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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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25959507 No.25959507 [Reply] [Original]

how long until the normies find out about chainlink?

>> No.25959583

that will pump the price up so then I can dump, so the sooner, the better

>> No.25959587

2 months. Don't worry they won't buy for another 2 years

>> No.25959626

Next bullrun probably. Normies will go for the big names, stinky is too obscure for the average normie.

>> No.25959658

Wait for price discovery after $20. They'll see it hit top 5 and fomo in pumping it even more. Then we dump, they crash the price and we buy back with triple the stack

>> No.25959662
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>> No.25959672

link doesnt need normies, price is driven by usage, the more calls to the service the higher the price

>> No.25959680


>> No.25959695

Since soccer moms in june were tweeting about it? Lol...

>> No.25959705

if the normies pump it to triple digits I am selling everything and never coming back here.

>> No.25959721


its not for normies, jesus fuck guys, did you fuicking read the whitepaper at all??

>> No.25959749

They never will. They will be in a perpetual state of “I’m not buying in now, it already pumped” until it hits $10k.

>> No.25959785

>did you fuicking read the whitepaper at all??
lol no, I bought because of the memes.

>> No.25959793

It says in the white paper that chain link is designed to be the most secure stable coin solution on the monetary market due to being pegged to the coffee beans standard instead of fiat currencies therefore is protected against inflation since the fed cannot physically print more coffee beans, only farmers in third world shit holes can and they're directly under the control of chain link enabled insurance, if more coffee beans get produced then chain link loses value but in turn the farmers have to produce less beans until the coffee peg is restored, so it's a perfectly virtuous balanced system, steaking is just going to add an extra in depth security layer to this ecosystem and Sergey coffee cup will keep growing bigger so it can contain a full steak, rory told me in the slack

>> No.25959811

And then baghold crab coin for another three years. Perfect. I like they way you think.

>> No.25959829

thanks for clearing that up.

By the way are we really going to 70k sats on March?

>> No.25959833

it has taken normies like 4 years to even hear about BTC so think link is safe for another few years.

>> No.25959869

This. Have you been in a coma for the last year? Even XRP boomers are saying buy link.

>> No.25959924

someone post the video of that fat retard yelling out chainlink in the middle of the road

>> No.25960196

Normie here, we already did and pumped price from 8$ to 20$ when you oldfags dumped on us.

>> No.25960285

they found out about it. don't care. unironically shilled dia to my parents the other day. they understood it right away

>> No.25960369

honestly? never.
90% of normies cant figure out bitcoin. i have friends in their 20s, college educated, they know about it but they dont even understand why it has value.
99% of normies cant figure out eth. my brother invested in eth and he has no idea what it does.
chainlink? a network of oracles that connect the blockchain with real world data? forget about it.