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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2598106 No.2598106 [Reply] [Original]

So did you guys see that espers crash that didn't immediately recover?

>> No.2598222

Yes I can!

>> No.2598238


>> No.2598269

Here's a (You)

Buy espers

>> No.2598280

your point OP?

>> No.2598293
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Moon inbound

>> No.2598312

Please don't buy this coin. It may be pumped and could make you money while it does, but it's literally a copy of Blackcoin with no meaningful github updates in the past year.


>> No.2598322

I've already more than doubled my money if I sell now

>> No.2598359

Then sell now. This coin is the definition of a scam. Look at that github repo and tell me otherwise.

>> No.2598361

>and could make you money
Yeah, that's precisely why we're all here. You're damn naive, dude. Espers shows patterns of growth, and there's also some traction on Twitter, that's enough of a reason for me.

>> No.2598394

Now this is what we should be looking at. From now on, post the github link—I don't want to see shit about a coin if the devs are not active.

Excellent catch anon.

>> No.2598398

Thanks, you bought my bags. If you really think this is the sign of healthy development:

You deserve all the money you'll lose when it crashes.

>> No.2598419

>Thanks, you bought my bags.
I don't care, I have a 100% ROI already

>> No.2598437

Last commit ten days ago?

>> No.2598443

Don't thank me, an anon last night pointed this out and I was glad I sold before then. Same group "Cryptocoderz" is responsible for INSN coin which is another copy of a coin that hasn't been updated in months.


>> No.2598489

>github updates in the past year
>8 commits last month and one this month
You're retarded and don't understand git

>> No.2598494

Did you actually look at the commit? They changed a few parameters of the original code. That's 10 minutes of dev work in the past 10 months.

For all I know this coin will pump tomorrow. You could double your money. Even if it does, don't take that chance. This isn't a real project. Do your fucking homework. I don't mean to FUD. Just trying to help some /biz/bros out who might have bought into this legit scam.

>> No.2598518

>Even if it does, don't take that chance. This isn't a real project.
No one gives a shit, it's not a long-term hold.

"Real projects" get dumped and go in a downward slope too, innovation doesn't fully correlate with the price.

In this case, we have some good short/middle-term gains.

>> No.2598529

KEK you do realize that's their master branch, right? A branch which isn't supposed to be updated often, right?
Do you actually code, my dude?

>> No.2598530

We need more people like you on this board. Thanks bro...no espers for me.

>> No.2598537

>One commit this month!
>8 commits last month!

Did you actually look at the code in those commits?

>> No.2598561

Oh you're right. Let's look at their dev branch. Or any other branches that would contain ongoing work.

Oh right, there are none.

>> No.2598566

The coin has already been developed, what the fuck else do they have to do besides patch.
You mad that they aren't re-inventing the wheel with every commit?
I don't even own this coin but you are bad at FUDing

>> No.2598624

The coin hasn't been developed, they literally copied and pasted it.

Not FUDing, I don't give a shit about this coin. Just trying to prevent decent anons from buying into smoke and mirrors.

>> No.2598641

I'm not gonna hold it like for a year.. Who cares, really. It's got enough of rumor on Twitter to keep itself up, so people will keep buying it at least for a while

>> No.2598728
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>Not FUDing
>8 posts by this ID (All of which are FUD)

>> No.2600021
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So you guys have finally sold me on this, how do I add nodes to my wallet?

>> No.2600151
File: 119 KB, 399x547, 1419135419565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone shills
>no one actually runs the wallet
I know this is /biz/ but come on.

>> No.2601190

Guys, if you would know bat shit about crypto sources, you'd know the main core code is on /src wich has been last updated 10 days ago lmao, please take your sad fud and jump from a cliff with it

>> No.2601327

Some many poorfags waiting on their next welfare check, fuding so they can accumulate.

>> No.2601335

honesty, this is the only coin in my portfolio that stays green and consistently grows even when BTC goes down

>> No.2601346
File: 24 KB, 400x262, 3345654576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you make the very best choice buddy

>> No.2601377


>> No.2601519
File: 109 KB, 1452x417, Espppp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do tho

>> No.2601540

I can!

>> No.2601552
File: 53 KB, 1033x645, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got it sorted, thanks guys.

>> No.2601557
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everbody .this man >>2601540 can ,i can certainly to as well .

please friends buy ESP

>> No.2601570

Certainly, and don't buy Mooncoin.

>> No.2601630

ESP src was updated 10 days ago. Nice try though.

>> No.2601932

The source might have been updated 10 days ago, but the actual content is crappy. The last meaningful commit was ~2 months ago. Do you even know what this coin is supposed to do anon ?

>> No.2602104


>> No.2602145

Notice how anon thinks I'm autistic because he is autistic.

Notice how he doesn't address that I called out the lame commits in the last 2 months. Maybe he doesn't want to talk about the content of the meaningful commit, as that one is not that meaningful either.

What does the coin actually DO anon ? How would I use it in the real world ? Sia Coin I can use to store files and get other people to pay me with SC. Golem the same, but with CPU power. Give me an example, before I read 600 pages.

>> No.2602205

>tries to claim it wasn't touched in 10 months

>this much damage control when he didn't read 10 days ago

Golem isn't even released so you are helping your case by bringing up something nonexistant beyond tokens. You try to claim ESP is run by Indians and we're proven wrong, get people to buy from Yobit.net so they lose money, and try to lie about code never being touched. You expect drastic overhaul to code every week or?

>> No.2602219

And ask them yourselves since you want spoon fed. Check the Ann for links.

>> No.2602421


The website sucks, the roadmap is completely unclear, the actual purpose of the product cannot be explained in one short sentence, lack of code changes to indicate project is not abandoned.

But then the PR department pays attention to /biz and the bitcoin forum - so I guess things are good ?

My confidence in the coin is waning PR agent, I mean anon. Do something drastic to convince me to buy this pajeet.

>> No.2603323

Sounds alot like your mom.

>> No.2603353

Why would I go to lengths to convince an anon on the intranet whose not willing to do work on their own?

>> No.2603362

all of the faggots fudding on here are those that will always have to show up to work on monday

>> No.2603380
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And work overtime on Saturdays