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File: 4 KB, 225x225, scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25877655 No.25877655 [Reply] [Original]

Proof: https://www.nytimes.com/2000/03/06/nyregion/metro-news-briefs-connecticut-teenager-is-accused-of-sales-fraud-on-internet.html

A teenager was arrested after he sold more than $6,000 worth of items on an Internet auction site but never delivered them, the police said.

"...Web site where buyers and sellers exchange bids, and took payments from 13 people but never delivered the goods."

He was known for stealing money and scamming people (Since he was a child)
Should I put my money in this shit hole? Not even in my second life.

Hang Kevin and his paid pajeet shillers on biz.

>> No.25877708

are you still seething because your cex shitcoin is dumping?

>> No.25877743

straight facts to warn people.
straight facts, nothing more.

>> No.25877931

fucking keke its real

>> No.25877962
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yep, they really thought they can hide it.
"Never mess with the wrong people"

>> No.25878149

opportunistic mentallity is what got him into crypto

>> No.25878334

I don't think it is the same person

>> No.25878354

chainlink levels of FUD. cant believe how rich im gonna be. you will NEVER get in at the price you want.

>> No.25878384
File: 369 KB, 800x1301, LCX_vs_FTX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So glad I chose LCX instead, super comfy hold. They just burned 3.1 million tokens as well. Bullish like a cat indeed. PAJEET DEVS ARE THE BEST lets fucking goooooo

>> No.25878426

CEO is Kevin Murcko from New York.
Article is about Kevin Murcko from NewYork.

He was 19 in 2000 -> So he is 39 today.

Do you want more facts? Panjeet

>> No.25878437

kek wtf

>> No.25878441

As long as kevin scams normies again, I am ok with it

>> No.25878449

They're even the same age. 90% same person

>> No.25878452

hes 40+
also he never lived in new york

>> No.25878479

he is born in new york.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA you can't be serious now.

>> No.25878486

>So glad I chose LCX instead
its dumping as we speak

>> No.25878544


Bruh that's actually quite devastating.

>> No.25878635
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Also look at Arrington (the person also accusing Monty of being a scammer). Rape/physical abuse, SEC subpoenas, Ex-friend Calcanis lawsuit. Forrest Chen exit scam $CNN, Best friend Yi Si is also a scammer for OCN

Just fucking lol this just keeps getting better and better.

>> No.25878703


now you're trying to downplay his criminal acts with comparisons. please hang yourself today

>> No.25878803

Hahaha, what the actual fuck. It's really him.

Murcko is a really rare and strange surname in the English-speaking word, so it's no coincidence. He matches the age too.

>> No.25878912
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Re-read the post retard

>> No.25878986

now you're trying to downplay his criminal acts with comparisons. please hang yourself today

>> No.25879015

This is not "Chainlink levels of FUD". Sergay has never been charged with such crap.

>> No.25879051

>$200bn exited crypto market in total
"LCX is dumping though"

lol still up 2x and buying more every dip kys, this pic remains unfuddable to this day >>25878384

>> No.25879143

I'm defending Monty you low IQ street shitting fuck

>> No.25879202
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you are my brosa?

>> No.25879250


>> No.25879288


60k Arms dealer reporting in

>> No.25879321

>the jokes on you I’m still up $300 never selling

>> No.25879328

you should keep making these threads, the price of xcm keeps going up when you do. unlike lcx which i know you hold

>> No.25879378

cant open that from germany. can you?
but rn he went to estonia for illegal activities

>> No.25879452
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>> No.25879486

thanks for clarifying. its 1000000000000% him.

>> No.25879515

reminds me of QuadrigaCX, the two founders were known scammers before they started the exchange. This was known for well over a year before they went bust, but retards still insisted they were legit.
Once a scammer, always a scammer

>> No.25879818

But if a Scammer can run a successful scam and can continue with it on and on, why should he ran away?
Yes, I'm aware that 75 to 90% of the ideas from coinmetro are stolen.

>> No.25879863

You know an awful lot about Kevin don't you and you sit on the CoinMetro telegram to get this link.

What a sad little boy. You didn't get your XCM at the price you wanted. Only option is to buy now to bring some light into your sad little life.

>> No.25879916

But what’s the proof the ceo was from New York?

>> No.25879930
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>> No.25879965

this guy is from floria.
kevin murcko is from new york. the article is in the nytimes.

are you acting retarded or what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.25879995

Okay, guys.. Apparently there's really more than one Kevin Murcko.

Looks like this "OWNER at INTERIORS & EXTERIORS" from Greater New York City Area could be the actual thief from the article.


>> No.25880058


>> No.25880078

As a CoinMetro employee you should ask him.
If he lies to you, leave your job. simple

>> No.25880091

>Because he's currently in Florida he was in Florida 21 years ago

>> No.25880153

Kevin Murcko from Florida is old. The one from New York must be around 40.

>> No.25880170

Nevermind, it's him. He just admitted that on telegram.

>> No.25880185


the other guy is 59 years old and has had a company since 1984. the news says he was 19 years old in 2000, so it's not true. now the rope is getting pretty tight, just hang yourself

>> No.25880199

LMAO, he did?

>> No.25880223

screenshot plz

>> No.25880243


>> No.25880287

Hahaha, this is so comical.

>> No.25880320
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>> No.25880357

>"accused of"
Go back peddling your hitlercoin

>> No.25880411

nice bought another 100k XCM

>> No.25880433

Literal one man army lmao

>> No.25880503


>> No.25880536


this is from 2019 lmao

this is from 2021:

>> No.25880538


>> No.25880573

He's also the owner of an online Forex broker...

>> No.25880691

It was a droppshipping setup and no charges in the end. Fud...

>> No.25880698


>> No.25880764

And OP's article is from 2000 without a follow up story so there you go.

>> No.25881078


are you mad now?
that was my mission.
making you mad.

just dont fuck with talented fudders. they can destroy your company.

>> No.25881368
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>> No.25881401

Fuck off samefag

>> No.25881433

78k here.

>> No.25881475


>> No.25881637

why is he stuttering?
nervous boy wont make it.

>> No.25881776
File: 1.29 MB, 480x270, 1610391519449.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25881860

imagine ur CEO hanging out on 4chan and replying to fudders.
your boy wont make it

>> No.25881862

Do you move goalposts for a living?

>> No.25882220


>> No.25882270

shit sold

>> No.25882337

Wait to see the leaks a about CoinMetro - Parsiq Hack...
Spoiler : It was orchestrated

>> No.25882471
File: 37 KB, 557x605, 1d95f429c16fe617af7733e89e9bf556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you share us the infos?

>> No.25882533

What makes Kevin Murcko such a vile and disgusting scum bag is not just that he is scamming the hard working people of this board out of their money but the fact that he is doing it in an utterly sadistic way. Unlike the average rug pull this is a bit more advanced to fuel his ridiculous ego. You see, typically a rug pull is quick, everyone buys in and BAM they take the money and run but this sick fuck Murcko has taken it to another level. After securing millions in the ICO he and his team of low lifes began working to deliver a functioning product instead of just taking off with the cash right away, this acts as a honeypot to bring in more and more clueless fools who will spend their money and even go so far as to USE this EXCHANGE. To cover their bases they've even been providing customer support with staff responding within MINUTES all to create the illusion of a real cryptocurrency exchange. But they haven't fooled me, because I know where this long con is headed. Now that the price of XCM is up and volumes are increasing on this fucking scam exchange Murcko has even brought on some big angel investors aka IDIOTS who he is TRICKING into increasing liquidity on his scam exchange. Once this happens, well, the scam is all but complete. According to Coinmetro's SCAM roadmap they will continue to grow and allow people to deposit and withdraw crypto assets with minimal fees while Kevin The SCAM Murcko lives off the money he makes from this prosperous and profitable community. A classic fucking scam and he honestly almost got away with it.

>> No.25882630


>> No.25883132

So? This is not an argument against CM, if he manages to grow CM then why should he exit? The people who bought low will also profit. Classic ponzi, yes. But outright scam, no.

>> No.25883198

i hold PRQ
should i be worried?

>> No.25883404
File: 134 KB, 844x1024, 20210106_012339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahahaha thank u, based op

>> No.25883442

incredibly based OP

>> No.25883656
File: 186 KB, 640x640, tenor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The greatest larp to ever exist

>> No.25883991
File: 24 KB, 352x264, rsts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this had me rolling on the floor
please add more things to it, like the STO thing and the part about listing gems
something like
"and they also make the effort to only list gems to trick people to think they are legit and care about them making money" im not good at this but you get what i mean

>> No.25884565

Regardless of how you feel about Coinmetro you have to admit it's pretty based for the CEO to immediately address something like this via voicemail to tell his side of the story
He could have ignored it and waited for most to forget about it, or lied and say it wasn't him, or gave some suspicious 'official' response clearly guided by a legal rep, like most CEOs would do in this situation
But instead he was instant and candid, and gave a reasonable explanation for the matter, directly from his mouth. Great indication of honesty

>> No.25884769
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>> No.25884822

turns out op was actually trying to show everyone how legit kevin is, wow how nobel >>25882630

>> No.25884976

>I resolved the situation
What the fuck does that mean? Did they get the money back or not?

>> No.25885101

>staff responding within MINUTES all to create the illusion of a real cryptocurrency exchange. But they haven't fooled me, because I know where this long con is he
Based and probably british.

>> No.25885432

well not really. just shows he is chilling here all day instead of working on his product.
0 code commits, project is dead

>> No.25886436
File: 9 KB, 250x187, 1609890348806s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25886523

you BORE me

>> No.25886803

respect meXD

>> No.25887589

your shitcoin dumping so hard

>> No.25887945

bump so more can people see it

>> No.25888546

>6 grand
Are you serious? That's less than 2 months of bills and rent.

>> No.25888621

based i don't give a fuck, they have the best/fastest service and if you don't move your crypto off exchange instantly you are ngmi anyway.

>> No.25889134

about his mentality, not the money.