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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.25960284

Is clf tranny really selling

>> No.25960293


>> No.25960303

BFARF big dick day.

>> No.25960306

>sucking tranny cock
embarrassing tbqh

>> No.25960308

GME up over 20% in premarket, it's time to FOMO in at open

>> No.25960325
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First for SRAC

>> No.25960339
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>btc at 38k

>> No.25960343
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p/e ratios

>> No.25960345

Sold some, let the rest ride.

>> No.25960362
File: 94 KB, 550x412, 1252475145403[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon bought?
>let it crab
>oh, the tranny sold?
>dump it all at open

>> No.25960373
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Will MNXXF do something today?

>> No.25960384

What are the best space stocks. I know of VG, OHB and Mynaric. What else is there?

>> No.25960392

Dead company

>> No.25960399

Would it be smart or dumb to buy 500 GME shares at market open? I want to but it might be too late

>> No.25960407

Their release seemed like a nothing burger where they also announced more share dilution

>> No.25960423

You do realise BTC/USD is going to dump really fucking hard soon, right?

>> No.25960426
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>GME up 20% premarket
it's gonna go down to red before open, r-right?

>> No.25960437

Same as last thread:
ATM calls for next Friday (8 days from now)

>> No.25960439


>> No.25960460

smart desu

>> No.25960463


>> No.25960471
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You niggers, stop it, GME should of been long dead by now but you and plebbitors over at wsb are just doing a weekend at Bernie's reenactment with it's corpse rn.

>> No.25960482
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>> No.25960484

Ass-to-mouth, read the OP.

>> No.25960504

the squeeze literally hasn't even begun, see you at 50

>> No.25960516
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>p-please guys it's gonna dump this time trust me i-it'll never recover after this one g-guys. Why are you laughing stop it
Yeah yeah, tether and blah blah, fuck off faggot.

>> No.25960542

This. There was literally no price movement when Cohen took the board. This jump to 30 is what would have happened based on that news had shorts not kept it down. Melvin’s puts expires tomorrow too and we’ll see some big things then.

>> No.25960560

At 40$ GME is trading at roughly 2 quarters revenue valuation.

>> No.25960566

CCIV isn't an EV company. They are a SPAC that is rumored to merge with an EV company. Learn the difference, you are gambling on a merger. Not an EV company

>> No.25960572

Terry Pratchett was one of the only deaths that really depressed me.

>> No.25960573

I took my profits at $40k. The Tether stuff will blow up, just who knows when. Going to be fucking fun to watch though.

>> No.25960609

Arizona Tranny Magic

>> No.25960616

It's the only author people with autism can truly relate to; his works reach out to all alike.

>> No.25960624

Fuck off back to plebbit retard
We're here to make money not to lose it with that stocks only go up bullshit

>> No.25960633

it went up 12% when that happened though

>> No.25960641

There he is
There is /ourguy/ TSLA dabbing on the entire market

>> No.25960642

Going to buy 100 shares of GME at 30 if I can, just for the memes.

>> No.25960648

I bought VALE at ATH because you trannies recommended it and its dumping.

>> No.25960668

Anyone else get a bit of that URG meme shit?

>> No.25960672

P/E isn't the best metric because it doesn't take into account debt

>> No.25960686

Shit is at 36 right now. How are you buying at 30?

>> No.25960689

good luck with that

>> No.25960698
File: 219 KB, 392x291, drill baby drill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who hoard Gold, Copper and Nickles stocks here?

>> No.25960700
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Risk management?

Way I see it, if you ain’t got no risk you ain’t got nothing to worry about managing.

And nothing is less risky than uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.25960710

I have Feb calls, sucks.

>> No.25960711

I wish this market could unclown itself so I could short NKLA or KODK in peace

>> No.25960725

I'm going to wait for the market to open and see where we go. Never buy at open.

>> No.25960729

Gambling on a merger? Are there warrants?

>> No.25960739

CNBC is talking about vaccine digital certificates

>> No.25960779
File: 36 KB, 492x475, 20200211_125954_IMG_7084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post about btc going back up, therefore miner stocks will go back up
>all the pajeet shitcoin shills and boomer stock eternal bagholders come in and try and FUD you because you're making more than 0.0000000004% a day
Kek like pottery.
Don't get jealous because MSFT is on the eternal crab and sanjrajeetprabthananananacoin is stuck on $0.0000000000000000000000000000001

>> No.25960797

Uk introduced the concept pretty early early last year.

Pretty exciting to live at a time when the average lifespan is dropping, along with most measures of success and fulfillment.

>> No.25960815


>> No.25960825
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melvin pls go

>> No.25960833

Come back when it passes $42k again. (It won't, not for a while yet).

>> No.25960843


>> No.25960845

Anyone here have that clip of the CNBC panel of "experts" telling that young investor with the flow to sell GME? Can't find it for the life of me.

>> No.25960849

sounds like gommunism

>> No.25960854

current memes that are on a bull market

>rare earths

what sectors other than the following are pumping atm?

>> No.25960857
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>vaccine digital certificates
get your papers or no wages for you goy!

>> No.25960869

I’m the moron that sold gme at 29. Do I just buy back in

>> No.25960873

Just got an email from Switchback about a shareholder vote to merge (with Chargepoint) 11th of February if any of you find that relevant.

>> No.25960880

You mean P45s and tax returns?

>> No.25960908

Do you like to gamble?

>> No.25960917

$0ybeans and corn, apparently

>> No.25960928
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>> No.25960939

Cathie is making a new etf called arkx. We buying?

>> No.25960956

What isn't on a bull market?

>> No.25960958

NPA looks pretty cool. The DD on AST and Science (the company they're merging with) is interesting too. Big interest from big Telecom players

>> No.25960964

SPCE +13% on premarket. And the test flight aint even announced

>> No.25960970

GME did a pretty good job respecting the VWAP yesterday, reckon it will do the same again today?

>> No.25960980

now make an edit of that picture but for stocks.

>> No.25960981
File: 177 KB, 1500x1066, 87752ef5fbc1cde34c6d2ebe393a6e03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CCIV if you want to be rich. Never doubt a Churchill.

>> No.25960982
File: 591 KB, 613x564, poomp2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SRAC is where it's at

>> No.25960987

I am

>> No.25961003

I'll let you know in 24 hrs.

>> No.25961004
File: 268 KB, 691x604, Screenshot_20210113-172840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>manganese is a scam

>> No.25961040

Space stocks are a meme

>> No.25961049

Worried I'm a bit late to the party on this one, Anon.

>> No.25961070

>doomp hard at open

>> No.25961080


Do your own DD on shit because people don't shill on here until after the spike and it's all hearsay for anything after

>> No.25961094

I'm up 7% after buying the MARA dip yesterday. But I don't know enough about BTC. Should I just hold or try and get rid of it quickly?

>> No.25961097

party hasn't started yet, anon. once they announce it then we party like its 1699

>> No.25961098



>> No.25961112

Look. If it hasn't merged, you are still not too late. The entry is just more expensive. You are only late if they already announced the merger. Which they haven't. This is a gambling stock. Either you print when they merge or lose however much you paid for - 10 per share.

>> No.25961116

AMD bagholder here, AMA.

>> No.25961133

Memes make money not boomer stocks like AMZN and MSFT

>> No.25961140

That's why it's profitable

>> No.25961143

Yes, but they're not the good kind of meme stocks.

>> No.25961146

The spike hasn't even started yet if there is a successful merger. If you have a lot of cash, you can trade the swings but you can do that for any stock. Everyone else here is gambling on the merger happening.

>> No.25961158


>> No.25961162
File: 173 KB, 640x640, 1610530265379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got fucked by the amd shill nigger and vale shill faggot

>> No.25961163
File: 57 KB, 1122x900, 988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it.

>Hello S-
>Yes, liquidate everything and market buy CCIV
>but the market's clos-
>thank you, goodbye.

>> No.25961173

Big dump at open. Buy the dip.

>> No.25961176

Why didn't you buy SOXL instead?

>> No.25961177

>Got in at 14.99 yesterday

>> No.25961182

SOXX is such a comfy ETF

>> No.25961193
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Yep, time to get to work.

>> No.25961219

how do I call my broker?

>> No.25961236
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Any Australians ITT laughing at the exchange rate? I've been pouring 6 figures into USD stocks, absolutely incredible. I love american hyperinflation

>> No.25961243

Remember to be able to stomach the volatility if it does merge. If it is successful, it will spike on news release and people will sell, and then it will spike again after the official merger. So set a target price for an exit and don't cry too much if it fails because we gambling here.

>> No.25961247

Do I FOMO back into BFARF. I fucking hate crypto shit

>> No.25961252

Your brokers phone number should be the only thing you have for trading.
I don't even know how much money is in my account or what I own

>> No.25961262

Tesla market cap = 800 billion
Lucid motors = 20 billion

This shit can go tits up and they will be delivering their cars later this year.

>> No.25961297

Of course, over half my portfolio is arkies. Imagine if she made a weed arkie.

>> No.25961298

Oh I'm not throwing it all in there, I just fancy something volatile and a bit silly since I'm missing the bitcoin rollercoaster at the moment having taken my profits there.

>> No.25961309
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>missed opportunity with TSLA
>other EV stocks are either chink/scam
this WILL go tits up. assuming there is confirmation

>> No.25961311

why would BTC and USD trade together?

>> No.25961312

You are not buying lucid.
You are buying CCIV merging with lucid.

>> No.25961314
File: 43 KB, 800x450, pepelaughz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm deceased

>> No.25961335

how do you buy the rumor and sell the news on an ETF? my problem was i didn't sell the news and got greedy thinking it would finally break 100, now i gotta wait for ER in 2 weeks to save my ass.

>> No.25961345

MGTI for the crypto memes.

>> No.25961347

Jezus simple research implies it will be around 150-300$ this eoy. If bitcoin is worth 28k eoy a MARA share will cost roughly 200$

>> No.25961354

SPAC EV mergers never fucking pay out. Its a shit gamble. Im bag holding PSAC for life now.

>> No.25961355

Based Chad schizo, I wonder who you're just calling and yelling at.

>> No.25961358

I can't believe I am repeating myself again.
CCIV is not lucid. I repeat. They are not lucid.
If you buy them now, you are not betting on an EV company. You are betting on a merger happening.

>> No.25961395

I'm up nicely on FSR and GOEV. Don't buy trash.

>> No.25961398

That’s not how I would play SOXL

But, for example, you could have bought BNKU before the fed released their decision to allow banks to buyback stock and raise dividends, and then sold the pump.

>> No.25961399

Anyone holding moon? Pretty comfy solid gains

>> No.25961401

An ETF is diverse specifically from major news affecting it. So unless a major event happens (like covid) you can't sell the news.

>> No.25961403
File: 18 KB, 613x490, vector-business-man-riding-rocket-flying-to-the-moon-mission-to-the-moon-concept.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes get on the rocket

>> No.25961407

Very good news. More good news coming within 4-6 weeks. I wonder how high we will go today.

>> No.25961409
File: 2 KB, 125x60, 1601962062697s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"According to various reports, the proposal is expected to contain a boost to the recently authorized $600 direct payments to most Americans, an extension of increased unemployment insurance and support for state and local governments. Hints that Biden will aim for bipartisan support imply that some elements of the plan may be trimmed to appease Republican lawmakers."

Yes man, Republicans will 100% let you bail out the states and increase stimulus after they lost the senate because of it.

>> No.25961411

>call broker(female)
>Hi, this is ms. Sm-
>Yes, buy 500 shares of GME at open
>but you don't have en-
>*hangs up*

Fucking based

>> No.25961417

what's the better fomo GME MARA BBBY or CCIV

>> No.25961418

I would not fucking FOMO into something that has pumped 500% in 3 months. Just buy btc

>> No.25961423

nice fud, $1000 eoy

>> No.25961431

You lost the gamble. Cash out.
Sitting on stocks that are going nowhere is opportunity cost.

>> No.25961436

>GME "not available to short"
Well fuck, that's one train I'll have to watch leave the station without me

>> No.25961443

My shitcoins with real use cases are mooning

>> No.25961458
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good morning BILIbros

>> No.25961463
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the merger rumour was published by Bloomberg lel

The ex CEO of Dow chemical is chairman of the board at lucid and operating director at CCIV

iF THATS not writing on the wall i dont know what is

CCIV seems to be the real deal

>> No.25961470
File: 121 KB, 876x1024, 1610102108034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not FUD it's a fukkin guaranteed multiplier. Those stocks are not often on the market

>> No.25961478

GME cause GME already has realized gains.
So you get more fomo when you see the retard that randomly bought calls for GME is now a few K richer.

>> No.25961481

So what nigga

>> No.25961480

Im deluding myself into thinking some things is gonna happen. Im also sure as soon as I sell news of the berger will break an hour later.

>> No.25961482

Lol, imagine doing actual research instead of trusting the meme. MARA is a great long term stock. It might go -50% one day but it will recover just as fast the next. If you plan to hold, do yourself a favour and don’t look at it more than once a week.

>> No.25961483

Mgti baybee

>> No.25961505

I don't check my portfolio hardly at all anymore. Due to my total market fund carrying the most weight in it all I do is pull up the S&P 500. If its green I made money that day. If it's down, well I lost a bit but I'll make it back the next day or two. About the only time I login is to transfer money or to fetch documents when tax time rolls around.

>> No.25961511

Yes. I think so too that is why I have 1000 shares in CCIV. But I am gambling on the merger happening and not holding for lucid.

>> No.25961537

You brave fuck, I hope you walk away with a nice stack.

Im 200 shares in.

>> No.25961542

did you faggots invest in BLS (CHF)? if not get fucked

>> No.25961551

Re: VTubers, are there any programs for creating a custom character that aren't "build the 3D model and rigging from scratch"? Might be a good business opportunity.
Don't think the success of VTubers make a compelling argument for bilibili though, that'd be more of a production company thing since they could just switch platforms.

>> No.25961554

The difference is you are not buying an EV stock. You are buying a SPAC stock.

>> No.25961572
File: 112 KB, 1122x900, Gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why yes, I'm balls deep in OTM calls on random stocks that a website dedicated to chinese girl cartoons told me to buy, how could you tell?

>> No.25961573

yes and the SPAC will become the EV stock when the merger occurs lel

>> No.25961595

if call options expire on the 15th, does this include the 15th or do they expire directly at midnight?

If they expire at midnight, market makers can sell their hedges at open?

>> No.25961596

same here but on 15 flat. could have been 13-14 when rumor popped but I got stubborn thinking GHIV will moon because of the merger was happening just right around the corner. glad I got in early as I could

>> No.25961604

Its only 13k and my potential losses are 3k. But if it prints, it fucking prints.

>> No.25961608

How can you beat the 3% inflation if you are not actively managing your stocks every day. SP500 hardly ever does a 3% day.

>> No.25961631

>how do I call my broker?
my broker keeps her number on the "more info" section of her onlyfans, try that

>> No.25961639
File: 133 KB, 1079x826, Screenshot_20210114-060638_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give it to me straight boys
How am I gonna do today

>> No.25961641

You think it’s gonna crash?

>> No.25961643

S&P pays dividends.....

>> No.25961645

It includes the 15th. Usually an hour or two before markets close

>> No.25961666

BTC is probably going to correct a hefty bit around 45k, it might pay to be patient to wait until then.

>> No.25961677

Good luck bro. Together retards strong.

>> No.25961684
File: 2 KB, 124x119, 1602767681315s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so we might get a potential Tesla dip on monday

>> No.25961691


>> No.25961711

Tesla is one big fukkin bubble holded by fanboys that have posters of Elon Mush in their room

>> No.25961716

Tesla always dips on Monday cause all the retards think people will dump it then people will buy in cheap and it gets pumped on Tuesday.

>> No.25961721

Why did semis crab for 10 years and suddenly start going up parabolic in 2010?

>> No.25961729
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>> No.25961737
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I am up big time but I know it will all swim away once Ameriburgers will start their shitstorm

>> No.25961742

SRAC is +24%

>> No.25961743

>Holding the stocks after the merger
Lel. If you are buying the merger, you are getting out post merger.

>> No.25961757

It's too late, just look for something else.

>> No.25961763
File: 36 KB, 618x410, 1610475681110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>YO is this Jpow? How about you turn that printer on turbo mode so we can get some fucking gains today bro.

>> No.25961773

What are you holding?

>> No.25961774

Always happens.

>> No.25961779

Where is this from?

>> No.25961783


>> No.25961801

Pretty sad that baked alaska died.. oh well

>> No.25961809

fuck OFF nigger

>> No.25961812

if Biden really passes his stimulus program, you might think about pulling your money out of America. The dollar will lose so much value and this will fuck you as a Europoor.

>> No.25961820
File: 2.03 MB, 480x480, 1584043244464.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't do that sonny. I WON'T LET AMERICANS WIN

>> No.25961844
File: 14 KB, 813x215, Wolftank-Adisa-Holding-AG-Logo-Green-Yellow-2020-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Secret tip: Wolftank-Adisa is an austrian micro-/ cap. They are specialized in environmental technology for tank systems & soil remediation. One month ago they formed the Wolftank Hydrogen GmbH, bundling their hydrogen division.

>> No.25961847

i'll look into it at least. might throw 10k at it and wait at least a year for tax purposes and see what happens, sounds like a long term hold kinda thing even though 3x ETF's scare me a bit.

otherwise yeah that's the point, i should have just sold after it broke to a new ATH and then started losing momentum and reversing, but i didn't because i was greedy. it's a good lesson to learn in all honesty, but a cheap one since all it's gonna cost me is time ultimately, i just have to wait for the next AMD pump. i've done this like 2 times now and every time i've gotten burned (i was waaaay up on AMD since i bought after it dumped on ER then mooned then it dumped because of covid which fucked me, taking me out with a small profit. thought i was so far up, there was no way it would ever come down to my break even again, oh well), now i know that AMD is a safe shitcoin and i should play it as such. from now on at least for the next couple of years im just gonna buy every dip and sell every rip, it's like a cyclical pump and dump that is dependable and safe as long as you always go long and DCA that shit.

>> No.25961851

Why are the links fucked up and no reference to prior post? Fucking christ

>> No.25961858

about time

>> No.25961870

PLTR downgraded by Citi ? Do we even care?

>> No.25961880

Europoor markets are boring.

>> No.25961900

BFt feels good man

>> No.25961903

Anyone else playing the crypto angle today? BTC pumped afterhours yesterday, I'm thinking crypto related stocks will play catchup today. Is this dumb?


>> No.25961924

Naked call anon is gonna have to declare bankruptcy at this point. Hope the $1 premium for each call was worth it retard.

>> No.25961934

No. Better reason to average down your share prices if anything. Do remember to sell before the lockdown period ends.

>> No.25961961
File: 310 KB, 413x396, 1609965608676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wonder where that faggot is this morning

>> No.25961971

what's safe today, SRAC and CCIV?

>> No.25961995
File: 29 KB, 421x480, IMG_44506353937024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GMEbros.. was it stupid to sell yesterday..?

>> No.25961996

any public bug companies? looks like the europoors WILL eat the bugs

>> No.25961999

Thanks, will do

>> No.25962009
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>> No.25962016

Buying $ROPE

>> No.25962029

Hanging around.

>> No.25962032

it's never stupid to take profits. relax.

>> No.25962046

the poor people never learn from the bankers
>yolo with an insane amount of leverage
>give everything you own to your family
>declare personal bankruptcy


>> No.25962053

If you earned money then it is not stupid. It is only stupid if you do dumb shit like sell naked GME calls. If you think it will go up today, just put your profits back in.

>> No.25962075

Thank God my order for GME puts didn't fill yesterday, holy shit.

>> No.25962083

You can Yolo with insane margins while not selling naked calls.

>> No.25962094

BAKA is cheaper and performs better

>> No.25962097

sounds like i should wait for the 50% dip to buy into then.

>> No.25962110

Yeah I've been burned too many times by GME for not taking profits, so I'm kinda glad I did, but I wonder if this time it will fuck me over because I sold lol
Yeah I was up like 80% when I sold at 35, and I can't do options because yuropoor, so I might just throw in some profits and let it ride

>> No.25962117

They're so fucking predictable. I'm going to start a company in europe and market a brand of basedmilk "enhanced" with bug protein.

>> No.25962127
File: 7 KB, 199x253, 1609595677077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am in europe, should I trade in EU or $. The dollar might crash with nigger biden, that way I can prevent the 3% meme on usd

>> No.25962130

More people buying computers/gaming PCs likely

>> No.25962131

>ID: rape

what does this mean for GME?

>> No.25962132



>> No.25962138

You guys really got to buy ALPP and BNTX

>> No.25962150

GME options are at a premium now. Like 30% of the stock. You are better off buying the stocks.

>> No.25962151

MOON is actually outperforming the ARKs recently. I have a lot of it in my boomer margin portfolio.

>> No.25962152

I'm guessing it's bullish for GME..?

>> No.25962160

is it too late to get into CCIV?

>> No.25962168
File: 92 KB, 656x960, TSLA dating profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. I made this one a while back and some other anons saved it which made me happy. TSLA just fits into so many memes currently I swear.

>> No.25962169

EU will match US spending so doesn't matter. In fact, EU needs to spend even more than the US if it wants any chance of surviving, which it doesn't, so maybe it is good to trade in EU.

>> No.25962177

I picked up some weekly puts at 36 at noon and was lucky to get out at 3:59, theta and IV was fucking me, I got out with a slight profit 36->32. Would have been crushed holding overnight...

>> No.25962178

Always trade in local currency.
If you trade at your currency, you are charged everytime you buy or sell. So you are getting double dipped.

>> No.25962185

Based my moon position just keeps growing

>> No.25962193


>> No.25962201

Scroll up and read the post I made.

>> No.25962211
File: 202 KB, 933x933, 2707697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys seriously sell all your GME.
There is an Anon that really needs you to sell so that the stock isnt up today,he sold many naked GME calls and now owes 700.000$ or more.
Do the right thing.

>> No.25962225

Do it for him!

>> No.25962231

Your currency gets converted to USD/EURO based on the stock you invest in with a pretty bad conversion rate IIRC. Better to just convert them on something like Revolut imo.

>> No.25962233

Not if you're willing to hold.

>> No.25962236

>Guys seriously sell all your GME.
>There is an Anon that really needs you to sell so that the stock isnt up today,he sold many naked GME calls and now owes 700.000$ or more.
>Do the right thing.
We would he sell more naked calls than he could afford?

>> No.25962239

But your positions will be liquidated and then the price will go your way and you will kill yourself. The whole point is to buy yourself as much time as you can before they force you to close your leveraged positions.

>> No.25962243

Guys he's deep in it, still got a smile common :)

>> No.25962244
File: 225 KB, 640x719, FDB539B8-EDE2-46E3-A9E7-8753FC574B73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m assuming because the economy became increasingly one based around smartphones.
When did 4g come out?
And when did cryptos start effecting GPU demand?
Don’t ask me questions. Judging by the trust others put in me and value placed on me by the free market, I am mentally handicapped.

Based and redpilled. But let’s dig deeper, yes?

Based OCchads

>> No.25962251

EU won´t spend shit, atleast 5 countries will be against it, you also see what countries do with the current stimulus (Italy), save old industries, paying people 80% of their income in pension, don´t invest much in their healthcare system etc.

Try to convince people to give the money to the south, while you will get much less for your pension payments

>> No.25962263


>> No.25962266
File: 257 KB, 458x321, bogdanoff-dump-it-meme-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Oui, zis is bogdanoff. Pump it. To ze moon. Make 'I'm regret 'e ever touched ze calls."
>Oui bogdanoff. GME to 75.

>> No.25962286
File: 53 KB, 750x554, 70D18BCB-3608-4EBB-A5CA-9FCC2B61ED57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CLF and VALE pre market


>> No.25962309
File: 38 KB, 362x346, 1589378978401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine all the unsuspecting people trying to short GME yesterday, this might actually get ugly today

>> No.25962311
File: 331 KB, 583x503, 1607130618324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate this faggot.

>> No.25962317

Check out SID;)

>> No.25962333
File: 81 KB, 750x718, bu9e0jqzv1b61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the opening price going to be?

>> No.25962344
File: 594 KB, 1662x966, SOXL 1h 1-14-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at SOXL chart

welp. hope it dumps to the 200 hour MA in the near future, not gonna buy when it has already mooned.

>> No.25962349

>9:45 AM
>This is your margin call
>Bend over please

>> No.25962354

I like his 2008 financial crisis book, it is a really good piece of fiction

>> No.25962380
File: 76 KB, 475x562, 1610480242940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looook at them going UP

>> No.25962394

Where you getting your pre-market prices for? Mine is still sat at yesterdays close. I'm being meme'd on aren't I.

>> No.25962401

yeah, the german finance subreddit is full of people wishing bugs would be cheaper. These people are disgusting and probably living in a typical reddit onions bubble, but there is a market for this shit and they are probablay wealthy enough for a good margin.

>> No.25962404

Kek, some lucky dude who worked for Amazon started invested in Tesla when it was just 7.50 a pop. Dudes now worth over 12 million. Refuses to sell any stock. Says he's retiring from the corporate world.

>> No.25962408
File: 425 KB, 1563x1113, 1604329399759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I find data on the premarket and after hours for stocks on the OTC?

>> No.25962410

Anyone else indifferent to their gains now

It’s just some number i don’t really care

But i still check everytime. Bit more money everyday. nice.

>> No.25962414

yahoo finance. some stocks dont trade after and pre market though

>> No.25962415

It'll dip below 18 in the first hour. Any price below 18=buy.

>> No.25962428
File: 127 KB, 300x241, 1610489779328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I currently trade on revolut in USD, but I am planning to open an account at trading212 in EU

>> No.25962434

huge crash just waiting to happen. look at that fucking bubble

>> No.25962439

if it wasnt for this kike i would be able to watch becky more

>> No.25962440

meanwhile every arab and turk in germany will keep feeding their kids whole milk eggs and meat, and their kids will be chads, while native germans become infertile

>> No.25962443


>> No.25962452
File: 106 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20210113-194330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to dump theses at open or should I hold?

>> No.25962469

pls lord $22 eod

>> No.25962471

Imagine holding msft. The state

>> No.25962473

I'm so pissed at that cunt Cathie. I WASN'T DONE ACCUMULATING SRAC YOU WHORE

>> No.25962477

CNC has a PEA soon
NHK had lots of insider buying last week and is in a good support zone.

We going up up up

>> No.25962485
File: 19 KB, 250x291, c17f58ff4312d9327b4f668776e0b2e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon what are you talking about

>> No.25962493

Why? You are selling pre-merger announcement?

>> No.25962503

no i just like to see GREEN

>> No.25962514

Well Tacobell keeps falling and falling. Now they're partnering with BYND on some plant based protein. They're gonna introduce it next year. Fucking hell. Bout the only things I'll get is the Five Layer and the Bean Burrito. Fuck the fake meat, nasty nasty shit.

>> No.25962519

>Pussy is immaculate. Head game is otherworldly.
Kek literally every girl thinks this shit

>> No.25962527

You will see alot of GREEN if there is a merger announcement.

>> No.25962529

You posted a crab

>> No.25962535

Yeah, Revolut is more of a travel and currency conversion card than anything else, it has limited choices when it comes to stocks. You should open one either at Trading212 or Interactive Broker(they're bigger and more established and I believe T212 uses their platform). But you can convert the money on Revolut since it has no commissions. Just be careful and have evidence of your earning, Revolut tend to lock accounts whenever large sums of money gets deposited.

>> No.25962541

"""mealworms""" aka maggots

>> No.25962543
File: 36 KB, 417x350, 1598040026196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jobless claims 965k

>> No.25962557

URG (and the Uranium sector at large) on a moon mission.

Also buy $ABXXF, Goldman Sachs own 20% and its gunna change the commodities game with smart contracts

Thank me later

>> No.25962562

CHIV Chads, are you planning on selling your full holdings post the merger news (if it happens) or holding some longer term?

>> No.25962567
File: 84 KB, 1249x518, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is happening to my etrade account?
looks like i daytraded so they are taking away my margin kek
what if i throw my 3k at gme again and say I have to sell later in the day, feds at my door?
I have no illusions about respecting this rule, gme way too volatile.

>> No.25962575

snib snab

>> No.25962579

So I don’t have to throw away my mealworm infested emergency rations, I just cook them and have disgusting free protein?
That’s reassuring. Time to stack beans.

>> No.25962583

Nah, some broads have nasty pussies and they're dumb as shit.

>> No.25962591

Thanks for the no meme answer

>> No.25962595
File: 130 KB, 720x960, 160264774240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

titties for the fella who eases my qualms

>> No.25962596

Selling all. Maybe holding 10%.
Mostly selling.

>> No.25962600

Who cares

>> No.25962607
File: 55 KB, 474x712, C70DCB77-0AC1-43A2-8CB8-3A586F7D2D98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25962613
File: 259 KB, 1242x1166, 3AAE032D-4330-4E3A-BCD0-49F06F7F6DC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My after hours is skyrocketing desu
Sell at 930 friends.

>> No.25962614
File: 38 KB, 758x644, 6f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CCIV fuck. Not Chad HIV.

>> No.25962621
File: 41 KB, 581x581, bog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GME up 20% premarket
What did bog mean by this?

>> No.25962630
File: 28 KB, 112x112, coom cat pet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GME bros I'm pre-cooming

>> No.25962643

Nothing, I just sold yesterday, you're welcome.

>> No.25962651


>> No.25962676
File: 61 KB, 207x180, 1604956298779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw didn't buy GME calls before the poomp

After the short squeeze if anyone would like to pool their money together to beat the shit out of their past selves please let me know

>> No.25962680
File: 180 KB, 499x475, IMG_9948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>remember the memes
>you were told

>> No.25962697

Depends on price. It it goes 50% in one day, Ill probably sell most of my position.

>> No.25962703

The market sure doesn't

>> No.25962711

>look at SOXL holdings
>the corporation i work for is in the top 15 (not FAGTMAAN though)

...what do i do with this information?

>> No.25962718

My past self has enough problems

>> No.25962721

>reflation trade
>almost 1 million jobless claims

ya boys, the only shit you might get is stagflation

>> No.25962727

The price post merger is predicted to be high 30s, low 40s. You are going to double your position if there is a merger.

>> No.25962752

>what is happening to my etrade account?
>looks like i daytraded so they are taking away my margin kek
>what if i throw my 3k at gme again and say I have to sell later in the day, feds at my door?
>I have no illusions about respecting this rule, gme way too volatile.
I've never been in this situation, but they probably will want you to close a portion of your position. It's kind of contradictory to say you shouldn't sell too fast but you also need to sell, so I don't want to give too confident of an answer.

Also I've never YOLOd a margin account, they penalize your margin if you have insufficient diversity I think.

>> No.25962750

yeah, well, ill believe it when I see it.
they should go ahead and announce it fuck.

>> No.25962772

you've been flagged as a PDT, so you're probably not going to be able to open any new positions unless you meet the $25k minimum.

>> No.25962775

It is a rumor.
If you are not willing to buy the rumor and sell the news, then I have no idea why are you buying SPAC stocks.

>> No.25962795

BFARF Senpai, it looks like WGMI

>> No.25962808

extremely jewish.
ok ill just sit with my arms crossed for the day then. I don't have 11 grand to put in there.

>> No.25962815

thats exactyly what were all doing mang.

holy shit CCIV hit 19 at 7 am this morning. maybe we got rid a lot of profit takers

>> No.25962824

when is that?

>> No.25962827

Dumping GHIV for ccvi going all in, I either make it or break it, good luck all

>> No.25962832

Nothing cause I work at Macy’s and our sales are around 30-40% compared to last year (we live off tourism), and yet Macy’s stock keeps rocketing

>> No.25962837

what happened?

>> No.25962863


>> No.25962874

based see you on the other side

>> No.25962884

I had spreads that capped my gains at a very lowly 30%. Could have 50x'ed if I was a true believer. Feelsbadman

>> No.25962894

See you on the other side KING

>> No.25962898

you can sell what you're holding. you've already been flagged, it's too late to undo. your account will probably be in a restricted status which means no margin, which means each trade will take 3 days to settle. these are best guesses btw.

>> No.25962904

It's up bigly because she's doing a space etf

>> No.25962973
File: 67 KB, 870x1300, dunce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no margin
so what happens to my positions on margin? they close them?
i know i should call but just trying to get a sense here

>> No.25962984

Some gains are better than no gains!

>> No.25963009

>extremely jewish.
>ok ill just sit with my arms crossed for the day then. I don't have 11 grand to put in there.
Well you are borrowing money from them, they don't like big gamble plays. In a year when you are much richer, here's what I do as a degenerate gambler:
2 portfolios
1 is margin and buys a mix of ARK, MOON, and other good performing indexes. It lets me have a decent leverage because of the diversity, and I also add in a few other stocks I believe in.
1 is a cash options account. This is for my high risk plays. Since options only need 1 day to finalize the sale, I don't mind that it's a cash account.

>> No.25963039

taking that advice for future reference, thanks man

>> No.25963094

Also """europeans""" aka faggots

>> No.25963199
File: 323 KB, 674x1029, frankfurtschool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jews vs jew, we are going to make a lot of money anons

>> No.25963234

Help do I hold or sell!

>> No.25963388
File: 365 KB, 1162x850, 1604733927595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Frankfurt School

>> No.25964061
File: 914 KB, 2400x1600, RESERVES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where should I put my reserves in after the initial dip today? Keep on placing and cancelling orders for CCIV