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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2602208 No.2602208 [Reply] [Original]

All you do is pump useless fucking unpumpables and shit useless fucking coins


Get the fuck off biz you fucking fags, this is all i fucking see here and you queers bitch about bagholding. How about stop buying shit fucking coins that some fatass fucking loser told you to buy with ZERO knowledge of the product.. I cant stand this shit here. Constant fucking Elliot Rodger fucks with zero knowledge promoting shit ass cryptos.. You fucking losers give crypto a bad name desu, get fucked.

>> No.2602240

Don't put NMR in with those shitcoins. It's an anomaly that steamrolled up to 10x gains.

>> No.2602255

Here we go case in point

Got the shitcoiner express right here. Get the fuck out of here with that useless shit

>> No.2602292

I'm sorry you missed the opportunity to make $80k in two days, anon.

>> No.2602330

lmfao. If thats all you can break in this environment then you're certainly missing out. Try shilling real coins then report back with your gains

>> No.2602336

Okay. :)

>> No.2602337 [DELETED] 

lets interrupt this guy from counting to 5 >>2602068

>> No.2602355

Red pill me on smart bridges anon

>> No.2602357

He's 100% right though.

Ya'll invest in some stupid ass shit with no use. It's hilarious.

>> No.2602366

ARK is 2+ yrs behind products doing the same thing without the ICO hype marketing. Sad to say the least

>> No.2602375

Yes i said YEARS.


>> No.2602409

hey OP, any good twitter ppl to follow to start investing in real coins?

>> No.2602418


If you can't do your own fucking research you'll fail miserably

>> No.2602433

Why is DGB in this list? Solid coin with good devs and future. Who cares that it got pumped and is now back where it should be? DGB is long term.

>> No.2602441

Yeah right

>muh "long term coin"

check out their CitiBank presentation lmfao

>> No.2602450

And you know what that's another thing im fucking tired of with you useless fucking Anons



Dont feed me that bullshit bagholders. Just stop.

>> No.2602467

nice thanks.

Out of all the coins you listed, ANS is the most promising coin of the lot AND YOU KNOW THIS.

>> No.2602468

You done whining yet?

>> No.2602471

I saw the presentation, they did great and then got invited back to give ANOTHER presentation in Hong Kong spur of the moment because Citi liked their proposal so much.

The "prize" for citi was PEER nominated, not given by Citi. Those prizes and awards happen in July. DGB got meme'd to hell and looks like a joke to some now, but the tech and rep will speak for itself at some point. I'm betting DGB is .50 before year end.

>> No.2602492



I love you asian fucks.

$0.50 for DGB means a whopping $5.6 BILLION market cap. Get fucked with your dreams anon.

Keep holding those bags fucker just like all the BitBean clowns have done

>> No.2602495

Yeah, no. Digibags is more likely.

>> No.2602503


>> No.2602514

.50 is an EASY goal to obtain. Stop the FUD.

>> No.2602548

You do know that this number would more than DOUBLE the value of Litecoin right...?

Didn't think so goy.

move along.

>> No.2602558

You don't think Litecoin will be double the value at some point? Do you even follow cryptocurrency? Do you want me to get you some beginners tutorials from youtube? LMK

>> No.2602573

Stop with the stupidity and cut your losses. I don't care if Citi was "very impressed"

You need to start thinking deeply. That's the problem with everyone in this game. How does DGB change the entire planet? What hard problems does it solve more than any other coin ever could?

There is no compelling evidence other than a lightly hugged interest by a party trying to be ahead of the curve.

Give it up.

>> No.2602574

Lol bagholder

So DGB will 20x OUTPERFORM LTC...?

Get real nigger.

>> No.2602596

Not every coin has to solve fucking world peace. I invest in ETH, too. Not every coin has to be BTC or ETH. Digi might not hit 10 dollars per coin but still a LOT of money to be made on a solid product.

>> No.2602619

Yeah, just what I thought. You're just another shortsighted speculator. You don't now shit about shit.

Don't ever pose on this board again because it's clear that you don't even have a vested interest in technology nor do you have a clue how any of this really has an implication for the future.


Get out.

>> No.2602639

Right. On top of DGB, you should check out IOTA. Both are going to be hits. I do my research. I'll give you the DGB and IOTA predictions for free, anything else I'll have to charge my standard fee for lessons in crypto.

>> No.2602661


$1.4B market cap and you're gonna tell us to invest in this shit because WE BE MOONIN SOON BRAH.

Laughing my fucking ASS off my dude.

I really don't know what to respond to this.. maybe another based anon can take it for me..this is bad.

>> No.2602676

>blockchain hedge fund

can the we stop the crypto threads please? tired of these retards that know absolutely nothing about fiance or trading

>> No.2602683

You can keep up the delusion, but the really intelligent people know who's who.

You're a random with grandeur. A common affliction on this board. You stare at charts all day, making easy predictions in what largely consists of a bull market. You make a few dollars and brag, thinking that the less informed should take you seriously—that what and how you think actually matters.

The truth is, you don't even understand any of this. Lessons?


>> No.2602705
File: 28 KB, 601x508, 2f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The truth is, you don't even understand any of this.

>> No.2602711


Oh boy the centralized kikes found us

time for a new thread

>> No.2602731

what's with all the god damn elliot roger references on /biz/

>> No.2602735
File: 74 KB, 780x439, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2602744

oh boy found the guy who literally got into crypto two weeks ago and spouting bullshit

time for a new board

>> No.2602894



Boring ass shit my friend, go to an Edward Jones thread on the way to your ChFC certification test if you wanna fly the right lane in this day and age anon

>> No.2602954


ANS/NEO is the only one you posted that has ANY chance of going somewhere. I wouldn't lump it with the others. It's basically a Chinese copy of Ethereum, I can see the price at least getting to $20. It supposedly has improvements over Ethereum as well. The copy part would not be as relevant if it were not for the fact that China likes to have their own domestic versions of everything.

>> No.2603000

the main divide is some invest in things that may be useful while most invest in things that will be profitable, but being only profitable not in a sense of potentially useful but potentially profitable

in other words, a few early adopters may find a pump&dump coin to be "potentially useful" but you cross a threshold in which usefullness goes out the window and it becomes a game of personal profit

this is different than ordinary stocks because one would expect the value to rise along with the value the company produces

I mean, think of why owning a share of anything actually HAS value. why does a stock HAVE value save it's potential profit by selling later on? It only naturally makes sense if the stock pays dividends, and again the dividends relate to profit by PRODUCING VALUE, I.E. BEING USEFUL, which is the largest obstacle crypto faces when talking shitcoins.....

>> No.2603041

easier to explain the divide as

"profitable because it's useful"


"useful because it's profitable"

>> No.2603048 [DELETED] 

Well if you want to join a non pnd non shill community you always have kayees blog and the unofficial discord...

CryptoSignal blog:

KayeeCrypto discord:

>> No.2603125

I can accept that.

>> No.2603309

10/10 thread OP.

Redpilled about ark now cheers

>> No.2603384

You suck so bad. You're transparent.

>> No.2603413

No idea what you're shitting out your mouth. But get fucked cunt.

>> No.2603734


He used to be king of /biz/ just like zyzz was for /fit/.

Only oldfags would know this until now.

>> No.2603771
File: 123 KB, 868x714, 1488906291356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>probably the only ICO to never get pumped on Bittrex
Hindsight is great isn't it?
Only the anti-semites could see that coming.

>> No.2604037

>He didn't invest in BLOCKNET during the dip


>> No.2604066

just hold guys, it will go up soon.. *silently cashes out his bags*

>> No.2604087
