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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.26010365

>Lists mentions on generic blog-tier crypto websites as the only recent "achievements"
>Admit that they're running out of funds and have failed to take off as planned
>Because of this they've cancelled the token burn, essentially moving money from /biz/tards who bought LIT into their own pockets

Should have stayed silent.

>> No.26010478


>> No.26010792

Only shit that may salvage this in the next month or so is the energy transactions coming on chain.
But we don't even have a block explorer up to see what's happening on chain.
They are now focussing on getting LIT on fucking Luaswap, so there's little to no hope for any liquidity soon.

>> No.26011102

I propose that we start calling our litgens

Lition Schizo General

t. 200k LIT bagholder

>> No.26011431

How about we just stop making these. Kills me every time I see these threads knowing I lost so much to the dumb fucking "legal exit scam" by richard.
t. 150k LIT bagholder

>> No.26011827

Think they are going to release any significant updates when they finalise the transition?
Seems like its going to be a dead couple of months until they secure a CEX or use case.

>> No.26012529
File: 77 KB, 680x680, 1609990243049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26012818
File: 66 KB, 554x554, 8296C1DD-58BD-4A46-AC5C-A3AF8DAB4699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26012909

It's been litterally a month since I last baked one and I think I'm the only guy that has done so.

Only thing that could give this positive momentum is proof of high volume energy transactions desu.

>> No.26012970

Asked richard why he betrayed us, got banned by smilex