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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 411 KB, 941x1085, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26025084 No.26025084 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.26025151
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>> No.26025199


>> No.26025267

>Wooden doors
lmao based

>> No.26025383

>using semicolons incorrectly

>> No.26025479

How old was he?


>> No.26025517
File: 415 KB, 750x757, 6917E321-DC4F-4FD5-8F7F-77E2646B1D26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. F.

>> No.26025529

get you pol shit out of biz, thanks

>> No.26025539
File: 50 KB, 640x563, 1609424108059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP Frenchbro

>> No.26025560

Respect, fuck niggers

>> No.26025602


>> No.26025606

s k e t c h y . a . f

>> No.26025622

Not all of us were going to make it after all.


>> No.26025667
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 62342320_2344143015843268_4145227075155918848_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one bites the dust

>> No.26025672

frenchbro became an hero?

>> No.26025690

he is in heaven now

>> No.26025710

remember guys you can make it and still not make it

>> No.26025713

what the fuck is this legit? I remember FrenchAnon

>> No.26025734
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>> No.26025764

pretty fucking sad desu. I think he was misguided, but ya, either way that's depressing as fuck.

>> No.26025773
File: 92 KB, 442x700, Jean_Lannes_the_Duke_of_Montebello.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The good all die young.

>> No.26025777
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>"What the cinnamon fuck toast is this."

>> No.26025803


>> No.26025830

>we must secure the existence of our people and a future for our children

Yo, based?

>> No.26025855

At least he went out the way he wanted to.

>> No.26025856


He should have gone for the high score.

>> No.26025908
File: 5 KB, 275x183, Iron Cross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R.I.P brother,
We will fight and live on in your honour

>> No.26025931


>> No.26025962
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Laugh reacts only

>> No.26025963


>> No.26025966

Did frenchbro really die? Or is this someone else?

>> No.26025972


>> No.26025984
File: 33 KB, 303x298, 1610704438363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigggerrrrrrrrrrrr ahahhahaha nigger NIGGER ohohohHahhahahaHAHAH NIGGGGERRR I HATE NIGGERS

>> No.26026028

>aspiring nazi
>genetically shit

yo hello, based department?

>> No.26026038


>> No.26026059

You're here. Legit trip?

I was gonna say this sounds a little too based for the frenchie I know. Not that you're not based I just wouldn't picture this for your demise. Also I don't remember you having an illness

>> No.26026070

This guy seems to have been based, /biz/ frenchbro was pretty cringe. Probably different people.

>> No.26026086

>Could have easily made it in the coming bull run
What a retard.

>> No.26026128


What a good one. Hope he made it through the pearly gates.

>> No.26026155
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>> No.26026180

he was an arrogant faggot while he posted here, do not see him pulling something like this at all

>Some prominent right-wing groups or sites display their bitcoin wallets prominently, the report noted. “The lack of regulation over Bitcoin has driven its adoption by white supremacists,” it said.

>> No.26026198
File: 51 KB, 396x385, sadfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never receive 500k from a random anon

>> No.26026279

This is a memorial thread go start another if you wanna talk boomers

>> No.26026285

doesn't cinnamon toast fuck flow better?

>> No.26026307

I'd disown those dumb fucking nocoin boomers

Also thanks for reaffirming why I won't be telling my parents I own any crypto

>> No.26026314

What the fuck. No way, how retarded are boomers? Their retarded generation forced us into this position.

>> No.26026348
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>> No.26026426

The jannies did this.

>> No.26026432
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>> No.26026442


Good for him though for leaving nothing for the state to steal.

>> No.26026452
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, FB556F09-7BC6-45E2-9866-D532A81D23BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell your fucking crypto. Now.

>> No.26026453

>one less retarded nazi


>> No.26026518
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>> No.26026536
File: 110 KB, 1226x887, 4E80610A-29E0-44E2-A028-9DBBEDC2F5EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a fucking hero
RIP chad

>> No.26026547

black lives matter, biden won!

>> No.26026553
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, asscreed 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is Desmond?

>> No.26026581

this and also explain the wooden doors pls

building 7 of course everyone knows

>> No.26026636

Adieu based frog

>> No.26026686

>ban people from banks
>surprised they move to decentralized exchange systems

Just finished reading the note, I liked that Uncle Ted reference. I really need to read his manifesto already.

>> No.26026689
File: 136 KB, 518x433, twin peaks paulie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wooden doors refers to the fact that the alleged gas chambers in auschwitz had normal non-sealed wooden doors

Also in the paragraph below that one, he's quoting Ted Kaczynski

>> No.26026771

who gives a fuck about some dead nazi? i mean really

>> No.26026863

>Not being a nazi

Yeah thats gonna be a yikes from me, sweetie

>> No.26026867


It's surreal that the media is fussing over such an insignificant sum. It's just half a million dollars. You can't even buy an apartment in Manhattan with that. Political organizations like BLM receive way, way more.

>> No.26026895


>> No.26027127


yep, im thinkin based

>> No.26027174


>> No.26027257
File: 1.31 MB, 2014x2761, 6mil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this and also explain the wooden doors pls

Desmond is that faggot kid they keep pushing as the poster child of LGBT. google "desmond is amazing"

the wooden doors is in reference to the Holohoax where all the "gas chambers" in work camps had wooden doors. anyone that researched gassing as a form of execution will learn that you need air-tight submarine style doors to pull of such a gassing

>> No.26027408
File: 18 KB, 366x314, 1488461650360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giving all your money to some loser manlet that will never achieve anything but being a meme that will be forgotten in a few years

imagine being such a retard, he should probably ki...oh wait

>> No.26027415


>> No.26027446


>> No.26027518

doesn't seem that obvious to me, I mean just pump a lot of gas and if they inhale enough cyanide anyone would die, it'd just be more slow without airtight doors

Adolf really hated the jews you can tell from his speeches, I don't see why he wouldn't kill 'em desu.

>> No.26027745

0% chance this is real, post pic of said boomer

>> No.26027781

>parents still talk to your exes

>> No.26027885

F. Hope he's found a better place.

>> No.26028009


>> No.26028064


>> No.26028121
File: 20 KB, 333x333, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was a faggot. Our faggot

>> No.26028212
File: 46 KB, 270x320, 6375E854-4D05-4C12-9A54-708F3E9A1A90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based French anon.

>> No.26028214

Top kek.
Roast in hell, you turncoat Nazi loser.

>> No.26028237
File: 26 KB, 480x574, Feels roman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn, Anon. Be free. Never fall so low as your boomer fuck parents. Notice the shaming tactics being used to get you to fuck up your future beyond all doubt. He tells you nonsense like "man up" which doesn't actually mean to be masculine and to think for yourself. It just means do what I say and be a good pack mule and uphold the narrative. He tries to attack all of the emotional achilles heels to manipulate you. He attacks your ego as a man, he attacks your emotional state with bringing up your ex and he tries to make you panic about the future.

To top it all off, he tells you to get back together with your ex, the worst idea any man can listen to. Even if she wasn't a thot when you two dated, she has undoubtedly become one since the breakup, and the breakup happened for a reason. Your simp dad wants you to give up on building generational wealth in order to simp and buy a house for a roastie in order to beg for her back. Mind numbing foolishness on your dad's part, no offense. Your parents don't care about your well being. Guarantee your cuck (again no offense) dad got your mom's permission to send you these texts. Prepare for good cop bad cop manipulation from the two of them going forward. They just want you to give them grandkids asap even if it's with a thot exgf. They don't even like kids they just want accessories.

Be free anon. Make your decisions because you want to make them, not to impress or appease society or women or your ego or your libido or your emotions. These are all false prophets leading to the ruin of great men and civilizations.

"He who rules his passions(emotions:the heart:the need for love:excitement) and his feelings(instincts:the ingrained sense of wanting to belong to a group:pride) and his urges(libido:lavish desires) is king."

Be free anon. We are all gonna make it

>> No.26028336

What a bitch ass dad

>> No.26028388


>> No.26028396


>> No.26028412

The original Riddle Anon used semicolons

>> No.26028442

The people operating the chamber would die too fuck wad. How do you safely vent the chamber out when the gas is spreading all over the facility?

>> No.26028494

the wooden door led outside, the guard don't have to literally stand 1ft away from the door, and cyanide isn't deadly in small doses in fact you can build up a tolerance to it and survive what would normally be a deadly amount

>> No.26028502
File: 391 KB, 1600x905, EruD7tvXMAYaw5x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting twitter links for fuck sake.

>> No.26028520

This picture has to be fake.

>> No.26028560
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>> No.26028599
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sadly adterlife doesn't exist, or we would meet there.

>> No.26028619


based frenchie

>> No.26028635

A Wignat made this post.

>> No.26028638



>> No.26028673
File: 19 KB, 245x327, 1610395018058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can cash out, and i dont think you will be able to.

>> No.26028690

This anon necked because he lived in the reality of media, symbols and thoughts inside his mind, not the true reality. Most of the stuff he mentioned, even if depressing, in truth didn’t have any effect of the surrounding reality around him. There is no reason he shouldn’t be able to find a peace of mind and joy in this world, he had $500k to find a safe and quiet place.
>inb4 false flag larp

>> No.26028711

>Nick Fuentes
If he donated 500k to that faggot I'm sure the world can do without him.

>> No.26028768


>> No.26028781

Anons on 4chins literally gave out thousands of Bitcoins and ETH in the early mining periods.

>> No.26028871

This post was also made by a Wignat.

>> No.26028873

Nothing to do with biz, ban.

>> No.26028950

seethe shitskin

>> No.26029025


>> No.26029118

O my gerd. Satoshi must censor btc

>> No.26029147
File: 23 KB, 719x494, 1582506587101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26029196


>> No.26029238

>to nick fuentes
Imagine giving your money to a fed who led his followers straight into a psyop twice: Charlottesville AND stop the steal.

>> No.26029248

Fuck kikes. fuck globalists, fuck central banks, fuck glowniggers and fuck jannies

>> No.26029266

This post was made by Richard Spencer, an irrelevant Wignat who voted for Joe Biden.

>> No.26029280

what the fuck is a nazi

>> No.26029306

He didnt give him 500k. Thats how much they are worth now. He gave him 13 bitcoin. How much was it when he neckd

>> No.26029333

Seethe harder, loser.

Retards like you are why the right has 0 political power in the US right now.

>> No.26029366

My mom called my ex to "apologize for my actions" because she assumed I did something to her (i literally dindu). My ex was so weirded out she called me to let me know.

>> No.26029422

That's funny coming from someone with no power but who simps for corporations who wants to rape you.
Yes, "America First" and nationalism/populism etc has no real political power right now. You are right. But we are resisting against evil, and we are attempting to win against it. While you embrace it thinking they're on your side.
You're the loser and you have no soul.

>> No.26029441

>if you dont like my fed you must like this other fed
Good job stopping the steal retard, enjoy the new anti-terror laws.
Will you learn when he fucks you over a third time will you learn? I doubt so.

>> No.26029530

>But we are resisting against evil

>> No.26029558

Ah yes, non-globo homo world leaders are calling for stripping social media companies of their power, globo-homo governments are heavy handedly showing their hand way too early, causing a colossal influx of people fleeing to apps such as Gab, Parler (RIP, but soon to return) and Telegram. Politicians are pictured crying while lying down on the floor with plastic bags on their heads. Donald Trump will remain a massive political force for years to come.

But absolutely, sure, we "lost", according to seething wignats with 44 Patreons and 219 viewers on their latest Subscribestar videos.

Neck yourself Spencer.

>> No.26029611

>I am a Wigant, I criticize non-Wignats because they participate in the system while I advocate to act outside the system
The Absolute State of Wignats

>> No.26029661
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>> No.26029687

this guy really wants you to have a family huh?

>> No.26029704

Why do I even talk to Wignats? You guys are irrelevant. You criticize people like Fuentes for supposedly "trusting the GOP too much" and retarded shit like that, that isn't even true, he then literally makes the GOP lose in Georgia, and will be leading zoomers and millennials to primary all globo-homo GOP politicians next year.

Is this just a case of Gen-X being retarded as always?

>> No.26029724

Its good and short, read it
And the followup book is good too

>> No.26029755

>falling for the kike shill tricks

>> No.26029779

You added this didn't you?
That's like 90% of this board.

>> No.26029892

Goddamn this is sad - the architects of this modern kalergi nightmare have blood on their hands and deserve hanging and worse

>> No.26029910

I never thought I'd see the day when I had to constantly shit on people who I'm supposedly on the same side as, but I can't even truly say that these "wignats" are on the same side as us. I'm looking around for all the Gen-X nationalists and all they're doing is complaining to their 13 Twitter followers or 44 Patreons about how Fuentes is "a fucking spic" and "that path won't lead us anywhere", like WTF is going on with these people? What are they doing? What are they trying to achieve by this point?

Fuentes literally was a co-catalyst for one of the biggest moments in history. OF COURSE there's going to be setbacks from time to time, such as this colossal wave of social media suppression we're seeing right now, but the important thing to take home here is that this reaction was baited out of globo-homo, and it is leading to a reaction that will in the long run much more be in our favour, such as millions upon millions of people creating accounts for apps such as Gab, Parler and Telegram to more effectively communicate with eachother. Fuentes literally has contributed to awakening the GOP base to understanding that the RINOs are not acting in their best interests.

Why are Wignats opposing these things? Did they never truly care in the first place? Do they just want to run podcasts with like 40 Simp listeners they can drain dry through Patreon?

>> No.26030014

nigger got best grades in chemistry. checks out.

>> No.26030018

That's the least of a mc mansion problems, check the rate of slab failure on those death traps.

>> No.26030020
File: 84 KB, 707x1024, B9783198-A121-4212-9719-D7B49B988173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giving your btc to a larping spic e celeb when you could have send the cash to Russia and bought out literally hundreds of kids from the gulag system they have there.
Thank god the white race is being exterminated in Europe.
These weaklings need to die off faster.

>> No.26030132


>> No.26030134

Based and F.
We should all do this. Let the antiwhite, antimale state starve to death.

>> No.26030158

>Giving your btc to a larping spic e celeb when you could have send the cash to Russia and bought out literally hundreds of kids from the gulag system
Based Schizoposting

>> No.26030240
File: 300 KB, 366x364, 0076430C-6C92-405E-8EEA-67E0B812121D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up retard.
What are you? 16? 17?
You have no idea what a catalyst is or looks like.
Spic Fuentes was larping around meme groups in 2017 and never advocated for any radical cause. He is a centrist fag with anti Zionist undertones.
He won’t publicly come out and tell any of you retards the truth- he will allude and dance around and remain tight lipped when what needs to be said is that the police are your enemies and need removal (physically)
Individuals need to arm and go out taking soft targets and the systems of government need to be dismantled completely.
You are a slave.

>> No.26030376

Just because you’re brainwashed into thinking the world is run by reptilian cannibal pedophile Jews, doesn’t mean the rest of us also have schizotypal personality disorders.

>> No.26030393
File: 69 KB, 646x687, 1597107667472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To top it all, F9 has been pushed back to 2021

>> No.26030394

George Soros organized the Democratic Alliance with everyone involved required to donate at least $20,000 to join
It has about 500 million dollars sone of which found it's way to groups organising the protests in America from May 2020 onwards
the ones which were "mostly peaceful" apart from the 25 dead people and the billion dollars in damages
But half a bitcoin gets to Nick the spic and oy very it's another holocaust

>> No.26030452

>he will allude and dance around and remain tight lipped when what needs to be said is that the police are your enemies and need removal (physically)
See, this is how I know you're either a Jew, a non-Jewish shill, or just don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Literally everything you just wrote above, the opposite is true. He speaks out constantly and loudly about everything that absolutely must be heard by people. He has multiple times for months now slowly but surely gotten people used to the idea that the police are not on white peoples side, and in the past month he has came out outright in support of this notion. This is how you do these things. Now, tens of thousands of people who regularly view his content have been made to understand that the police are not on white peoples side.
What the fuck do you have to complain about? As if the above regarding the police was not enough, he has for years spoken out against Jewry.

>> No.26030511

Even if I was brainwashed, let's presume that I am, you are STILL on the side of giant American corporations, and you are STILL on the side of permanent American beureucrats who have enabled the current state of the world for decades.

Let's play around with the idea that I'm completely schizo and wrong about the Jews: But the above remains true, what does that say about you and what you support?

>> No.26030626


>> No.26030627

Also, you stupid fucking Wignat, you can't just come out and say "waaaaaah the police must be KILLED waaaaaah!", you say that Fuentes has to say these things, but at the same time you complain about the pushback from Globo-Homo against the protests at the Capitol?

You are not even fucking consistent in your criticism of Fuentes, and THIS is also how I know you're MOSTLY motivated by jealousy about his success. Most grifting Wignats that are seething about Fuentes are inconsistent in their criticism, like you are.

>> No.26030737

>that caption
Haha this nigger owns his insecurities

>> No.26030816

F I hope Fuentes isn't just grifting

>> No.26030992

>you support greedy megacorporations if you don’t believe the vote was steal’d from Donnie boi illegully

The absolute state.

>> No.26031172
File: 95 KB, 471x561, 1608020836337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get you pol shit out of biz, thanks

>> No.26031300

Nasty fucking hateful scum bags all of you are. I'm a 56 year old truck driver who is married to a Jewish women who saved my life. You fucking people think the world would be a better place place if she was dead and you disgusting fucking animals deny the historical FACT that 6 million Jews were killed during the holocaust. How fucking dare you, if I met any of you fucking scum bags in real life and you have the balls to spew your hatred in front of me I will sock you so hard in the jaw your grand kids will feel it. This anti semetic crap doesn't have a place in our modern world you horrible fucking offensive dogs.I'm more than happy to be an avid member of the Jewish community of Montreal's events where we share food and dance together with people from all walks of life and different cultures, diversity is beautiful and I have my wife to thank for introducing me to those community events. You're all slime balls, nasty fucking humans, you all should be ashamed of yourselves

>> No.26031413

Covid isn't less deadly than seasonal flu god fucking damn it. Stop it right wingers with that bullshit. Fuck this dead anon, for real.
I lost my 2 aunts, aged 56 and 62, and I lost a friend, aged 44!!! This shit is WAY MORE DEADLY than the flu. It's 100x more disruptive for society, of not more.

Sure this year has shown how submissive people are, but heck if you think we could have afforded 1-2% of the population to die / have long term damage, you are very very very retarded and know nothing about how a country is ran.

Fuck this shit, and fuck you all you fucking retards.

>> No.26031495

is that your face after your precious cuck-king lost? whats happening next week anon? oh and the senate too?!

>> No.26031853

Just keep your fanatical extremist beliefs contained in the mutt continent. In parts of the old world we still have some remnants of freedom including the freedom to leave a legacy without middle eastern merchants demanding we give it all to Africans.
How do you suppose we preserve the diversity you enjoy when every nation is forced to become the same? My native language is becoming extinct thanks to the policies Jewish leaders themselves say they are in the forefront of lobbying for and implementing in Europe. How does Israel respond to the situation? By calling for the censorship of our most treasured ancient hymns because they're "antisemitic". How are our hymns the business of some larpers on the other side of the planet?

>> No.26031859

Is that him?

>> No.26031886
File: 5 KB, 240x280, 1609699110767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont forget chinks like you

>> No.26031924

You forgot to add the part of the pasta where it makes you puke your organs.

>> No.26031972
File: 1016 KB, 540x475, tumblr_ac41dfb0b2e4b369d280f660bdf06981_4159598f_540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will (((they))) try to stop crypto since it can't be controlled?

>> No.26032133
File: 38 KB, 640x640, 55742634_319648328720346_4741481956503965849_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, that was Frenchbro

>> No.26032175

Is FrenchAnon the same as FrenchBro? One of them was an expat living in SEA who made a shitton of money off crypto.

>> No.26032176

Damn that guy is definitely not the biological father

>> No.26032216

what kind of a faggot says 'what the cinnamon fuck toast is this'.

especially we its something right ahead of the dumbass that he could read. but of course thats not what the npc is really saying. he is asking how us it posdibke for these things outside the clown cult to exist.

>> No.26032309

sure thing just as soon as you get the jew bullshit out of our media and daily lives. until then you cant blame us for responding to it

>> No.26032310

Damn. I could really relate to his suicide note. I will keep on fighting though. RIP nonetheless.

>> No.26032449

What is the guy’s name? Did he have social media?

>> No.26032569

>0% in multiple classes