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25948713 No.25948713 [Reply] [Original]

So I just bought 50 $ from bitcoins and I'm a total newfag on the crypto market.
Am I going to make it?

>> No.25948731

yes sir please buy more sir

>> No.25948751

Yes, $50 will be a few grand when btc hits over 100k, holder bro! You gonna be fuckin rich if u don’t sell early

>> No.25948768
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>> No.25948777

it will be over $10 million if BTC hits 150k!

>> No.25948780

yeah if bitcoin goes to 41k you will have like 56 dollars. so yes

>> No.25948820

you’re going to lose about 25 dollars in the next couple months, right now what you’re experiencing is what we would refer to as, f.o.m.o. or fear of missing out

>> No.25948827

$50 would be $150 at 100k

>> No.25948857

Omg thank you I was trying to figure out what that meant for several days

Now I'm waiting for someone to fill me in on what fud exactly means

>> No.25948889

Are you really sure bitcoin is not going to hit 100k instead?

>> No.25948943

It stands for Fully Upgradable Design. Basically that whatever is being called "FUD" is functionally future-proof and unlikely to be deprecated.

>> No.25948990

For example, Tether is classic "FUD"

>> No.25949002
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>using his own money to establish portfolio
>not building his future with coinbase quiz promotions

No, you aren't going to make it.

>> No.25949016

Not in this cycle, but save money now and buy the crash to $15k at the end of the year and wait until late 2023 and you might make it.

>> No.25949048

Do you guys know if trades on Binance are taxable? In other words, if you don't cash out but trade from EUR to LINK and sell/buy link in Euro

>> No.25949129
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Fud as in Elmer Fudd , that guy who chases Roger Rabbit around. Silly guy.

>> No.25949166

I'm a newb too I pumped in 200 dollars I'm sure I'll lose it all, but it's nice to kind of learn the ropes a bit I guess

>> No.25949201

Why are you so sure you'll lost it all bro? You're making me nervous

>> No.25949378

The chance of you 'losing it all' is pretty much nill faggots.

If Bitcoin goes lower in price, more people will just buy into it at a lower entry point. It's why people have made such good returns after big crashes when bitcoin was >$10K.

Even now, BTC is on track to hit $100K by the end of this year, but after a big rise, it's also going to fluctuate (could even bear down to 27K and then get another massive wave of buying - it'll always be bought up though, and at a much higher level with each big bull run).

You're guarenteed to make 3x if you hold for a year. Invest a small bit of your portfolio in shitcoins which are higher risk/higher reward if you want more money.

>> No.25949404

Because I have no idea what I'm doing and neither do you. Pretty sure it's normal. Plus we bought at the top because we heard about this shit on le reddit. We are fucked. But at least we helped out some of the pajeets. Luckily I don't really give a fuck if I lose 200 bucks I'll just buy back in when it dips to 15k.

>> No.25949436


>> No.25949505

Thanks for the advice anon, I trust you

>> No.25949540

rechecks maths dirt

>> No.25949555

Even if I don't "lose it all" even if I pump 2 grand into it in the next 2-3 months I'll only be up like 1-2k by years end. Big whoop. I can post in the portfolio thread my 4k. At a 30k price it's impossible for us to catch up. Can't wait to have .01 of a BTC.

>> No.25950431

Yeah you missed the fucking rocket, sorry you can only make 3x your money in a fucking year.

Difference between this anon and you is that he has a nice fucking attitude about it.

Buy altcoins if you want high yield.

>> No.25950558

God I want to beat you to death. You and all of those niggers on Twitter “flexing” their $10 BTC purchases. You’re fucking poor. The amount you invested will never accumulate to anything. Just fuck off.

>> No.25950565

I bought $3 of bitcoin and when I came back from a short walk I sold at $3.03.

>> No.25950584

Who told you this is the only amount I'm going to invest you fucking retard, I'm just testing the waters.

>> No.25950661

You created a taxable event with your small ass purchase, kek. You also killed a thread with this dumb shit. You shouldn’t be allowed to post here if you have less than 5k invested

>> No.25950718

There’s a lot of elitist pricks here that don’t want to help new people, or look down on you if you don’t have thousands to blow. Don’t feel bad dude. I’ll be your fren

>> No.25950725

>Buying 5k into bitcoin without never ever knowing the market
I'm not doing that you Fucking retard, kys.

>> No.25950762

No he didn’t. Simply purchasing and holding is fine as long as you don’t sell

>> No.25950796

Thanks fren. I actually bought at 37200 but I might actually put 200$ when I learn more about the market.

>> No.25950832

Congrats newfag, you have single handily created the best FUD for bitcoin
crash imminent

>> No.25950948

>You created a taxable event
Not everybody lives in burgerland, fucking dumbass

>> No.25951004

Honestly, wait for it to dip. If it goes 100k you aren’t gonna make much profit if you don’t put a lot in. Many people are saying ethereum is going to 10k in a year to two years. It may be more profit long term. Even if it only goes to 5k you can 5x . Learn what all these coins do and figure out what you think is gonna be the future of finance.

>> No.25951045

Buying and holding in burger land isn’ta taxable event either. Don’t know what he’s talking about

>> No.25951726

> 35k x 3 = over 100k
> 50 x 3 = over a few grand
checks out