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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26019611 No.26019611 [Reply] [Original]

>this time it's different
>muh institutions
>artificial tether pump doesnt matter
>new paradigm
>we are returning to normal
>ice cream sales and forest fires
>muh halving
>its just dropping dominance for alt season
>posted 1000 times this week

tonight I'm going to jack off to your pink wojak posts

>> No.26019649


>> No.26019667

I might buy back again at 22k

>> No.26019697
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Its a new paradigm, you retard

>> No.26019738

Then explain whats happening right now retard

>> No.26019879

I'm a major retard who spent the whole bullrun arguing on /g/ and /o/ and even I made 500% with bitcoin. IT'S OVER

>> No.26019921
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>> No.26020000
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>> No.26020020

It's an a b c correction this is the first wave up. Stay poor

>> No.26020037

If you play around with your y axis the bull trap becomes the bear trap.

>> No.26020096

i know, waiting for discount

>> No.26020154

>According to Elliott, there are 21 corrective ABC patterns ranging from simple to complex.
Which one?

>> No.26020189

oh yeah and if I stand upside down it's actually going up

saved big time, thanks anon

>> No.26020264

34k already

just start posting your pink wojaks so I can cum

>> No.26020290

thanks just bought more

>> No.26020299


>> No.26020309
File: 45 KB, 700x450, newplot (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Newfag graph
There might be a correction now because btc is slightly overbought according to s2f. However its NOT crashing and it WILL reach 6 figures this year.

Deal with it.

>> No.26020344

don't underestimate panic sellers

>> No.26020425

I'll buy back at $8k

>> No.26020474

>EXACTLY the same with 2017
>slight correction

do you know the definition of insanity anon

>> No.26020818

bitcoin will never be 8k again. It won't get back to 20k until it crashes at the end of this year forma. high of 180k

>> No.26020873


>> No.26020905
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get fucked maxipads

>> No.26020940

Surely this time BTC will not pump post halving especially with the institutions loading up, it must be going to 0 Because it’s not going in a straight line up

>> No.26021079

>"returning to normal" at ~5% from ath


>> No.26021173
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>missed another dip
God damn it. Should I just set money aside and put it into buy orders at 10% below the 24h average? Every time I see these long ass wicks to the bottom I get depressed.

>> No.26021308
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>he bought the return to "normal" ignoring all signs of a bloodbath approaching

Fucking retards, you dumbasses caused the bubble, now we are going to get fucked.

>> No.26021412

Stop this dumb institutions cope. There's no real volume. USDT volume is non audited joke. Institutions will panic sell because only aspies take crypto as something solid.

>> No.26022333

>it must be going to 0 Because it’s not going in a straight line up
it is going to 0 exactly because its been going in a straight line up and crypto markets for a long time now have been entirely dictated by an imaginary fraud "stablecoin"

>> No.26022605

we are only up from now
35500 was the liquidation target

>> No.26022723

We're at the first sell-off anon. My prediction (and I've been here trading since 2011) is that ETH could hit $4000 in this cycle.
But this depends wholly on the outside world not having a spasmodic episode which sadly, is very likely.

>> No.26023852


>> No.26023952

Checked. Quads of zero bullshit.

>> No.26024019

>and I've been here trading since 2011
/biz/ has only existed since 2015 newfriend, if you were "here trading" for that long, it would have been on /g/

>> No.26024117

Halving is already priced in, or do you really think people are going to see it the day it happens and be like OH BITCOIN IS MORE SCARCE NOW I BETTER BUY MORE.

Plus the effects of each halving is weaker than the last, since the great majority of coins have already been mined.

>> No.26024118

>btc will never be 8k again
Probably not.
> It won't get back to 20k until it crashes at the end of this year forma. high of 180k
That's retarded. If it's going under 20k, which it might, then it will do so from 41k.

>> No.26024186
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this is the highest IQ chart read I have ever seen. 100% serious, and checked

>> No.26024234

First sell off obviously, it is all the normies who bought the top of 2017 terrified of losing it all again finally taking profit

>> No.26024265
File: 138 KB, 340x482, Sneed_feed_and_seed-removebg-preview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slightly overbought
My boy

>> No.26024304

holy shit the ladle & sauce pan pattern
2k ETH eom

>> No.26024367

>high of 180k
Maybe in 3 years during the next bull cycle friendo.

>> No.26024470
File: 90 KB, 750x543, Uruks_dg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whales are faking a bubble pop pattern. Unfortunately, we will start mooning again when we hit the trend.
Whales are huge cucks and filthy. They deserve to be shot. The only way of fighting these subhumans is by not selling your coins

>> No.26024549

Weak fud

>> No.26024923

get fucked, crypto fags. NoCoiner here, /biz/ will provide entertainment for months.

>> No.26025102

>I've been here trading since 2011
Cant be a very good trader then, otherwise you'd be a multi-millionaire by just holding btc

>> No.26025232

When bitcoin hits 13k, and you STILL don't buy, you will have no excuse

>> No.26025535

>this time it's different
Actually no, this time isn’t different. In 2017 we saw multiple 20-30% corrections on the road to $20k, and this time we will see inevitable corrections on the way to $200k. Business as usual

>> No.26025615

This time it IS different faggot. Stop fighting it.