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2590032 No.2590032 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not asking anyone to tell on themselves.
But if you've seen any "beneficial glitches" on your traditional banking platform, then what we are witnessing is some type of mass economic exploitation attack.
That will be the only thing that Satoshi has done that has impressed me.
And if it's who I think it is, it's quite noble for him to go out like that.

There's a heavy stakes game being played here. There are some serious punches about to be thrown.
I would be significantly richer if the algorithm was right about who it thought I was. But $150 is chump change. Probably enough to change someone's life though, especially if the algorithm wasn't just targeting me from a financial perspective.

I really want to reach out. I feel like I need layers around me. There's a lot of shit hitting the fan. Educate yourself /biz/


>> No.2590072

I just got like 9 of your bags. I hope that's enough.

>> No.2590079

OH... i'm laughing at people who . are holding bancor right now.

I have a nice tool that analyzes the market and ... yall are fucked.

>> No.2590089

Hey, op. What the heck are you talking about? Fill me in.

>> No.2590093

Oh I'm not holding the bags. I put them down every twenty minutes or so and then pick them back up and they're a little bigger each time.
I have a pretty nice tool too. It came with some attachments.

>> No.2590110

I am holding my 10k bnt comfortably without giving a fuck about anything. This shit is the easiest long term hold out there atm and I dont bother with arbitrage

>> No.2590111

>That will be the only thing that Satoshi has done that has impressed me.

The only thing? satoshi nakamoto is going to become one of the most influential people who ever lived,the full impact of what he created hasn't become apparent yet,with some lines of code hes created a tool to wipe out the worlds entire FIAT banking system.

>> No.2590117

It's kind of a stretchy hose, if you were wondering.

>> No.2590122

ill hold your bnt for you. dont worry child

>> No.2590127

in reality, you can double spend against traditional banks if you have a certain amount and buy coins from coinbase twice.

I bought $150 twice on the same day back to back pretty much. One charge went through, the other just came through today.
Now, I've actually lost money with coinbase. They ate $30 worth of ETH. When I saw $150 not get charged the second time, I thought it was some kind of glitch

>I'm a fucking idiot. probably some financial system lag shit I don't know about that they have plenty of caution against.

>> No.2590140

Just dumped my 13600 at like .012~. I'll take my 20% ETH gain and gtfo. If it goes lower I might buy back in, doesn't look good now though, volume is dropping and really bearish chart.

>> No.2590145

Bitcoin is just like limewire.
It's split up information shared across multiple computers and encrypted like Tor...
so what?

He won the fucking popularity contest.
Vitalik too. I knew there were going to be "floating ghost networks" a long ass time ago.

We've already had ad-hoc networks.
We just have the processing power and bandwidth now. that's the only thing that has changed.

>> No.2590160

A digital p2p money system was already envisioned at least 10 years prior to BTC ,its the fact that satoshi was the first to actually do it.

>> No.2590168

Yeah, because we can't run that kind of system on fucking windows95 shit...
so like I said.
I'm not fucking impressed.

I'm sick of the fucking idol worship.
I mean Jesus.
I'm literally about to bring something to life, and I know that this shit is "every day" shit in the big picture.
What the fuck is going on with people's thirst to worship people? People with fucking FREE TIME?!

>> No.2590174

You can hold it at 142. Then I'll pick them back up at 137, how's that sound?

>> No.2590231

settle down jessica

>> No.2590237

Shit, should've held until 143. I guess the buy should be 140ish then.

>> No.2590245
File: 6 KB, 195x259, bren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blockchan tech is profoundly more complex than Limewire.
>unimpressed by paradigm shifting creations from an anonymous enigma
Youre either retarded or schizophrenic

>> No.2590253

obviously schizophrenic.

>> No.2590268

>some lines


yes. unimpressed.

high functioning sixophrenic, thank you.

>> No.2590288

OP what the FUCK are you talking about, you are both intriguing me and scaring me at the same time.

>> No.2590299

I'm into it. There's a cool cyberpunk vibe going on.

>> No.2590416
File: 11 KB, 505x182, meh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if I have the patience for much more of this.

>> No.2590447


mentally ill people will fare very poorly in crypto over the medium to long term. most in the short term as well.

i guess it's good you're having fun or whatever, OP, but i hope for your family's sake that no-one is letting you play with real money.

>> No.2590564

I'd argue there is no such thing as real money. It's just like, a human invention man.

>> No.2590615


>> No.2590632

Become an inside by Beta testing the new Crypto Asset mobile application here: https://discord.gg/QTQhgZf

>> No.2590685

Mad man with 20k+ crypto here, buttblasted nocoiner

>> No.2590700
File: 128 KB, 1243x704, kim-jong-un-smoke-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't trust him. He has hacked rich north korean basketball players. And owns now 52k BTC. It's the mobile apps man, all went into potcoin

>> No.2590772

I think he's the same nocoiner autist that posts incoherent walls of text.