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26023696 No.26023696 [Reply] [Original]

I’m constantly reading about all of the above mentioned within the title. I am conspiring for the worst and really getting stressed up to the level that I am inactive.

I have been with my partner for 5 years and she is the laziest person ever. She is broke and doesn’t even look for jobs seriously. On top of that she is only looking at Instagram all day and she is super uneducated so unfortunately it gives me close to nothing trying to speak with her.

Due to Covid I haven’t been able to socialise much and talk to anyone.

Please help me to just let go and live my life to the fullest. I am sick and tired of my partner being such a loser (in my opinion). She just do nothing at all and I am going under.

>> No.26023767

He a twink?

>> No.26023782

>dump your girl
>start a farm

>> No.26023841


leave her

>> No.26023861
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>> No.26024539
File: 1.27 MB, 801x848, awakebutwhy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the feel. Been with my girl for 7 years, lived together for 2 so far. GF at least has a job as a med-surg nurse, but when she's not working - she's just potato'd on the couch until her next shift. All she can do is watch tiktoks and consume social media. Doesn't clean, throws trash literally everywhere but the garbage can, barely cooks, and is on several different psyche meds. She sees people dying pretty much every day, so I think she's just getting fucked up in the head.

It's hard to snap people out of their rut. Someone's lack of motivation can kill your motivation, and put you into a rut of your own. I personally need help getting out of my rut. I don't know how to do that, so I can't give you much advice. Just know that things will work out at the end of the day.

I assume you only keep her around for the sex. Keeping your girl around for casual sex isn't a good way to live. You're probably just afraid to be alone. Talk to her about these feelings and light a fire under her ass. If she doesn't make changes to make you feel better, than what's the point in sticking around? You're never going to feel better in that case.

Idk man, I'm just spitting words out there.

>> No.26024618

Leave him and find a woman instead, faggot.

>> No.26025432

You become more like the people you surround yourself with. She is a loser, and you by proximity will become a loser if you stay with her, but it sounds like you experienced a wake up call. There are much better options in life than staying with someone you are unhappy with, and splitting up will bring more pros than cons it sounds like. Your life can be very different with a woman who is as hard working and motivated as you are. What is holding you back from breaking up OP?

>> No.26026048
File: 1.56 MB, 5312x2988, IMG_20200410_143651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start by prepping.
Life comes at you fast, you have to be faster. The economy is dead but we don't see it yet.

The go-getter mindset is a snowball.
Shadow government & bankers will take EVERYTHING from you if you remain stationary.

Been using VR to keep my mind healthy. You can meet with dozens of people from all around the world and it gives your monkey brain the necessary physical presence to feel like you're really there. Huge morale booster.

>> No.26026235

>Dell and not thinkpad
opinion discarded

>> No.26026264


Fuck off

>> No.26026371

OP is like me. But I've been with my lazy cow for almost 17 years. Get out now op it doesn't get any better. Single would be better.

>> No.26026380
File: 237 KB, 800x1422, Start Prepping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell Lenovo to make a thinkpad with an MXM.
Getting a P950 Clevo and flashing with Firmware-open & openec to replace the old dog.

>> No.26026391

Wake up at 6am. Go to construction site. Carry things from A to B. Goof around with tools. Big crane over my head. Eat food on my cool box. Works over. Drink next to construction site. No one cares, Im a construction worker. Weekend, go to betas girlfriend, peepee in vagina. Feelsgoodman. Sunday. Buy LINK. Monday go to construction site.

>> No.26026523

>turkshit mag fed shotgun
At least your head is in the right place. Good luck anon

>> No.26026592

If the ATF didn't have their way it would be beltfed.