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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25993893 No.25993893 [Reply] [Original]

>i'm not paying rent because i can't make any money

>> No.25993943

>t. salty landlord with a mortgage he shouldn't have taken out

>> No.25994010

As the owner of this property, I will be moving in. There will be lots of partying, loud music and drug use, I suggest you leave my property if this bothers you

>> No.25994051

the tenant will have every right to call the police and have you removed.

>> No.25994058

*the governement has stopped me making money

>> No.25994063

eat shit you parasite

i hope small time landlords just start breaking in and murdering non-paying tenants

>> No.25994096

>landlord calling the person who actually works a parasite
that's rich

>> No.25994158

This is what happens when people take out jew loans to buy properties they just want to make money from. Its an overleveraged system and they intentionally told tenants not to pay so they can capitalize and own your house. No sympathy from me as a person who bought 1 unit and lives in it debt free. And yes i know im being cucked on property taxes

>> No.25994210

And the funny thing is the people peddling in this massive jew loans will tell you its safer than holding crypto spot.

>> No.25994211

go back to fucking reddit
you have no idea what it means to hold and manage wealth
believe it or not but in many, id argue most cases, the landlord is losing money long term with renters
more so, renters dont understand they dont need to pay for a new roof, new appliances, major repairs, minor repairs, etc
find me one fucking person renting that can afford a new roof, property tax, needed inspections etc
yes there are some cases where landlords are pieces of shit, but alternatively understand for a second that most people literally cant afford to live in the largest economy in the world
imagine living in nyc and believing that you have the "right" to live in the most economically profitable square miles in the world
get fucking real

>> No.25994243

>i hope small time landlords just start breaking in and murdering non-paying tenants
would be based, gov't kill all the poors.

>> No.25994333

You know landlords can have multiple tax reductions on managing, installing new appliances etc.

>> No.25994417

Unironically how it should be
This is why id never landlord. More like landcuck.

>> No.25994430

>plebbit teenager thinks property management is free money


>> No.25994472

the government doesn't give free fucking refrigerators out you retard
they're tax deductions not fucking handouts
>10k for new roof
>2k for taxes
i write off the 2k
not the 10k you fucking roach

>> No.25994487
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>Fell for the "passive income" meme


>> No.25994490
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we all know the truth. Don't forget to tip your landlord frens, they're having a hard time making ends meet.

>> No.25994653

>Turn housing into a sellers market through mindless greed and hoarding
>Productive citizens priced out of housing so boomtard can have his passive income
>Shit scheme starts to fail thanks to corona-chan, suddenly people can't pay rent (not that they should have had to).
>"A bloo bloo bloo, think about the landlords, you'll never know how hard this is!"

I look forward to seeing all of your "hard work" atomized over the next 4 years of lib-style socialism.

>> No.25994714

You forgot
>building new houses is overly regulated so profit margins are paper thin

>> No.25994915
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i own all my properties about 70%+ mortgages paid
the amount that the tenants pay is enough to cover the rolling average of repairs, tax increases, and potential sale value of the property
>tenant lives in a $100 sqft property
>tenant pays about $150 per sqft
pretty sure not a single one of them are able to pay for a new roof for the entire building (although i put a new one on last year, highest quality), pay for any plumbing etc
im also curious what everyone's thoughts are, say being a landlord becomes illegal
what do you do? explain the system?
>pool money together with a group of friends you trust to not fuck you over, buy a large residence and save money away each month to guarantee repairs
yes we also do it for profit, but consider the amount we're making off each one of you individually, it's not much desu
also none of my renters are moving out during covidchan, because they're all 750+ credit score degree holders that aren't retards

>> No.25994937

>i can't build shit that literally gives people cancer or have paper thin walls that accelerate fires, so its not worth it

its more that it benefits owners to push out competition and stop development of housing
>nooo you cant just create apartments for people in SF, my house wont be worth 2.5 million and i can't rent a room in it for $2500 a month if there are other options

>> No.25994955

also implying that every landlord is either generationally wealthy and thus well connected or not already been successful in their own field
im a fucking software developer
get fucked renter scum

>> No.25994975
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Not the hecking landlordorinos noooo!

>> No.25995080

Parasites are things that leech off the host body. It makes perfect sense. Rentiods who can't pay are parasites feeding on the host (landlords)

>> No.25995165
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>Point out that landlords are just parasites living off a crisis of their own creation
>landlord: "yes"

Fair enough, I guess.

>say being a landlord becomes illegal
Houses become much cheaper, obviously. Landlords have less value than even the basedest commie, literally everyone would benefit from their sudden disappearance. For an example, check out Germany in the 30's.

>> No.25995179


>> No.25995250

I know a guy who's renting a house he renovated and is starting a business around that but still has a fuckload of car/student debt.

>> No.25995369

you are fucking delusional if you think landlords are driving up housing prices
BUYERS are driving up housing prices
the neighborhood i live in the RESIDENTIAL HOMES are bought within 5 days and this has been going on for years
there's always more people and less land, this is real estate 101, hence why property value is so high in nyc and sf and not in tardsvill alabama
see that's a dangerous situation honestly
i only rent out because it's ultimately passive and i rent to people that can afford it. if you cant afford it, rent elsewhere.

>> No.25995405

This. SF building laws are basically the bitcoin halvening except for livable space.

>> No.25995497
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>Landlords don't buy the houses they rent out

It's a good thing your parents passed you down some real-estate for you to rent out, because I doubt you'd succeed at much else

>> No.25995810
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i have a phd in mathematics and a 10 year career in software development as well as 2 successful businesses that ive sold to fortune 500 companies in addition to getting into crypto before 2014
go fuck yourself
i only come to this board because i see losers like you who think they can't ever become someone like me and i know you can, you just need to start today
start today

>> No.25995867

so did you buy the property or did you inherit?

>> No.25995885

>keep paying my rent through the whole pandemic because my employment wasnt effected
>a bunch of my retard neighbors on pension, disability, etc thought the pandemic = I dont have to pay rent anymore
>theyre all facing pending evictions now, or payment of rent in full, and dont know what to do
I tried to tell them too as soon as rent deferments were announced, they said I was wrong. Fuck em

>> No.25995908
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>The mind that gave me "landlords don't contribute to rising house prices because they don't buy houses they just have them" is also a billion IQ math wizard

Cute larp

>> No.25995939

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.25996077

>but consider the amount we're making off each one of you individually
the landlord to my house is renting each room for between $600-1100. There's about 12 rooms in the house if you include the basement. thats $30k in revenue a month you raging homo. eat shit

>> No.25996921

just cut off their electricity, water. then cut the telecom cables outside so their precious internet stops working. I've done it to two of my rentcucks and they left on their own this way. give them a useless box with 4 walls.

>> No.25996964


>> No.25997073

hi mr. larper child. what you are suggesting is illegal. thanks for playing though.

>> No.25997154

pro tip: if youre not a poor fag, and you're renting. claimi the rent moratorium anyway, use the money you would pay towards renting and buy crypto instead. pay back your rent at a later date.. ez pz

>> No.25997165
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>help mommy people are doing illegal things!!!

>> No.25997320

if you did this to me, I would charge you late fees. my late fees add up to 20% of the rent. so I hope you can get better than a 20% yield, or else I'm taking your ass to collections.

>> No.25997616

Nice pasta

>> No.25997644

hmm yes except i would be calling the police, not my mommy. :^)

>> No.25997671

rentcucks are the ones in control
t. Delusional fantasytard

>> No.25997766

Why? They could just get a job or cut back on the starbucks.

>> No.25997933
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>100+ a week on weed and other drugs
>food bill is 5x larger than it should be because you buy stuff with "organic" slapped on the side of the carton
>rent bill is 5x higher than it should be because you want to live in the trendy area
>you take out a loan to go to burning man every year
>you spend 50x as much on tech, because you only buy apple and you always buy whatever they release on day 1
>you buy $500 pairs of skinny jeans
>you donate ridiculous amounts to political candidates that never stand a chance of winning
>you support shutting down the country forever to stop the coofies

*smacks lips*


>> No.25997963
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>Ph.D. in Math
>any job I want
>$300k starting

>> No.25998068

cept Biden will continue the moratorium for his 4 years

>> No.25998150

>believe it or not but in many, id argue most cases, the landlord is losing money long term with renters
Elaborate please.

>> No.25998176

based 2018 poser
also true
t. math major

>> No.25998247
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>>food bill is 5x larger than it should be because you buy stuff with "organic" slapped on the side of the carton
ive been buying organic peppers and brocolli recently, but mostly because my store switched locations for a bunch of produce and now the organic is closer to walk to. i just ring it up as regular produce at checkout though. they shouldnt have moved shit around on me

>> No.25998248
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>become overleveraged
>get rekt

>> No.25998334

kek. i haven't paid rent since march. whenever the fucking rent comes along I read him a list of tenant rights until he leaves. fucking leeches. in the mean time my crypto folio is making bank, I actually quit my job to trade full times, gonna break $1MM by mid year, I can feel it

>> No.25998392

landlording is a job

it's only overleveraged when government steps in and fundamentally changes the rules of the game

>> No.25998471

>he hasn't figured out that OXEN coul dhelp him with rent

>> No.25998524

I know if a landlord that had his properties condemned just so the tenants couldn't live there for free. He said he'd rather pay the fees than let those shitstsins live in his property for free. He said the look on their face was priceless when the police showed up and told them they had to be out immediately.

>> No.25998553

>landlording is a job
in fantasy land

>> No.25998566

They're never gonna get it. They're born parasites, and if landlording was suddenly illegal they'd be clamoring for the government to give them free housing in downtown NY or Seattle or whatever shitshow they hold up as utopia

>> No.25998622

you realize public housing already exists right? it's called projects and full of niggers. but no, you want to live in luxury houses. you have to pay, leech

>> No.25998627

The majority of renters couldn't afford a home or even an apartment within 100 miles of their favored city even if landlording was illegal. There are 10x as many people as there is desirable land, and it gets worse every year

>> No.25998659

>benefit from a system that only exists because of government intervention
>cry when government intervention stops benefiting you
Boo hoo write your congressman :^)

>> No.25998661

what did he do to condemn the properties?

>> No.25998728

it's very easy to get condemned. just break some pipes, destroy the electrical infrastructure, and refuse to fix it. the city will be out in a few days with a chain link fence.

>> No.25998744

>most cases, the landlord is losing money long term with renters
then why do they do it? stupidity or laziness? I don't have anything in particular against landlords but you will never convince me that it's difficult or a real job

>> No.25998746

Fuck off scum. I pay $900/mo for a place infested with mold and bugs and this is considered "a steal" in my area. Fucking pajeet jew landlord does nothing to the property yet prices go up.

>> No.25998757

What I dont get is the idea of some cunt being ass blasted by all landlords because some are greedy fucks. Like sure if you havnt got all this luxury shit and the landlord is fucking useless. But the ones they bitch about often own most of the property, actually have jobs and do the landlording on the side, provide a decent property, arent dicks for the most part, and some dont even overcharge. Yet when the the somewhat alright scenario happens some cuck spergs out about landlords being parasites while wanting the previously mentioned situation but all for free. You are paying for a service you use, why is it that hard for them to understand, often their life quality can drop significantly before it becomes actually grim/actually poor before they get fucked by rent or they could just not live in a trendy area unless they have to. How are they this retarded and project it against the reasonable ones instead of the actual greedy ones?

>> No.25998772

Faked asbestos reading. Super cheap because now he can say it's been fixed and pay stubs fees and rent it out again

>> No.25998789

none of what you said makes being a landlord a job. a job requires you actually doing something i.e. labor
>but i repair stuff
yeah like 2 times a year at most. and yet you get paid every month, even on months you do jack shit for the tenant. hmmmm

>> No.25998801

Lmao pay more for a nicer place then. Or, better yet, move away from areas where everyone wants to live. A million people want to live in a city that could naturally support a few hundred thousand and you're wondering why it's so expensive

>> No.25998806

why do people start businesses when most of them fail?

>> No.25998865

Lmao go ahead and buy a property then. Homes are a money pit, and that gets worse when renters live in them. You have no idea how much shit costs because you're retarded. A water heater breaks? Oh, that's your profit for that year. Need a new roof? That's your net profit for 2-3 years.

>> No.25998920

to score points with God and to grope secretaries

>> No.25998924

housing is the most expensive thing people consume. the land is finite. the wood, rebar, concrete, brick, copper, etc not to mention engineering and permits to build a home is extremely expensive and labor intensive.

no one is forcing you to live in a house. you can go live in a yurt or pitch a tent on skid row.

millions of homeless people in this country and you want us to first help you, who is stealing rent from his landlord while living in luxury. fuck off parasite

>> No.25998927

My city isn't even fucking big. My neighborhood has houses that are spread out far from each other and it isn't even majority white. If I go any further out Ill be in the fucking boonies near zero jobs

>> No.25998944

Kek I haven't paid in months and have 10k stinkers

Also I live at home

>> No.25998992

The majority of landlords other then slumlords don't actually make a profit on rent. Mortgages, taxes, various fees, and repairs are frequently barely covered by the meager rents peasants can afford. No, most of tbe monetary gain comes from holding the property as it appreciates. That's where 80% of the value of renting comes from. Getting a house without having to pay the monthly mortgage. The only people making actual money more then a few hundred a year are people with 5 or more family buildings. The money you're imaging landlords making only starts coming with 10-20 unit buildings. Economies of scale

>> No.25999030

landlords should unironically be honored for the public service they provide.

they take risks so poor people can have housing.

>> No.25999038

Lmao when I worked in a city I commuted 2 hours both ways. Little over 115 miles. The savings on housing were absolutely worth it, because I couldn't afford to live closer.

>> No.25999056

I provide peasants with a place to live, like the lord I am

COVID restrictions won't last forever. I'll enjoy watching rentoids seethe as they're evicted en masse in a year or so

>> No.25999119

Lmao I hope you're friendly with the local sheriff, or at least can put some armed manpower together. Landlords will unironically become Lords if the system collapses

>> No.25999154

Nice math skills, Hawking.

>> No.25999203

no one is forcing you losers to rent. you can BUY a house. what's that? too low IQ? too lazy? ok then go live with mommy and daddy or pitch a tent. you're not entitled to my property which I worked hard to buy.

>> No.25999228

Exactly. No investment is risk-free.

>> No.25999258
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>> No.25999307

Lmao true. Slumlords are getting what they deserve. I've actually given my tenants a 100$ bonus because thet kept paying their rents during the pandemic. Don't want those magical credit scores to tank

>> No.25999313

I hate buying the organic food cause it is always wrapped in plastic here.

>> No.25999352

>using parasite as an insult on /biz/
>using parasite as a landlord

>> No.25999364

the risk in renting property is no one rents, the housing stays vacant, and you get foreclosed. same like other businesses such as a restaurant which can close down due to no customers.

rentcucks living in the house but not paying rent is like a restaurant being packed yet no one pays. totally parasitical. that is not a business risk, it's extortion and theft.

I hope more landlords all just say fuck it and start doing their own evictions like they did in the 1800s. hiring bouncers and buying ammo would still be cheaper than court costs.

>> No.25999369

You seem like an alright landlord mate, thoughts on the situation in >>25997933 being one of your tenants and being a cunt even with a reasonable deal?

>> No.25999413

Totally the plan to move to a country town and buy a house when I finish uni. So much cheaper and I can do my job in any place with more than a thousand people.
Renting hasn't been all bad. My new landlord actually fixes shit when it breaks. My old landlord would ghost me when I tried to tell him about the fact that the bricks around the fireplace are crumbling and the small hole it creates in the wall was getting bigger. We could also see the sky through a different crack in the wall. Took the threat of legal action to get that useless Greek shit to do anything about it.

>> No.25999424

'wahhh you have no idea what it means to hold and manage wealth' you sound like a little bitch dawg. and yes i do its literally ez and cozy af. i sit around on my ass all day. you are scum i hope you get covid in your colon and you die 1,000 deaths

>> No.25999488

I wouldn't rent to them. It's amazing how easy it is not to have those types if you actually do the barest minimum of effort. Rent to good, upstanding people, and then reward good behaviour. Paying your rent on time? Here's a giftcard to a restaurant you mentioned you liked. Give me 2 month notice before you move? Here's 10% on top of your security deposit on your way out, or I'll help you get a discount on a moving company.

>> No.25999508

you didn't buy shit if you have a mortgage, faggot

>> No.25999588

Would you not get called out on being elitest on who you (rightly) provide a service to? Also realistically someone will rent to them. Why is it so hard for them to not be cunts in the first place instead of portraying actual normal people like yourself as being scum etc. for wanting to be paid for providing assets/services?

>> No.25999612
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I'm not sure which post is worse here, the pasta, >>25995939, or the seemingly unironic condemning of what even no-internet normies know-to-be-pasta, >>25997616.

>> No.25999639

bro you need to stop being such a softie. real estate is low margin as it is; you can't afford to give out the farm. you can do all this nice stuff for them but they'll still shit on you and laugh in your face. I've been in this business for over 10 years, 8 figures in real estate. Ive been burned by these fucks too many times to count.

>> No.25999664

says the guy who's making monthly payments on his iPhone and shitty car

>> No.25999690

this.. if you have a mortgage you're rentcucking from the bank

>> No.25999693

Don't really care about being called an elitist, it's not as if I sneer at them or give them a reason why I'm turning them away. Some people are just shitty, destructive, unintelligent people. They'll always exist, but it's best for all of us if we avoid having any in our lives, business or personal. And if you, as a landlord, find those are your only options, you fucked up several steps beforehand.

>> No.25999705

if they're nice white or Asian people with good jobs, I can understand. however you can never be too sure about a person.

>> No.25999721

>start working from home
>claim I can't pay rent
>put all the rent money into crypto

Get wrecked, landlord.

>> No.25999765

provision of housing to people too financially illiterate and low IQ to own their own home is a noble profession

>> No.25999799

I've yet to have any problems, but I'll take it under advisement. I try to be polite to all of them, but that doesn't mean I'm some old man who's rent doesn't keep up with the norms. I'm providing a service, it doesn't cost me much to provide good service. I'm fortunate to not have any low income properties. That and I'm happy to deploy the stick if the carrot fails. Montana and Colorado have great landlord laws, and I'm friendly with the sheriff in both towns

>> No.25999836
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>open your door (I have the key)
>put my desert eagle at your forehead and count to 10 for your mnemonic seed
>dissolve your body in acid
>rent out the apartment to someone who's not a nigger

>> No.25999844

Oh I'm very lucky in the demographic department. They're good people, they deserve good service

>> No.25999951

If you have the infrastructure to rent remotely, get into a state that doesn't have court involved evictions. Absolutely worth it

>> No.25999974

>Montana and Colorado
jelly. I'm in California and absolutely suffering under Newsom and CDC bullshit

>> No.26000049

No wonder. That sounds like hell. You're unironically providing a public service, there's no way I could do it somewhere like that.

>> No.26000055

>COVID restrictions won't last forever.
who's gonna tell him?

>> No.26000123


>> No.26000127

ok boomer