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25999532 No.25999532 [Reply] [Original]

Every blue state and city is now rushing to reopen again.

Cases will be reclassified on January 21st many death not what they were

How can normal people tolerate this? This whole thing ruined alot of people?

>> No.25999545

Didn't read reddit spacing phone poster

>> No.25999565

go fuck yourself nigger

>> No.25999580

Most people are fascists and just do whatever the state tells them.

>> No.25999591

You typed that with your thumbs lol

>> No.25999624

>normal people
There haven't been normal people in over a century.
We're basically domesticated hambeasts whose survival instincts have been bred out of us and disincentivized by a dopamine Skinner box.
You wonder why we don't respond naturally or protect our interests, that's why.

>> No.25999706

>muh trump won
>muh covid isn’t real
diaf, pos

>> No.26000178


>> No.26000240

deep down a lot of people know this
just like they know russiagate was a lie
anything to get blumpf out

>> No.26000375

This is without a doubt the most threatening thing to happen since humans existed you fucking retard. It is worse today than it has ever been. The mortality rate is worse, more people are getting it, it is evolving, and retards like you are spreading it faster

>> No.26000378
File: 72 KB, 750x750, 1588745206640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no conspiracy here you schizo. It's been over a year of covid. It's natural that it starts dying out, especially since vaccines are a success

>> No.26000433

cool story
still don't know anyone who died from it though

>> No.26000598
File: 106 KB, 829x645, 1609033779909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most important thing is that YOU know and there are many around you that know it's all a fasad but can't speak up because it's socially stigmatizing. The only thing you can do is profit from it...

>> No.26000717

lmao nobody in your pathetically small circle died so it must be fake

>> No.26000729

Biden is in now. Why the fuck would they continue to scaremonger anymore? Covid will be swept under the rug, "everyone" will take the vaccine, "nobody" will be dying anymore, covid tests will all return negative, and any stories against that reality will be supressed.

>> No.26000731

You're a retarded lemming.

>> No.26000787

It was all exaggerated by the media to ensure Biden won. Now that he is about to be inaugurated they can start to downplay it. Most Americans don't pay enough attention or care enough for any of this to matter.

>> No.26000797

>How can normal people tolerate this?
They accept it for the greater good of creating the mass hallucination that orange man did a bad job to justify the actions of removing him

>> No.26000799

Your house looks like shit, bitch.

>> No.26000848

I work in an essential business with many, many boomers. no one died
Also I do have friends and I live in NYC which was the fucking epicenter of the US outbreak. I don't know anyone who died. Do you?

>> No.26000866

Here’s a tip: start eating real food that isn’t McDonald’s chicken McNuggets and learn how to exercise. I guarantee your faggy lifestyle will kill you a lot faster than the common cold virus

>> No.26000883

Why you you crazy right wing fucks take anecdotal evidence so seriously? Bunch of howler monkeys

>> No.26000889
File: 322 KB, 750x981, 4C88EE1F-39AD-4451-9DE0-DF61E9BE5FD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realized it was fake when I went and got a test for shits and giggles and tested positive. I am currently in quarantine. I have 0 symptoms.

>> No.26000929

lemmings that call other people sheep.
WWG1WGA sounds a lot like herd mentality to me

>> No.26000930

I believe what I see more than what CNN tells me is happening. Are you unable or unwilling to trust your own fucking senses?

>> No.26000961

Part 2 coming soon: The Great Reset with every western country rolling out UBI. IMF or ECB pushing a western-wide digital currency with the intent make it global after they break China.

>> No.26001012

You live in a fantasy land where the only reliable source of news is trump himself

>> No.26001022

Yes it was literally just to slander and remove trump

>> No.26001026

Perhaps, everyone in your circle is genetic trash. Well, were, anyway. . . .

>> No.26001062

I thought we weren’t going to get a vaccine for years? How convenient they were so fast

>> No.26001069

Herd immunity BTFO

>> No.26001107

i don't care about Trump, crypto has been booming since he got btfo so I win anyway. That doesn't mean that the establishment did not go to obscene lengths just to oust him. So congrats I guess. Violence is skyrocketing in cities across the country because of these lockdowns and there is blood on your hands for defending it.

>> No.26001149

>Cases will be reclassified on January 21st many death not what they were
what did he mean by this

>> No.26001150

How does this affect crypto

>> No.26001168

The vaccine was ready before the virus was released. You still, somehow, don't understand that this was released intentionally. As soon as the lockdowns end the and the "return to normal begins" the drums of war will beat again.

>> No.26001233
File: 8 KB, 243x208, zoomer-soy-boy-suprised.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Reddit invented typing with spaces between lines"
>"this wasn't done on 4chan at all until Reddit invaded!"

>> No.26001266

Don't bother. If you even remotely recognize the fact that the media treated the guy unfairly that makes you a trump supporter.

>> No.26001982

Because they will make it almost impossible to live outside their system. People love comfort too much. Once you are literally cattle getting your monthly sneed feed, they will introduce all kinds of incentives to fuck with people.
>20% extra UBI next month if you report a pesky "btc maximalist" loitering.

It's called communism bro.

>> No.26002070

It’s not even as bad as the Hong Kong flu of 1968 and nobody even remembers that. The Spanish flu of 1918 killed 50x more people than covid.

>> No.26002140

>How can normal people tolerate this? This whole thing ruined alot of people?
Normalfags are literally NPCs. They will act, think and do what they're programmed to. The TV and newspaper say it was for the greater good that their lives were ruined so just shut up and enjoy your rations.

>> No.26002184


>> No.26002186

it was plainly a political psyop with benefits

>> No.26002202

Faggot nigger

>> No.26002426

As soon as Biden is in office, the virus will go away

>> No.26002654


>no reply

>> No.26002743

Yep, boomer parents of some friends died with no other health concerns aside from being boomers.

>> No.26002766

My purse is working with me and I know how to get my profit now

>> No.26003112

>only health concern

>> No.26003163


>> No.26003177

Dumbass. What happens if you don’t reply? And what’s your nationality?

>> No.26003234

Am i the only person here that knows someone that died of covid or possibly medical malpractice

>> No.26003262

you are insane. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.26003274
File: 57 KB, 932x524, EpAsuEzXUAAMYRa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26003682

You burgers are so fucking retarded and stupid kek

>> No.26003890

I love how this was the same place telling everyone the world was ending before the virus hit and that it was serious and real... faggots

>> No.26004020

Im convinced hospitals are killing these boomers by feeding them unnecessary meds and ventilating them.

>> No.26004036

The world has been ending since it formed, retard.

>> No.26004058


>Your house looks like shit, bitch.

>t. Some apartment fag

>> No.26004110

"Asymptomatic" is the biggest cope in medical history.

>> No.26004304

Right I agree with that, but all the retards here are so easy to flip because its not cool to think its serious or whatever

>> No.26004368
File: 214 KB, 1004x1024, 1608025422057m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is without a doubt the most threatening thing to happen since humans existed you fucking retard. It is worse today than it has ever been. The mortality rate is worse, more people are getting it, it is evolving, and retards like you are spreading it faster

>> No.26004369

>trump leaves office
>covid suddenly not that big of a deal anymore
Whoa wtf, who could have possibly seen this coming?
Can't wait for the white supremacy narrative to really start taking off this year. Thats next and you all know it.