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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26031796 No.26031796 [Reply] [Original]

My lease is ending and my partner and I are looking for a new place to live. Our family has grown and we need more space. We’re not ready to buy a place (not sure we ever will be, with student loans and such) so we’re on the hunt for a 2br single family home to rent. I realize that COVID and the eviction moratorium are impacting the housing market, and contributing to my frustrations finding a new home. But even being conscious of all that, I cannot believe that I can’t find a single 2br house to rent for less than $2300/month. Is it to much to ask for a 2br house, that’s affordable for two (mercifully) employed working professionals, and that allows dogs, in this entire city?! I would think that a developed city of this size would have enough housing stock to support its humble stay-at-home workforce, but apparently that’s too much to ask.

Not too long ago, when I was making $17,000/year and struggling to keep a roof over my head, I assumed it would get easier if I made more money. I’m not looking for luxury, just functionality. We’ve been living and working in a 1br apartment for all of 2020, and with a new addition to our family and two bosses telling us to continue working from home for 2021, this isn’t enough space anymore. We need a second bedroom, and ideally a small backyard.

Why isn't there more affordable housing? Why isn’t their more middle-class housing? Why are there so many slumlords getting away with charging top dollar for housing they don’t maintain? Why are there so many scams out there preying on renters and house hunters? Half of the listings out their seem to be posted by a Nigerian prince... How is it possible that rental rates remain so high while vacancy rates are supposedly high as well? I just want a modest house to live in. The kind of place that boomers condescendingly call a “starter home” - but one I’m not even buying, I just want to rent it.

>> No.26031944

Move an hour out of town. That's what I did.
The land is cheaper, the air is cleaner, the water is clearer, the people are nicer, and the community is whiter. It's all around better

>> No.26032148

Because low interest rates are the worst invention that modern society ever came up with. It favors early movers and distorts the long term pricing structure significantly in all markets.

>> No.26032220

>muh pardner

Homosexual free board

>> No.26032721

Yeah, I’ve been thoroughly disabused of the notion that housing will ever get easier to find and maintain.

>> No.26033620 [DELETED] 


>> No.26033941
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Got priced out there laddo, that's why you buy crypto. You will be eternally priced out of EVERYTHING, unless you pick an asset that can keep up, and that's crypto.

>> No.26034195

Imagine actually believing this

>> No.26034454

>imagine not believing this

>> No.26034797

I don't have any free cash flow to "invest" in crypto

>> No.26034948
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>my partner

>> No.26034979

imagine being a not-work-from-home slave having to drive 80 minutes to work and then 80 minutes back home after work

>> No.26035083

Rental cuck. I stopped paying back in March 2020. They still can't get rid of me cuz governor extensions. Even when all thats done courts are back logged for a long time. They sold the house and the new owner doesn't know what to do with me. I don't care that you're a faggot, just grow a pair and stand up to your landlord. You have a perfect fucking out during clownworld, just call covid

>> No.26035375
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>student loans
anon I...

>> No.26035425

Make it easier for the small time landlord. I have the literal house you're looking for and I'm renting it out for $990 month. Also let me guess you're in one of the top 5 most expensive metros in the US.

>> No.26035471


This fag's in for a harsh reality once he's finally out on the street and no one wants to lease to him. Don't be dumb like him.

>> No.26035683

anon I feel your pain I just moved into a shitbox apartment and can hear the neighbours breathing through the wall. its a complete crapshoot here with noice insulation and I have very good ears and Im sensitive to noise. I would love to rent a house but theyre all either way too big and cost a fortune, or theyre way out in the sticks where I would have to drive 1 hour+ to visit my friends and family. I literally quadrupled my income in the last 10 years and I still have trouble just finding a modest place to live in. and were talking rentals here, buying my own place is completely out of the qusetion.

>> No.26035701

The rent moratoriums keep prices artificially high since landlords can't kick anyone out. Same with mortgage deferrals for house prices.

Just another side effect from libshit policies that prevent the market from doing its job.