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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 255 KB, 1200x628, pbtc35a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25956949 No.25956949 [Reply] [Original]

>only $200 a piece and 50k max supply
>no plans to sell any more tokens for a while
>new sales use twap price and don't dilute because this is fucking collateralized btc hashpower by POOLIN top 5 btc pool
> just look at BTCST pump and this is 100x better, no one is even talking about it on twitter yet
Unironically mooning as i'm typing this shit. you're fucking welcome.

https://twitter.. com/MarsProject2020/st atus/1349641497 344311303

>> No.25956967

fud! next x100

>> No.25956976

Mars to the moon sers

>> No.25956980

Amazing stuff. 2nd largest mining company in the world

>> No.25957009


>> No.25957030

What's the relation to Mars token? Are you not better off buying that instead?

>> No.25957133

free gov tokens always have a high risk of dumping and team owns a portion of the supply. btc hashrate token is 50k max supply, and all community bought. Read this if you're confused why it's a fucking steal at these prices.

>> No.25957436

The 2nd largest mining pool in the world is behind pBTC35a and CZ from binance is selling the competitor at x5 from here...

On top you are earning the MARS token when you stake pBTC35a...

This will fly past $500


>> No.25957467


Is there a fair price for these hash tokens? If so, know what it is for this one?

>> No.25957506


I was interested, but then I see some pajeet level shilling replies. Please, all of you commit suicide.

>> No.25957576


The chingchongs are gonna pajeet all coins on /biz/. Doesn't mean it's bad, especially right now.

>> No.25957585

Is there a minting function? Thaat doubt is why i didn't buy yesterday

>> No.25957720

This is basically the next major boom in crypto, just like YFI was last summer. After these first two go to moon, many clones will follow.

>> No.25957780

They're grossly overpriced if you actually do the math

>> No.25957813

Elaborate please

>> No.25957862

whats the play here. Buy pBTC and hold? And if so whats the make it.

>> No.25957886

Nah mars just let's you get mars. I want that sweet wbtc.

Also is Pajeet shilling just automated fud at this point? It seems like bot posting

>> No.25957906

Hold or farm wBTC and MARS with it

>> No.25957924
File: 76 KB, 1024x1024, 1610258914999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hello frens you guys seem like regular anons (non pajeets)

Can you guys give me the rundown on this? Is it a good buy or a shitcoin?

>> No.25957967

99% sure its a shitcoin, but if it can give a quick 2x or more ill play around.

>> No.25958039
File: 20 KB, 428x344, nerdamphibian).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teach math pls

>> No.25958050


Well not sure of fair price but lets compare to the binance standard hashrate token (BTCST) has 0.1T per token and there is 100,000 total supply.

pBTC35A is 1T per token and 50,000 total supply. So that means this is 5x the power currently.

If we peg the BTCST price at 90 per 0.1T then its 900 per T

so this should reach $900 assuming BTCST but it wont so maybe $600

>> No.25958131
File: 140 KB, 999x999, c7dbfee5d1bb00d270cd197e28f842fb.999x999x1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, I already tried to tell /biz/ about this yesterday. unironically the next defi, I'll buy anything the chinks put out at this point

of course there's going to be a premium , you can't expect the token price to be the same as buying and running your own miner. that said, btcst is overpriced, pBTC35A isn't.

buy 50% pbtc35a, 25% mars, 25% tether
stake them in the two pools and collect

it's a 'shitcoin', but a good one with actual tech behind it

>> No.25958148

It's fine if you want to collect wbtc from chink miners. I bought 20 at $135 yesterday and paired it with tether to mine wbtc and mars. I'm at $4 of wbtc and $5 of mars (this will dump big time, don't buy it, just farm it). I think the mining coin is well priced currently given chink wholesalers charge equivalent mining power for ~$70 and the other competing thing is, what, $350 for the equivalent?

In short, buy if you want to mine and hold. Or buy to flip. But it's a utility coin so it will never go up a ton unless btc does. There's no moonshot here.

>> No.25958158

Edit sorry my bad made a mistake in total supply of BTCST its 1 Million

So total power for BTCST is 100,000T which is twice that of pBTC35A

and price per T is currently 900 per T for BTCST and about 220 per T for pBTC35A

So probably sitting on 2-3x.

>> No.25958164

Update, the binance competition is $900 for the equivalent power kek

>> No.25958167


>> No.25958310

lol so you depend your investment in a quality project based off some replies from ppl that also liked the proposal?

>> No.25958400

If poorly written sentence fragments including the phrases "fud", "moon", or "sirs" don't bother you, you haven't spent enough time here.

>> No.25958462

ELI5 how to buy this anon please

>> No.25958498

Fair enough.

>> No.25958618


>> No.25958621

Uniswap is your only option at this point. I wouldn't be surprised to see it on a cex (not binance) at some point though. You need metamask or similar to farm with it anyways.

>> No.25958648

more like pooin (loo) amirite

ngl bought into this off reliable twitter info but the pajeet shilling itt makes me fud a little. I guess that comes with every coin now.

>buy pbtc35a on uniswap
>stake on mars.poolin.fi

>buy mars + tether on uniswap
>add into uni liquidity pool
>stake liquidity tokens on mars.poolin.fi

>> No.25958723

It's always just telegram jeets/mahmouds and a few super lazy white guys who don't understand how to post on 4chan kek. I only see them as a warning flag for pump and dump/verifiable scamcoins

>> No.25959276

Jokes aside once everyone who has a brain actually does research on this we will moon and you retards who didnt will be buying my bags at $1k

>> No.25959678

$1000 would cause me catastrophic impermanent loss kek

>> No.25959726

if you have 3 of those you can earn 18 dollars in btc per month. the price is too high.

>> No.25959751

>he thinks 40% interest on BTC, an appreciating asset, is not a good amount


>> No.25959768

Can the price increase somehow?

I dunno... it does sound like a comfy way to earn passively. Also keep in mind that it CURRENTLY 18 dollars in btc.

>> No.25960157

goes up with btc price, its basically a btc masternode

>> No.25960174

difficulty will go up, rewards will go down

>> No.25960191

difficulty follows price, even if rewards drop btc price will be worth much more

>> No.25960237

>3 of those
that's why you stake at least 30

>> No.25960327

Show us your skin color OP since you're shilling so hard.

>> No.25961061

how can it be 50k max supply when about 500,000 was added?

supply is at 50,425 wtf

>> No.25961103

*500 I mean. Were they just minted.

>> No.25961215

Now supply is at 50,716

what gives, they are just going to mint when they feel like it?

>> No.25961326
File: 203 KB, 1192x696, Screenshot 2021-01-14 at 13.52.30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they added the other 50k to the supply as more miners go online. this was already being discussed yesterday on twitter, hope it doesn't dump too much because of it

>> No.25961462


Trying to read up on it, how much more supply will they added in the near future? Depends on their number of machines I guess?

Not a good feeling on this

>> No.25961727

>how much more supply will they added in the near future?
supposedly this is it, if we can trust the word of the devs
>Depends on their number of machines I guess?
yeah, the token supply is 'pegged' to the processing power (hashrate), that's the original idea. also the newly released tokens are supposedly locked to $190?

>Not a good feeling on this
yeah, it's certainly normal to feel fud whenever you hear the printer whirring, but for now everything seems to be fine

>> No.25962412

i aped the fuck into this pBTC35A coin and MARS last night. Also almost aped into CUDOS, but it was 2 am and decided I was acting deluded.
Since my thoughts aren't clear, i wil type them out loud here for clarity and to get called a muh shill.
apparently these two coins PBTC35A and MARS are both coins created by Poolin', who is a very large BTC mining op. I didn't know that until after I aped in. they are tokenizing their btc terahashes, much like binance did with their coin that just came out BTCST. i don't know if this will be successful, but we are early as fuck and the farming rewards are sick right now

>> No.25962698
File: 223 KB, 1140x920, Screenshot 2021-01-14 at 14.44.00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i aped the fuck into this pBTC35A coin and MARS last night. Also almost aped into CUDOS, but it was 2 am and decided I was acting deluded.
kek same, down to the cudos thing. good thing the banks close at night or I would've emptied my whole account

and yeah poolin is literally the 2nd biggest mining pool right now, but of course /biz/ will call it a scam

>> No.25962932

i've got some profits to ape into and do some reasonable due diligence. this one looked fun. with the currently small supply, the new twist on composable hashrate and the farming, why not.
as for cudos. can't figure it out. is it just another RENDR? cudos is chainlinked and will be a layer 2 compute solution, paired with AMD, algorand and a few other companies. looks legitamately legit. 100bil token, 95% locked up currently. not sure the play here. might actually buy and hold for 6months to a year. what u thinking about it?