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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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25909940 No.25909940 [Reply] [Original]

Getting really tired of all of these bullshit FUD threads. Keep those grips strong, this thing hasn’t even started yet boys.

>> No.25909965


>> No.25910262

Post source pls! I wanted to bookmark it but i forgot.

>> No.25910632


>> No.25910782


>> No.25910871

2019-2021 look almost exactly like 2012-2013. Very interesting

>> No.25910919

A bulltard would say it's media attention
A beartard would say it's return to normal

An utter fucking idiot would say it's the first selloff

>> No.25911008

When red line goes into red shade, wait a couple weeks and gtfo. Until then, enjoy the ride.

>> No.25911321

Does this apply to alt coins aswell?

>> No.25911370

Not inherently, but when BTC starts a free fall, everything else is coming with it. At least that’s how it’s been up to this point, and I don’t see that changing soon.

>> No.25911425

So altseason should happen before red line goes into red shade then?

>> No.25911595

That’s what I’m betting on. Just tune out the FUD anon, this indicators taken away basically all my stress in this market.

>> No.25911616

>First sell off
First sell off was back in November, when it went from $20k to $16k. You got caught in a textbook bull trap, dumbo.

>> No.25911635

no, its after its reversed

>> No.25911675

what you don't realize is that people are selling entire wallets now. btc can change hands without any network activity. for example, i sold a hardwallet with 1btc on it last week for 39k.

>> No.25911677
File: 148 KB, 1080x1244, 1517369735837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While we are enduring the first correction of our massive bullrun, I've been trying to put together some signals that will help me determine when the price is nearing a top in its 4 year cycle.

At the moment I'm using the:

Rainbow chart - https://www.blockchaincenter.net/bitcoin-rainbow-chart/
Stock to flow - https://digitalik.net/btc
Mayer multiple - https://mayermultiple.info/
woobull - http://charts.woobull.com/
OPs thing - https://www.lookintobitcoin.com/charts/rhodl-ratio/

Does anyone else have suggestions of what they would use to help determine when a potential end of bull run top is approaching?

(I got these all from a bitcointalk thread except for OP's)

>> No.25911811

Where is it now or is that an updated chart?

>> No.25911830

where and how?

>> No.25911850

I sold a hard dick to your mom last week

>> No.25911880
File: 2.45 MB, 5757x8268, crtoak6l5r861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're dumb if you think BTC is leading the way and not the US Fed controlled stock market.

>> No.25912053

I like pi cycle top too.
Pic is a week or so old, but I posted a link above. Really hasn’t changed much. This is a macro indicator so there’s far less movement than most of the TA around here.

>> No.25912152
File: 400 KB, 1500x1000, wr43r5234rwer18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that makes no sense, how would the buyer have known you didnt have another private key? he would need to move it to another wallet to be sure. I am probably replying to bait but whatever

>> No.25912167

This time it's different, retard. Your meme hindsight charts don't work anymore.

>> No.25912179
File: 14 KB, 500x590, 1579221533831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25912214

No offence annon, but only the dumbest mother fucker on this planet would buy a prefilled bitcoin wallet. I think you're lying.

>> No.25912272

>this time it's different
>this is just the first correction
>rainbow chart, HODL!

I am going to laugh so hard when Tether rugpulls you and it takes a fat shit. If you didn't take profits at $40k you're a moron.