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25879176 No.25879176 [Reply] [Original]

Watch how he destroyed IOTA:


>> No.25879204

you don't need to be 200 iq to know IOTA is crap

>> No.25879414

he may be right but equally you cannot trust an old gothfaggot who wears jewelry past the age of 20

>> No.25879570


>> No.25879673

Pajeet scammer car salesman posing as a billionaire

>> No.25879802

This. But he's still pretty damn smart I gotta give him that.

>> No.25880068

I guess you'll have to be smart to be a con artist

>> No.25880145

let me tell you, I was working in the space around them and EVERY HAD 0 RESPECT FOR IOTA.


>> No.25880148
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> runs a literal get-rich-quick scam EXPLICITYLY aimed at retards
> less convincing attempt at looking rich than Tai 'here in my garage' Lopez

>> No.25880198

Elaborate. There are multi-billion dollar conglomerates working with IOTA at this moment.

>> No.25880209

If you think Richard has an IQ of 200 then you must have an IQ similar to that of an ice-cream.

>> No.25880220

smartest guy in crypto but it isn't hard to destroy iota. nobody even tries to debate richard heart anymore it's pretty funny. how can you not want to be behind his coin? its obviously very well designed and seems to be working just fine despite a fuckload of haters

>> No.25880250

that heroin junkie made up coin? no thanks

>> No.25880309

Who took heroin? The lead dev? Got any proof?

>> No.25880374

I was pretty skeptical of HEX at first but hard to deny Richard makes a lot of really compelling arguments. I watched some of his debates with Bitcoin maxis thinking maybe they could debunk his points but instead he curbstomped everyone who steps to him and now nobody is willing to debate him. They just call him a scammer without ever making an argument.

I really would like to hear some smart criticism of HEX but a year in there hasn't been any

>> No.25880496
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if you onboard to quickly, often times it's the wrong ship. even better: it's a wooden door which sinks you when you try to float on it.

>> No.25880595
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>smart criticism of HEX
It's backed by nothing, The only value that it has is "number go up" and Richard is always talking about how it's the best performing asset.. this combined with BIGPAYDAY are classic signs of a Ponzi scheme. This is literally just another Bitconnect but instead of being Pyramid shaped it's Ponzi shaped. I would unironically trust my money more with Bernie Madoff than Richard Heart

>In before "muh certificate of deposit"

>> No.25880675
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Even Carlos Matos had better arguments than this scamer. Pajeet-level FUD, no sources only lies to funnel money into his own pockets

>> No.25880695

yea it tells you all you need to know about hex. it also tells you all you need to know about people. they are jealous and ego-driven. nobody likes getting embarrassed on livestream lol. i have a bag of hex there's no way i'm not getting behind something richard does. his arguments about crypto and hex are just too solid and he's just too fuckin smart lol

>> No.25880746

what are your favorite cryptos backed by? what is bitcoin backed by? this is exactly what me and the guy i'm talking with in this thread are talking about. hex criticisms are so low effort and low iq it's hard to not be bullish on hex

>> No.25880789

Bitcoin is backed by the network of miners.

>> No.25880913

The music is too loud.

>> No.25880914

durrrrrrr how do you think the ethereum network(hex is built on top of it) is backed? see its people like you with room temp iq's that are the loudest hex haters. its sad really. so you mean all my bitcoin is safe with all those chinks that have all the mining centralized in china?!?!? wow you are a next level thinker anon

>> No.25880960

>what are your favorite cryptos backed by? what is bitcoin backed by?
Value is derived by that assets community and how many people are willing to pay for that asset. Platforms that are building cutting edge technology that are also revolutionary hold value as people can deploy decentralised applications on those networks and their value is derived from their usecase and community. Hex has no usecase or community, its nothing more than a poorly written ERC20 token with an Astroturfed community of paid shills. HEX has no value as it has no use case or real community.

>> No.25881166

community of paid shills lmao. you people just really pull shit out of your ass thinking nobody will actually look into so you can continue to spread lies. and no dumbfuck value isn't derived by an assets community. that's the dumbest thing i've ever heard. hex is one of the few cryptos that actually DOES have a usecase. it functions like a cd on the blockchain. so you make interest by deferring time. oh and it's also had 100% uptime, zero bugs, up 11000% on the 365 day chart, and has 3 audits. see this is what i'm talking about with hex haters they are truly the dumbest mfers on /biz/ and thats quite the accomplishment

>> No.25881409

Hex has no community. You are all either fucking retards that have been roped into a scam or paid shills. Go over to plebbit and compare it's community to something like that of Vertcoin which is a total piece of shit nothing coin. Vertcoin has x50 the amount of active posters and community members than HEX. You are a fucking joke when your community is less active than Vertcoin

>> No.25881467

Yes I'm with you, one would have to be pretty stupid to bet against RH. And not one person has put forward good arguments to counter Richards. I'm still mostly holding Bitcoin but I've got a big stack of HEX also cuz it seems like a smart bet. So far it's paid off

>> No.25881553

i'm up 200k since january lol. i will continue to NOT bet against richard heart because clearly nobody is on his level or else bitcoin or any of these other coins would send somebody to debate him. also the product just simply works perfectly. very happy

>> No.25881597

Dam their website looks like a bit connect their scam. Congrats on people who got in early and made money off this scam but anybody hoping for long term gains and buying in now is mega retarded.

>> No.25881668

>scam! paid shill! no community! ponzi! based on nothing! spam king!

This I is what I'm talking about. This is the level of nohexers mental aptitude. Literally bottom of the barrel, the lowest of the low. If these are the people against Hex hard to imagine that it won't succeed.

>> No.25881813

Its true mate. Your community is smaller than that of Vertcoin. Meaning it's fucking astroturfed



>> No.25881835
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His argument is literally just "IOTA is garbage because I had to keep refreshing nodes"

How in the fuck is this 200 IQ? Everyone from a distance knew IOTA was shit.

>> No.25881968

yea. it does feel good knowing this is hex opposition. i mean they can't even come up with a single cogent argument. its probably not a coincidence hex has done so well since its inception, which is only like 13-14 months ago. imagine betting against richard heart lol

>> No.25882018
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>Imagine being that naive to trust Spam king's coin & origin address

>> No.25882108

1 choice allowed faggot

>> No.25882144

I actually wish somebody would debate Richard again its fun seeing them piss their pants but unfortunately nobody even tries anymore. he just simply knows the information/market and the truth

>> No.25882178

Yes. He trashed every single opponent last year who dared to debate him. The next pump will probably take HEX around 2 to 3 cents. Cannot wait. People don't buy when the price is low but rush in when the price jumps up. Year 2021 is going to be glorious.

>> No.25882307

This sub 100 iq faggot never got a whooping in his life, it's so easy to tell. Why do you retards resonate with this asshole?

>> No.25882382

yea agree. hex pumps are going to really make a lot of haters seethe because they will be explosive. i've re-staked some massive stakes that have ended because i understand how important t-shares are. cheers bud

>> No.25882412
File: 386 KB, 861x562, 1609957573103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of seething, why don't you guys earn 100-300 dollar yield income per week by staking?

>> No.25882496

What did Richard say in that video that was wrong?

>> No.25882586

the low iq - high iq meme has never been more apt than when its used here for hex. especially the crying dunning kruger at the top. that is actually what the crying hex haters look like

>> No.25882646

actually love this video
he talks just like me
i have a new found respect for this ginger

>> No.25882709

Reminder Richard was anti-Tether back in 2017, starts at 4:00


He's 10 years ahead of the game