040219


Not sure who to trust here. On one hand we have Gilbert, with a giant CV of leading cybersecurity roles in major financial institutions, along with related work at the Fed and EU Commission.

Then we have you, the basket-weaver on Biz who dreams of an anarchist utopia.

Pro tip: If you have a guy who actively works at C-level with financial institutions, and he identifies a platform they'd want, and it's been proven to gain interest from the SWIFT of Europe, maybe he knows something you don't.

>> No.26040437

when you're a retard who "stake" qnt on a centralized exchange it tells everything i need to know. xcm, qnt, kda... you really like them permissioned centralized coins eh?

>> No.26040707

dont worry, i own qnt because of the pump potential. i just dont think it's the future. i dont believe in anarchism. Know who else is saying defi will render banks obsolete? the acting comptroller of the currency: