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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25909387 No.25909387 [Reply] [Original]

Damn bought some scamcoin rfyield after a random tip on /biz/, 1k now worth $50 the telegram got zapped not to mention the website was dodgy anyway. Just wondering why I can still trade it? I can currently swap what was originally worth 1eth for .02 eth. Does that mean someone is still buying it?

>> No.25909422

someone pooled and hasnt taken out liquidity


the rugger left a bit to tease u niggers

>> No.25909424

learn how uniswap works before you use it, retard

>> No.25909453

I shilled RFY like 2 weeks ago... why the hell were you still holding?

>> No.25909539

Which telegram ?

>> No.25909721

The rfyield telegram was made private

>> No.25909814

Thanks fren, that makes sense

>> No.25910119

I don’t know I was watching it drop just wanted to stick my head in the sand and see it to the end, it’s only 1k boys. Society should unironically rope scammers, of any stripe.

>> No.25910141

it means someone pulled all the liquidity out of the pool

>> No.25910156

>Never buy from anonymous teams
>Stick to cexes and top 30 coins
>Don't buy during a GBR even if you miss out, buy during a bear market and wait years
>keep adding to your stack from wages
>you'll make it

>> No.25910253

Sorry for being so new, but I’m trying to get my $25 and the button says “approve rfy” when I click it takes me to my MetaMask but there are no further prompts? I have my rfy linked and shows up in meta, not sure what to do next

>> No.25910276

R8 my stack?
>5k xrp
>5k Golem
>2k Algo
>.02 Btc

>> No.25910296

I’m not trolling, this is real

>> No.25910366

depends on your timeframe and outlook.
what you want them do?

>> No.25910434

>only 1k
bro how much do you have to hate money to buy these uniswap 'gems' bullcrap

>> No.25910590

> Only $1k.
Total stack worth about $7k

Kek shouldn't out that much into uniswap shitcoins
Good rule of thumb is never more than 1/10th of your stack
Also too many shitcoins, lose xrp, golem and BTC and put them into a midcap. Your stack will 5x at best, you need more than that

>> No.25910646

Honestly I can’t make my mind up, realistically in the long run as long as that money out performs the average superannuation fund I’m happy. At the same time I’m seeing all the mad gains you kings are making and would like to do some trading.

>> No.25910670

I’m a gambler and it didn’t pay off just went for a low info dice roll, I won’t make the same mistake again

>> No.25910815

Fair but 1k no much difference than 700 and I like whole numbers.
>sell the btc
Already sold 75% of it at the peak that’s just gonna sit there as insurance.
I want golem to moon so happy to let that chill there for years if it has to. I will have more money coming in so don’t mind letting that cook there.

>> No.25911408


>> No.25911577
File: 246 KB, 577x670, 1610520420618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m seeing all the mad gains you kings are making and would like to do some trading

Should we tell him?

>> No.25911702

Tell me what king? If there’s one thing I’ve learnt from /biz/ it’s that there are only newfags and the super wealthy they try to suck knowledge out of, like so many punks under the queensboro bridge.

>> No.25912662

That they don't trade, they are neets, they hold and so on.
Only small percentage of /biz/ made it or is in the process of making it.