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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 520 KB, 747x667, itsogre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25927022 No.25927022 [Reply] [Original]

Guys its over, pack it up. Currently trending

>> No.25927049


>> No.25927059

it will become store of value

>> No.25927089

Goyim are truly destined to never make it.

>> No.25927101

not currency

>> No.25927103

> bitcoin goes up, everything is fine for the currency of the future
> bitcoin goes down


>> No.25927130

I'd say low IQ people.

Asians, Jews, and high IQ people will make it. Average /pol/tard is going to be flipping on burgers right where they belong hating jews for "scheming" the system by not having a sub 80 IQ.

>> No.25927141

>what do you mean you can lose money trading? What do you mean that risk is involved? My parents bought a house and there was no risk in that and it keeps going up!
>bitcoin is a scam, i need help making sure i don't get scammed again.

>> No.25927245

Bullish beyond belief

>> No.25927251

it's gambling. It has no inherent value.

>> No.25927279

>right where they belong, hating jews for scheming
Moshe detected

>> No.25927290

so they don't mind the 300% up only the 25% down? kek.

>> No.25927300

buy signal

>> No.25927323

correction 900% from the 2020 low

>> No.25927326

someone paid for this to trend. Really makes you think

>> No.25927706

He isn’t wrong you know. Nu/pol/ still thinks Bitcoin is a jewish psyop.

>> No.25927790

Any investment is gambling, the only difference is the level of risk/reward.

>> No.25927833


>> No.25927838

thanks, just sold my stack

>> No.25927859

anything MSM tells you if you are white doing the opposite will typically benefit you.

>> No.25927875

>still sees Bitcoin as a currency
retarded blogposter is retarded.

>> No.25927879

Possibly the biggest buy signal I've ever seen.

>> No.25927915


>> No.25927966

The goyim are selling. The time to buy is soon fellow jews.

>> No.25928008

the bitcoin dream is dead because it costs $15 to make a transaction. According to bitcoin bros 7 years ago we were supposed to be making out everyday purchases with bitcoin by now

>> No.25928060

and we are going up as predicted

>> No.25928088

XMR is what people think Bitcoin is, truly satoshi's vision
digital cash
BTC is a store of value

>> No.25928092

You will never be a real currency. You have no backing, you have no reserve, you have no central bank. You are a digital collectible twisted by hype and speculation into a crude mockery of finance’s perfection.

>> No.25928171

>go to grocery store for ice cream
>pay with BTC
>sit in crypto waiting room for 25 minutes while transaction clears
>your ice cream melts
>transaction cost is $15 for $5 of ice cream
>by the time you get home, due to price fluctuation, it turns out you paid $5,250 for melted ice cream

>> No.25928287

Big buy energy

>> No.25928360

>crypto waiting room
Only the nerdiest of nerds will be in that room. Stinky incels in there.

>> No.25928395

what actually happens
>walk into store
>select item
>tap crypto card to sensor
>walk out with item

>> No.25928437

>go to grocery store
this is where you lost me, who does that shit any more

>> No.25928466

Is tether still using fraction reserves based on it's own holdings? lol

>> No.25928491

Cool. Which crypto card are you currently using?

>> No.25928620

Tired of faggots always being such dramatic fatalists.

>> No.25928665

>t. bought at 35k

>> No.25928782
File: 46 KB, 593x347, youdontinvestincurrencyyouuseit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chekd and here's the best part of the entire thread on Twitter.

>> No.25928829

There is a difference between /pol/ and schizos

>> No.25929388

I have to applaud the bulls that have tried to break the always fatal head and shoulder pattern

Nice try, but you don't fuck with the media. They will FUD this to shit just like in the previous bear runs

>> No.25929789

I wish I owned btc :(

>> No.25929827

I love watching the "bugs hoping this coin will lift them from wageydom" get mad in the replies. Better luck next life.

>> No.25929867

Does he not understand using a currency is investing in the country/entity that prints it?
or he is a good goy

>> No.25929994

bitcoin is like the internet. tptb couldnt stop it so they did their best to coopt it.

>> No.25930024

Anybody else see a merchant in the OP?

>> No.25930130
File: 34 KB, 648x432, 1599958946156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they think it is a currency

>> No.25930149

i do ;:D

>> No.25930381

Your bait is a bit to obvious.

>> No.25930401
File: 87 KB, 550x504, 0f17c13b5b51807b619db07cad88f2cf84a32f733870f34fedbf996feed8cfa0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always do the opposite the jews want you to do.

>> No.25930475
File: 392 KB, 747x667, justacloud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see him too.

>> No.25930516
File: 215 KB, 431x405, 1610049083065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah bitcoin is a ponzi scheme
should have bought Kleros

>> No.25930626
File: 467 KB, 1186x1008, moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep pack it up big volume move downward coming, TA says so so does twitter

RIP hodlrs

>> No.25930636

they can't keep getting away with this

>> No.25930694
File: 101 KB, 566x564, 1602045505559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically bullish

>> No.25930708

more like speculating on the policies of that countries central bank

>> No.25930724

gold isn't a currency either, when was the last time you bought something with gold nuggets?

>> No.25930773

>he doesn't know about taproot + LN

>> No.25930838

50k eom confirmed

>> No.25930905

Maybe, but I've been invested in crypto for 4 years now.

>> No.25930961

The dream died some years ago. BCH fork was effectively the crossroads point. The store of value crowd won and forever destroyed its potential as a viable currency.

>> No.25931018

I did now, kek

>> No.25931050


>> No.25931074

i'm pretty sure there is nothing more red pilling than normie cryptocurrency news. it's just consistently wrong and downright harmful to follow. how do normies not see this

>> No.25931183

kek this is unironically a buy signal.

you dont want the normies to come all at once, just prime their awareness and let them slip up once FOMO kicks in hard

BTC bubbles usually take months and we haven't hit the peak (around 90k) yet

>> No.25931283

BTC is total shit as currency

poor acceptance
high volatility
deflationary (you will regret every pizza you buy 5 years later)

>> No.25931406


and pretty poor tech too

<(you will regret every pizza you buy 5 years later)


>> No.25931724

When you start seeing the FUD articles, that's the time to buy.

>> No.25931763

Well it's "muh store of value" now - get with the program.

>> No.25931808

The bottom is in.

>> No.25931889

We only "invest" in BTC because fiat cannot stop devaluing.

>> No.25931894

kek, very nice anon

>> No.25931907

Buy signal

>> No.25931928

This article will be fucking hilarious in retrospect (at $100k)

>> No.25931950
File: 69 KB, 474x855, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> bottom is in


Is this how bottoms look like ?

>> No.25931999

Lol plz sell

>> No.25932023

thanks i almost sold

>> No.25932041
File: 474 KB, 249x258, nigger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25932050

umm sweety you are supposed to tweak the chart and set the vertical axis to a scale that makes it look less like a bubble

>> No.25932059
File: 52 KB, 903x960, 1610377685460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a trainlet take that guy has jesus.

Yes goy - keep everything you have in fiat where we pump the supply by 30% a year.

>> No.25932120

Zoom side to side

>> No.25932132

is there? is there really?

>> No.25932171

Hey can you stretch this chart a little more I don't think it proves your point enough in its current form thanks

>> No.25932193


I'm seeing the same comment in all the threads lol

It's like an organized group that tries to lure the noobs into the bull trap

>> No.25932334
File: 610 KB, 800x450, 1609955357139.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you zoom into the 2014 "bubble" it would lookl the same as the one today.

>> No.25932376

Or maybe it's because you're a fucking retard that keeps posting squashed graphs?

>> No.25932386

>logged into coin base for the first time in 5 years
>multiple 0.5 Btc transactions for $100 worth of speed


>> No.25932471

thank you, I needed a buy signal among all the sell signals

>> No.25932533

Yeah, I had the mis-fortune of something similar. I think I actually had 100 btc back when BTC very first started. I sold some headphones or something for them on the forums. Sold when it was like $100 or something lol because it "shot up" and I was a broke student that needed money.

Oh well. Hindsight is 20/20.

>> No.25932599

this x100

>> No.25932605
File: 59 KB, 879x477, 299879087097dsffasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Write FUD article
>BTC Immediately starts mooning again

Urinalists BTFO

>> No.25932624
File: 33 KB, 900x600, bitcoin-lagarde-900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so that the monopoly money that are bitcoins don't enter into the real economy and become accountable for all the shady shit that they're doing

la garde is coming

>> No.25932666

I bought in some at 5k and tethered out at 32k; I figure it'll drop back to the 20k range at some point and I'll up my sat value on it. Meanwhile I'm just letting my few little ETH ride.

>> No.25932678

>Does he not understand using a currency is investing in the country/entity that prints it?
yeah but you aren't using it anon

>> No.25932681

Based and keyed

>> No.25932825
File: 260 KB, 1200x1600, 20200903_113503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is forex trading

>> No.25932827

>Monopoly money is now worth 35k per piece
I wanna play the kind of Monopoly you're playing

>> No.25932937

thank tether

>> No.25933140

Thank you Tether

>> No.25933622
File: 21 KB, 338x332, 1422415904757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure about that?

>> No.25933938

Predictions for when the bull trap ends ?

>> No.25934476

i know that feel. stop living in the past.
do what your future self will be grateful for, now.
problem solved, fren.

>> No.25934587

ids ove, bitcorn finshed

>> No.25934590

If you become the drug seller now you'll enjoy nice profits in some years then.

>> No.25934645

I wish I still owned some so I could sell it now that's at the peak

>> No.25934655

>directionality is the wildcard
wow thanks again for nothing, supreme ta overlords

>> No.25934720

Honestly -25% feels like 2017

>> No.25934737

I just use strike wallet and it's instant.

>> No.25934750

>taproot + LN
could you explain please?

>> No.25934805

Complex contracts on 2nd layer of bitcoin with added privacy for multisig wallets.

>> No.25934851
File: 2.19 MB, 4032x3024, 6F9FAB14-A68D-44D2-A647-E8ECC5164154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surely, though - this is it. Bitcoin is finally going to zero.

>> No.25934884

Boomers still control the media, whenever Bitcoin rises and dump a little they flex their media to shit on us because they are sad jelly fuckers, fuck them I say, what you say my friends? I guess some boomers are alright, think about those who stormed the beach of Normandy for freedom, though that generation is gone almost, the boomer generation after that were all spoiled bitches wanting everything handed to them and acting all entitled and shit, what you say friends, should we takeover the media once our shitcoins moon?

>> No.25935053

hopefully after I take profits at 38k

>> No.25935159

Unironically this will happen sooner than later.

>> No.25935321

Ur mom's

>> No.25935370
File: 43 KB, 280x758, squeeze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey friend here you chart from yesterday

>> No.25935797

The shilling is now conducted by global media outfits. Google some sentences and you will find links to the fud all over the net. Not selling. Get Rekt tranny.

>> No.25936474

He is being too nice comparing it to gold. More than half of all gold sold is used for real end consumption (eg jewelry and electronics) meanwhile Bitcoin meanwhile is almost solely used for speculation. The value is totally subjective and base on no use in the real world. It is practically fiat only worse, since fiat is enforced by government it is pretend money we have to use and so use it, but Bitcoin is solely based on some sort of collective delusion that 1s and 0s with a visual representation of a gold coin is money.