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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25875124 No.25875124 [Reply] [Original]

Opened at $35K with 3x leverage, liq price $38K. it's getting there in 6 hours tops.

>> No.25875151

>Opened at $35K with 3x leverage, liq price >$38K. it's getting there in 6 hours tops.

ive sold half my link stack because i also feel it coming.

>> No.25875155


>> No.25875168

>6 hours
If it doesn't go to $29k by then OP is a nigger faggot

>> No.25875177

I'm buying. You guys are degenerate morons.

>> No.25875201

I bet none of you faggots were here during the 2017/2018 run. But sure, keep spamming your TA magic bullshit, hoping you didn't become permanently priced out, when you sold at 30k. (newsflash: you did).

>> No.25875204

If it does go to $29k then I take back what I said about OP and he is based

>> No.25875209

if this shit doesn't come back to 35k it's over

>> No.25875216

H&S doesn't have a higher right shoulder (because that indicates increasing interest, not decreasing interest). It should be even or lower than the left shoulder

>> No.25875249

You're a moron too. Imagine infinite money printing coming out of the fed and you retards think BTC will crash. Holy fk KYS

>> No.25875251

Thanks for the tip dude.

Appreciate yah.

>> No.25875279

Ok Norman.

>> No.25875322

you're fighting against people who bought all the way in march and are already around 10x, are you this fucking delusional?

>> No.25875346

Buy btcdown, 40% daily profit guaranteed.

>> No.25875368

were the fucking people who bought you dumb nigger. there is no pressure in corrections, and it is going to go UP

>> No.25875370

Sell sell sell. It'll drop to 28k before climbing again

>> No.25875375

Of all the retarded things people say on here 'priced out' might just be the most retarded. Like if I sell at $30k then buy back in before the 'golden bull run' (lol) to 100k then all I missed was that 12% or whatever in between. It's not magically impossible for me to buy more bitcoin because the price went up, you retarded child.

>> No.25875376

I've held for longer. I'm smarter, richer, and better looking then you. You guys are morons and should be very appreciative I even took the time to reply to this thread.

>> No.25875450

You sound so insecure anon
Are you okay?

>> No.25875458

psst, kid. wanna see how it goes to 19k?

>> No.25875497

Keep shorting and day trading like a poor pleb. You're getting nowhere and we all know it.

>> No.25875604

Please go back up I’ll never cuss again

>> No.25875921

its not impossible but if you are on an american exchange you will be fucked by uncle sam and his trickery

>> No.25876081

No, you won't. I know you're 12 and don't understand taxes, but maybe try to even pretend to learn about something instead of blindly parroting shit you read here from other 12 year olds.

>> No.25876153 [DELETED] 

>Uncle sam
No the IRS does not give a fuck. Do you know how many people actually pay crypto taxes?

>> No.25876299


>> No.25876371
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i wish i was 12, dumb nigger.

>> No.25876394
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>> No.25876572

It's not going down anymore, looks like you tips does not work bobo sans..

>> No.25876661

Keep listening to this jackoff, and you can be as poor as OP

>> No.25876662

What do you mean not going down. This is perfect H&S rn

>> No.25876714

I see BTX at 21k 3 days from now
Screencap this

>> No.25876753

I mean it's going up now

>> No.25876786

Are you trading on 1min candles?

>> No.25876831

5 and 15 minutes. Going up on both. I'm wrong?

>> No.25876850

Cope harder

>> No.25876954

You're 12 and always will be. Fodder...

>> No.25876994

Those are two different people posting about two entirely different things, you fucking retard.

>> No.25877016
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There's that buy signal

>> No.25877018

wishful thinking. enjoy your liquidation

>> No.25877038

absolute pajeetery

>> No.25877059

This only validates if it broke down the neckline. You set your short in the next bounce into the neckline.

>> No.25877121

you are so fucking dumb. what the fuck is actually wrong with you. jesus H christ shut the fuck up

>> No.25877125


>> No.25877207
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could also be like this

>> No.25877454
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HODL is for poorfags who cant trade both ways.

You're so degenerate that you can't even analyze memelines.

>> No.25877608

> Actual trader that accepts being a slave to the market

You will make it anon.

>> No.25877704

You guys know that TA is absolute BS and not a single serious invested draws stupid lines and checks for patterns right? It’s a made up concept to lure you into thinking you could „understand“ the market. If you fell for this shit it‘s time to face reality.

>> No.25877862

> lost money trading because mentally challenged
> thinks he is smarter than everybody else
> classic case of illusory superiority

>> No.25878032

name 1 (one) wealthy person that uses TA for fucking anything. You won't find these idiots at wall street but you probably don't know that.

>> No.25878130

doesnt matter what strat you use as long as you have proper risk management

>> No.25878186

When do I buy in bros?

>> No.25878189

> The kid went from 10k to 2million in 10 months
> Didn't use risk management but whatever

Have fun "investing" in a market that shits 30% on you intraday.

>> No.25879352


>> No.25879466

You're like a wind-up doll that just spouts enraged cliches eh? Are you suggesting it wasn't 2 different people talking about 2 different things? I'm of course assuming you thought about anything at all before mashing that iphone screen, you soulless husk.

>> No.25879573

You blind? Look at the twitter link. @Warobusiness

>> No.25879641
File: 16 KB, 632x734, wo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at $35k
>3x leverage
>>>>>>>>liq price $38K
yeah ok dude i believe you

>> No.25879656

> The kid went from 10k to 2million in 10 months

Hahahaha holy fuck anyone anywhere believes that? After all these years the depth of human stupidity never ceases to amaze me. Have you paid for his super secret inside info trading lessons yet?

Thanks for the money btw lol. Part of me resents people like you but ultimately I have to love you because you make succeeding in life so easy lol

>> No.25879749

TA is so stupid. If you change the timescale and look hard enough you can find any pattern you want

>> No.25879760

Yep. Another bobo offering up his liquidity to greyscale

>> No.25880074


No offense but Waro is a classic 4chan NEET on the spectrum. He is shilling nothing and still lives with his parents.

Dude is legit AF. You just cant cope with the reality that some people can manage risk and be profitable.

>> No.25880133

That liq price would be like 45k. With that liq it would be more like 10x leverage.

>> No.25880167

LOL. Jesus christ kid. I'll let you in on a little secret: he's lying. In fact, most people who want your money/attention/time are lying. I hope this doesn't shake your 5 year old worldview to the core.

10k to 500 million in only 4 days!!1!1! Again, thanks for the money.

>> No.25880172

it's kinda memey when applied to crypto markets but identifying bear/bull flags and pennants is something everyone needs to know desu.

>> No.25880219


>> No.25880230

president xi is the best! and so is biden! black lives matter!

>> No.25880343

Nice Meme lines

>> No.25880370

that's not a h&s kek, not even close

>> No.25880506
File: 18 KB, 361x393, fuckyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know that you don't need to be 100% accurate to be profitable, right?
You know what a win rate is and you can have an edge in the market?
You're a based hodlcuck. My portfolio is not huge but grew 1500%.

>> No.25880561

You'll notice I didn't say anything about my strategies for trading, or this twitter guys strategies. I merely pointed out how ass lickingly stupid you are, kid.

You don't need to share further 'thoughts' of yours with me (not that you've ever had one in your life), it might as well Bea dog barking at me. Fodder...

>> No.25880613


If meme lines were real, quant firms with computer vision/machine learning models would train models to identify these patterns using billions of historical data points, and trillions of computations, to predict these patterns with a degree of accuracy your emotional, biased, small, monkey brain can't even comprehend. And they would exploit these patterns to such a degree, that they would front-run you at every step. But whatever man, keep believing in santa if that makes you happy. More dumb money in the game.

>> No.25880654

Please cope harder.

>> No.25880705

Shhh don't tell him.

>> No.25880735

> Literally the definition of algorithmic trading
> Thinks the market is 100% efficient


>> No.25880857

'It's not whether you're right or wrong, but how much money you make when you're right and how much you lose when you're wrong.' — George Soros

>> No.25880861

Lmao, you don't even need computer vision, any "pattern" can be expressed mathematically, it's just easier for our monkey brains to abstract into images.
What you are saying is literally being for at least 3 decades now.

>> No.25880866

> He made some valid points about my retarded worldview?
> BEGIN NPC SCRIPT (wheel spins as cuck, seethe and ok boomer spin past)
> cope
You're literally not even human. Go worship some salesman on twitter.

>> No.25880888


>> No.25880997

OP just got his cheeks clapped

>> No.25881013

this, all the good entries for shorts are long gone, bad r/r here

>> No.25881063
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>le money printer brrr

>> No.25881107
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So we just gonna ignore the higher lows and rebounding RSI? kek

>> No.25881145
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ethbtc also pumping, looks like shitcoin ATH is more likely

>> No.25881188

shitcoins going ballistic actually would make me more nervous because that would mirror january 2018.

>> No.25881223
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uh oh bobros
I don't feel so good

>> No.25881271

>pattern isn't even completed
surely i will sell here
/biz/ TA 101
>doing TA on hourly candles

>> No.25881328 [DELETED] 

> Not realizing I've got nothing to prove
> Not realizing I'm profitable without resources
> Keeps spewing gibberish based nonsense

Fuck off please.

>> No.25881454

> Not realizing I've got nothing to prove
> Not realizing I'm profitable without resources
> Keeps spewing gibberish based nonsense

Fuck off please. You won't make it anon.

>> No.25881523

A 'living', breathing caricature.

>> No.25881623
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> Thinks he is winning this discussion

>> No.25881654

> I posted a picture from a childrens cartoon so I win!!

Nobody wins here, retard.

>> No.25881657


>> No.25881814

Every transaction is fully taxed.
Which means if a single trade goes south and you end up in red, you will have to sell your stack to pay taxes for prior trades.

>> No.25881849

hey anon put a stoploss

>> No.25882571

Let me tell you a little secret.

You can mimic your portfolio with leverage on a non-KYC exchange.

>> No.25882649

same her also 3x, but with my yolo money from my big profiteerrssss bitchaaas

>> No.25882876

they do but if 90+% of the market is waiting for the drop will it come? being efficiency like that has diminishing returns to the point of hilarity in basically reverse self fulfilling prophecy.

>> No.25883108
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>> No.25883233
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I'm up 9500% just by hodling. You're not Wolf of Wall Street, you're a retard who will eventually get burned.

>> No.25883334
File: 488 KB, 1840x985, kkk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yes, the family of reversed whale charts!
Here you can see the whale rising up on the edge of it's own death, supported by it's own squirting blood.

It's the Dying whale pattern, very common one.

>> No.25884059 [DELETED] 

I never claim to be but that is ok for me.

Have fun hodling the next 3 year bear all the way down. Been there done that. This won’t happen to me ever again. My gains are realized.

>> No.25884142

bitch you have zero gains stfu lol

>> No.25884155

I never claimed to be but that is ok for me.

Have fun hodling the next 3 year bear all the way down. Been there done that. Won’t happen to me ever again.

My gains are 100% realized and at max 1% risk per trade. You do you and me do me.

>> No.25884384

>BTC ROI 65,472,865%
>ETH ROI 151,636%
>implying I'm gonna hold another 3 years and not sell the top and buy the bottom of the next bear market
The retard got triggered. Have fun getting rekt by the most volatile market in the world, moron.

>> No.25884444

Nah, it's pretty fucking useful for the exact timing, i.e. you don't open position (or you do) when there's a retracement incoming or previous tops/bottoms and so on. Just don't overdo it. Keep it simple, just basics.

>> No.25884547 [DELETED] 

> ROI of what, the first BTC sold? lmao
> So you’re timing the market? Difference?
> Doesn’t comprehend volatility is a traders wet dream.

How anyone can be so based is beyond me.

>> No.25884662
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>ruled by his ptsd having learned nothing the experience
>thinks it will crash after the first of many 1-2 month sell offs right after a halvening
See ya at 42k tonight

>> No.25884748

Even I have opened short at 35K and at 5x leverage my liquidation price is 40K$.Anon is lying

>> No.25884758

You're gonna get rekt. We're going to 50k frens

>> No.25884800


>> No.25884811

¢12k EOY

>> No.25884814


> ROI of what, the first BTC sold? lmao
> So you’re timing the market? Difference?
> Doesn’t comprehend volatility is a traders wet dream.

How you can be so retarded is beyond me.

>> No.25885037
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You are literally black

>> No.25885279

Prefer Jewish. At least they understand how to make money instead of having lots of hopium.

>> No.25885703

>hodl is a meme
>just trade like me
>lunch money
every. fucking. time.

>> No.25886271


>> No.25886410

> made me laugh 10/10 for humour
> hodling is ok but don’t get rugged
> this only three months be kind pls

By the way you guys know you can trade with BTC as collateral, right?

>> No.25887101

shitcoins are ballistic. im up 50% because i went all in on zec this weekend. i dont even know what zec is, just saw it movin