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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 64 KB, 655x527, pepe asking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25881502 No.25881502 [Reply] [Original]

So I am thinking about buying a masternode. Probably on bitfinex. How many rewards are you getting now in xsn or us dollars from 1 masternode? It are just block rewards right, and afer dex launch you will get some fees?

Fudders stay out please

>> No.25881830

Depends on the price of XSN, currently you get 9 XSN every 36 hours roughly. When Hydra goes live then MN’s will make 90% of the trading fees from the DEX. Remaining 10% used to buy and burn XSN to reduce supply. If the DEX does $100M in daily volume then it generates $250k a day in fees, $225k goes to MN holders daily.

>> No.25882194

lol this scam partnered up with bitfinex tether scammers. xsn will be $0 EOY. its PROVEN scam just give up already.

>> No.25882239

im up 325% from entry last year, not counting masternode rewards, go fud somewhere else idiot, never fucking selling

>> No.25882294

Only smart move is to invest in the one true dex, blocknet

>> No.25882734

You want to be spoonfed anon?
Devs from other projects been attacking XSN everyday since it was 4 cents instead of making their own project better.
That's how good it is.

>> No.25883028

wait let me just download those 3 wallets and 10 gb blockchain data for my btc - dgb trade that I need block for to sell

If you want advice: Don't buy NEO on Binance, buy antshares on some chink exchange. Or for brainlets: don't wait for Bitfinex and buy it at two or three times this price, buy it on WhiteBit. They only ask for an email, no kyc, even none for burgers

>> No.25883036
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>Masternodes go brrrrrrrrr

want to know more, DYOR dipshit

>> No.25883169

>t. XSN-dev who currently selling XSN treasury coins on whiteBIT

A bitfinex announcement would usually take a low cap +200%, but for stakenet its only +25% i wonder why..
Could it be because you are busy offloading your bags on the buyers? You're about to exit scam, arent you?

>> No.25883266
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stay mad

>> No.25883425
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Yeah maybe not, Blockek Devs don’t seem that smart, selling their XSN at $0.08 just before it does a x5

>Blockeks rope
>Stakelords winning

>> No.25883504
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>> No.25883563
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>> No.25883633

I bet you the devs have been selling the coins OTC to Bitfinex for funding.

>> No.25883661

>t. poorfag who fell for fud and can't afford a whole masternode now

>> No.25883766

Best thing about nudes is that i will soon have 10th solely of off the rewards

>> No.25883927

price up 50% in a day, fudders go why not 250% loll

>> No.25883999
File: 131 KB, 750x421, 5E6AC355-C193-4F05-B984-27BCEEEE86EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blockcucks on suicide watch waiting for their entire blockchain to download

>> No.25884033

this guy is a glow nigger FBI bitch, he works for the DCC.

>> No.25884638

>posw scam
>live coin scam
>now about to trade on bitfinex which will close down on the 15th of january

it's like stakenet holders love taking it in the ass. literally. can't wait to see what the shills say after the 15th.

>> No.25884776

So this is the next block cuck fud

>> No.25884887

fud's getting worse and worse lol

>> No.25884943
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Take a look at the GitHub. No development is being done in months...

>> No.25884950

you've resorted to fud that has an expiration date in 3 days, absolutely pathetic

>> No.25884990

Because its closed source lol.

>> No.25885067
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Hmm not what X9 are saying.

>> No.25885138

imagine being this blind. you absolutely deserve to stay poor.

>> No.25885187

your screenshot literally says 12 days ago. besides the layer 2 dex is closed source, so blokkeks or Binance won't steal it. There is a github-updates channel in Discord though, which announces the commits from the non-public github. Moreover their dex software is in open beta and can be tested by anyone who joins Discord and downloads it

>> No.25885244

You can surely provide a source for what you're saying about Bitfinex right? riiight?

>> No.25885265
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Maybe it because they don’t intend on getting raped like the Blockeks did similar to Binance

>> No.25885314

you had three years to accumulate and you still missed it, get fucked kike

>> No.25885489

a source? haven't you been reading the bitfinex/tether threads the past week? why do you think the btc dump is happening.

>> No.25885809

yea you said it would close on January 15th. So please provide an official source proving that. Not shitty conspiracy threads

>> No.25885925
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Very credible much wow

>> No.25886074

Bitfinex and Tether are about to get REKT by the SEC. I don't think partnering up with Bitfinex right now was a good move.

>> No.25886225


>> No.25886247

how much xsn did somebody dump for the price to go to 15 cents for a second?

>> No.25886298

i fucking hate how i can only see like 50 trades on whitebit. cant see what happened at all

>> No.25886299

around 200k you lazy fuck.

>> No.25886347

where can you see that ?

>> No.25886356

KEK the dev just exit scammed and dumped 2 000 000 XSN on whitebit. the price went to 10 cents. Why do you guys always fall for these scams?

>> No.25886418

Wouldnt have happened with the one true dex, blocknet

>> No.25886448

go on whitebit 5 min chart for xsn/usdt
then look at volume for the red dildo

>> No.25886462

at least there is one sensible person on /biz/

>> No.25886478

man i should just have a buy in at 15 cents at stuff i want just in case a whale dumps.

>> No.25886489

it was 200k and it rebounded harder then you wife bouncing on my dick.

>> No.25886533

it also be the livecoin hackers using whitebit to cash out.

>> No.25886729

i've got btc transferring , in 3 short hours when it confirms i'll be dip buying!

>> No.25886818

i cant imagine how many people are jumping in joy, just doubled their money in 5 minutes

>> No.25886822

It's the same shitty tether story every year again. They will pass again and that's it. Retards always look for explanations for dumps and pumps even though it's just market action

>> No.25886886

daily reminder that you have to report every single transaction coming from staking shitcoins as income gains

>> No.25886905

i live in the netherlands so i dont actually

>> No.25886916

get your fact straight faggot. It was 100.000 USDT in XSN and bounced harder than your father in yo butt

>> No.25886965

Only if you stake and following that logic you shouldn't use defi at all, miss all that shitcoin flipping and stay a poorfag

>> No.25887050

get out of here with your shitty taxes, burger

>> No.25887536


>> No.25887623

Continuing the other thread here

At 0.4% buy+sell combined and 10.000.000 daily volume a masternode will yield 385$/month. 10 masternodes and you'll never have to work again with a normie lifestyle at just 10M volume. LinkSwap is at 4M after 6 weeks and they just kind of copied Uniswap

>> No.25887687

Hahahahahahaha get fucked amerifat, imagine paying crypto taxes

>> No.25888153

why didnt i just have a low ball order for a fourth masternode

>> No.25888176

Hi there, anon that you replied to here.
The fees aren't definite, but combined with block rewards and burning, MNs are a really fantastic investment. I've never heard of LinkSwap before lol
XSN/USDT pair has had $639,000 alone today. Obviously there was big news so that probably explains a lot of it, but I could really see this DEX being much much better than the alternatives, and hopefully as used as others.

>> No.25888377

Me either:(

>> No.25888520
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Daily reminder

>> No.25888722
File: 640 KB, 964x662, 6B77EF17-32E0-450E-9D56-B6A2EEA5BACA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I caught the dump had a low ball $5k buy order at $0.15. Got 33k XSN and it’s already worth $12600

>2 MNs and change for me
>Stakelords stay winning

>> No.25888810
File: 287 KB, 1002x373, 76462328389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, stakenet sounds like a great concept in theory, but at the end of the day there is just way too many red flags that supports the idea that this entire project is just a giant rug pull. They even previously exit scammed with POSW before renaming the entire thing to stakenet.. How gullible can you be?? just look at the price history on cmc, everytime theres a slight pump the devs start dumping on you guys. this board really needs a sticky that warns newcomers about projects like VIDT, BTT, Mobius, 0XMR, stakenet and more.. If you are reading this and are considering to buy XSN after todays bitfinex news, just google bitfinex + tether scam and thank me later.

>> No.25888833

why didnt they rugpull at 50 cents last year ?

>> No.25888841

Pretty weak fud Got anything else ?

>> No.25888904

Bunch of redditors tried to force it as /ourcoin/, during the PoSW ico phase of XSN there was a minimum requirement of 5 000 000 PoSW to enter the presale, which immediately following the exit scam got converted to XSN. Bunch of redditors from /r/AntifascistsofReddit pooled together their remaining XSN with the intent to dump it on their archenemies – the Bizraelis.

The coin continued to get shilled and pumped up and hyped for the beta dex release event. The stakenet team had a presentation in a room of like 14 people, and according to the one bizanon attending, Lorelei from Holochain was present and supposedely gave out millions of XSN coins to anybody willing to give her a foot rub. Several of the incels attending gave in, effectively placing them all amongst the top 50 XSN holders. Go ahead and check the explorer for yourself if you don’t believe me, they all received their coins on the exact same day from the same exact address. You think these simps are going to hodl for long? They are already siphoning their coins to BTC on the livecoin scam exchange. Again, all of this can be confirmed on the explorer by anybody with a keen eye for details, like myself.

The coin is HEAVILY manipulated and the supply is dried up from huge whales who got their coins for free, creating an artificially lower supply (a lot like LINK) and these people have so much room to dump on all of you faggots to still be in profit when the time comes

In regards to the actual project that Stakenet is aiming to achieve it's nothing more than a dollar store uniswap dapp for grandpa coins like BTC and LTC. infact it already exists within uniswaps tokenized coins wBTC/wLTC, literally making stakenets whole concept pointless. You're literally just buying a roadmap, they have only 2 developers with no proven background on either, in fact yankee Ruin X was previously the social media manager at XBY where he got caught swingtrading while manipulating the market with fake twitter news

>> No.25888911

congrats, you found the daily volume of the proof of concept demo. XSN/USDT alone has 624k on WhiteBit atm. BTC/LINK and more pairs on the dex will give glorious profits for masternode holders when Hydra arrives

>> No.25888914
File: 55 KB, 653x300, B24EC7CC-0123-4980-8639-E45B0D37A113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain how they exit scammed POSW when they coin swapped all POSW to XSN and have been working on XSN for the last 2 years.

That’s like the opposite of an exit scam retard.

>> No.25888925

Nice photoshop you have there, champ.
mom's gotta be proud somehow.

>> No.25888928

HAHA these gems again
Based Mike Rotch fudder

>> No.25888954

again, there is way too many red flags... keep asking for fud, this project has been debunked hundreds of times throughout the last couple of years.

>> No.25889014

the classic "exit scam but then give everybody you exit scammed something more valuable than what they originally had" scam

>> No.25889119

get fucked blockkek

>> No.25889161

That's why everybody should only use the one and only true dex, blocknet.

>> No.25889258

>literally says nothing about open source development
goal posts moving so fast I can't keep up lol

>> No.25889287

It's the same in most of Europe faggot. You dumb zoomers will learn about taxes when you cash out into real money.

>> No.25889300

thanks just sold 450k xsn and bought block so I can download 3 wallets and 26gb blockchain data to do a btc - dgb swap. Lucky me I bought that block, cause I need it to be able to sell something on blockkex

>> No.25889314

Hi Sirs, it is me, Raj.

I am new to this but have been given some money to promote the one true dex of blocknet.

You buy now yes? I need feed family

>> No.25889334

>I wasn't around in 2017, the post

>> No.25889385


>> No.25889423
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Yeah blockek devs are so smart market sell at $0.08 just before it x5, that’s some big smarts.

>> No.25889502

you sure are saving the masses from investment exposure - nice job saving bizraelis from making gains!

>> No.25889574

1 MN chad here, sorry it's too late to buy in. You've been priced out. Sorry bros.

>> No.25889602


look at the fud blocknet is getting from these guys. thats when you know you are sitting on
something truly special

>> No.25889622

Its rather embarrassing to publicly admit you dunno how to avoid taxes in europe ayyy

>> No.25889652

can i start a masternode with xsn stored on a ledger yet?

>> No.25889659
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Why do we have to keep talking about *ahem*BLOCKEDKEKS*ahem* in our XSN threads?


>> No.25889663

But you fudded XSN so guess that makes it special too


>> No.25889693

nope. you'll need the core wallet

>> No.25889702
File: 51 KB, 1024x1024, 9BFD711C-9168-40C2-B1A1-84DFDA694263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very true. You are 100% correct. Blocknet is a gem in this sea of poopoopeepee

>> No.25890258

then why isn't blocknet listed on bitfenix like XSN just was you filthy BlockKeks

>> No.25890273 [DELETED] 

What are your price targets? What's the roi on a MN with and without the dex?

>> No.25890377

$10 eoy

>> No.25890378

What are your price targets? Reasonable ones please

>> No.25890500

get a avax masternode instead.

>> No.25890510

Yeah, because it would take 30 minutes to go through and ultimately fail

>> No.25890624

Because it is a working product lol, unlike this piece of garbage. BLOCK 100$ EOY

>> No.25890704

whenever they try literally no one cares lol

>> No.25890726

clearly all the Blockkeks want to download each individual wallet and a 10 gig file for a chain to chain transfers

>> No.25890767

LMAO, buy BTC, bundle, buy USD or w/e you like with an insane amount of money, send to a bank in Maldive/Russia/south africa w/e you like, they dont ask questions - problem solved.

I see that you are new to this game, Tax is for wagecucks, newfag

>> No.25890854

this is what they're smug about
>locally host 3 blockchains
>wait however long the on-chain confirmations take on every chain

>> No.25890918

clearly the blockkeks haven't seen the video of instant swaps on L2.... want to enlighten them?

>> No.25890954


>> No.25890983

Please enlighten me faggot

>> No.25891071
File: 351 KB, 750x1131, B36352E5-1221-4E2D-998D-E2C0F4C49DCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s it? Wow it’s fuckin nothing.
We’re up next on listing on Bitifnex niggers

>> No.25891106

see >>25890954

>> No.25891209

Hahaha good luck paying the million $ listing fee

>> No.25891256

hahahah dying, gr8 photoshop dude. This shit has been around for ages.

>> No.25891273

Lel do you have nothing. Seethe poor

>> No.25891315

already payed you peanut!

>> No.25891415

Checked and based

>> No.25891433

I meant for blockeks to get listed on Bitfinex. Never going to happen unless they got a spare million $ for listing along with $500k+ for liquidity on both sides of each trading pair.

>> No.25891594

Fukin easy mate we blockcucks will prositiute our wives and sell our boipussies to make fund it! Never underestimate the POWER OF THE KEKS!!

>> No.25891660

rule of thumb: the more the replies one tread/coin has the better it is

>> No.25891691
File: 74 KB, 1080x315, Screenshot_20210112-185300_Discord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5$ End of Q1
10$ End of Q2

>> No.25891734

wow admitting to prositution

>> No.25891932

Can’t wait to see how expensive those BTC/ETH swaps are and how long they take on block dx

>> No.25892049

im thinking uniswap plus a .5% fee

>> No.25892111

L2 was ALWAYS part of the blocknet dex. Stakenet even copied hydra from the blocknet roadmap. WHAT A BUNCH OF LOSER SCAMMERS

>> No.25892235

>Blocknet doesn't steal from XSN
LMAO newfag

>> No.25892270


>> No.25892328

So already proven un-scalable by Uniswap but hey let’s copy that anyway.

>> No.25892383

L2 in Blockkekland means:
Loosers n Liars.

Now go and make your own thread.

>> No.25892741
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>> No.25892877

sounds about right because L1 bullshit

>> No.25892934
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>> No.25893182

Yo, Can we get some of that fake tether mint and pump before th 15th?

>> No.25893193


>> No.25893280

lol Paolo gonna come out of that on the 15th laughing all the way to the tether printer to run off another billion to pump XSN into the top 20 on the 19th.

>> No.25893689


>> No.25893705

ok i just got my 5th and last node. im finally fucking done buying.. average for #4 and #5 was a bit high but cant complain.

I've probably written 200+ fud posts in stakenet threads the last month, kek. Not gonna hate on other fudders still trying to accumulate, i wish you all the best of luck.

$5 pre-hydra and god knows where this thing is going when hydra is released.. $100 wouldnt surprise me.

>> No.25893735

Thus proving the point that scammers doing business with scammers and youre paying for it and losing your money!!!

>> No.25893796

Are you the fudder with the block of crazy text?

>> No.25893807
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>> No.25893895

Nice anti fud buddy you’re not gonna trick them that easily!

>> No.25894095
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>> No.25894183

You've had THREE YEARS and we've been spoonfeeding you every day

>> No.25894244

Buy coin get rich in 12 months.

>> No.25894500

I want to swap my LTC and ETH into XSN but I feel like the price may drop soon with the "sell the news" side of it. What do we think?