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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 183 KB, 575x877, 20210114_021054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25945785 No.25945785 [Reply] [Original]

he's right you know

>> No.25945858

Can't wait to see this kike buy the top.

>> No.25945963

fucking THIS
bitcoin is the ONLY ASSET IN HUMAN HISTORY where the jews didn't get in early
now they are setheing

>> No.25945992

thanks just bought more

>> No.25946042

its not a meme
i talk to a lot of jewish people and they all still shrug off crypto as a meme like they are in the know about it going to zero while im the idiot for buying btc at 5k a pice

>> No.25946121

>come to my website to buy gold
>we accept bitcoin

>> No.25946151

This man is ironically OBSESSED with bitcoin. That’s all he posts about. What’s up with that? A man that’s suppose to be selling gold talks more about a digital asset than the gold he is trying to sell. Very suspicious indeed. He is, sadly to say, possibly psychotic to some extent.

>> No.25946173

don't really get some of the parts you're trying to say but all i can say is that decentralization is here to stay.
removing the middle man etc all of that good shit
it will be disrupt traditional finance until it ultimately forms a hybrid
neets will win, finally.

>> No.25946175

a reversal of fortune... and power

>> No.25946246
File: 70 KB, 952x512, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you retards think schiff doesn't a hold a significant amount in btc? for fuck sake, he literally accepts btc as payment.

>> No.25946311

he probably exchanges it for more gold immediately

>> No.25946315
File: 21 KB, 456x380, NEVER TRUST A JEW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy and that other Legarde woman? What is up with all these tribesmen acting like Bitcoin is the next Hitler constantly?

>> No.25946357
File: 573 KB, 1080x1430, Screenshot_20210114-022919_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25946424

Peter Schiff's twitter is basically highly concentrated cope mixed with a ton of negative comments. It's feels like the fucking furherbunker in there.

>> No.25946432

What a fucking liar.

>> No.25946433

the funniest thing is he doesn't realize that both speculating on gold and speculating on bitcoin is a form of ponzi scheme

>> No.25946514

he has a HUGE bag, and realizes that is bitcoin is going to become the next reserve currency it MUST take out gold. he is offering himself up as a tribute, basically a fake mini-boss that we need to defeat before the final battle. he knows we need a posterboy to dunk on that represents gold so that we can all rally behind bitcoin. it's actually kind of honorable what he is doing in a way, putting himself out there as a constant source for new memes.

>> No.25946711

it's almost as if he has a vested interest in gold maintaining its position as the no.1 store of value asset.

>> No.25946720
File: 8 KB, 179x282, 1609437764904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't worry, goy, we'll dispose of these worthless bitcoins for you and give you a nice shiny rock in exchange
Oh no no no

>> No.25946755

Because it was originally invented by a White African who wanted to exterminate all non-Whites, starting with niggers, and who got taken by American Special Ops before launching an operation to take over Madagascar.

>> No.25946830

It's similar to how some BTC maxis tweet about ETH all day. They see a threat to their investment of choice and can't help sperging out.

>> No.25946841

rent free

>> No.25946852

>they didn’t talk about how it crashed 20% wahhh
Is he forgetting it’s over 500% up in the last year and 500,000% up overall? The man is a dinosaur and should retire

>> No.25946902

>The guy that lets you exchange bitcoin for gold wants you to get rid of bitcoin

>> No.25946957

How does he not have a blue check mark?

>> No.25947611

> but the money is transferred from those who buy btc to those who sell.
That’s right. From institutions to retail. Retail frontrunning the institutions. Something you recently claimed would never ever happen.

>> No.25947783

This might be the most Jewish thing I've seen in the modern era

>> No.25947852

My how you are young and naïve...
Peter schiff is obviously a /biz/ shitpoting fudlaRper who‘s just trying to stall the bullrun while he stacks his bags

>> No.25947917
File: 65 KB, 215x300, 1610508545112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wew, copaholic

>> No.25947920

This. With the amount of epic fails on twitter, including getting BTFO by his son, there is no possible way that shit isn’t a LaRp

>> No.25947975
File: 47 KB, 800x800, 1580065564528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this wild stuff happening around the world (money printing, riots) and gold is not even at ath. I feel bad for boomer Schiff.

>> No.25948032

Obsessed and rent free

>> No.25948471

it still makes his job (shilling gold to boomers) much easier with this macro, I'm sure he's doing fine

>> No.25948529

Frens, how do I profit off Peter shift being satoshi?

>> No.25948558
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>> No.25948772

Bitcoin could go to $1,000,000 per coin and it still wouldn’t make an ounce of gold any less valuable. The entire reason we are here investing in shitcoins is unironically because gold doesn’t back the dollar anymore. When it did back the dollar you could drive retards to school on a bus for a living and “make it” with your wife at home raising your 3-4 kids. That’s impossible today even if your making 100k/year. Crypto is just a chance to massively outperform inflation because its impossible to do now even with a really good job. And many NEETS here who would otherwise be out there making families under a gold standard know this. Gold and bitcoin have nothing to do with each other. Govt’s have already de-monetized gold, so for all intents and purposes it is worthless, yet it’s still worth almost $2,000/oz

>> No.25948874

Boomers don’t even buy gold really. I bet if you walked up to 100 actual baby boomers... maybe only 6 own 1oz of gold.

And so what if he’s selling gold? When someone says I’m hungry and want to go to Subway to get a sandwich do you say, “oh they just want to sell you meatballs to make money if you.”

At least schiff is actually selling you a real asset.

>> No.25948900

Gold going up will happen in an overnight revaluation.

>> No.25948961

I hate know we’ve been robbed. Absolutely had. You know feudalism is better than this, at least you knew you’d be takin care of and had a set role in life. Now it’s all men for themselves, and even when you’re employed “”””they’re”””” continually stealing from you.

>> No.25948962

Gold was a store of value long before any government decided to back paper money with it.

>> No.25949198

Peter schiff has a company that sells precious metals. They don't sell btc. If he were to admit that btc were better than gold he would lose money. He will never admit that btc could ever be a good buy. His view on the economy is absolutely right but you can't take his word on bitcoin as anything other than a grain of salt.

>> No.25949282
File: 62 KB, 187x187, D5F9D715-8FD0-4E43-A677-35D38A7BECDA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25949283

classic kike tactics