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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25866874 No.25866874 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.25866907

Dont sell

>> No.25866926

have sex
or jerk off

>> No.25866936

if u put all ur money into compound it's LITERALLY impossible to sell during volatility, unless u spend hundreds of dollars on fees to withdraw+sell

>> No.25866940

It's simple anon, you never sell.
Price goes down? Nice you get cheapies, buy more.
Price goes up? Nice.
It's a win win

>> No.25866978

Just be less of a faggot

>> No.25867004

Continue to spam refresh /biz/ while it dips. Read every news you can put your hands on and try to (neurotically) correlate it's effect to bitcoin's price.

>> No.25867009
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Put your btc on a paperwallet, then cut the private key into 2 pieces. Then fly to a difference country and put 1 piece of the private key into a safety deposit box. AFter that, fly to another part of the world then put the second half of you private key at a new bank. Then fly back home. Therefore you will have to fly to two different countries to be able to sell your bitcoin.

>> No.25867020

Just step away from the computer.
Find something else to occupy your thoughts.
Remember, you're the boss.

>> No.25867021

stop investing more than you can afford to lose. the key to iron hands is to have enough either on the side in cash, or a sufficient regular income, to not care about wild market fluctuations.

>> No.25867030

By getting green IDs

>> No.25867059

stop the gay shit you're probably doing
watching anime/youtubers/netflix/twitch, jerking off to porn where other men fuck women, going on telegram/discord
replace these activities with better ones, switching from passive to active
watching braindead content becomes reading books
jerking off to porn becomes masturbating to imagination, erotic pics of women and going out and dating
telegram/discord becomes talking to people in real life, or on long form forums for niche interests
weak hands come down to one thing: being emotional. investing is basically making a decision beforehand, entry and exit, then sticking to out. if your day-to-day is filled with passiveness, then you get fidgety because you lack control in your life, you hope to reclaim it with crypto, you want to make it happen, and the first dump makes you panic and sell

>> No.25867077

dont keep your coins on exchange.

>> No.25867082

This is a great way to lose all your coins. Shit goes missing from safe deposit boxes all the time. They’re not really meant for storing valuables. They’re more for storing important (but ultimately replaceable) documents, things with sentimental value, etc.

>> No.25867115

Wow. It's not that complicated. He just needs to buy projects or assets he believes in after doing proper research so he doesn't feel the need to sell everything when little dips happen.

>> No.25867123

You gotta sell in order to make money. This dip buy more never sell shit is just paying a tithe to crypto.

>> No.25867215

Propranolol and xanax

>> No.25867250

This. Unironically all you need to do is buy and let the whales drive up value for you over time, they need it to be valuable themselves.

>> No.25867252

Just do what I do. Whenever it goes down, if you're not planning to buy, don't check until 24 hours, then check again and do nothing until it keeps coming up.
To be honest, I thought this dip was gonna last a good month, and maybe it will, but just forget it and know we'll be up EOY for sure

>> No.25867253
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buy red
sell green
buy red
sell green
it's better to make 1% a day for 10 days than to make 10% in 10 days, interest compounds when you reinvest

>> No.25867269

Thinking about filing taxes usually strengthens my hands nicely.

>> No.25867281

lots of people sold at 26k and might never see that again

>> No.25867588
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This is how the Winklevoss twins store their BTC https://budgetandinvest.com/2019/04/16/bitcoin-storage/ Since they have over $1 billion in personal crypto, I assume they maybe put $50 Million in each wallet, so they can have 20 or so different wallets. Then it's not a big deal if they lose their wallets. Also they probably pay for most secure safety deposit boxes in the world, so I doubt it goes missing.

>> No.25868049

Easiest way to not sell is to not look at the chart.