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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25961087 No.25961087 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.25961105

one less scam in the top 10 nice

>> No.25961111


So you are saying there is lots of room for growth? Got it.

>> No.25961125


>> No.25961128

it did not
based and quads of truth

>> No.25961187

i tend to believe quads

>> No.25961192

What pisses me off most is that when "sushiswap" came out and caused the DeFi bubble (which burst and fucked us all), Sergey was ALL OVER DeFi, just slobbering at how awesome it is, no mention of Oracle Q3 integration, no real news, just "whoaaooaoaoao DeFi whoaoaooa vaults"

So, we're here in the greatest bull run of all time, fuck all. Maybe if there were more DeFi projects and food tokens, he'd get interested in crypto again

>> No.25961238

it's unironically over this time, right?

>> No.25961244
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Sergey dumps doing work

>> No.25961258
File: 10 KB, 1426x309, It's over..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over.

>> No.25961276

scam coin
sell asap and buy btc

>> No.25961339

>teehee it's over guyz lol
idiot, it's ACTUALLY OVER

>> No.25961433

oh wow so it's actually actually over?
oh my god no

>> No.25961450

DOT is waiting for you & only you!

>> No.25961484
File: 228 KB, 1200x1049, 1512253575229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to buy the dip!

>> No.25961491

Kek, I 'member when it dropped out of the top 100. Can't sink the Link

>> No.25961558

does this sound like a buy signal to you guys?
buying more

>> No.25961606
File: 365 KB, 661x623, 1609771989501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they have actually dumped 50 MILLION Link

>> No.25961706


>> No.25961710

I feel like it's being deliberately kept in the top 10 for a reason.

>> No.25961857

yep over, over 20 by EOM.

>> No.25961897
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>> No.25961938

I feel like it's being deliberately kept out of the top 3 for a reason.

>> No.25961956

in about a month the bubble will pop again (it's natural, get used to it) and btc will return to the 15-25k range
alts will obviously bleed really hard, except for LINK. it will bleed, but not as hard. don't expect it to go far bellow 10 dollars

this will be your last chance to buy in cheap. 1-2 months after that, you're going to get some news... boy! let's just say that you will never see it again bellow 3 digits
before that happens, i will FUD

i will FUD because i am STILL buying LINK after all these years
i will FUD because the weak handed faggots do not deserve to make it
i will FUD because retarded newfags gambling with shitcoins do not deserve anything either
i will FUD for the frugal lifestyle that i embraced to the end of making it
i will FUD for all the other anons who've been doing god's work (FUD) for years
i will FUD for all the retards that judge the performance of a project through charts
i will FUD because that's what sergey (pbuh) wants me to do
i will FUD... because i must....

>> No.25962051

Why doesn't someone make a mkt cap adjusted price chart showing what the current price would be without the supply shocks? I bet it wouldn't be as high as most fudders would assume.

>> No.25962068

if you look at how many people they have that are confirmed on staff and how many people theyre looking to hire, it makes sense that they need money to operate their business.

>> No.25962253

Lol link is unironically a dead meme coin. Anyone that bought into this shit after $1 is a complete moron. It was a fucking meme coin from day one. Maybe newfags don't know this, but /biz/ shilled this coin as a joke. We never took it serious. It was just us posting pepes and shopped fat sirgay pictures while pretending that link had a usecase, which it doesn't. You've been tricked if you're still bagholding. Link is nothing but a 2017 version of Doge Coin. Retards.

>> No.25962388

This is some kind of funny curse.
We can never stop buying and increasing our stack size.
The day he will stop dumping is the day his project is mature and used worldwide.
It will be a bit lonely.

>> No.25962542

this fud isn't even funny, stop being retarded

>> No.25962589

I put all my links into synths on the first of jan, cashed out yesterday, have 0$ on any coin. never slept so well, I can tell you
from now on I will only come to /biz/ to laugh at you fags.

>> No.25962694

>chainlink just fell out of the top 100 it's over

>> No.25962790

You'd know it isn't fud if you were an OG link marine

>> No.25962858
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Based sergay dumping on link marines

>> No.25962928

Quads don't lie

>> No.25963151

Stop shitting up the board, who the fuck is FUDing link in 2021? How poor are you?

>> No.25963607
File: 5 KB, 393x128, bor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yes. All a ponzi scheme until I see BOR in the top 10.

>> No.25963645

feels bad

>> No.25963762

This is bullish it is almost extreme. To have so much liquidity added and to have the price stay in the teens. If this was any other project it would have cratered, but Chainlink is fucking invincible. When the network matures this thing is headed to the high hundreds.

>> No.25963786


Chill guys, jesus, it's a common strategy to prevent a stock from going absolute parabolic only to be dumped on by mass holders. If you slowely release more you control the total circulating supply better, and can therefor control the price a bit more.

>> No.25964367

Nice cope from sirgay himself here. Cope. It's over.

>> No.25964460
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B-but I just bought like 2 hours ago

>> No.25964534

The amount they still hold to dump is scary

>> No.25964956

Oracle is a meme. Sergey created this coin because he just wanted to make money. He employed pajeet shilling on 4chan. Ethereum does not need real world data, it already has real world data connected on its platform. Oracles as mentioned by vitalik are overvalued. Getting data feed in a centralised manner is better than a decentralised manner because you sign a contract. Chainlink job is to get these data feed and filter them out, clearly it is not needed. You think kikes would allow for data to not be manipulated? Get your head of your ass anons. If you really think a fat fucking piece of shit is going to make you rich, you are wrong. The top 1% are not going to let you do that easily. Sergey is controlled by the top 1%. And in case you aren’t sure, he and his team of monkeys are dumping on fresh investors because they have been instructed to do so by the top 1%. No way in hell are the kikes going to let a bunch of internet frogs be wealthy. Good luck faggots. On top of that, screen cap this and put it as your fucking wallpaper, so that you remember me, the anon who warned you

>> No.25965003


>> No.25965172



>> No.25965323

Oh no I'm only 160X ICO.

Better go sell 4 LINK for a fine dining experience again.


Imagine when dHEDGE truly takes off. LINK / DHT is *IT* anon.

>> No.25965944

Not really. It's more that it's lumbering around like a shot stag. The market sees weakness and it will not be chased by manic speculators. It will be left for the bears like NEO amd IOTA and OMG and it doesn't matter whether it's actively developed or not.

>> No.25966489

coomfy accumulation, I only have 100 LINKIES plz no bully

>> No.25966522

It's literally stop top 10 and you're literally still retarded.

>> No.25966627

I loved Andre shitting on him at smartcon over that.

>> No.25966705

> "How stagnating during the GBR is actually a good thing!"

>> No.25966725

Incredibly bullish

>> No.25966730

bitcoin straight did 300% in 2 weeks. rising from 13k to 37k. eth made it all the way to 1200 from 500.link... LINK DID A FUCKING 2 DOLLAR INCREASE. TWO. TWO FUCKING DOLLARS FROM 13 to 15 in this bullrun.
aboslutely atrocious shitcoin here.

yeah im a bit grumpy. who the fuck wouldn't be? LMAO bitcoin goes to 40k, then drops down 1.5k and is going back up again... link? surpressed to shit at 17, then when it barely is able to stay afloat above that, dumps a dollar (33% gain loss)
how the fuck is this good in any way, shape, or form??

doesn't even matter if you fud or shill this shitcoin. it doesn't move. it never ever does. it pumps randomley from sergay seling insider information and when it ever gets developped in 2025 we dont even know if something better will come with devs that dont dump 1m on binance a week

yeah. link may do a 10x in 5 years when staking is finally developed. there is absolutely no reason to encourage anyone from buying this at the moment. completely garbage gains and you're absolutely right kek if bitcoin so much as sneezes link will get pneumonia. shitcoin goes to 10$ after bitcoin sneezes indicates that it is SHIT and can't even hold its own market value. i seriously feel so fucking bad for these link pumpers at the moment can't even break 16 now

>hovering 16 with life support = barely 700%
bitcoin was 8k on that date. it is now almost 40k = 500%. if bitcoin rises 10k in another week then you could argue that buying link had no point when it was safer to just max bitcoin and wait. absolute garbage

bitcoin can pull steller 150% a week yet THIS FUCKING DOGSHIT TRASH had to fight tooth and nail just to appreciate TWO DOLLARS. AND WHEN IT GOES DOWN FUCKING 3%, CHAINLINK GOES DOWN 1$ because no one can sustain this pump after everyone dumps at every dollar milestone.


>> No.25966795

They'll run out of tokens to dump eventually...right?

>> No.25966881


>> No.25966968

The link usd chart is ugly as fuck. Completely patternless and just seems to be completely dependent on btc.

>> No.25967034

who cares about the top10? did you ever look what a collection of fucking shitcoins it is? name one good coin except polkadot

>> No.25967042

LINK is going to the next star system. You'll be sorry if you don't join us.

>> No.25967080


>> No.25967350

Yeah the stars down below

>> No.25967389

Only way in space is up

>> No.25967445

Thanks, OP. I have now expanded my Link collection from 8 to 12.

>> No.25967476


>> No.25967590

basado and checked

>> No.25968212

>Jp morgan partnership and poc