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File: 1.37 MB, 750x1334, 5AA317EA-96DC-4267-8A9D-7C90A2E2A118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25911521 No.25911521 [Reply] [Original]

This is why I can’t bring myself to invest in BTC

I’ll just fuck up and lose access to the wallet I have no matter how I store my coins I’ll fuck it up some how

So many people could be millionaires right now but they can’t access the coins they stored years ago

>> No.25911538

>heres what could happen to it
>absolutely fucking nothing
>thank you for reading

>> No.25911561
File: 235 KB, 750x881, 102C0D5E-A91C-446F-9659-F7CEC8123348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing bro, keep telling me that

>> No.25911569
File: 782 KB, 888x894, 06A7B8D5-6750-4CCC-8C1D-9BD560542095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmfao came here to post this

>> No.25911596

That's what he gets for using one of those meme encryption drives and not having a backup.

>> No.25911606

Works for ripple. Kek

>> No.25911608

What if you died in your sleep because you didn't reply to this post? What if you died anyway? What if the sun farts kinda hard and our whole civilisation collapses?

>> No.25911609

just use shamir sharing
but you are probably too retarded not to fuck that up either

>> No.25911749
File: 403 KB, 2048x2048, fye5iqhqkoa51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy on robinhood. No need to worry about passphrases and addresses or any of that bullshit.

For hodling btc it's the easiest way to go.

Obviously if you want to swing trade shitcoins then you'll need to put your big boy pants on and get some digital wallets set up and start using several different markets.

>> No.25911761

why not just store all private keys and wallet passwords in a password safe like Keepass? that way you only have to remember a single password. also, the added benefit is that password safe file can easily be backed up to the cloud.

>> No.25911777


>> No.25911796

He both owns and not
Schrodinger BTC

>> No.25911851

This can't be real. These are the people schizos trust their money with

>> No.25911867

fuck right off, robinhood?
not your wallet not your coins

>> No.25911892

Multisig wallets. Read up on them. They also ensure you can pass your Bitcoin down to others

>> No.25911928

Wow woah dude I had no idea! Thanks for telling me that.

I guess that means I made 100k using someone else's coins during the golden bullrun. Cashed out and everything. I'm thinking robinhood is even more based now.

They weren't even my coins, guys! Holy shit this is awesome.

>> No.25911957

you are a retard

>> No.25911991
File: 216 KB, 940x480, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is. Quite a spectacular one at that.

>> No.25912028
File: 13 KB, 209x241, descarga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Six figures using SOMEONE ELSE'S COINS.

>> No.25912071

Am I supposed to reply to this

>> No.25912524

>I’ll just fuck up and lose access to the wallet I have no matter how I store my coins I’ll fuck it up some how
use a custodial wallet then, or even better paypal, that way its impossible for you to fuckup since you are not actually owning any crypto with them, just an iou.
or wait for banks to offer holding your crypto for you.
its the exact opposite of what ur supposed to be doing with crypto but hey, banks exist for people like you.

>> No.25912623

I would buy on PayPal but unfortunately I’m in Australia and they don’t offer us Australian citizens the ability to do this.

The moment PayPal makes it available I will begin buying it there and holding it as a plan B retirement plan

>> No.25912729


>> No.25912842

Dont be idiot and lose your coins, also "cant access the coins" kek, boat accidents happen

>> No.25913015

Answer the question.

>> No.25913073

Bigbrain Coinbase Chad here

I keep all my BTC safely on Coinbase

>> No.25913102

parity bug, explain for a newfag

>> No.25913114

People don't know I hold crypto so I just keep the my key buried under a brick in my backyard and one in the middle of nowhere on the side of the road.

>> No.25913132

just dont be brainlet. losed coins are good because deflation. less coins in market

>> No.25913142



>> No.25913145

unless you're holding GRT or XRP. nothing will make those shitcoins move

>> No.25913216

I replied to this post to make sure that I don’t die in my sleep.

>> No.25914041

Just buy it on Cuckbase or BTC markets you worthless faggot

>> No.25914177


>> No.25914181

bro just buy a hardware wallet

>> No.25914235

Bullish if he fails the last 2 attempts.

>> No.25914286

bitcoin is a great filter. sadly it catches a few unfortunate souls. maybe one day they'll be able to get their funds with quantum computers, if they don't upgrade their keys or something

>> No.25914313


>> No.25914429

Don't be an absolute brainlet 60 IQ retard then. Problem solved.

>> No.25914453
File: 138 KB, 353x355, 1610464225046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Back to Plebbit

>> No.25914484

Spectacularly retarded. Please keep posting, this is gold.

>> No.25914658

Step 1: buy hardware wallet
Step 2: never EVER type in your seed phrase into a computer
The end.

>> No.25914843
File: 30 KB, 335x392, 1339865788492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just store it on coinbase with 2FA, retard.

>> No.25914897

What if I save it on a 20 years old computer never connected to the internet?

>> No.25914924
File: 195 KB, 462x540, signata-small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just store it in signata

keep your recovery passphrase safely stored offline, and set up 2 yubikeys

then you have to lose both the recovery passphrase _and_ your yubikeys before you'll totally lose access to your coins

>> No.25914962

>not having all passwords as "yourname123"

>> No.25914975

>So many people could be millionaires right now but they can’t access the coins they stored years ago
If you are so retarded you cant remember the login details to your account and email then you deserve to lose every penny. some people are just too fucking stupid to make it even if they were handed it

>> No.25915010

why the fuck do retards use these killswitches anyway? that's asking for trouble

>> No.25915013


>> No.25915059

they also fail to mention in the headline he's already made it with other wallets that he has access to.

it's better for himself to leave those coins unusable to further limit supply.

>> No.25915096

If it's 300m he could pay 50% bounty and get some researchers to quantum crack it or some shit.

>> No.25915161


>> No.25915376

i might be retarded, but couldn't he just clone the drive for unlimited re tries?

>> No.25915386

because they were retards

>> No.25915551

>it's better for himself to leave those coins unusable to further limit supply

>> No.25915584

Well fuck

>> No.25915814

bitcoin has a fixed supply

the less in circulation, the greater their value if they're still in demand