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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25893070 No.25893070 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.25893151


>> No.25893154

What happens on friday yo?

>> No.25893195

He's a nigger

>> No.25893288

he was to business as /biz/ is to investing

>> No.25893350

Hey go back to what ever whole you came from with your shit posting you fucking cuck

>> No.25893351

Your mother

>> No.25893444

This show is so fucking trash compared to The Sopranos.

>> No.25893461

I see a man without a country. Not hard enough for this right here and maybe, just maybe, not smart enough for them out there.

>> No.25893582

He was a niggactor.

>> No.25893955


>> No.25894030

He got out gangsta'd by the gangsta-est gangstas of all, politicians. He was a bad gansta and an average business man

>> No.25894214

he was too gangsta for business, and too business for gangsta


>> No.25894269

True and checked and based

>> No.25894483
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wagecuck print shop manager then got shot. he sucks.

>> No.25894799
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Checked, sopranos thread now

He never had the making of biness man if you ask me

>> No.25894942


>> No.25894959
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>etherium 2.0 whateva happened there

>> No.25894983

what makes you think they're separate concepts?

>> No.25895129

I'm not a businessman I'm a business, man.

>> No.25895172

is this that time splitter nigga from the latest movie that hit the cinemas a few months ago?

>> No.25895234


> Nigger shill thread


>> No.25895271

He aspired to be a businessman but never made it

>> No.25895281

i kek'd

>> No.25895378

he should've never had d'angelo killed

>> No.25895760

Whole entire point of the show is to ask if there is a difference.

There isn't.

>> No.25895939
File: 39 KB, 619x576, Wallace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wire is great once you get into it. At least the first few seasons.
Always felt bad for wallace. Poor guy

>> No.25896071

the difference is the IQ/race

>> No.25896130
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>> No.25896260
File: 490 KB, 250x188, fkmQCkS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the wire was unironically a great show and redpilled. it's even got the typical corrupt jew lawyer, corrupt nigger mayor, and none of the bullshit sjw messaging pervasive in modern tv. it ranks right next to the sopranos in terms of greatness, especially season 2.

>> No.25896301

Kek kys faggot

>> No.25896836

give him more credit

>> No.25896844

parallel universe he becomes Black Panther though

>> No.25896894

You were not paying attention, the 2 are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.25897742


>> No.25897955
File: 2.34 MB, 808x590, N closes the pool.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25897992

small time crook, real gangsters were the politicians. like my gramma used to say about her soap. operas "it's good because it's based on RL"

>> No.25898186

McNulty in the first season is a masterpiece. When he has the threesome and pays for it with the police departments money is utter hilarity.