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25873583 No.25873583 [Reply] [Original]

My now ex-gf stole my Ledger last night after I broke up with her. I didn't even try stopping her since I don't wanna get some bs assault charge, she has no idea how it works and just knows that "all my bitcoins" are on it. What a dumb creature.
I already ordered a new one, got my seed phrases all written and in a safe place. How is your week going?

>> No.25873616

Make sure to expose her on social media at least, I wouldn't let something like that go

>> No.25873638

Report her to the police. Attempted theft of the bitcoins should give a juicy punishment.

>> No.25873733

Well done, Anon

>> No.25873807

This, could even throw in some blackmail

>> No.25873829

I don't use social media besides going on IG 2-3 times a week to check what memes my friend sent me.
That sounds like way too much hassle.
Checked. Thanks.

>> No.25873903

>>That sounds like way too much hassle.
You could squeeze her for money. Also I assume you want to get back at her.

>> No.25874046

>lets tell the world i got several bitcoins. It will be based, /biz/! I know it! BTFO that woman i wont see again.
Why are there retards here. How do you even manage to not lose all your money or even brush your teeth without drooling on your shirt.

>> No.25874110

Just a matter of time before your gf starts to recruit one of her fuckbuddies to threaten you to give up the code

>> No.25874145

I'd move all my coins if I were you. Just to be safe.

>> No.25874161

This. She's going to have no clue how to do it so she will ask someone how to "get the bitcoins out of the ledger" and they will come and rob you

>> No.25874171

if you let that go, she'll forever think of you as her bitch

>> No.25874215

This senpai.

Move funds now to be safe. Move apartment, or buy a gun if legal where you are.

>> No.25874236

The real question is: do you have LINK? If so, based lad. Girls are temporary anyway, what was the reason you broke up?

>> No.25874262
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FYI you don't need a new one, you can just use the recovery phrase on any BIP39-24words software wallet to access and move your funds immediately while waiting for a new ledger
list of compatible software wallets available on ledger.com

>> No.25874264

I don't care about "getting back at her". It's done and over. That's petty shit.
Her friends are basedboys and LGBTQ trannies. I'm glad I won't have to hang around these retards anymore.
Gonna do that when the new Ledger arrives.
I actually do, not a huge bag but still a decent amount.

>> No.25874306

Don't know how it corrected to "basedboys" lol

>> No.25874371


>> No.25874379


also this, may get what she deserves

>> No.25874422

Nah, OP is right. Ignoring a girl is the best way to let her seeth while putting low effort. Police will just laugh at your ass and tell you to take care of your shit if you don't want a girl to steal your shit.

>> No.25874432

I love being alone by myself for at least 1-2 weeks every month. I've told her this long ago but after she moved in with me (2 months ago) she keeps bothering me during my alone time and saying I don't love her and care about her, and we kept arguing.

>> No.25874437
File: 8 KB, 250x241, 1580176343435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>telling your wife/girlfriend about your crypto
You were never meant to make it.

>> No.25874451

you better activate your recovery before she finds a simp to do it for her
>bitches ain't shit

>> No.25874452

Just ignore her. The worst thing you can do to a woman is to not give her attention and it's even worse if she thinks she's fucked you over.

>> No.25874490
File: 55 KB, 774x604, API3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell her it's useless then booty call her friend and just read her the API3 whitepaper the whole time then leave.

>> No.25874495

Checked. Yeah, no point wasting my energy on her, she's in the past now.
It was inevitable since she kept asking me what I'm doing when I often had Binance open. I'm never going to marry so my crypto is safe.

>> No.25874506

If anon is the only one that knows/has his private key then there’s nothing they can do short of being outrageously lucky when guessing.

>> No.25874530

Take the Chad Formula: hit the gym (if you didn't already), bang sluts on Tinder and focus on your goals (making money?). You will truely taste what freedom is. In the future, if you happen to find a nice girl, make sure she is a teammate and not a liability.

>> No.25874620

Sounds like the plan. Probably without the Tinder part for now, gonna enjoy my solitude for a while.

>> No.25874642

I wouldn't take any chances, bitches are sneaky and she may have copied it

>> No.25874729

fucking supreme autist

>> No.25874763

holy fucking newfag

>> No.25874887

It is what it is man. I can't change this part of myself and I really don't want to, to be honest. It's healthy for me.
I've been on here since 2017, never used soiboy before, damn. Learn something new every day I guess.

>> No.25874917

>having a wife/gf

>> No.25874977

unbelievably based. schilling a token to normies that is going to moon but there is nothing they can do about it because they can't uniswap

>> No.25874990

What if she guesses your pin?

>> No.25875056

So her friends are mentally ill? That should make you more concerned.

Bro she stole lots of money from you. Get her criminal ass off the streets before she robs somebody else.

>> No.25875093

Gfs are a liability.

>> No.25875101
File: 828 KB, 3024x3366, gother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry anon, i got her :)

>> No.25875198
File: 27 KB, 334x506, 1610251669007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn thanks bro. I knew biz got my back.

>> No.25875353

haha, that made me laugh, have a >>25873583 (You). Did you miss the opportunity to act overly dramatic and say "n0o0o0o0 please don't take my bittcoins, take the dog but not the bitcoins, n0o0o0"

>> No.25875440

>Not having all your crypto stored on an exchange ready to sell.


>> No.25875453

Kek, i would like to see her face when see find out she cant get access to coins

>> No.25875496



I would recommend moving and cutting ties. She sounds pretty petty. What's anon doing with such trash?

>> No.25875535

you are low T and a newfag. fuck you op go back

>> No.25875541

I would suggest rape

>> No.25875710

>I don't care about "getting back at her". It's done and over. That's petty shit.
Based and intelligentpilled. The best revenge is living well.