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File: 22 KB, 1000x1000, AVAX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26031845 No.26031845 [Reply] [Original]


Price: $9.07 - $1,117.23

Market Cap: $701,929,833 - $128,713,750,933

Can it actually do it broskis? My portfolio is ETH heavy and have been hearing good things about AVAX.

On the other hand, this is ETH Killer #12,000.

>> No.26031921

It's not an eth killer it will save eth from itself

>> No.26031940

Sold all my eth killers for Avax. Fantom (scam), Ziliqa, Elrond Sold for Avax. We gonna make it Avax bros!

>> No.26032054

If it's stronger than ETH wouldnt it eventually replace it? I dont get how this would flip ETH market cap (a bull case ive been seeing recently).

>> No.26032261

every other eth-like project except for maybe eos is already better than eth, so just because it's a better thing doesn't mean it's going to take eth over.

>> No.26032279

Why would I buy this now if it already did a 3x in the last 2 weeks?

>> No.26032300

People will be able to run their eth apps on AVAX with almost no gas. Eventually Vitalik will realize it's objectively better and port the bulk of his work to a chain on AVAX or it will change the ETH2 POS algorithm to the Avalanche algorithm.

But by the time either of those happen ETH2 may not get to the finish line. So it's designed really to be a life-raft for the ETH community that doesn't want to move all their work to DOT/ADA/ALGO

>> No.26032518

if what the bulls say is true anything sub $50 will be cheap. im just tryna figure out the likelihood of that happening.

not the bull case im hearing. their twitter account retweeted "look forward to the flippening of ETH market cap as $AVAX continues to climb the ranks"

So best case scenario it's the best back-up since ETH 2.0 is coming by 2022.

>> No.26032927

AVAX tech is next generation, there’s no doubt. Question is how will everything play out? I don’t think the space can afford to keep using riced out versions of Nakamoto consensus, but eth’s first mover advantage / ecosystem is massive. I think AVAX is an excellent hold no matter what, but that other anon is right, it’s possible the eth2 guys just make it an AVAX protocol. However I expect their egos are too big, plus the sunken cost fallacy.

>> No.26033009

What happens when everyone buys all the avax bros?

>> No.26033131

That's why I'm not betting on any of the smart contract platforms - they all use the same modified classical concensus protocol and have the same plans and goals. Very crowded space IMO

>> No.26033542

Crowded for sure, but they tend to end up near the top of the ladder. I think AVAX will climb from #48 fairly easily

>> No.26033915

Do other eth-like projects support erc20 tokens moving to their platform via emulation like avax? Serious question

>> No.26033937

Who cares if AVaX is an ETH killer or not. It’s going into the top 5 soon, so it will be worth a fortune.
Accumulate while you still can lads.

>> No.26034106

Glass hands, every one of ya. NGMI.

>> No.26034262

what's sui and make it stack for AVAX?

>> No.26034470


>> No.26034527

Suicide stack 500.
Comfy stack 2,000.
Make it stake 10,000.

With the make it stack you'll be sitting on $25m + yearly income of $2.5m in a few years.

>> No.26034723

I've got a 265 ngmi stack.

>> No.26035071

Got 600, will DCA into this to 1k hopefully.

>> No.26035126

How do I stop the 1B AVAX coin supply from affecting my portfolio?

>> No.26035174

it's not an ETH killer, it's a shit platform and OP is an AVAX shill 100%. fucking hate ETH faggots but lately nothing is worse than these AVAX pajeets shilling their garbage.

>> No.26035211

>ETH 2.0 is coming by 2022.
more like 2026, but no, AVAX is utter garbage
never gonna happen bro

>> No.26035253

>It’s going into the top 5 soon
the absolute state of delusion, reminds me of that other shitcoin Harmony fags

>> No.26035254

Read the technology behind it, it's unfuddable.

It's not a pajeet project, some of the biggest brains in crypto and blockchain are on the team

>> No.26035280

i have 0 avax

>> No.26035290


>> No.26035389

You're ngmi unless you get 1k soon

>> No.26035447

>The creator of the first POW coin back in 2003, The guy who's in charge of many of the security audits in ETH/BTC, The second most cited professor in crypto, A man vitalik respect and bow down to and sergey claimed is the second smartest guy he ever met
>The guy who created tendermint, The guy who created hotstuff (The consensus Libra, Facebook upcoming token, is using)
>The guy behind Chainlink, The most cited professor in crypto

This is the best team in crypto, Just to cement the validity regardless of the protocol that's already out there and unfuddable.

>> No.26035555
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>> No.26035595
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>> No.26035612


Fully Diluted Valuation
Max Supply

>> No.26035613
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>> No.26035661

Ok so

>Due to the network update of ARRR and AVAX project, CoinEx will suspend the deposit and withdrawal of ARRR and AVAX at the designated time as required to secure the users’ assets. The details are as follows:

ARRR and AVAX Services:
Deposit&Withdrawal close on: 11:00 January 14, 2021 (UTC)
>The estimated time for the deposit&withdrawal to reopen: Depends on the update progress.

So I was waiting for the price to dip and then buy on coinex... what should I do? Wait it out or find another exchange? american here

>> No.26035664
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>> No.26035673

mfw AVA is a completley different coin Vitalik was talking about


>> No.26035923

Newfag. AVAX was called AVA before they changed the ticker close to the token sale.

>> No.26035938

how many of you are buying into the AVAX fud for real

>> No.26036016

Whats the fud

All I've heard are pajeets crying about it with random/made up bullshit and people complaining that it's too expensive

>> No.26036080
File: 67 KB, 1280x730, Fully dilu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never will be reached. That's like saying 100T fully diluted ETH/DOT, Even worse because them reaching it is a possibility and matter of time while AVAX reaching the full 720M isn't.

The real "Fully Diluted" is 3.2B, And that will take 5+ years to reach (And already retardedly undervalued compared to other Fully diluted valuation of other coins)

>> No.26036143

I wish someone would fud it so I can pickup a /make it/ stack on the cheap.

>> No.26036151

The supply fud is getting really boring. Step your game up pajeet fudders.

>> No.26036534

What about GRTs fully diluted official evaluation?
Its 3.5 billion.
This ones is worse.

>> No.26036585

GRT is not in the same market space

>> No.26036587
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>> No.26036684

What exchange do you guys use to buy AVAX? Since Coinex isnt allowing withdrawals of Avax rn im looking for other options

>> No.26036704

Binance but I'm Eurofag.

>> No.26036709

Burger here, I used voyager

>> No.26036767

do they allow withdraws of AVAX?

>> No.26036772

imagine thinking the mass market would ever adopt some turkish roach scam over fucking ETH lmao

>> No.26036790

300 dollar transaction fees

>> No.26036811

No, RIP stakers

>> No.26036823

Problem is, there is no fud that’s credible/works

>> No.26036831 [DELETED] 

In the meantime how do I use it?
I've got some erc20 tokens which I'm ready to convert and stake into this pool.

>> No.26036856

It does not appear so. Such is life as a burger.

>> No.26036892

why hasn't bitcoin been replaced by literally any one of the other coins with better tech?

>> No.26036903

Where can I buy this? Binance is not available in the U.S.

>> No.26036943

Because it takes time. It will. It'll be like Myspace. And I say this as someone with most of my holding in BTC.

>> No.26036957

It's not available for Americans yet without a workaround. See >>26036709

>> No.26036999

The market cap is 7.2B. Biz... getting fooled again.

>> No.26037007

One thing that confuses me with crypto, is all these different currencies that are coming out that are "better" than Btc, eth, ect.
Does that mean that we'll just constantly be swapping our software, exchanging coins for the "new and improved coin/exchange/whatever" each time? As far as I know it costs money each time to exchange to a different coin, so I feel like the only people actually coming out on top at the moment are the companies "exchanging 3 month old coin for new 1 month old coin :)"
Obviously I'm exaggerating, but seriously where is the end? What's the end game? Is this is? Just a constant swap for new tech?
Serious question, plz done b mean

>> No.26037033

just shorted so you guys are all safe to buy until i get liquidated

>> No.26037057

Crypto is very early as an industry. On factories, old machines get replaced by new ones too.

>> No.26037060
File: 45 KB, 929x1175, EA5ADD90-9E52-47C3-9209-3DEDF86DC64E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea, and ETH will be like Xanga

AVAX is the champion

>> No.26037096

I got on coinex where you can exchange it but as of yesterday they paused depositing/withdrawals of AVAX so Im pretty pissed. Supposedly it's coming back soon but no note as to when, but I really dont want to use voyager since you can only withdrawal in BTC/USD

>> No.26037099

i would rather invest in AVAX than Link ...thats how much i believe in it

>> No.26037129

Cause it's gonna do another 100x this year

>> No.26037146

GRT is good tho, Although the supply dilution matter much more there than in avax case (All the 10B total supply will enter circulation in 2 years) i think it deserves it, at least going by market comparison, many such cases of deadend shitcoins in the billions.

>> No.26037153

I would partially make it and thats not allowed.

>> No.26037160

fellow americans, I used jellyswap to get some. Very easy to use just like uni but since avax isnt erc20 you need to create a separate wallet for it.

>> No.26037193

I have accumulated only 500
Ngmi bros

>> No.26037203

Thank God its not erc20. The fees are low.

>> No.26037221

is he describing avax here?
what does it mean to have on chain oracles for arbitrary events?

>> No.26037226

Don't compare ETH use case to BTC.

ETH must be technologically robust.

>> No.26037246

I used to troll fags about this Turkish Coin, then I actually read the tech and the fundamentals.

I'm a believer with a 2,000 stack now. I can't afford anymore though.

>> No.26037254

Yeah you're ngmi

>> No.26037292

Ah yes me too calculate my investment cap by how much it'll be worth in 200 years after inflation

>> No.26037421

No. We need the base to be sufficient enough to allow its whole desired use cases to fit at least under the reasonable minimum, From there we grow within the market.

ETH just doesn't allow new paths to form.

>> No.26037486

I wanna buy some of this on Binance. Are there any Burgers around still using Binance that can give me some tips? If I started up a VPN and just made a random email could I use binance with impunity or have they figured my very basic strat out?

>> No.26037649

Not sure sometimes cryptoautists are vague as fuck

>> No.26037767
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>> No.26037918

Collin is correct about CC, he is wrong about how Cardano works though. I think both of them understand this ultimately - or maybe they don't, which should worry everyone invested in the projects.

>> No.26037951

>Read the technology behind it, it's unfuddable.
yeah, it's unfuddable, your shill mantra that you post continuously. and your pajeet army here:
such impress my curry niggers

>> No.26038060

Is you math 2 times, you can't be wrong.

>> No.26038081
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>> No.26038159

Yes to some degree. Its why I find this discussion about "ETH" killers silly.
Checked I think I missed the boat with Link and am still tempted to dump $1k in just for the FOMO...but Im going heavier into AVAX than LINK.

>> No.26038540

Thanks burgerbro, so I’m thinking the cheapest way to go from USD in bank account to AVAX in wallet is:

Deposit USD to Voyager
Trade USD to DAI on Voyager
Trade DAI to AVAX on Jellyswap

>> No.26039066

How’s that short going

>> No.26039104

Someone explain if this can be useful even if it doesn’t kill eth.

>> No.26039236

It runs eth apps with low gas cost

>> No.26039366

But isn’t vitalik working on his own solution to reduce gas fees?

>> No.26039420

Everyone is....

>> No.26039498

ETH -> ETH2 is moving from POW to POS using modified classical consensus. It's unclear when that will be done. That's why Cardano and Polkadot are trying to kill ETH

AVAX is going to be a plug-in solution if Vitalik or any ETH developer wants it

>> No.26039614
File: 44 KB, 590x502, AvaxConsume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burger here. I used the strat you speak of. VPNd into Binance with a throwaway, sent some BTC to wallet, bought AVAX with BTC, withdrew AVAX from Binance, purchased BTC with USD on another exchange a few minutes later. Managed to buy back into a BTC dip unintentionally. Made profit.

>> No.26039742

Welcome to the Avafam.

>> No.26039781

Good shit, will follow suit.

>> No.26039936

I got exactly the same wtf. Hopefully paycheck time will let me afford to buy 250 more. I hope there's a dip. I wanna buy more

>> No.26040079

if this grows 100x, the market cap would only be 5% of Eth's current market cap... seems entirely possible

>> No.26040236

I did x5 with AVAX and it's my largest bag. But unironically, I think that ADA & ALGO have barely started and will eat 95% of the nonETH market shares. Especially ALGO. As soon as AVAX hits 15 I'm selling.

You can hate all you want but the hold that ADA and ALGO have is MASSIVE. But most people can't see that yet

>> No.26040353

I did, however, send to Binance from my hardware wallet and not an exchange with my info. Just to make the tracks back to the states a little longer.

>> No.26040384

Is 240 enough?

>> No.26040397

Not really sure why people are convinced Cardano is going to win out. It's the same tech that Ethereum, Polkadot, Algorand are adopting

>> No.26040438

what about ALGO?

>> No.26040467

That’s a solid team

>> No.26040476

That's what I'm saying, it has more impressive people and it's the same tech as Cardano so where is Cardano going to make up the difference here

>> No.26040484

Paycheck desperation and 100x fantasies, solid sell signals.

>> No.26040507

Looks like I’m still ngmi

>> No.26040552

No it’s not. I’ve got around that much. But ngmi

>> No.26040646

Not sure why you are saying that? I'm not saying that ADA is going to winner takes all. Algorand have unique traits like pure pos, no effort liquid staking, 1k and soon 46k tps with 2.5s finalty. Already native assets and stablecoins. I can forsee a near future when both chains have a market cap above $150 billion. The ecosystem is ready and scalable in both cases.

The "moving from Ethereum" is a meme. Deploying a Python written dapp on Algorand, without having to think about Layer 2, high fees, and solidity is A GREAT THING. Adoption won't come from Ethereum only, but the normie world.

>> No.26040696

The consensus mechanism is essentially the same

>> No.26040763

Please please please crash this to $1, I need to acoomulate

>> No.26040815
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>> No.26040873

Poor bastard. I appreciate the FUD though, need more of it

>> No.26040883

Yes I agree, Ada, Algo and Eth 2.0 is essentially the same consensus. Even AVAX consensus is kinda the same but with different types of probabilistic mechanisms...
But I think the little or big details like programming in Python, Java, C# and liquid pros vs ADA staking pools will make them both attractive to not eat eachother. BTW still surprised how criminally undervalued Algo is, but seeing this ever increasing volume, some hard accumulation is at play.

Do you think it's going to be winner takes all?

>> No.26040979

>what does it mean to have on chain oracles for arbitrary events?
I'm guessing real world shit like horse raises and your mom's body count.

>> No.26041077

560 holder here, ngmi right?

>> No.26041087

How do you even buy AVAX?

>> No.26041114

voyager if you're a burger

>> No.26041150

This. Bitcoin can slog through it with high tx fees because people don't need to move it around that much and if they do sidechain solutions are doing great. Ethereum is worthless for smart contracts unless some kind of Layer2 pans out or 2.0 works. Even with 2.0 it's not gonna scale enough. I'm not sold in Layer2 but honestly I haven't figured out how it works. It's certainly inelegant not to be able to just run code on the EVM. Try explaining it to someone who might have a real world usecase for smart contracts.

>> No.26041187

You send me 2.7 BTC and trust the honor system.


In all seriousness though. Depends on where you are. I'm from the states and used this method. >>26039614

>> No.26041208

Voyager is easiest for burgers with USD, but no withdrawal yet (no staking)
Jellyswap if you want to go the DEX route

>> No.26041329

If it's anything like the development tools market right now there are multiple platforms and they don't necessarily compete. They're just there to be picked up and used for some other purpose.

The question is (1) what incentive do I have to make a blockchain application over a conventional application in the first place, and (2) why this specific one

The thing about Avalanche I find interesting is that if that people want a custom blockchain for whatever purpose they can just buy up enough avax tokens to run a node and can get access to a high-throughput valid blockchain instantly. If the system matures to the point where there are several chain projects on it and they want to talk to each other, they can do it directly over the avalanche mainnet, they can interact with other chains on the mainnet.

That's what I find facilitating about it, it's has the potential to be an internet-like infrastructure to securely communicate across blockchains while having subnets and they have their own internal rules and so on just like the internet.

>> No.26041407

>doesn't support atomic operations
>can't be used as a smart contract platform
bro. does AVAX even lift?

>> No.26041475

Radix is worthless pajeet

>> No.26041479

For sure that's a good point. It reminds me of SKALE, being this kind of elastic blockchain on demand.
I guess the "predictable", "having one main strong chain that doesn't fork" aspects will make layer 1 like algo/ada valuable as well.

I still can't decide between Algo and Avax as medium cap pick. I guess 50/50.

>> No.26041600

I looked at the Algo team and they looked solid. They also have inherent utility within the blockchain space already (I saw they are the settlement currency for USDC or USDT? And also did something for Visa I believe). If other projects rely on your project I'd say that's a good bet. Although I could be just ignorant if dot/ada do things like this as well...

>> No.26041719
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That is why it is called the internet of finance. If you have paper hands, saw them off now. Own the infrastructure, boys. All the subnet nodes can easily be run in various countries for regulation compliance.

>> No.26041729

unironically these ETH killers won't stand a chance once we get L2 solutions up and running. The reality is L2 and <insert eth killer here> + ETH bridge accomplish the same goal. The difference is that L2 will be much more straight forward for developers. Once Eth2 is out that will be the nail in the coffin.

>> No.26041863

This. Why bet on the 100th eth killer instead of novel projects? Maybe avax will do it and the shills will be happy. Or maybe it get dumpsters like the rest. Not worth the risk imo

>> No.26041962

what about moonbeam faggot

>> No.26041982


>> No.26041986

Never heard of it, QRD?

>> No.26042134

>once we get L2 solutions up and running

And when's that? Because this works now, and it can run Solidity code.

>> No.26042192

>eth killer and eth backup
>eth will not lose
>future hinges on vitalik porting to the chain selflessly

>> No.26042200

Avaxxers are high iq and can easily see through your shilling attempt

>> No.26042235

I'm not here to educate you sweety, do better.

>> No.26042293

>rothschilds bow to the Bogdanoffs
>in contact with aliens
>rumoured to possess psychic abilities
>control france with an iron fist
>own castles and banks all over the world
>direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
>Control the British crown
>keep the metric system down
>keep Atlantis off the maps
>keep the martians under wraps
>hold back the electric car
>keep Steve Gutenberg a star
>own basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth
>first designer babies will be Bogdanoff Babies
>both brothers said to have 200+ IQ
>ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>These are the Bogdanoff twins
>They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
>The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church
>They learned fluent French in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
>The twins are 67 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base human.
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe
>The Bogdanoffs will guide humanity into a new age of wisdom, peace and love
This is the final redpill. There is no endgame. We are stuck in a revolving door, and only the Bogdanovs have the way out. They have, in a way, truly reached nirvana while we are stuck in the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.

>> No.26042372

Already here :)

>> No.26042386

Indeed strong usecase and growing fast since early 2020. Could be home to major CBDCs very soon. It's the only realistic network for it IMO.

But back to Avalanche: After all, why have separate subblockchains or other networks on top of the Avax Layer 0? I really feel like that it is some kind of illusion. IMO Avalanche's Network of network is the equivalent of Dapps built on a blockchain. Everything is transposed but it's the same: you buy the native asset to make your dapp/chain run. Swaping assets between Avax networks is the same as using the atomic swap of Algorand, allowing to exchange any tokens on the platform. That's the catch, why would anyone want a custom blockchain? It's literally equivalent to having a dapp on a scalable layer 1. I would say it's even better to have dapps on a layer1, because of the security and nofork characteristics of the Layer1. What's the usecase for Avalanche? It looks cool, it seems new, but after all, what can't a dev do Algo's 46k tps, 2s finalty, no fork, decentralized layer 1, that he can do on Avax? IMO nothing, and I believe we can even prove that mathematically.

>> No.26042445



>> No.26042491

Vitalik owns a huge chunk of avax

>> No.26042633

As a dev, I honestly hesitate between building on a L2+ETH and directly on Algo/Ada (when available kek, so Algo). the complexity of handling assets on a L2, and having swaps, differents network is a technical pain in the ass, and also a complexity for future devs.
Building a full dapp on a scalable layer 1 is pretty cool, and IMO L2s will be needed for extremely specific usecases, to complement L1 dapps. So yeah, L2s won't kill Ada, Algo, Avax, Dot. Because they are already there (Skale, xDai, Matic)

>> No.26042652

Do you have a source for that?

>> No.26042722


Took a $2.5m bite out of the ICO

>> No.26042769

>What's the usecase for Avalanche? It looks cool, it seems new, but after all, what can't a dev do Algo's 46k tps, 2s finalty, no fork, decentralized layer 1, that he can do on Avax? IMO nothing, and I believe we can even prove that mathematically.

Interested in knowing the answer to this. Anyone know? If it's an "eth killer" then what is the killer use case enabled by the problem it solves?

>> No.26042879

Thanks fren, honestly if I was super rich I would probably send you that BTC just to see what you'd do. I'll probably go the voyager method since I'm okay with not being able to stake, I'll just buy and hodl

>> No.26043065

Do you guys use a seed phrase? Do you copy it or type it? Or do you just always use a private key?

>> No.26043200


I think there is no answer. People will continue to buy it, "Network of blockchains!!", but in the end it's exactly equivalent to Layer 1 like Cardano, Algorand or ETH 2.0. What you think you can do on a separate network on Avalanche, you can do it implemented as a dapp.

The main usecase right now owuld be the easy portability of Ethereum dapps on Avalanche. But that's not that unique, other chains offer the same. People will maybe say that its more scalable & secure than other L1, but I don't see how that's possible (Algo is 46k tps on L1, the consensus is proved mathematically, cf whitepaper. Ada is the same, peer reviewed and 10-100k tps, Dot is also very serious). At most it's literally equivalent.

>> No.26043266

i heard you can't withdraw crypto in your own wallet with voyager.. you dont need dai to trade avax with jellyswap though

>> No.26043380

So what about the consensus protocols? Is the Snow Protocol as revolutionary as they claim?

>> No.26043431

Hilarious how the same people keep coming here with the same comments, ADA and ALGO cases been refuted time and time again, AVAX is anything any chain want to be.

And don't ask for argument because it's been provided to you countless of times already, You just here hoping to catch newcomers with your lies and misinformation.

>> No.26043505

One thing could be layer 1 node scaling. Any variant of CC doesn't work well unless you limit the validation nodes to something like <sqrt(n). Because CC is an O(n^2) algorithm the way to speed it up is using a secure selection process and reducing validation participation. So in the average case you have an upper bound of something like <= O(sqrt(n^2)) ~= O(n). If you are willing to scale the validation participation more you can get even faster TPS somewhere between O(1) <= O(n) but the fewer nodes, the less you need to corrupt to cause a system failure.

So one of the advantages is by using snowball which is a probability algorithm you can poll and validate nodes in O(1) <= O(logn) time in the average case. The tradeoff is that at >33% byzantine presence the system ceases up and resolving the validation becomes NP-hard in terms of predicting the outcome. IMO not a real concern given that Nakamoto also has this 33% threshold. In CC this is 51%. AVAX claims 81% for some reason but I don't know why.

The benefits you get from this concensus algorithm is you can scale the number of validator nodes to thousands/millions without performance hits.

Another thing is the finality is it has faster finality than current L1's and the TPS can scale up with faster CPUs, I think it's 4500TPS on a raspberry pi4

You could imagine for example a NYSE blockchain handling swaps between tokens on it's network representing stocks but it also needs to handle transfers to other SE's with their own internal systems and probably won't want to rely on intermediaries. In the case where everyone is on the same level 0 chain they api for transfers between blockchains is universal and the settlements are instant.

>> No.26043534


>> No.26043756

This. It's getting boring now.

The project is not fuddable - clutching at straws.

>> No.26043773

The use case is any one can set up their own blockchain with their own parameters: make it pow or pos, determine blocks, # of tokens, etc. Plus devs will be able to use js instead of having to learn spaghetti code. They're making the transition to defi very easy for institutions. https://docs.avax.network/build/tools/avalanchejs

>> No.26043798

I understand some of this, the gist of it sounds bullish. Thank you.

>> No.26043863

He's just here to FUD and subtle shill his bags of (presumably) ALGO and ADA.

>> No.26043892

Slow down there, buddy. We'll have to see what happens when (see: if) AVAX ever gets substantial load. It's easy to make claims in the laboratory. DAGs are still relatively new and haven't been well vetted against all attack vectors.

>> No.26043929

Lol you are spreading misinformation. What I said is nothing but factual, but whatever man, I'm here for actual conversation, not playing with your bags.
"Ada and algo case have been refuted", lol are you like 18?

Yep I get what you mean. It's like having a L2 at disposal, on chain, if we see it that way.
Thanks for detailed answers mate, it's appreciated. For the tx finalty, I didn't know, I thought it was slightly higher than what ADA/ALGO can do.

>> No.26044024

Will this website teach me how to build on their blockchain from scratch even if I don't know Javascript?

>> No.26044141

Looks like it's a copy of NodeJS which is a fairly popular development suite. I've not used it much so I don't really know if it's hard for people to get into.

>> No.26044156

So basically you're saying this is the fastest eth killer alive and can handle the heaviest load of them all?

>> No.26044195

It's a solution to the trilemma with meaningful shortcuts if that makes sense. The shortcut is does use doesn't ever actually come about - if it did bitcoin would fail as well.

>> No.26044197

This is probably the most informative thread on the board today

>> No.26044219

*without meaningful shortcuts

>> No.26044240

0.7 billion marketcap Avax can process transfers much faster than 470 billion marketcap VISA, 150 billion marketcap ethereum, 700 billion marketcap bitcoin.
>can run eth dapps at that same speed

That alone makes it insanely undervalued and ridiculous upwards potential of x100 easily. Then there are many other things that has been reitterated so many times i wont even bother to look it up. Please stay out of Acax so i can laugh at you losers.

>> No.26044309

In reference to
>muh no use case

>> No.26044480

Sometimes better tech loses though. I wouldn't be surprised if Algorand manages to win due to having more credibility for whatever reason. White team, handshakes, marketing, that sort of thing. It's very possible that for what the financial system requires it "good enough".

If it's good enough people will go with it regardless if it's the best. UNIX was a better standard than DOS but 90% of us are using DOS (although for critical infrastructure it's almost entirely based on UNIX). So I wouldn't necessarily FUD other projects like they are trash, they are functional projects as well.

Hard to predict. But yes guys please be respectful to Algorand it's a legitimate project with many gigabrains working on it as well.

>> No.26044582

>But yes guys please be respectful to Algorand it's a legitimate project with many gigabrains working on it as well.
yes it's legit but there is nothing algo does that can't be done with avax. the contrary is not true (like subnets)

>> No.26044629

Unix is used by a sizable portion of the consumer base that likes expensive apple computers. It makes significant money.
We just need to see if avax can find a niche where it can dominate so that it ends up in the top 10 and stays there for the next few bullruns. Thats enough.

>> No.26044788

Yes that's why I like it, it has a kind of monopoly on avalache/snowball consensus right now so to speak

>> No.26045044

this is same like moust overpriced shitcoins minted from nothing sold by pajon will be worth nothing in long run

>> No.26045421

Avax is a first mover as well, they are the first to implement the new consensus algorithm. Time will prove once again how important being a first mover is.

>> No.26046085

Whats the ramifications of using a VPN as a burger to buy off binance and move avax to a different wallet?

>> No.26046265

Fuck, i forgot the fees. Do i even have to go there? Eth fees and btc fees of several dollars to tens of dollars are x10000 that of Avax. All the disproportionally huge amounts of money spent on slow(er) transactions of eth and btc is money thats not going into your pocket. Lmfao no use-case. Yeah, maybe if you're a bitcoin miner. It would kill your parasitic business model.

>> No.26046344

I really like AVAX. One thing that concerns me is the ETH bridge. It's a great concept, but have you guys looked at the dev video of how it works? I don't like the use of relayers. It just goes against the advantage that AVAX has. I know that the number of relayers can increase in the future, but for now there is only a limited amount.


Maybe I'm missing something, or maybe there was no way around it.

>> No.26046539

How many to make it if bitcoin gets to a million dollars?

>> No.26046626

2000 = node = make it
500 = likely future node cutoff = comfy
25 = required amount to stake = suicide

>> No.26046975
File: 90 KB, 1000x1000, comfyavax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just dumped all my BTC into AVAX. I'm big bullish on this coin and already had a comfy stack beforehand. Read more and learn about the team and you'll see how much potential this coin has - it's truly impressive from a tech/team standpoint at the very least, even ignoring potential adoption and future partnerships. Very undervalued even at $10. Get in while you still can

>> No.26047056

can you stake multiple stacks? I have 100 right now but I want to buy more at a dip before I stake

>> No.26047118

yes, and minimum to delegate is 25

>> No.26047121

YUP I have two stacks staking monthly in two different pools to check it out. You can stake what you have now and buy another stack then stake that too. Very versatile

>> No.26047207
File: 346 KB, 1580x956, 1600483568433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26047239

VC scam. AVOID.

LOKI rebranding to OXEN. GTFIH.

>> No.26047310
File: 8 KB, 275x183, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$9 avax
>invest $5000 usd per month
>you'll either have enough to run a node after 4 months or have made profit on your investment